My Master Is a God

Chapter 3024 The strong man of Hedao appears

After walking out of the ghost battle soul field, Yang Yiyun ordered a short period of repairs, and the next step was to head to the blood sea in the west.

Entering the world of the gods, you can go to five places including southeast, northwest, and southeast. After leaving the center, you can go to the other four directions. Each place is different.

Another more important point is that Yang Yiyun wants to find Lord Rabbit and Little Phoenix.

You can definitely find it here. After going to the Blood Sea, the last one is the Northern Blood Beast Mountain Range, and finally the center.

Now I have set foot in the blood forest in the south and the ghost battle soul field in the east.

"Daddy is hungry~"

When he sat down to rest, the blood baby spoke.

"Didn't I tell you that I will call you master from now on?" Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and gave the blood baby three drops of water of life with a wave of his hand.

During this period of time, the blood baby has grown up a bit, and now he can slowly learn to walk, learn to speak, and his enunciation has become much clearer. Everything else is fine, except that he keeps calling Yang Yiyun daddy.

Even after being corrected many times and being asked to call Master, the blood baby could not change.

"Thank you dad~"

The blood baby swallowed three drops of the water of life. He was extremely satisfied and thanked him politely.

Of course, these are the things Yang Yiyun has taught him these days.

He spoke very flexibly and sat on Yang Yiyun's neck.

The blood baby was actually very well-behaved along the way.

This makes Yang Yiyun happy. From the beginning to now, he has been obedient and not noisy. When he is hungry, he asks Yang Yiyun for water of life. The rest of the time, he rides on Yang Yiyun's neck and looks at everything in the world with curious eyes. When Yang Yiyun was chatting with Xuantong and others, he would sometimes look like he was thinking and seemed very introverted.

Whatever Yang Yiyun said, the blood baby would do.

This is a very optimistic state of affairs.

So far, the hemostatic babies have not shown any evil signs, which made Yang Yiyun and Xuantong relieved.

I'm afraid that as the blood baby grows up, it will reveal its evil side, or even lose control.

Fortunately, none.

This child is just a blank piece of paper now. Yang Yiyun teaches him from beginning to end. What he instills most in the blood baby is kindness, such as helping others, respecting teachers, etc. Anyway, Yang Yiyun is hands-on in shaping the three views.

And the blood baby's performance was as good as he expected, even the child was a bit cowardly.

On the contrary, this is what Yang Yiyun hopes to see most.

No one knows the potential of blood babies better than him.

The scene where more than a hundred members of the Five Elements Clan of the Heavenly Clan perished due to his crying still lingered in his mind.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun knew very well that the more cowardly the blood infant's character was, the better. Once it broke out, the consequences would be unimaginable and it would get out of control.

It's better to be cowardly. Anyway, if he clears it up, the blood baby will not suffer in the face of a bad situation.

Having said that, the Blood Infant is indeed an elf born from heaven and earth, and his understanding is simply terrifying. Yang Yiyun sometimes teaches him some principles, and he will draw inferences from one example, but Yang Yiyun is speechless and does not know how to answer.

I originally thought about teaching him some cultivation methods, etc., but after thinking about it, I decided not to do it. I'll wait until I return to Yunmen later. I just want to take the blood baby with me for the time being and instill some obedient concepts in him.

He didn't want the blood baby to lose control one day and have no way to end it, so he instilled the three concepts of obedience and kindness now, which would be beneficial to his future growth.

So far, the blood baby still does not let anyone touch it, and whoever touches it will suffer.

Of course, it was not the blood baby who took the initiative to attack. Yang Yiyun discovered that the blood baby had the power in his body to attack others spontaneously.

Except for Yang Yiyun, no one can get close to the blood baby.

Even Yang Yiyun couldn't see through the power in the blood infant's body, and he didn't dare to observe it. For this Yang Yiyun, he just asked the blood infant to learn to restrain himself, control his emotions, and not attack his own people.

Although Xue Ying nodded, Yang Yiyun didn't know if he could do it.

After all, the blood baby is still a baby, and its current size and intelligence are at most two years old.

This only comes after growing up during this period.

But it is true that the blood infant's physical fitness is extremely strong, and Yang Yiyun doesn't even know how strong it is.

So even though you are so small, you already have a foundation for talking and walking.

"Dao'er, stay well and don't touch your master's hair."

After Yang Yiyun sat down, Xue Ying grabbed his hair. He was still a little curious as a child.

"Oh~" Xue Ying responded and stopped moving. He held Yang Yiyun's head against his head and prepared to sleep.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said, "Dao'er, can you come down and play for a while?"

"Dad, Dao'er doesn't want to leave Dad. Dao'er needs to go to sleep."

The milky voice and clear enunciation came out of the blood baby's mouth.

Yang Yiyun could only smile bitterly. Along the way, he asked the blood baby to try to walk on his own, but the boy refused to leave and stayed with him. Of course, he held him in his arms at first, but after he grew up, he didn't need to hold him. He was alive, but he was riding on his neck, just to leave Yang Yiyun.

"Okay, okay, be good, go to sleep." Yang Yiyun had no choice.

I thought that maybe it would be better to wait until the blood baby grew up a little.

Xuantong and others looked at the interaction between Yang Yiyun and Xueying, and the worries in their hearts dissipated a lot.

From this situation, the Lord God can completely guide the Blood Infant. In fact, what they are most worried about is that the Blood Infant will bite back Yang Yiyun, and if he returns to the Yunmen Divine Realm in the future, the Blood Infant will lose control and hurt his own people.

But now it seems like nothing.

The blood baby behaved very well. Even they looked cute and wanted to hug and tease him. However, with the lessons learned from Ao Qing and Granny Shahu, everyone held back. They all knew that the blood baby only recognized Yang Yiyun. , whoever gets close will suffer.

Everyone was resting where they were, and were preparing to go to the Sea of ​​Blood next. Yang Yiyun asked Xuantong to tell Daye about the environment of the Sea of ​​Blood. What he knew from the classics of Daodao Hall, plus what Shennong Yueming had said before, he could know more. Some benefits.

While everyone was discussing the sea of ​​blood, at a certain moment Yang Xiudao, the blood baby who was sleeping on Yang Yiyun's neck, suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.


Xue Ying opened his mouth and called Yang Yiyun.

"What's wrong with Dao'er? Why aren't you sleeping?" Yang Yiyun thought the child was hungry again.

The blood baby raised his little finger and pointed to the sky.

Yang Yiyun looked along the blood baby's little hand in confusion.

Saw nothing.

In the world of the Gods Realm, the sky and the earth are dim at dusk. The sky is gray and foggy. Under the special environment, everyone does not dare to fly in the sky, and most of the time they walk on land.

"Dad...he's here~"

The blood baby pointed to the sky and said again.

This time, Yang Yiyun suddenly stood up and his pupils shrank. He felt an aura that made his heart palpitate. It was exactly the direction of the sky pointed by the blood baby.

The next moment, a little light indeed appeared in a distant place, but it soon became brighter and brighter and closer.

It was above them in the blink of an eye.

But an old man who was about 60 years old appeared.

The coercive aura of the visitor is getting stronger and stronger, and they are coming towards them overwhelmingly. It is obvious that the visitor is not good.

Xuantong and others also realized something was wrong after Yang Yiyun stood up. They all quickly stood up and gathered around Yang Yiyun, their whole bodies tensing up.

"The master is Hedao, one of the three Dharma Masters of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Temple, the third Dharma Master - Xu Chu, who is on the first floor of Hedao."

Pure Yang King Kong came over with a hint of trembling.

Yang Yiyun could tell that Chunyang King Kong was afraid of this person.

And Yang Yiyun himself did not expect that a powerful person at the Hedao level would find him so quickly.

He is actually one of the three Dharma Masters of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Temple, an old enemy. The three Dharma Masters under the emperor's throne. In Duan Shengang's words, they would not take action easily unless someone offends the Thirty-Three Heavenly Temple, or Only when the life and death of the Celestial Clan is at risk will they take action.

But now this is the world of gods. When he killed Ye Hanbing that day, Ye Hanbing said that Hedao would seek revenge on him, but Yang Yiyun didn't take it seriously.

Because there is an unwritten rule in the God Realm that strong Hedao people will not take action against gods below the Hedao realm.

Now it seems that this is not true.

This powerful Hedao man named Xu Chu appeared here, showing that he was coming for him.

There are only two reasons, either to avenge Ye Hanbing, or to come for the blood baby.

A strong man from Hedao appeared and everyone was nervous.

Including Yang Yiyun, this is when he faces Hedao enemies in the true sense.

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