My Master Is a God

Chapter 2966 Jiuli Yuanqi Fan

Facing Yang Yiyun, who had just reached the fourth level of Heavenly Law in cultivation, these Jiuli clan's third level of Heavenly Law were vulnerable to a single blow.

Even when he was at the third level of Heaven's Dao, Yang Yiyun could instantly kill the fourth level of Heaven's Dao and fight against the fifth level, not to mention that now he has entered the fourth level of Heaven's Dao.

Under such circumstances, it was really a wolf among the sheep, and a man was killed in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun killed eight Tiandao members of the Jiuli tribe.

Among them, six are at the third level of Heavenly Dao and two are at the fourth level.

Only then did he meet a strong man at the fifth level of Heavenly Dao from the Jiuli Clan.

"Ah...Yang Yiyun, I will cut you into thousands of pieces." Jiuli Xuanyang roared with blood dripping from his heart as he watched Yang Yiyun kill him instantly.

"Don't worry, you can't escape either." At this moment, Yang Yiyun was facing two Jiuli clan members of the fifth level of Heavenly Law at the same time, while he could still have some time to argue with Jiuli Xuanyang.

"Kill him, kill him~"

Jiuli Xuanyang's eyes were red. According to the rules of heaven, six of them were at the third level and two were at the fourth level. How much time and resources would it take for the Jiuli clan to cultivate them?

Losing one person was an unbearable bleeding pain, but Yang Yiyun killed eight of them in the blink of an eye.

It really made Jiuli Xuanyang's heart twitch.

While roaring, Jiuli Xuanyang went crazy, a divine light flashed in his hand, and something appeared.

The silver light of this object shone, but it looked like a banana fan.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun felt a familiar aura, the same aura as the dark rule talisman in his hand.

My eyelids twitched.


There is no doubt that the fan in Jiuli Xuanyang's hand contains the most powerful Qi power.

As for what attributes it is, it is still unknown.

"Wind of Yuan Qi, die~"

Jiuli Xuanyang instantly came to the front of Yang Yiyun, roared angrily, and raised his hand towards him without authorization.

At the same time, the strong men of the Jiuli tribe who besieged him moved away with tacit understanding.


Strong winds rose out of thin air.

Now Yang Yiyun finally knew what attribute Jiuli Xuanyang had in his hands, it was the power of wind.

However, the power of Qi must not be underestimated.

Yang Yiyun's eyelids twitched wildly, and he summoned the Chaos Clock without hesitation, activated it, and clasped it on himself.


The Chaos Bell rang throughout the audience, and the golden inscriptions circulated.

And he also saw at the same time, after Jiuli Xuanyang waved the silver fan in his hand, a cloud-like wind drifted out, headed straight for him, and landed on him in the blink of an eye.

In other words, it fell on the Chaos Clock.

Then came the ringing of bells.

Yang Yiyun felt a chill inside the Chaos Clock.

Faintly, he saw countless dense airflows as thin as threads reaching the Chaos Clock.

In an instant, his Chaos Bell inscriptions dispersed.


Chaos trembled.

Everyone inside Yang Yiyun felt the power of this blow, which was no less powerful than any powerful person at the fifth level of Heavenly Law.

Just like that, he actually broke through the defense of his Chaos Bell.

Fortunately, the Chaos Clock is not a mortal thing and resisted it.

But the next step was before he could react.

Jiuli Xuanyang waved the fan in his hand again and shouted: "Yuan Qi Storm~"

I saw that the sword in Jiuli Xuanyang's hand burst out with bright silver light again. Different from before, this time the aura was more powerful.


The wind blew, but it was like a strong wind.

Yang Yiyun saw the silver light shape appearing in Jiuli Xuanyang's fan forming a small whirlwind, but after coming out of the unauthorized, it became bigger and bigger. It really spread into the wind, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge storm vortex of hundreds of meters. Sweeping in.

The power was more than ten times stronger than the previous blow.

Now Yang Yiyun was really frightened in the Chaos Bell.

He didn't expect that the fan in Jiuli Xuanyang's hand was so extraordinary?

With the fanning, each blow is more powerful than the other.

The Qi power of the wind attribute, the power with the most rules, should not be underestimated.

Too old to think too much, Yang Yiyun roared and burst out with all his strength. He activated the Chaos Bell with all his strength, and the power of his physical body, the power of his divine power and the power of the Tao tree burst out.

"Dong dong dong..."

The Chaos Bell kept ringing, one after another, each one more powerful than the next.

Nine rings in a row.

Every time it rings, there is an inscription on the surface of the Chaos Clock: King Kong Master.

Nine inscriptions erupted with golden light under the nine rings.

Circles of power of inscriptions flowed, forming maximum defense.

This time he exploded with all his strength.

Faced with the power of Jiuli Xuanyang's blows, which were more powerful than the last, Yang Yiyun did not dare to take it lightly.

In fact, he understands the power of Qi very well.


An earth-shattering sound resounded across the sky.

Finally, Jiuli Xuanyang hit Yang Yiyun's Chaos Clock with a huge storm.

The silver light in the field is bright.

Yang Yiyun's Chaos Clock only flashed away with golden light.

From the outside, it looked like Yang Yiyun was completely swallowed up by the huge storm unleashed by Jiuli Xuanyang.

At this moment, people from all major forces in the distance are watching.

Someone said: "I'm afraid this kid Yang Yiyun is doomed. What Jiuli Xuanyang is holding is the Jiuli Yuanqi Fan, the treasure of the Jiuli people. When the wind blows, it will pull out the silk and cocoon, and no grass will grow wherever it passes. Yang Yiyun can block the first blow, but he can't Extraordinary.

But the second fan is a Yuanqi storm, which carries the evil wind between heaven and earth. The storm formed is a strong man of the fifth level of the laws of heaven. If he is swallowed by the storm, he will turn into ashes. "

"That's not necessarily the case. The ancient bell in Yang Yiyun's hand is not a mortal thing. If it can block the first blow, the second blow is not bad either."

"Haha, even if Yang Yiyun blocks the second blow, he will still be seriously injured if he doesn't die. Jiuli Xuanyang is the fifth level of heaven, and it is rumored that the Jiuli Yuanqi Fan has a third strike that is even more terrifying. Even if the third strike is from the Jiuli tribe, It is rarely used. The three blows are called Yuan Qi transforming the world. The maximum power of the Qi of the wind can turn even a small world into nothingness with one blow. Yang Yiyun is afraid that he will be doomed this time."

"It's a good thing that the kid is dead. He was really a person who didn't act according to common sense..."

On the other side, Xuantong led his men to rush out. As expected, except for the people from the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace, the Shennong clan did not hinder them. After killing several people from the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace, they escaped smoothly. Out of the encirclement of many forces.

But at this time, I also saw the scene where Yang Yiyun was swallowed up by the Jiuli Xuanyang storm whirlpool.

"God Lord..."

Everyone is anxious.

To go back.

However, he was stopped by Chunyang King Kong and said: "Don't be impulsive. Lord Shenzun asked us to rush out and free him. Don't worry, Jiuli Xuanyang won't be able to keep Lord Shenzun."

After hearing this, Xuantong also stopped and looked around.

At this moment, everyone saw Yang Yiyun being swallowed up by Jiuli Xuanyang's storm vortex. They only saw the huge bright silver storm and could not see Yang Yiyun's chaos clock.

Everyone's heart is hanging.

But everyone’s understanding of Yang Yiyun is that the Lord God is not that reckless person. Wait and see, what if you don’t know everything about this attack?

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