My Master Is a God

Chapter 2995 Fight to the death

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The people on Human King Island disappeared into the blood mist in the blink of an eye.

Yang Yiyun and Shennong Yueming both followed.

It’s better to avoid the edge at this time.

There were roars from all sides, and groups of blood beasts appeared. This was not a good sign.

Yang Yiyun took the lead towards the place where the people from Human Emperor Island disappeared, but was blocked by the blood beast from before.


Having lost the people on Human Emperor Island, this blood beast saw Yang Yiyun rushing towards him and rushed towards him with a roar.

"Go away~"

Yang Yiyun punched him head-on.

This evil beast is powerful, but he is not afraid.



The punch struck directly at the blood beast's front paw.

Blood beasts are obviously good at close combat. With their powerful strength, they can tear apart everything. However, Yang's physical body is not comparable to that of ordinary gods. He actually also likes the pleasure brought by close combat.

With one blow, he and the blood beast were each pushed away several meters.

His arms tingled slightly.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that this evil beast had locked onto him.

"You go first." Yang Yiyun saw Xuantong and Shennong Yueming wanted to help, so he said directly. He knew that he couldn't escape easily and was already being targeted by this blood beast. Even if he tried to escape, he would still be caught. The blood beast catches up and affects everyone.

With blood beasts gathering all around, there was no time to delay.

The best choice is to leave here as soon as possible.

But the blood beast in front of us is a veritable roadblock. If we don't resist him, everyone will be implicated.

The situation was urgent. Xuantong and Shennong Yueming also knew the pros and cons and took everyone away without hesitation.

They believed that this bloody beast would not be able to defeat Yang Yiyun.

Indeed, for Yang Yiyun, even if this blood beast is stronger than him, it is not easy to kill him.

He wanted to leave, but this bloody beast couldn't keep him.

As long as he resists the blood beast for a moment and lets everyone leave this moment, he can escape.

With the support of strong cultivation and the wings of Fengyun, it would not be easy for this blood beast to hunt him down.

After the explanation, the wings of wind and cloud appeared behind Yang Yiyun.


And the blood beast roared again, without stopping, and rushed towards him again.

"What an evil beast."

Yang Yiyun cursed, and Fengyun rushed forward with his wings flashing.

With the blow just now, he did feel that the power of this blood beast was extraordinary and even surpassed him.

But he also judged that it was not that easy to hurt him.

With the support of the powerful physical body and the Fengyun wings, there is still divine power that is not used.

He is not afraid of this bloody beast at all.

This kind of head-on fight made him feel faintly excited.

He wanted to give this blood beast a try.

More than 20 strong men from the Human Emperor Island couldn't take down this blood beast. It was indeed powerful.

But he still wanted to try.

There was also an idea in his mind, and he wanted to verify whether the Shura pattern he obtained after killing the ghost war soul and the inscription on the blood beast had any resonance?

He also didn't believe that the Shura pattern was of no use at all.

Moreover, Mr. Yang is not comparable to those gods on the Human Emperor Island. Now he has a solid cultivation level of the fifth level of the laws of heaven. It is really no exaggeration to say that he is the first person under Hedao.

"Come on~"


Yang Yiyun rushed over, Yun Fengyun's wings flashed behind him, and his speed was several times faster. He nimbly avoided the blood beast's claw, but he gathered divine power in his fist, and with the burst of divine light, he punched the blood beast's head directly.


With a roar, the blood beast made a sound of pain, its head shook, and it was knocked to the ground by Yang Yiyun's punch.

However, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, this evil beast was indeed a difficult and ferocious thing. He punched it on the head, and there were bloody inscriptions flashing on the head, but it didn't seem to cause any harm to it.

Originally, Yang Yiyun was about to leave after punching him to the ground.

He knew that the gathering of blood beasts from all directions had been delayed here for too long. He could still distinguish the pros and cons, but he did not expect that this blood beast would react so quickly.

Just like a spring, it instantly bounced from where it was and wanted to pounce on him again.

"Well, you bastard, you've really set your sights on me~"

Yang Yiyun was also a little angry.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he was murderous.

He knew that if he didn't beat this evil beast to the ground, or kill it, he wouldn't be able to leave, as he was already being targeted.

"Ho ho ho ho..."

And just at this moment.

There were roars all around.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's expression finally changed.

In his sight, seven or eight blood beasts that were exactly the same as the blood beast in front of him appeared around him.

All of them are eight or nine meters in length, covered with blood, and look like tigers.

With a glance, there were no more than nine heads fighting with him.

One after another, large ferocious beasts appeared within twenty meters of him, with their front legs slightly bent in a hunting posture.

He was completely surrounded.

There is nothing we can do.

The Chaos Bell in Yang Yiyun's hand flashed and enveloped him, forming a defense outside.

The dark armor also appeared on him after a thought.

Colorful rays of light flashed, and the ancestral dragon scales also floated in the air.



In an instant, the original blood beast rebounded from the ground and directly hit his Chaos Bell with its claws.

The bells ring melodiously.

There was a great golden light, but it was also a shock.

Yang Yiyun was shocked. The Chaos Bell's defense was still strong and it withstood the blood beast's attack.

As the master of the Chaos Bell, he knows very well that the power of the blood beast's claw just now can make the Chaos Bell shake. The blood beast's blow is definitely comparable to the top fifth level of heavenly power, and even more powerful. Some.

This is just the power of a blood beast.

There are eight more beings around.

If a group of nine-headed blood beasts attacked him, Yang Yiyun knew that even the Chaos Clock would not be able to sustain it for long.

So he didn't hesitate to summon the Chaos Bell and Dark Armor Defense just now.

He knew that a desperate battle to the death was inevitable.

Looking around, Yang Yiyun laughed: "Okay, I want to see if you evil beasts are invincible copper skin and iron bones."

There is no way out, no way out.

Only fight to the death.


"Ho ho ho..."

The first blood beast let out a roar, followed by the roar of the surrounding blood beasts.

At this moment, these blood beasts did not rise again.

But it was slowly circling towards Yang Yiyun.

And Yang Yiyun stared at the blood beast in his sight. He now understood a little bit that this original blood beast was the king. With a roar, the other eight beasts responded in unison.

And vaguely, Yang Yiyun heard the sound of neighing and roaring far away, which did not sound like the sound of blood beasts.

He thought in his heart that he hoped Xuantong and the others could escape.

The current situation sounds like a tide of beasts has appeared throughout the Shura field.

Of course, he can't lock others now, because he himself is surrounded by blood beasts.

One blood beast is extremely difficult to deal with. Eight blood beasts appeared at once, totaling nine blood beasts. If I don't say I feel no pressure, that would be a lie.

However, with no way out, the only option left for him was to fight to the death. Either he killed all these blood beasts, or he was torn to pieces by these blood beasts.

I have never encountered such a beast whose physical strength is so powerful that it is abnormal.

"Hoo~ you evil beasts, come on~"

Yang Yiyun roared angrily and took the initiative.

His target is the Blood Beast King in sight.

This time, he activated his palm and used his divine energy to attack. It turned into a giant palm and directly hit the Blood Beast King through the Chaos Bell.

At the same time, using two minds at once, the colorful dragon scales transformed into a bolt of lightning and leaped out.

It was also at this moment that the surrounding blood beast groups attacked.

But Yang Yiyun ignored it.

Because he believed that the Chaos Clock could be defended. Even if the Chaos Clock's defense exceeded its limit and was breached, he would still have the Dark Armor to withstand it.

He just wanted to test whether he could kill the Blood Beast King with this attack.

With a palm strike, the Blood Beast King showed no fear and pounced on him again.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, these blood beasts seemed to have no sense of fear at all, and were so fierce that they exploded. That's why these beasts were terrifying.

Because there is no fear.

Invincible to a certain extent.


Slap it with a huge mana palm.

The Blood Beast King jumped up but directly tore his mana palm apart. As he expected, these blood beasts did not have any fluctuations in divine power, but were pure blood energy. To a certain extent, they ignored mana attacks.

Although his mana palm was torn apart instantly, Yang Yiyun didn't care at all, because as expected, he didn't expect this palm to hurt the Blood Beast King. This palm only confused him.

His real killing move is the colorful dragon scales.


The moment the mana palm was torn apart by the Blood Beast King, Yang Yiyun's powerful soul controlled the flying colorful dragon scales to attack the Blood Beast King. With a slash, the colorful dragon scales exploded with lightning, like lightning, falling down in a flash. He walked away in the eyes of the Blood Beast King.


The next moment, screams shook the sky.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed.

But at this moment, he was attacked by the other eight blood beasts.

"Dong dong dong..."

The Chaos Clock made a sound that resounded throughout the world, and the golden inscriptions brightened and dimmed in an instant.

Even inside the Chaos Bell, he felt the tremendous power being shocked and transmitted through the Chaos Bell into his body, causing his energy and blood to surge.

Fortunately, he can still bear this impact.

This round is over.

The golden light of his Chaos Bell dimmed.

It is equivalent to losing the power of defense.

But he also succeeded. When the colorful dragon scale attacked, he cut off one eye of the Blood Beast King.

The blood beast king's screams echoed throughout the world.

Yang Yiyun was waiting for this opportunity.

With a movement in his heart, the Chaos Clock was put away, and Fengyun's wings flashed behind him, and he flew out with a swish, and this time he appeared directly on top of the Blood Beast King.

Raise your fist and smash it violently.

At the same time, his mind controlled the colorful dragon scales like lightning, and began to attack the Blood Beast King's whole body. Only the sharpness of the colorful dragon scales could leave damage on the Blood Beast King's extremely powerful body.

Even if it means bloodletting, this blood beast king must be killed.

"Bang bang bang..."

Riding directly on the neck of the Blood Beast King, Yang's fist fell like an afterimage.

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