My Master Is a God

Chapter 2921 What are the stipulated conditions?

Yang Yiyun asked directly: "As far as I know, the Qiankun Temple also had a branch in Daocheng before, and it was a member of the Daocheng Temple. Why is it not there?

In addition, if I, the Yunmen Divine Realm, want to re-enter Daocheng and enter the Daodao Palace, what difficulties will there be? Or what are the conditions? "

After hearing Yang Yiyun's words, Ji Yuanling pondered for a moment and said: "It is indeed true. A long time ago, your Qiankun Temple, oh not your Yunmen Divine Realm, had a branch here, and was also a member of the Daodao Temple, but in Qiankun Temple After the death of Shenzun Hedao, there will be no one left in your branch. This is your own fault.

As for the situation in the Dao Dao Palace, it is... the emperor expelled you out when he spoke. The reason is that after the death of the Qiankun God, the Qiankun Temple is no longer qualified.

As for the current situation, if you want to restart the branch in Daocheng, this is easy. As long as you can re-enter the Daocheng Palace, you can naturally restart the branch.

It seems that it is not easy to re-enter the Dao Palace. It requires the consent of more than 60% of the members of the Dao Palace, or you must meet the conditions of the Dao Palace before you can re-enter the Dao Palace. "

After Yang Yiyun listened, he finally understood. It was pretty much what he had guessed. It was Emperor Zun who excluded the members of the Qiankun Temple from the Daodao Temple.

To put it bluntly, it’s a small problem with branch establishment. Once you become a member of Daodao Palace again, it will be fine.

Looking at Ji Yuanling, Yang Yiyun said: "In other words, if I, the Yunmen Divine Realm, want to re-enter the Daocheng Daocheng Daodian, there are two ways. The first is to obtain the consent of 60% of the existing Daocheng Daodian members, which is less than 60%. No, secondly, instead of taking this path, you should meet the conditions set by the Dao Dao Palace and automatically enter the Dao Dao Palace upon completion?"

Ji Yuanling nodded and said, "That's right."

"Then what are the conditions set by Daodao Palace?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Ji Yuanling said: "First, you must have at least ten strong men in the Heavenly Dao Realm in your Yunmen Divine Realm. Secondly, you must first reach the level of Heavenly Dao Rules in your own cultivation. Thirdly..."

Ji Yuanling stopped when he said this.

Yang Yiyun asked: "What is the third one? Maybe the third one is the key point?"

Ji Yuanling said: "Yes, the third point is the key point. You have to challenge the ten strong men of the Dao Dao Palace. Only by winning ten consecutive victories can you truly be recognized by the Dao Dao Palace."

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised by this condition, but it was normal when he thought about it. After all, it still depends on strength and ability to reach hundreds.

"There are more than ten members of Daodao Palace, right?" Yang Yiyun said.

"Of course there are more, but the traditional rule of the Dao Dao Palace is that the Dao Dao Palace will produce the top ten strong men, and those who want to enter the Dao Dao Palace will challenge them." Ji Yuanling said.

"But what kind of cultivation level?" Yang Yiyun asked. If they were all Hedao-level beings, it would be a far cry from the challenge.

Ji Yuanling said: "Above the realm of Heavenly Dao and below Hedao, the specific level will be decided by the members of Daodao Hall through discussion, but it will definitely not be the Hedao level. It may also be an existence at the fifth level of the rules of Heavenly Dao, or it may be Heavenly Dao. According to the records in the classics, the state of Dzogchen after junior middle school is actually a process, and the top ten powerful people should be found in all major realms of heaven."

Yang Yiyun thought about it and this was reasonable. What he was afraid of was the appearance of a powerful Hedao man.

Think about the top ten levels of fighting, what else is there to play?

If it is below Hedao, then he really has nothing to fear.

Besides, how can there be so many Hedao existences?

Not to mention the level of Hedao, there are not many strong men in the fifth level of Heavenly Law in the entire God Realm.


Yang Yiyun now thinks about it, what is the role of this Daocheng Avenue Hall?

If it has no effect, why should he go all out to enter the Great Dao Palace?

This is the core key.

Although he didn't know it, he knew that the top forces in the entire God Realm were members of the Dao Palace. This could only show that this Dao Palace had huge benefits and could bring great benefits to the orthodoxy behind him and himself.

So he must enter it.

The Yunmen Divine Realm cannot fall to other forces.

At least, you have to occupy a seat and appear in the Avenue Hall.

After thinking about it, he asked Ji Yuanling directly: "What are the benefits of entering the Dao Palace and settling in Dao City?"

Ji Yuanling smiled at Yang Yiyun and said: "This is not a secret, I will tell you~" Ji Yuanling was thinking in his heart, even if you know the benefits of entering the Daodao Palace, if you can't get in, It’s all in vain.

After a pause, he continued: "The original intention of the ancestors of the ancient gods to establish the Dao Palace was to protect the peace of the divine world. This is how the Dao Palace now consists of all the top forces in the divine world.

But the gathering of the top forces in the God Realm is also equivalent to the gathering of the God Realm's cultivation resources, which can be traded with each other, and information can be exchanged. The major treasures of the God Realm can be jointly developed and shared with resources. The gathering of strong people will increase the chance of obtaining treasures through adventures in the treasure lands. It has greatly increased, just like in the realm of the gods hundreds of years later, if the Dao Palace came out on top every time..."

Hearing what Ji Yuanling said, Yang Yiyun finally understood that it was indeed true. Perhaps the top resources of the God Realm were also under the control of the Dao Palace. If they could not enter this circle, other forces might just follow behind and drink soup, but others It's meat.

He was going through a lot of trouble in this Grand Avenue Hall.

In a sense, the Daodao Palace controls the direction of the divine world.

"Is there anything else?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Others... may not be known until you enter the Dao Dao Palace. You only need to know that the Dao Dao Palace is the top force in the God Realm behind it." Ji Yuanling replied.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said he understood.

Nothing happened next, just waiting for news from the Ji family.

Yang Yiyun simply decided to go to the Daodao Palace to have a look.

Isn't there a rule that if he wants to enter the Dao Dao Palace in the Yunmen Divine Realm, he can do so as long as more than 60% of the Dao Dao Palace members agree?

Then he would give it a try. Anyway, in the Dao Palace, there were not only the Celestial Clan, but also the forces of the ancient Gods. He only had grudges with the Celestial Clan's Thirty-Three Heavens Palace, but he had not offended other forces.

Maybe other forces will, for the sake of God Qiankun, directly allow him to enter the Great Dao Palace in the Yunmen Divine Realm?

After all, he used to be a member of it, but was expelled from the Dao Palace by Emperor Zun because God Qiankun had fallen and had no one to lead.

Now that he is a genuine descendant of the Qiankun God, and Qi Qi is also in charge of the Qiankun Temple, it must not be as difficult as imagined to re-enter the Daodao Temple, right?

Even if the representatives of the Thirty-three Heavens Temple object, representatives of other forces are still present.

As long as 60% support him, that's enough.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun stood up and said to Ji Yuanling: "In this case, Brother Ji Dao, I want to go to the Daodao Hall first, and then come back to find you."

"Okay, I'll just send someone to send you there." Ji Yuanling wanted to win over Yang Yiyun, so finding someone to lead the way was just a matter of favor.

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