My Master Is a God

Chapter 3007 Blood Egg

Yang Yiyun felt like he had entered the dark rule talisman he had cast, but he knew it was not a dark talisman at all.

It's just that this endless darkness is very similar.

After the space crack, there is endless void.

All six of them were swept in.

What greeted them next was the endless dark void.

Yang Yiyun only has three words in his heart: "pill material".

Entering the void of the space rift is equivalent to being exiled, and it is difficult to get out.

Although he was able to create space cracks in some small worlds due to fighting, it was only a small amount, and it was far from being able to sweep people away.

But this time is different. This time it is its own chaotic space, which can sweep people away.

Yang Yiyun feels unwilling~

It was not what he wanted to be drifting in the endless void and darkness.

Under this situation, Yang Yiyun burst out with unyielding feeling deep in his heart.

No, absolutely cannot choose to go into the void.

He knows the horror of the void.

"Open ten channels for me~"

Yang Yiyun roared angrily.

All of them are activating the power of the ten Dao trees within the Divine Core Dao Seed. The ten Dao trees are activated together, with the Space Dao Tree as the leader, to sense the power of the surrounding space.

He gave it a try.

Because there is still chaotic power of space around him, so he uses his own power as a pulling force, but can only merge with the power of space. In theory, he can escape from the void again and go out again.

But the special nature of the spare space is that even if you go out, you won't be in the same place.

As for where we will end up, we can only leave it to fate.

But the headquarters remains strong in the void crack.

"Everyone follow me~"

The next moment, Yang Yiyun was overjoyed. He actually roared with the power of space. This showed that they could still get out in a chaotic and unstable state.

At the same time, five rays of his divine power erupted, respectively bringing Medusa, Grandma Shahu, Duan Shengang, and the Yin-Yang King Kong couple together.

Space changes in the blink of an eye.

One moment it was endless darkness and silence, and the next second you were waiting for the sound of wind.


After a trembling sound, Yang Yiyun was shaken all over.

His whole body felt numb, but he often exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Come out~


Duan Shengang responded quickly.

All six people lay on the ground.

But it is hard earth.

All six people were gasping for air. It was just a momentary change, but they were really swept into the endless void by the chaotic space cracks.

The darkness and silence were suffocating and very uncomfortable.

But at this moment, there is a feeling of being left behind.

Fortunately, everyone was rescued by the Lord God.

Yang Yiyun also broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and often breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, his perception and judgment were correct, or in other words, the power of the Ten Great Trees in his body was really awesome.

With all his strength, he really struggled out of the void.

"Is everyone okay?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Thank you, Master, we are all fine~" the Yin-Yang King Kong couple quickly replied.

"Young Master, we are fine~"

Grandma Shahu and Medusa also answered.

Yang Yiyun then stood up and looked at his surroundings.

This is no longer the place where Duan Shengang and the others were before.

But one thing Yang Yiyun was sure of was that they were still in Shura Field.

Because the smell of the air has not changed much.

There was still a strong smell of blood, and the blood mist was thick as far as the eye could see.

But some vegetation appeared around it.

The environment was very dark, there was no light, but it was definitely not a cave.

"Young Master, we seem to be in another place." Granny Shahu said after getting up.

Yang Yi said: "The power of space is chaotic. We were swept into the void. When we come out, we will definitely not be where we were before. We looked around, but we don't know where we are."

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he closed his eyes and prepared to leave his body to take a look.

The next moment the soul left the body, the soul's thoughts spread out.

But he opened his eyes again in an instant and said quickly: "Let's go, I see Xuantong and others~"

Without giving any explanation to the others, he swung away in one direction.

The other five people saw it and quickly followed.

I don't know what Yang Yiyun discovered. I don't have the time to ask, and I don't dare to ask. I just rush to catch up.

What did Yang Yiyun see just now?

He only said that he had found Xuantong and the others.

At least that's good news.

But for Yang Yiyun, missing is a good thing.

Because after his soul left the body just now, his soul's thoughts spread within thirty miles.

In his mind, this was the bottom of a huge sinkhole. The entire bottom of the sinkhole was thirty miles in diameter.

At the same time, he discovered Xuantong and others.

But the situation is not good.

In his mind, Xuantong and others were fighting each other.

With Xuantong were Shennong Yueming and people from Huangdao. The total number of 20 or 30 people from the three parties was actually fighting in a melee.

The location is right in the center of this sinkhole, and there is a super huge blood egg suspended there.

When his soul thought saw it, when he glanced at the blood egg, his soul thought was almost sucked in by the blood egg. If he hadn't taken it back in time, Yang Yiyun felt that he would have suffered a big loss.

As for the melee between Xuantong and others, in his opinion, it may have a lot to do with the blood egg.

Because whether it is the Shennong clan led by Shennong Yueming or the people from Renhuang Island, it stands to reason that they are related to the people in the Yunmen Divine Realm, and they will definitely not fight with each other.

But he did see just now that the three parties were in a melee.

This situation is very strange.

Yang Yiyun attributed this situation to the blood eggs, which was normal.

The bloodline he saw was emitting flashes of blood, illuminating an area of ​​several thousand meters.

Some of the surrounding vegetation is a very strange red color.

Big and weird.

Don't say much if you're not in a hurry, hurry over and see what's going on.

He doesn't want his men to suffer any further losses, and he doesn't want his allies to go to war and become enemies.

Only five or six minutes later, Yang Yiyun came flying over.

When he approached the thousand-meter range of the blood egg, he saw the blood light flashing, almost lighting up the entire bottom of the sinkhole.

It was very strange, that blood egg was suspended in the air, emitting blood light in a radius of a thousand meters.

It seemed to be three meters huge, just a giant blood egg.

The melee between Xuantong and others is under the blood egg.

Each of them looked like a gangster fighting, and they didn't release any magic power, but they were fighting head-on, and everyone looked like they were covered in blood.

What's even more weird is that after Yang Yiyun saw the wounds from their fight bleeding, they did not fall to the ground. Instead, every drop of blood floated up and was absorbed by the blood eggs.

In the blink of an eye, Granny Shahu and the five of them chased after her.

"Don't step into the bloody area." Yang Yiyun quickly reminded the five people.

The five people stopped one by one and took a look at the situation in the field.

They all found out that there was no blood mist blocking their vision here. With their divine eyes, everything was clear for thousands of meters. The huge blood eggs suspended in the air flashed and emitted blood light, illuminating the underground of the sinkhole.

The situation of Xuan Tong and others at the scene was also discovered.

Everyone saw that there was something wrong with that blood egg.

Duan Shengang and the other five people now also understand the reason why Yang Yiyun did not let them step into the thousand-meter blood light range.

It was obvious that Xuan Tong and others in the scene seemed to have lost their rationality, and that huge blood egg was very likely to affect God.

The thousand-meter blood-light range in front of you is like a powerful aura of heavenly rules. Stepping into the range will inevitably be affected by the blood eggs.

"Master, what should I do now?" Duan Shengang asked.

Yang Yiyun thought for a while and said: "You first turn on the regular aura and enter it to try. First, find a way to pull Xuantong and the others out."

"Okay, I'll give it a try first. There's no problem with you guys stepping in." Duan Shengang took the lead and left no stone unturned.

His whole body was shaken, and the regular aura within a hundred meters range was opened and he stepped into the blood light.

Yang Yiyun stared at Duan Shengang to see if there were any changes.

When Duan Shen just opened the regular aura, he stepped into the blood light and walked forward step by step.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's pupils shrank and he said loudly: "Come back soon~"

I saw that the golden rule aura that Duan Shengang had opened was instantly covered by the blood light after he stepped into the blood light. Duan Shengang also trembled all over at this time and froze in place as if he had been electrocuted.

At this moment, Duan Shen had only stepped into the bloody light less than ten steps.


When Yang Yiyun was shouting on the other side, a burst of pure Yang divine power came out from the hand of Pure Yang Vajra, turned into a giant hand, and suddenly grabbed Duan Shengang.


But in the eyes of Yang Yiyun and others, the giant hand made of pure Yang Vajra actually sizzled in the blood light, as if it was being burned, and the blood was coming out.

However, Chunyang King Kong frowned and struck quickly, but in the next moment he forcibly pulled Duan Shengang out of the bloody range.

"Huh~ Such a terrifying power of blood and light, it actually swallowed my pure Yang divine power directly."

Putting Duan Shengang down, Chunyang King Kong sighed and spoke, but he kept urging his skills to refine the power of blood and light, and his whole body was boiling with blood.

"Is it possible to deal with it?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"It doesn't matter. There are few contaminations and my subordinates can refine it. It doesn't matter." Pure Yang Vajra replied.

Yang Yiyun was relieved at this moment. He looked at Duan Shengang, but found that Duan Shengang's eyes were red and showed signs of laxity.

Blood color like blood lines can be seen on the neck and face.

Yang Yiyun knelt down and reached out to check Duan Shengang's body.

At this time, Pure Yang King Kong said quickly: "Master, be careful, the blood-colored power has extremely powerful devouring power, I'd better come."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can dissolve the blood in your body first. This little power won't be a problem for me."

While speaking, Yang Yiyun grabbed Duan Shengang's wrist, and with a thought in his heart, he activated the Qiankun Dao Seed Technique. He would like to try it. Is this bloody power more domineering, or is his own Qiankun Dao Seed Technique more domineering?

After the evolution of his Qiankun Dao Seed Technique, he opened the Ten Avenue Trees, which possess the power of the ten major attributes in the world. In theory, any power can be absorbed and refined.

When it comes to the domineering Qiankun Dao Zhonggong, he has never met an opponent.

Now, with all his strength, he is interested.

Duan Shengang, who actually made the five major perfections of the Heavenly Rules come true, said in an instant, he wants to try it, what kind of power it is...

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