My Master Is a God

Chapter 3006 Swept in by the space crack

"I'll go take a look~"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he stepped forward.

But Grandma Shahu quickly stopped her and said, "Don't worry, young master. Chaotic spaces are usually unstable. Once triggered, the BOE will be trapped in it and it will be difficult to get out."

Yang Yiyun agreed upon hearing this~

Anyway, judging from the situation of Duan Shengang and the other two people inside, they were not injured or anything, they were just trapped inside. However, the three of them knew that they had been spinning in circles, and they might have thought they were moving.

"Both of you, look around and see if you can find a way to enter the space." Yang Yiyun Xiangxiang told Granny Shahu and Medusa.


The two responded.

Next, the three of them carefully felt the changing patterns of the space around them, hoping to find a way to crack it.

This is the theory of space chaos, but in fact, chaos is just an appearance, but in fact, a certain specific space environment has been formed.

The problem now is to either find a support point to enter it, wake up Lao Duan and the others, and then break the space from the inside, or break the space directly from the outside, but this is very dangerous.

Because a mistake, as Grandma Shahu said, will cause the space crack to collapse.

The three of them searched separately, and they could all sense that there were five elements of space fluctuations in the entire huge space.

Yang Yiyun has a Taoist tree with spatial attributes in his body, so he can sense it quite strongly.

Walking around the huge space...

A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun stood at a place.

At this time, he discovered that Grandma Shahu and Medusa were also standing on their own sides, and the three of them formed a perfect character.

"What did you find?" Yang Yiyun asked the two of them.

Grandma Shahu said: "There is a space fault here. I should try to break it, but I can't guarantee whether I will lose my balance."

"It's the same here." Medusa said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "The same is true here, but the three of us are so good that we are a tripartite force, so we should be able to maintain a balance.

After a while, the three of us will try to attack at the same time to see if we can break the space envelope here. "

"Okay~" Granny Shahu and Medusa nodded.

"Do it."

The next moment Yang Yiyun gave the order.

When he was born, his divine power burst out brightly in his palm, and he suddenly hit the space fault he sensed in front of him with his palm.

If the three of them attack at the same time, as long as they have enough strength, they can break the space surrounding Duan Shengang and the three of them, allowing the three of them to escape.

Under such circumstances.

Yang Yiyun, Granny Shahu, and Medusa all started at the same time.


A roar sounded.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun clearly felt that the space in front of him began to fluctuate violently.

The next moment there was a bang, and an invisible air flow rippled out.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun felt that the power of space disappeared.

"It's done~"

Yang Yiyun was surprised.

At this time, the three of them gathered towards Duan Shengang and the other two who were twenty meters apart.

"Old Duan~"

Yang Yiyun took on the power of his soul and stood up with a soft drink.

I saw Duan Shengang and the three of them all covered their bodies one after another, and their eyes gradually gained color.


Duan Shengang woke up.


Then the Yin Yang King Kong couple also woke up.

After the three of them were enveloped in the chaotic space, they fell into some kind of illusion. They were unknown to themselves. After the chaotic space was broken by Yang Yiyun and the others, they suddenly woke up with a soft drink with the power of the soul.

"You three are on your way~" Yang Yiyun looked at the three of them and said.

At this moment, Duan Shengang and the other two people realized what they were doing.

"What happened to the three of you? After being dispersed by the blood beast tide, you were together. Have you seen Xiong Xiong Huan and the others?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Reporting to the master, the three of us happened to be together when the tide of blood beasts hit. We didn't see anyone else. The situation was economical at the time and we didn't think much about it. We just wanted to find a place to hide from the blood beasts and jumped into a pit. Then I saw you, and now I think we came into contact with some chaotic space and got lost here.

The space here is chaotic and really powerful. If the master hadn't come here, the three of us would have been trapped here and couldn't get out..."

Chunyang King Kong sighed in vain. Since Yang Yiyun hit the couple last time, Chunyang King Kong's speaking posture is much lower now.

"Since there's nothing wrong, let's go and find someone else."

The three most powerful men under him were in no real danger when they were together. This was a good thing, at least they were all fine.

As for his general, he didn't want to lose anyone by accepting these. Although he didn't say it, he was already thinking about the final battle with the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace in his heart.

After leaving the world of the gods, he will resolve the grudges with the Emperor of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace. When the time comes to enter the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace, he will have to rely on these powerful men of heaven, so Yang Yiyun values ​​these subordinates very much. , I don’t want to leave the army again.

A group of six people were preparing to leave here.

But one side is happening right now.


Roaring sounds came from all directions.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed.

Granny Shahu beside her exclaimed: "No, the chaotic space has returned. Young Master, please leave quickly."

In fact, Granny Shahu didn't need to remind her. Everyone else felt that the chaotic space was restored again.

Yang Yiyun now understood that the power of chaotic space here was not just one layer.

But? Lots of layers.

Moreover, the terrain is weird. Under such a special environment, the power of chaotic space gathered together in an endless cycle. After he broke up with Grandma Shahu and Medusa, they did disappear, but now they are gone again. One appearance can only show that the terrain here is very special.

The six people quickly leapt away.

The area surrounded by chaotic space forces is only more than a hundred square meters. It is said that their reaction is not slow, and their speed is not slow. They can rush out in an instant. As long as they rush out of the chaotic space, they will be safe.

But Yang Yiyun still underestimated the power of space formed under special terrain.

As the six of them set off, the entire space was distorted.


Yang Yiyun roared and struck out with a sudden palm, trying to break the power of the chaotic space that enveloped him.

"Boom boom..."

Six people took action at the same time. Everyone knew that they had to forcibly break the chaotic space power so that everyone could really get out.

But they were all wrong.

Under the strong force, it did break up the power of the chaotic space, but it also set off a worse situation, and the space collapsed.

This more than one hundred square meters itself is a naturally formed space. It can be said to be an unstable small world. It collapsed directly under the full attack of the six of them.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun and the others saw a space crack appearing under the distortion of space.

Starting from a little longer than the finger, it instantly turned into dozens of feet~

After the space crack is the endless void. If you don't get swept in, you will truly be in exile, and it will be difficult to come out again.

But there is nothing we can do.

This space crack is too fast and too large, and it is very stable.

In the blink of an eye, the six of them were swept in.

In a blink of an eye, the space crack disappeared, and Yang Yiyun and the six people were no longer there, as if they had never appeared before.

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