My Master Is a God

Chapter 3048 The Emperor of Heaven Recorded on the Jade Stele

The vast sea of ​​clouds is endless as far as the eye can see. Yang Yiyun couldn't use his spiritual consciousness here even if he tried it, even if he was now at the Hedao level, he couldn't use it.

But one good thing is that the clouds and mist here are not close to the ground like the blood mist in other places, but are tens of meters above the ground. In this way, the place they see with their eyes becomes much normal, and they can see a hundred meters away. .

This is already very good.

The vast number of gods behind him stood up like a city wall, but within the sea of ​​clouds there was flat ground.

Far away is the glow.

That should be the Mountain of the Gods that Chunyang King Kong mentioned. On the mountain is a large area of ​​palaces where the Gods of Gods are located.

When they stepped into the sea of ​​clouds, after walking for a while, they found something was not right.

Sister Mei said: "It's too quiet."

Yang Yiyun also discovered this. There was still no grass around.

"It's indeed a bit abnormal."

"This is a special area in itself, maybe that's it." Sister Mei said.

"Be more careful, I guess we are not the only ones here." Yang Yiyun said.

At this time, the blood baby suddenly said: "Dad, there is someone."

Yang Yiyun looked along Xueying's little hand and saw nothing. He looked at Sister Mei, who also said she saw nothing.

"Is Dao'er far away?" Yang Yiyun asked Xue Ying.

"Well, there is a mountain, and there are many people on the mountain." Xue Ying said seriously.

At this time, Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei were both stunned, and then they realized that what the blood baby was talking about might be the mountain of gods that Chunyang King Kong mentioned before.

There are a lot of people, which shows that besides the fact that many of them appear in the central place and go directly to the Mountain of Gods, everyone must be here to seek good luck and treasure.

They couldn't see anything, but the blood baby saw it. Not only did he see the mountain, but he also said that there were many people on the mountain.

This shows that the blood babies are special here.

Speaking of which, blood babies are creatures born from the world of gods. It is normal to be able to see mountains and people. However, for Yang Yiyun, having blood babies here may give him many advantages.

Of course, there will be less trouble because of the existence of blood babies.

He was already prepared for this.

No matter what, hold the blood baby.

Maybe the blood babies don't need his protection at all, but instead want to protect them.

For Xueying, a closed disciple, Yang Yiyun actually still can't see through it at all.

No matter whether it was before or after he entered the Hedao, when he went to see the blood baby, there was always a force blocking the blood baby's body, making it impossible to see.

But the little guy has always listened to his words, and he has been instilling kindness in the blood baby. Except for Sister Mei, the blood baby still doesn't let anyone touch him, and still likes to hold his neck tightly.

No matter what happens in the future, at least for now, it seems that the blood baby is kind and can guide him to the right path.

"Dao'er, if someone comes near us, you must tell dad, you know?" Yang Yiyun warned the blood baby.

Since he and Sister Mei can't see it, they can count on the blood baby to give an early warning.

"Dao'er understands." Xue Ying's words were milky, but very cute.

While talking, he continued to walk forward.

I originally thought that the glow scene I saw at the beginning was only a few kilometers away, not very far away. Who knew that this walk lasted nearly a hundred miles, and finally I saw a huge mountain with radiant light rising up in my sight.

Auspicious clouds linger and reach into the sky.

From top to bottom, it looks like palace attics, but unfortunately most of them are shabby scenes, and they look like they have been damaged by war.

But the divine light is still shining, and the auspicious clouds are lingering.

Just as Chunyang King Kong said, they saw a huge stone tablet at the foot of the mountain.

But it is a huge white jade stele carried by a white jade dragon turtle.

There are ancient inscriptions written densely on it.

Yang Yiyun had never seen such ancient divine writings, but when he looked at them, he understood the contents of the above records.

Indeed, the first words that appear are the words "Panthes".

Then comes the origins.

According to the above records, the temples were the divine realm where the Emperor of Heaven lived during the founding era, and three thousand ancient gods could enter there. Shura invaded the divine realm, listening to the Emperor of Heaven drive the gods to conquer the mountains... After that, the Emperor of Heaven and King Shura died together, and the temples were destroyed, leaving behind The realm of the gods was formed in the divine world.

After reading it, Duan Shengang couldn't help but said: "In this way, this mountain is actually an artifact. It's a pity that it was destroyed~"

"It can't be said that. The temples are said to be the residence of three thousand ancient gods. It seems that there were extraordinary things everywhere in the Kaitian Era. If we can have one or two opportunities, our trip will be worthwhile." Chunyang King Kong said.

"Yes, for such a big mountain, there are countless palaces and lofts, as well as martial arts, books, magical powers, secrets, and so on. I think we can keep some of them. Let's look for them." Yang Yiyun said, looking at the mountain of gods high into the sea of ​​clouds.

When standing at the bottom of the mountain, I couldn't see clearly what the scene was above.

Blood Baby said before that there are people here, and they may be on the mountain at this time.

It's just that this Mountain of Gods is no ordinary mountain, it is a treasure.

Of course, it is now a broken treasure.

But it is also the most precious treasure of the Emperor of Heaven.

As for who the Emperor of Heaven mentioned in the jade stele is, there is no way of knowing.

All I know is that he is the one who leads the gods in a decisive battle with the Shura clan.

Yang Yiyun could also imagine that the Emperor of Heaven was the one who fought against King Shura, the legendary powerful man of the holy way.

Emperor of Heaven may be an honorific title, or it may be a certain realm in the holy way.

At least it shows from the side that there must be distinct levels of Holy Dao levels.

Yang Yiyun heard so much about the Holy Way that he even practiced the Holy Way himself.

For example, the obsession of the Evergreen Sage whom I met at the beginning, and the Caishen Empress.

According to the words of the Caishen Empress, she is the person who achieved Nirvana of the Holy Path a long time ago, but now her cultivation level has plummeted and she has practiced again. One day she will still return to the realm of the Holy Path.

Yang Yiyun had originally asked Caishen Empress what the Holy Path was, but Caishen Empress did not tell him. She just said that knowing too much would not be good for you, so Yang Yiyun did not ask more. After all, the Holy Path was too far away for him.

Of course it's still far away now.

But he is constantly advancing to the Holy Path.

For example, this mountain of gods and temples can be regarded as truly related to the holy way.

Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of a question. Perhaps the focus of time cultivators is the realm of the holy way.

The holy path is transcendence, beyond the three realms.

The Holy Way is also called Hunyuan.

After transcendence comes true freedom!

Not immune to immeasurable calamities...

But is this really the case?

Yang Yiyun probably didn't think so.

Otherwise, how could there be rumors that the great power of the holy way died together with King Shura?

For the holy way, it is too mysterious. Maybe it is the pinnacle of cultivation, or maybe when he reaches the realm of the holy way one day, he will find another new world.

Yang Yiyun is very interested in this mountain, the dilapidated palaces on the mountain and the legends.

However, he also knows that the dangers here may be greater than he imagined, but since he is here, he will go over there.

Besides, he has now entered the first level of Hedao cultivation, and his strength is naturally not comparable to that of the previous Heavenly Dao rules.

If he encountered Xu Chu, who was the first to cause trouble for him, he would launch a strong counterattack instead of being crushed by someone with a wave of his hand.

In fact, Yang Yiyun is quite strong now if he thinks about it.

Because Sister Mei and Xueying are here.

Sister Mei is the first level of Hedao in the body of a five-clawed golden dragon. The body of a divine beast and true dragon is naturally more powerful than the ordinary first level of Hedao.

The blood baby is even more amazing. Although this child is still young and looks less than two years old, the strength he has displayed is even that of the strong man from the Jiuli tribe who came with Xu Chu. They all ran away, knowing that that person was on the second level of Hedao.

That time, the Blood Infant beheaded the Third Dharma Master of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Temple, and severely damaged the powerful men of Xu Chu and the Jiuli Clan.

The second time, the five powerful men of the Five Elements Family joined forces and lured Sister Mei away from the mountain. The other four people dealt with him. As a result, the blood baby woke up and killed the strongest Five Elements Gold man with one blow, and defeated Yu. There are four people.

With such a powerful blood baby by his side, Yang Yiyun believed that during this trip to the Mountains of Gods, they would not be as embarrassed as before.

"Up the mountain."

Yang Yiyun looked at the mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, and the sun shone brightly from the sea of ​​clouds, and shouted to everyone.

There is a mountain gate ahead.

In fact, they are just two huge white jade stone pillars without any obstruction.

Soon he stepped on the steps of the mountain gate and left.

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