My Master Is a God

Chapter 3025 The bad guy lets go of dad

Although he was confident in his own cultivation and could crush people in the same realm, when he actually faced a Hedao-level powerhouse, he felt unsure because he felt the coercive aura emanating from Xu Chu was very powerful. , much more powerful than that.

What Yang Yiyun didn't expect was that the first person to feel Xu Chu's arrival was his young apprentice Yang Xiudao.

Of course, he didn't have time to think about these problems at the moment. If something bad happened, how to deal with it next was the top priority.

Although Chunyang King Kong said that Xu Chu was at the first level of Hedao, which was considered the lowest level among the five levels of Hedao, it was still Hedao, and he had never fought with Hedao.

When he crushed the fifth level of the Five Heavenly Dao of the Jiuli Clan, he felt that he had the strength to fight even if he faced the powerful Hedao, but now he felt unsure.

There was no need for him to order all his subordinates to enter a fighting state as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

At this moment, he saw the other party coming, walking down from the sky step by step, and landed on the ground, just twenty meters away.

"I, the Dharma Master of the Heavenly Temple, is Xu Chu."

Facing Yang Yiyun, Xu Chu spoke lightly, but his aura was strong and tight, with an invisible aloofness.

Yang Yiyun was really not used to hearing such a condescending self-report. He didn't say anything and just stared at the other person.

But he wanted to see how this old monster named Xu Chu would deal with him.

"Are you Yang Yiyun, the descendant of God Qiankun?" Xu Chu stared at Yang Yiyun and asked.

"It's me." Yang Yiyun replied. In fact, he knew that everything about him must have been known to the other party.

And at this time, he saw Xu Chu's eyes falling directly on Xue Ying's body.

He thought to himself: "Sure enough, he is here for the blood baby."

Sure enough, the next moment I heard Xu Chu say: "I don't want to be known as someone who bullies the younger ones. Little one, please call the blood baby out, and I won't embarrass you today."

Yang Yiyun sneered: "You are quite direct, but I can't do it."

Facing his answer, Xu Chu seemed to have expected it, and was not angry at all. Instead, he said quietly: "I originally thought that it would be inappropriate for me to take action against a junior like you, but that being the case, it will be easy to handle. The blood baby will grow up." After you get up, it will be a disaster for the three realms. If you don't call it out, I will have reason to kill you."

"Haha, why should the old immortal speak so grandly? He is just a baby. Even if he was born in Shura Field, he was conceived by heaven and earth and has more divinity. How can he bring trouble to the three realms? It's a joke." Yang Yiyun didn't give in at all.

"Junior, the power of words is useless, you think I am talking nonsense, haha, you can't imagine how terrible the blood baby is, and you can't control it. I say it again, hand it over, I will spare you, you and Thirty Let those grudges in the Three Heavens Palace be forgotten, otherwise I will kill you."

Xuchu looked at Yang Yiyun as if he thought the nobles looked down upon the lower commoners.

"It's a joke. If you want to fight, then fight. I've never been afraid of any threats~"

Yang Yiyun's whole body aura exploded, directly stimulating the power of the ten great trees.

And Xuan Tong and others around him are also ready to fight at any time.

"Haha, if you want to die, I will help you."

Xu Chu sneered, but at the next moment he took a step forward and waved his sleeves towards Yang Yiyun and others.


Suddenly there was a strong wind.

Yang Yiyun was already prepared and shouted: "Attack~"

Almost at the same time, everyone burst out with divine power and attacked Xu Chu.


The two sides clashed.

A dull sound.


Yang Yiyun used all his strength to activate the power of ten Dao trees, but he only felt as if his chest had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.


As for the other people around him, they flew out directly.

Just for a moment.

It means everyone is completely defeated.

With one blow, Yang Yiyun felt the gap between them and Xu Chu, or how big the gap was between the fifth level of the rules of heaven and Hedao.

It sounds like it's just a different realm, a pass, but the perception in the middle is actually completely different.

They are no longer on the same level at all.

It felt to him as if they were a group of three-year-old children facing the sweep of a strong and powerful man.

The two sides are no longer on the same level in terms of strength.

In fact, Yang Yiyun felt an aura that shocked him extremely. The power that existed between everyone in heaven and earth was actually reflected in Xu Chu.

This shocked him greatly.

The reason why he has always been able to surpass the same realm and even be able to cross levels and challenge battles is mostly because of his special physique and possession of the Ten Avenue Trees, which represent the power of the ten major attributes.

This is the specialness of his physique and the specialness of his cultivation methods.

But he never expected that he would actually feel a lot of power attributes in Xu Chu.

Is it possible that Xu Chu is also a practitioner of the top ten attributes?

Thinking about it, Yang Yiyun thought it was impossible.

When he looked up the next moment, he finally understood that it was not the power of the ten attributes, but the perfection of the five rules.

Because at this moment, he saw the five substantive colors surrounding Xu Chu, black, silver, green, gray, and white. These are the characteristics of the five rules of darkness, light, life, death, and space.

At this stage of their life, they only understood and understood the five major rules, and rarely realized them in substance. But now, all the powers of the five major rules that have been substantively appeared on Xu Chu, and not to mention the powerful aura, Yang Yiyun felt that it was Qi's breath.

The materialized power of the Five Energy.

After the focus of the power of rules is the power of Qi.

He now finally understands the gap between the levels of Hedao and Hedao. The power they can use with these rules of heaven is still the primary stage of divine power, while Hedao is the ultimate essence of the divine power of the rules. They are completely two different things. concept.

It's no wonder that so many of them were defeated and at a disadvantage by Xu Chu's wave.

The opponent's use is the source of power, but they weaken it by a level.

Yang Yiyun knew he couldn't fight.

But there was nothing we could do at this time.

Xu Chu took another step and came, and the five substantive Qi powers enveloped him directly.

Yang Yiyun had no other choice. He knew that nothing could be done, but he did not intend to sit still and wait for death.

Roaring angrily: "Ten great forces united into one, nine strikes of chaos."

"Dong dong dong dong..."

He summoned the Chaos Clock and rang it nine times in a row.

The power of the ten major attribute Tao trees within the divine core Tao species instantly united to activate the Chaos Clock to meet the five Qi powers of Xu Chu.

This is considered his most powerful power, and it also activates treasures such as the Chaos Clock.

Even so, he was not sure whether he could withstand Xu Chu's attack this time.

The opponent's attack this time was more powerful than the previous casual swing.


The golden light of the Chaos Bell burst out, nine inscriptions burst out brightly, and the nine bells resounded throughout the world, shocking the soul.

But he met the power of Xu Chu's five qi.

But Yang Yiyun became desperate the next moment.

After a roar, Xu Chu's five-qi power completely swept through the Chaos Bell, suppressing it in an instant, causing the Chaos Bell to dim.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of energy suddenly fell on him.


This time Yang Yiyun vomited blood and flew upside down.

He felt like all the bones in his body were broken.

Then, before he could fly far, he saw Xu Chu standing there and grabbing him in the air. Yang Yiyun felt his neck tighten, and instantly appeared in Xu Chu's hands, and he pinched his neck.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was speechless and suffocated.

"I'll fight with you..."

Xuantong's voice sounded behind him.

Yang Yiyun felt Xuantong and others rushing over.

But all I heard was Xu Chu snorted coldly: "Looking for death."

With a wave of his hand, Xuantong and others flew out again, and this time no one got up.

A strong Taoist can completely crush the rules of Heaven with a wave of his hand.

At this time, Xuchu stared at Yang Yiyun and sneered: "Junior, it seems that you don't know the difference between the rules of heaven and Hedao. Didn't your parents tell you about it? They gave you a chance. Since you don't want that Just die."

Yang Yiyun felt that as Xu Chu spoke, his hand grabbing his neck was about to explode with huge power.

However, at this moment, a milky but angry voice sounded.

"Bad guy, let go of daddy~"

Isn't it the voice of Blood Infant Yang Xiudao?

The blood baby has been lying on the neck behind Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, he saw Yang Yiyun being grabbed by the neck by Xu Chu, but he opened his mouth to speak.

Yang Yiyun also heard it, but he felt relieved and at the same time a glimmer of hope arose in his heart.

He taught the blood baby the words "bad guy" and "good guy".

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