My Master Is a God

Chapter 2965 The goal is to kill Jiuli Xuanyang

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Within the sea of ​​clouds, Yang Yiyun opened the alchemy furnace without hesitation, and a bright glow suddenly rose. He gave a soft drink and began to collect the elixirs.

Three Shura fruits were used as the main ingredients to refine the actual thirty-six magical elixirs.

Yang Yiyun knew that under the instigation of the Jiuli tribe, these forces would directly rob him. Of course, robbing was not the point. The point was to kill his Yunmen God Realm people and weaken their strength.

"Each person takes one. After taking it, they can rush out directly with the help of the elixir. It seems that these bastards intend to weaken our power..."



Yang Yiyun waved his hand and everyone had an extra magic pill in their hands, asking everyone to take it according to the situation and prepare to rush out.

He could see that today, perhaps under the encouragement of the Jiuli Clan and a few other powerful people, these forces would really blatantly kill people and steal goods.

Hundreds of experts in the laws of heaven and the top forces of the fourteen divine realms surrounded and suppressed him in the Yunmen divine realm. These few people were really not enough to fill his teeth.

Although he has improved to a small level, he is still unable to face so many powerful people.

Of course, some of them may not be able to take action, but they can definitely do things that benefit from chaos.

There is no such thing as kindness among these forces in the God Realm.

All forces have only one purpose in entering the Realm of the Gods, which is to explore and hunt for treasures, and to improve their strength and cultivation.

Now he has refined a pot of elixirs and caused an elixir catastrophe. Anyone who is not a fool can imagine that this pot of elixirs must not be ordinary.

Moreover, the strong medicinal fragrance wafts out, and those who are interested must have realized the value of the elixir.

In this case, it would be a lie not to be tempted, otherwise it would not attract more than ten forces at once.

Yang Yiyun didn't want to show off. Faced with this situation, he could only choose to retreat. He didn't want his family fortune to be damaged here.

Distributing a pill to each person is also to let everyone try it. It is best to improve the strength. Even if the mana cannot be increased, it is also good to escape.

At this moment, he had already felt it in his sea of ​​clouds domain. Many strong men released their regular auras and began to disperse his sea of ​​clouds domain, heading towards them.

"Old Duan, you three, take everyone and rush out and go from the north." Yang Yiyun had seen people from the Shennong family in the north before. He also bet that the people from the Shennong family would not take action against him, because those people just now When people were inciting him, Shennong Yueming didn't say anything. When he was trying to obtain the Shura Fruit, Shennong Yueming was kind to him.

So he made a bet that when he rushed over, the people of the Shennong clan would not be in trouble.

"Don't worry, Lord God. If we leave, they won't be able to stay."

Duan Shengang said.

"Huanhuan, please show us the way." Yang Yiyun ordered Xiong Huan, because Xiong Huan's perception was strong in the blood forest, and it became even sharper after she devoured the Shura Sacred Tree.

"Okay, Brother Yun~"

Xiong Huan responded.

"Everyone listens, the main thing is to break out of their encirclement. Don't be reluctant to fight, but... anyone who blocks it will be killed." Yang Yiyun ordered with murderous intent.

"Yes~" everyone said in unison.


Yang Yiyun waved his hand, and Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple took the lead and charged towards the north.

In an instant everyone rushed out.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, did not follow him and turned around and headed south.

His target is Jiuli Xuanyang, the young master of the Jiuli tribe.

This kid is really crazy.

You have made trouble for him over and over again. Do you really think that I dare not kill you?

This time, let’s settle the old and new accounts together~

Starting from the young senior sister, he forced Li Shu to lose his position as the master of the Daodao Palace. In fact, he and the Jiuli clan have become irresolvable mortal enemies. It is no wonder that Jiuli Xuanyang is looking for trouble for him.

The last time he was at Ji's house, he was injured and did not fight Jiuli Xuanyang. He asked Caishen Empress to kill Jiuli Xuanyang. She couldn't bear to bully the junior.

Now surrounded by these forces, he suspected that Jiuli Xuanyang was instigating them.

Yang was simmering with anger in his heart and took advantage of the chaos to meet Jiuli Xuanyang, the young master of the Jiuli tribe.

Let Lao Duan and the others go north. If the Shennong clan doesn't stop them, there's no problem in rushing out. Of course, even if they are blocked, there are Lao Duan, the Yin Yang King Kong couple, Xiong Huan, and the effect of the magic elixir he just refined. I think He couldn't stop him no matter how hard he tried. As long as he didn't like fighting, there would be no problem in rushing out. He wasn't worried.

As for why he took the risk to find trouble for Jiuli Xuanyang.

Naturally, this boy had an idea of ​​the young senior sister, and since the grievances between Qi and the Jiuli clan were irresolvable, he was not afraid of offending her a little more harshly.

There is also the establishment of prestige.

If Jiuli Xuanyang can be killed, it can be regarded as a deterrent to other forces in the world of gods. You must know that Jiuli Xuanyang is also a strong man at the fifth level of heaven.

He had just improved his cultivation and reached the fourth level of Heavenly Dao, and he was more confident against the powerful ones at the fifth level.

It's really not difficult to kill Jiuli Xuanyang.

Of course, this is just Yang's self-confidence. Whether he can really kill Jiuli Xuanyang will only be known after a fight.

According to Xuantong's investigation, the Jiuli tribe should not be underestimated. They are the number one force among the forces in the Daodao Palace. Otherwise, the Jiuli tribe would not always be the masters of the Daodao Palace. The Ji family is even more shameless to use their senior sister to fight with them. Marriage between Jiuli people.

From these two aspects, it is true that the Jiuli people should not be underestimated.

But so what?

Since the people of the Jiuli tribe have already held a grudge against him, they can just kill him.

Yang Yiyun knew very well that the enemy would not let him go just because he showed weakness and gave in. Instead, he would often intensify his efforts.

Instead, only by responding with thunderous means can the enemy be frightened so that they dare not act rashly or even give in.

With this thought in his mind, Yang Yiyun suddenly appeared directly in front of the people of the Jiuli tribe.

At the same time, a roar sounded and the sky shook.

But it was his sea of ​​clouds domain that was dispelled.

With hundreds of people taking action, it was normal for the Sea of ​​Clouds Domain to be dispersed.

When the Sea of ​​Clouds Domain disappeared, Yang Yiyun appeared in front of the Jiuli Clan.

"Yang Yiyun is here, kill him~"

After Jiuli Xuanyang saw it, he immediately gave the order.

Unexpectedly, this kid would appear directly in front of the masters of their Jiuli tribe.

Jiuli Xuanyang sneered in his heart and ordered directly. Among the family masters he brought this time, there were fully five strong people at the fifth level of the Heavenly Law Rules. The rest were more than ten people at the fourth level of the Heavenly Law Rules, and more than ten people at the third level, which were the lowest cultivation levels.

I have wanted to kill Yang Yiyun for a long time, and now I just want to kill him and seize his elixir. Besides, there are other forces that hate Yang Yiyun. There are many people who come to the forces who are greedy for his elixir. In this situation, all major It was easy for the forces to kill Yang Yiyun.

"Haha, it's still unclear who will kill whom~"

Yang Yiyun sneered and took action directly. Most of the Jiuli people in front of him were from the third level of Heavenly Dao. To him, it was like a wolf among the sheep.



The colorful dragon scales were activated directly, and as Yang Yiyun swam, he launched a massacre against the Jiuli tribe's third-level Heavenly Dao clan members.

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