My Master Is a God

Chapter 3023 When the blood baby cries, blood flows into a river

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Jin Shisan could no longer see what happened, but Yang Yiyun and others did.

And each eyeball almost fell to the ground.

Can't help but speak up.

Even when Yang Yiyun looked at everything happening in his sight, his heart twitched and his mouth felt dry.

He saw with his own eyes that when the blood baby's first cry sounded, Jin Shisan's eyes were distracted, and then the blood baby's little arm did not move, and it pierced straight into Jin Shisan's heart, and then Jin Shisan His entire body quickly withered and turned into a mummy in the blink of an eye.

The second cry sounded, and the blood baby's whole body erupted with dazzling blood, which erupted directly with a bang.

The blood light spread over a wide area, but stopped when it reached in front of him.

But Yang Yiyun was sweating on his forehead.

Because he felt how powerful the coercive force emanating from the blood baby was after the explosion of blood light, which made his heart tremble and break out in cold sweats.

In other words, within three breaths, the blood light disappeared.

But when Yang Yiyun was looking, the five people from Jin Shisan turned into five mummies and fell to the ground.

What's even more frightening is that more than ten meters behind the five members of the Golden Thirteen are hundreds of people from their Five Elements family. At this moment... they are all turned into mummies at this moment.

No more~

The blood baby cried twice, and the blood light exploded, and every one of the hundreds of people from the Five Elements Family of the ancient Celestial Clan, whether they were at the first level or the fifth level of the Law of Heaven, were all turned into mummies.

Not a drop of blood or essence is left on his body.

There is no doubt that all of them have been sucked dry by the blood babies.

It was true that blood flowed like a river when the blood baby cried.


After a while, Yang Yiyun came back to his senses and couldn't help but swallow.

His eyes were fixed on the blood baby lying on the ground next to Jin Shisan's mummy ten meters away, and he couldn't help but shudder.

At this moment, an idea came to his mind and he turned around and left without hesitation.

I will no longer take possession of this blood baby.

Maybe his choice really was wrong.

This baby is a great terror. As a baby right now, he is already so scary, even evil. What if he grows up as time goes by?

What will it look like?

Yang Yiyun didn't dare to think about it anymore.

It is true that the blood baby was very dependent on him after the first contact, but that was because he was a baby now.

But what about when you grow up?

The ten drops of water of life before and after had no effect. When I used my soul to detect it, it was rebounded by the power in the blood baby's body. There was no guarantee that I could control the blood baby.

What if it gets out of control in the future?

This double-edged sword, or even a huge bomb.

Anyway, Yang Yiyun was really afraid of the blood baby at this moment.

Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and turned around to leave. Even if the blood baby could bring him huge benefits, he didn't want it at this moment.

After taking three steps, it was...

Yang Yiyun couldn't take the fourth step he raised.

Because a voice came from behind: "Dad~"

The blood baby is really calling his daddy.

Yang Yiyun's heart trembled when he heard the sound of "Dad".

This was the first sentence he called Blood Baby.

Yang Yiyun's fourth step of raising his foot was frozen in place. He was struggling in his heart...

At this time, opposite Yang Yiyun was Xuantong and others.

For Xuantong and others, the Blood Infant's two cries just now directly killed all the members of the Five Elements family and turned them into mummies. They actually thought more and were more scared than Yang Yiyun.

When they saw Yang Yiyun turning around and about to give up the blood baby, to be honest, Xuantong and others felt like a big stone fell to the ground.

Giving up the blood baby would be good for Yang Yiyun and the Yunmen Divine Realm.

I will continue to take the blood baby with me as it is, and when the blood baby grows up day by day, one can imagine what the consequences would be if a situation like this happened in Yunmen today.

Who can truly control this blood baby conceived by heaven and earth and transformed by the power of the essence and blood after the death of countless Shura and ancient gods?

It’s simply terrifying~

But after hearing Xue Ying's "Dad", Yang Yiyun stopped again, and Xuantong and others' hearts were really hanging.

Everyone hopes that Yang Yiyun will make the right choice, but not do anything that he will regret later.


Another cry rang out, the babbling baby learning to speak in a tone that could melt an iceberg.

But to the ears of Xuantong and others, this sound of father was a reminder, a call to step into the abyss of eternal destruction.

Everyone prayed in their hearts that Yang Yiyun would leave decisively and never look back.


In the end, Xuan Tong and others were disappointed.

Because Yang Yiyun turned around again.


Yang Yiyun struggled internally for a while. When he heard Xueying calling his father, he was extremely confused. When he closed his eyes, all he could think about was Xueying's baby face that was very similar to his own facial features.

Teach him to speak, and the first voice you teach him is daddy.

He also named Yang Xiudao, after his own surname.

He also accepted him as a closed disciple.

He did all this himself.

Yang Yiyun asked himself in his heart: "Are you going to be an irresponsible and treacherous person?"

"Are you scared?"

"You're afraid of a baby..."

"That is not an ordinary baby, it is a blood baby. It is a baby born from the blood of heaven and earth. It is a baby born from the blood of half asura and half god."

"So what? Becoming a god or a demon depends entirely on your teachings. No living being is born evil and must be educated. If you are afraid of this, it is because you are incompetent..."

"No, I am the dignified Yang Yiyun, the master of the Yunmen Divine Realm, the descendant of the God Qiankun. Even the Chaos Bell is related to me. The obsession of the evergreen saint back then could not bear my worship. Why are you afraid of a baby? Since you have become someone’s master, you must be responsible..."

These are Yang Yiyun's inner struggles.

In the end, Yang Yiyun defeated his inner fear and turned around again.

He is responsible for the blood baby.

When he turned around, he saw the blood baby actually sitting up, looking at him with tears in his eyes.


Another call from Dad.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's inner fear of the blood baby completely disappeared.

Instead, he was extremely determined.

Being a human being requires responsibility and responsibility.

He couldn't fight and left, came to the blood baby, knelt down and held the blood baby in his arms.

It felt like the blood baby had grown a little longer. No wonder he could get up and sit on the ground just now.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked at the blood baby and said word by word: "From now on, there will be no blood baby. There will only be Yang Xiudao, my close disciple, Yang Yiyun. If you cause trouble in the future, let me, the master, take responsibility for it."

"Keke, daddy~"

After being picked up by Yang Yiyun, the blood baby giggled and called daddy vaguely.

At this moment, he looked like a pure baby.

If they hadn't witnessed with their own eyes what just happened, who would have imagined how terrifying this baby was just now~

Yang Yiyun carried the blood baby and walked towards Xuantong and others. He had just seen how much Xuantong and others wanted him to leave the blood baby, and he also knew the worries in Xuantong and others' hearts.

Looking at them, Yang Yiyun smiled and said, "Let's go. I know what you are thinking. I only want to say one thing. From today on, there will be no more blood babies in the world. There will only be Yang Xiudao, my close disciple of Yang Yiyun. No one wants to see him again." Regarding the matter of the blood baby, if Yang Xiudao gets into trouble someday, I will take full responsibility for it."

"Really obey the divine decree."

Seeing that Yang Yiyun was not serious at all and spoke as a god, everyone knew that he had made the final decision. Although everyone was uneasy, no one dared to refute and could only obey.

I hope nothing will happen in the future!

After finding Xiong Huan, Yang Yiyun was ready to walk out of the ghost battle soul field and go to the next place - the blood sea in the west.

When I was with Shennong Yueming before, I had planned the route to experience in the realm of the gods.

Now make a beeline and get out of here!

The trip to the Ghost War Soul Field and Shura Field was very hard for everyone, and it can be said that it was very impressive.

The biggest gain was that Yang Yiyun accepted Yang Xiudao, a close disciple.

Of course, both Medusa and Granny Shahu had the opportunity to step into the fifth level of the rules of refining heaven.

Others have experienced life and death but have also experienced Taoism, and they are all pretty good.

Three months later, Yang Yiyun and others walked out of the ghost war soul field and arrived at the gap bordering the blood sea to the west.

The east, west, north, and south are actually connected. No matter which direction you go out to, you will be relatively safe if you reach the connecting gap.

Not only did they not encounter other forces snatching blood babies along the way, they did encounter some blood beasts, but they all fled because of the existence of blood babies.

To a certain extent, the blood baby has become a protective talisman for everyone walking in the realm of the gods.

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