My Master Is a God

Chapter 3005 Falling into a chaotic space

"how's it going?"

Medusa asked immediately after seeing the return of Yang Yiyun's soul.

"It's okay, let's wait~" Yang Yiyun glanced at Granny Shahu as he spoke.

At this time, Granny Shahu appeared in her true form, lying on the ground with a divine light shining on her body. She was obviously starting to digest the swallowed raccoon dog, which needed time.

"Huh~ It's okay." Medusa finally breathed a sigh of relief, but now her body was swaying and her face was a little pale.

Yang Yiyun quickly supported her and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. It's just a side effect of using double pupils, and it was repelled by the opponent. I just need to rest for a while." Medusa seemed to be adjusting her breathing when she spoke.

Yang Yiyun hid aside to protect the two of them.

He now somewhat understood that the raccoon dog must have been injured by Medusa's double pupils when he was in Grandma Shahu's divine sea. Otherwise, he would not have succeeded in his first move. In the end, the raccoon dog was bitten by Grandma Shahu.

Medusa's double eyes seem to be really strange.

As for Grandma Shahu, she must have grown up after swallowing the demon soul of the raccoon dog this time.

This also corresponds to the saying, the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity.

Just like Medusa, she gained the ability to double her eyes after a huge danger.

In fact, he was also looking forward to what kind of changes Grandma Shahu would have after digesting the raccoon dog's demon soul.

And him...

Yang Yiyun smiled inwardly, he had reached the fifth level of the rules of heaven, and his improvement in cultivation was comparable to riding a rocket, so he couldn't be too greedy.

The next step is the level of harmony.

In the world of the gods, he believed that he would not be too far away from the Hedao level.

After about three days, Medusa recovered.

And Granny Shahu is still evolving.

The divine light on her body became brighter and brighter, turning into a huge cocoon.

"The sexy fox is about to evolve~"

Medusa stared at Grandma Shahu and said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "You know her best, tell me what kind of evolution Grandma Shahu will have, is it the realm of cultivation or something else?"

Medusa said leisurely: "All directions, her aura is constantly strengthening."

"I think so~"

Yang Yiyun also felt the aura of Granny Shahu growing all the time.

Yang Yiyun and Medusa waited for another ten days.

On this day, Grandma Shahu's evolution was finally completed.

"Thank you, young master."

The first thing that Grandma Shahu did when she woke up after completing her evolution was to thank Yang Yiyun.

"As long as you're fine~" Yang Yiyun was in a good mood, because after Granny Shahu evolved, her cultivation had reached the five major perfections of the rules of heaven.

Of course, he could feel that Granny Shahu's greatest benefit at this moment was not her cultivation level, but her inner demon soul. Her whole temperament had changed greatly.

She became more reserved and calm. At this time, Grandma Shahu felt to him like the deep water in an ancient well, thick and silent.

"It was only because of the young master's rescue that the old woman escaped the disaster. Thanks to this good fortune, the soul of the raccoon monster is extraordinary." Granny Shahu said.

"Haha, don't be modest. I'm not the one to thank you for having such a good fortune."

Yang Yiyun glanced at Medusa beside him while speaking.

The two people had always been bitter rivals, but after joining him, they also became the people who knew each other best among several managers. There was a friendship between them that ordinary people could not understand.

Granny Shahu naturally knew everything that had happened before, and she knew that Medusa took action during the rescue.

Just as he was about to go over and say thank you, the proud Medusa snorted coldly and said: "No need, I don't want to lose a loyal dead fox under the throne of God. You have nothing to do with me whether you live or die."

"Thank you."

Granny Shahu still bowed to Medusa.

And she was not angry at all. She had truly achieved a high-level transformation, a stable one.

Medusa took a deep look at Granny Sand Fox and couldn't help but mutter: "Don't be proud, fox, I will catch up with you sooner or later."

Medusa felt a little sour when she said this.

In the past, her cultivation was higher than Granny Shahu, but now Granny Shahu has surpassed her.

Not only in terms of your cultivation, but also in your inner world, you are beyond her level.

On the surface, she is now at the fourth level of heaven, and Grandma Shahu is at the fifth level.

And she has double pupils, but Granny Shahu's demon soul has evolved one level, and Granny Shahu has surpassed her regardless of exception.

"Your talent is already stronger than that of my old lady. It will only be a matter of time before you surpass me." Granny Shahu spoke to Medusa very calmly.

This made Medusa feel even more uncomfortable.

This coquettish fox is too good at pretending, right?

I can't help but pinch it.

Medusa didn't like this kind of coquettish fox either. She felt like a completely different person.

But Yang Yiyun knew that Grandma Shahu had an internal change, which was a good thing. He wished that everyone around him would be stronger than the last.

Seeing that Medusa was about to speak again, she quickly interrupted: "Okay, okay, let's leave here as soon as possible to find others."


"It's the young master."

Medusa and Grandma Shahu echoed.

The three of them talked while walking, and Yang Yiyun asked Granny Shahu what was going on.

Grandma Shahu's explanation is similar to that of Medusa. She was dispersed by a group of blood beasts and separated from the large army. Later, when she was alone, she was targeted by a raccoon dog and entered her divine sea. Shahu The mother-in-law and the raccoon dog fought hard, but in the end they were defeated by the raccoon dog's demonic soul and were suppressed. However, the sand fox's mother-in-law was a nine-tailed divine fox and had inherited secrets within her soul. The raccoon dog wanted to completely seize her soul. It won't be that easy.

The two demon souls have been in a stalemate. Just when the stalemate was about to end, Yang Yiyun and Medusa appeared, and they were finally saved. If it had been a little later, Granny Shahu would have been completely devoured by the raccoon dog. .

Fortunately, there was Medusa, who had been enemies with Grandma Shahu for a long time. She knew each other well and felt the aura of Grandma Shahu, so she successfully found Grandma Shahu. Otherwise, Grandma Shahu might have been really cold.

This time I was lucky.

The next step is to find someone else.

After being delayed for more than ten days, Yang Yiyun was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Now that Grandma Shahu is fine, she naturally has to find someone else.

According to Grandma Shahu, she also saw Xiong Huan among the people who were scattered by the blood beast, while most of the other people were still together.

Of course, there were also people from the Shennong clan, and some were scattered by the tide of blood beasts.

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he felt somewhat relieved.

He still has confidence in Xiong Huan.

It may be dangerous if others are left alone, but Xiong Huan's strength is comparable to the fifth level of Heavenly Dao and is super strong. Those who cultivate the bloodline have an advantage in the world of the gods.

After the group of three people came out, they were still underground in a maze-like terrain.

Or go up to land.

But looking at the complex and huge underground world, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought, could this place be connected to other places?

If they are connected, then there is no need to go to land and you can walk directly underground. As long as the direction is correct, it will be no problem, and it will save a lot of trouble, right?

The decision he can make now is to find the main force.

This is also a sensible approach.

Tracking in the general direction, both Medusa and Granny Sand Fox know the direction of the blood beast tide.

Here Yang Yiyun can also leave his body to find people.

This decision was also supported by Granny Shahu and Medusa.

Of course, whatever decision Yang makes, the two of them will support it.

On the next road, Yang Yiyun began to use his own advantages.

The soul left the body to find someone.

Although it consumes a lot of money, it is also the simplest and most effective method.

So Yang Yiyun began to leave his body and fly across the huge underground world.

The powerful thoughts of the soul were revealed. As soon as the thoughts were moved, they flew out and were dozens of miles away in the next moment.

This was because he was afraid of consuming too much energy, so he tried to restrain himself.

Anyway, when the soul leaves the body, it will appear in his mind within a radius of dozens of miles.

The first time for fifty miles, nothing was found. When the time came, he saw some ghosts hiding in underground caves, but Yang Yiyun did not dare to disturb them.

The second time, eighty miles away, there was still no discovery.

It wasn't until the third time that I finally made a discovery.

The third time his soul thought reached it, it was ninety miles away.

Finally saw a few people.

Of course not Xiong Huan.

It was Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple.

However, they were also in an underground cave, seemingly lost.

I didn't encounter any ghostly fighting spirits or blood beasts.

But there was no one else around either.

The three most powerful men are actually together.

Anyway, I finally found three more.

Yang Yi Yun Shen returned to his true form and was going to join Duan Shengang and the others first.

"How is Young Master?" Granny Shahu asked after seeing Yang Yiyun's eyes open.

"We have found Lao Duan and the other three. We will go over and join them now to talk." Yang Yiyun said.

Lao Duan and the other three are more than two hundred miles away from here.

Now the terrain here is in Yang Yiyun's mind, but it will be over soon.

Afterwards, he took Medusa and Grandma Shahu and went straight to Duan Shengang and the others.

An hour later, Yang Yiyun and the others saw Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple.

"Old Duan~"

Yang Yiyun shouted.

In the middle of the line of sight, Shen Gang and the others were a hundred meters away.

But Yang Yiyun didn't expect that Duan Shengang and the others didn't seem to hear his shout.

This made him frown slightly.

But he didn't think much about it, and soon he was thirty meters in front of the three of them.

At this time, Medusa said: "God, wait, there seems to be something wrong with the three of them."

Yang Yiyun subconsciously stopped when he heard Medusa speaking.

Looking at it at this moment, there is indeed something wrong with Duan Shengang and the others.

When his soul was out of body, he saw three people walking slowly in this cave. He didn't think much at the time, and his soul returned to his body and rushed over.

Looking again now, the three of them are still in the cave that Yuanshen saw, and they are still walking slowly.

After hearing Medusa speak, Yang Yiyun also discovered the problem. Looking at the footprints of the three walking on the ground, it turned out to be a circle for you.

That is to say, Duan Shengang and the others are always walking in circles and spinning around.

"Young Master, there is space fluctuation here. Although it is very weak, it is right where they are. Now it seems that the three of them are trapped in some kind of space, so they cannot hear our shouts."

Granny Shahu also spoke at this moment.

When Yang Yiyun heard Grandma Shahu speak, her heart moved and activated the power of the big tree in space. She felt it carefully. Sure enough, as Grandma Shahu said, there were weak spatial fluctuations here, and it was very chaotic.

It was obvious that Duan Shengang and the other three were trapped in some kind of space.

It's just that this kind of space has a blinding effect. You can't see or hear from inside, but they can see outside the space.

Lao Duan and the other two fell into a chaotic space.

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