My Master Is a God

Chapter 2996 The eyes have changed

"Ho ho ho~"

The Blood Beast King let out one scream after another.

He was punched on the head one after another by Yang, and also had wounds left on his body by the colorful dragon scales.


The other eight blood beasts also rushed forward.


Yang Yiyun had no choice but to control the colorful dragon scales to form a defensive circle around him and the Blood Beast King.

But he knew that the defense of the colorful dragon scales would not last long.

Because these blood beasts are beasts without any fear.

It doesn't take long to break through the defensive circle.

To approach, he used his soul to control the colorful dragon scales, and his soul power was not unlimited.

However, the battle between the strong can be decided in an instant.

For him, as long as three or five breaths are enough.

Seizing the opportunity to beat the Blood Beast King violently, Yang Yiyun's fists flashed with golden light and punched him thousands of times in just three breaths.

He really wants to see how hard the Blood Beast King's head is?

With one punch, Yang Yiyun rode directly on the Blood Beast King and smashed it into the extremely hard ground for dozens of meters.

A big hole appeared in the field.

And he smashed down thousands of fists crazily, and finally...



The Blood Beast King screamed, and his head, comparable to a powerful artifact, was smashed and exploded by Yang Yiyun.

A desperate death.

Yang Yiyun could feel that the Blood Beast King had no life left at this moment.

A blood bead the size of a fist, shining brightly.

At this time, the eyes of the Blood Beast King.

The other one was blinded by his control of the colorful dragon scales before, but now there is only one left.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and put away these eyes.

Without hesitation, he jumped up and rushed out of the pit.

I can't do it without rushing out.

He felt that the eight blood beasts outside were about to rush into the pit.

In such a short period of less than ten breaths, he had already consumed a lot of energy.

Even though he smashed the Blood Beast King to death, he was not having an easy time.

The blood and bones are visible on my fist~

It is enough to show how powerful the Blood Beast King is.

The previous attack of the colorful dragon scales actually did not leave serious wounds on the Blood Beast King's body.

It is no exaggeration to say that the body of the blood beast is comparable to a high-level artifact.

It is definitely the best material for refining weapons.

Yang Yiyun jumped out of the pit instantly.

With a move in his heart, the colorful dragon scales retracted.

He didn't dare to waste the power of his soul anymore.

The consumption was too great, and if anything else happened, he would have no options.

After killing the Blood Beast King, he felt very happy, and his violent punches were very satisfying.

However, there are still eight blood beasts existing at this time.

It would be unrealistic for him to beat him head-on-head again.

Next he will use magical means.

Don't forget, he still has the Wind and Cloud Realm and the Dark Rule Talisman.

In confusion, the right choice is to play dirty tricks.

The only uncertainty is whether using the Wind and Cloud Domain and the Dark Rule Talisman will work on these mutated blood beasts.

Yang Yiyun was unsure.

But now I can only give it a try.

As soon as they appeared, all the eight blood beasts couldn't pounce on them, showing that they were not afraid of death.

Of course, these blood beasts have no intelligence in the first place. They are all aliens with evil spirits and only kill.

"Get up~"

Yang Yiyun shouted softly.

With the wings of the wind and cloud flickering behind him, clouds and mist rolled up in an instant with him as the center, spreading around him.

In just the blink of an eye, the area within a kilometer radius was enveloped in white mist.

"Ho ho ho..."

What Yang Yiyun didn't expect was that the eight-headed blood beast roared one after another.

But he didn't expect that blood would rise from their bodies.

In an instant, his Fengyun Domain was actually washed away by the bloody light.

This was the first time that his turmoil had dissipated so quickly.


"I'm going~"

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but swear.

He saw the eyes of the eight blood beasts focused on him, locking him tightly.

The field of wind and cloud failed.

Yang Yiyun had only one last resort.

The Dark Rule Talisman is in hand. If the Dark Rule Talisman doesn't work, Yang Yiyun will have to find a way to escape.

With a thought in his heart, he directly activated the dark rule talisman in his hand.

Suddenly, with him as the center, a large amount of darkness spread.

The next moment, boundless darkness descended and swept away the eight blood beasts.

"Ho ho ho..."

A loud roar sounded.

Yang Yiyun's heart was actually hanging, for fear that the bloody beast's blood would rise again.

The roar continued, but this time under the darkness, there was no change.


Yang Yiyun exhaled a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

Then the corners of his mouth raised and he suddenly rushed into the darkness.

Holding the Dark Rule Talisman at this moment, he is the king in the darkness.

There were dull and roaring sounds.

"Bump bump bump..."

"Ho ho ho..."

Yang once again started the beating mode.

With the blessing of the dark rule talisman, the power of darkness finally suppressed these blood beasts.

However, Yang Yiyun was also extremely shocked, but he did not expect that although the power of darkness could suppress these blood beasts, it was not as powerful as before.

These mutated blood beasts can ignore magic power, their own strength is powerful, and the blood energy emitted from their bodies is also very strange, and they can resist the devouring of the power of darkness.

The difference is that he was finally confused by the darkness, which did not cause any harm, but suppressed it somewhat.

For Yang Yiyun, this is enough.

As long as the power of darkness can affect these blood beasts, he can activate the violent beating mode.

Using all his strength to activate the Dark Rule Talisman, he rushed in and played with the darkness under the lamp, beating these bloody beasts violently.

It was a bit laborious, but it worked.

A full three hours later.

There was no more sound in the darkness.

The next moment when the darkness dissipated, eight huge bloody beast corpses appeared on the spot.


Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, collapsed on the ground, leaning against the corpse of a blood beast and mouthing heavily.

He succeeded, but he also exhausted himself.

Both the divine power and the power of the soul were consumed to a great extent.

A pair of fists are also covered with bones.

This was a violent beating of the blood beast, which smashed both of his body into pieces.

This shows what level of physical strength the blood beast has reached.

"It's so happy~haha~"

Yang laughed to himself.

This was the most enjoyable time he had ever fought.

Brutally violent fists, the most primitive way of fighting.

Muttering and laughing, he took out three Shura Pills and swallowed three drops of water of life in one gulp.

Although there are no other blood beasts in the place where he is at this time, after all, he is in the Shura field and he is exhausted. If a blood beast appears in this situation, he will cry because he has no strength.

So take three Shura Pills and three drops of Water of Life in one breath, so you can recover quickly.

He was still worried about Xuantong and the others. He didn't know how they were doing. Could they find a place to hide from the blood beasts?

During previous battles, he had heard the killing roars of blood beasts from far away.

So he had to recover as soon as possible and catch up.

At first, he wouldn't have dared to swallow three Shura Pills in one breath, but after taking them once, the second dose had little effect, but it was enough to restore mana.

The injury on the fist, after three drops of water of life, recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After just a few minutes, Yang Yiyun completely returned to his peak condition, and all the previous fatigue was gone.

After that, Yang Yiyun stood up and looked at the corpses of blood beasts lying around him. He waved his hand and put them all into the space of the Qiankun Pot. Not to mention that the eyes of these blood beasts were precious. The corpses of these blood beasts alone were tough enough to refine artifacts. .

There are too many disciples in the Yunmen Divine Realm who need artifacts.

Naturally, he will not waste the fruits of his labor.

Including the body of the Blood Beast King, he also took it into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

As soon as his heart moved, the eyes of the Blood Beast King appeared in his hand.

They were originally a pair, but he blinded one of them with the colorful dragon scales, and finally got this one.

But it’s pretty good, there are also the eyes of the other eight blood beasts.

Now he just doesn't know what the purpose of the blood beast's eyes is. He has heard before that the people on Human King Island said that the blood beast's eyes are the vital part of the blood beast, but they are also treasures.

Yang Yiyun held the blood beast's eyes in his hand and took a look at it. Although the whole color was blood, it had a crystal-like jade feel. There was a cirrus-like blood line inside, which looked a bit like a familiar blood vessel. .

He directly activated his magic power and wanted to try it to see what its use was.

If it can have any special effects, it might be helpful when he breaks into the Shura field next time.

Just after activating the magic power, the next moment the eyes in his hand flashed with blood, but they exploded with a snap.

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment. He still seemed so fragile?

However, before he could react, the cirrus-like veins in the blood beast's eyes swung out, went directly into the palm of his hand, and followed the blood veins.

Yang Yiyun was shocked, and quickly used the Qiankun Body Tempering Art to activate the power of blood to stop the refining.

The result was another surprise.

Under the operation of the technique, the power of the bloody cirrus stopped immediately and was refined.

There is no danger.

This made Yang Yiyun relieved.

A false alarm.

But the next moment, he felt a faint heat emitting from his blood flow, which continued to flow, spread throughout his body, and finally converged towards his eyes.

He wasn't nervous at all at this time because there was no danger.

Moreover, the blood is his own, and the cirrus or the power of blood in the blood beast's eyes has been refined by him into his own power.

Then his eyes started to feel warm, but his vision began to blur.

Tears burst out uncontrollably.

He subconsciously closed his eyes and wiped it.

After he fucked a few times, he felt comfortable. The heat in his eyes slowly dissipated, and instead he felt cool and a little comfortable.

When he opened his eyes again, Yang Yiyun was shocked.

Then he felt ecstatic in his heart, finally knowing the function of the blood beast's eyes.

It turns out that it was a function of name, or it could be said that it tempered its own eyes. The cirrus power in the blood beast's eyes was to enhance the power of the eyes.

At this time, he saw a full hundred meters in his sight. The blood mist was filled with blood before, and he could see up to twenty meters away, and it was in a blurry state.

But now he can clearly see everything within a hundred meters of you, directly through the blood mist.

This shows that the eyes of the blood beast can ignore the entire ghost war soul field, and may even be applicable to the entire world of the gods.

Doesn't this mean that he has an innate advantage?

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