My Master Is a God

Chapter 3049: Sharpening the Taoist Hearts of Three People

The steps up the mountain were very long, and they looked straight into the clouds and mist ahead. Anyway, they could see very far away.

The blood baby didn't say anything.

Keep walking over there first.

When walking about a few hundred meters, there was an intersection with a small stone tablet with three words written on it - Xuanhuang Palace.

Yang Yiyun looked over and saw the first palace appeared.

When they walked over, they found a large group of palaces, but unfortunately they all seemed to have been severely destroyed and were almost in ruins.

But the area looked very large, extending hundreds of meters into the clouds and mist at a glance. It was obvious that there were buildings inside, but what they saw were ruins.

The words Xuanhuang Palace are written on the small stone tablet at the intersection. It must be one of the many palaces on the entire sacred mountain.

The main road still extends up.

Since they are here, they have to take a look. After all, they are here to hunt for treasures. This is the land of ancient ruins, and it is also the temple of the gods in the mountains of the gods. The treasure land of the divine realm where a certain heavenly emperor in the Kaitian era lived. To say that there is nothing here, Even if Yang Yiyun was beaten to death, he would not believe it.

For them, after arriving in this central world, any place is actually the same. It is the first time to come here anyway, no one knows the situation here, and they are all looking for people and treasures.

But it just depends on chance.

"Everyone, be careful. Let's enter and take a look at Xuanhuang Palace."

Yang Yiyun gave instructions and walked in front with Sister Mei and the blood baby, followed by Xiong Huan.

Duan Shengang and three others were behind.

Walking among the dilapidated ruins, no one found anything of value, not to mention treasures, not even a single magic medicine.

A circle of several thousand meters in diameter was indeed a palace complex, but unfortunately nothing was gained.

Yang Yiyun cried and laughed and said: "Okay, let's leave. Dao'er said before that there are people here. Even if there are any treasures here, they have already been captured first."

"Could the master be one of the forces behind the Divine Realm Avenue Palace?" Duan Shengang said.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said, "It must be them. Xuantong and Shennong Yueming both said it before. Have you forgotten?"

"Well, wouldn't it be... wouldn't it be very troublesome if we met?" Duan Shengang said worriedly.

Yang Yiyun grinned and simply sat on a broken white jade pillar. He looked at Duan Shengang and the others and said with a smile: "There will definitely be trouble, but if we really encounter it, we will talk about it when the time comes. You all can express your opinions."

It's rare to have a chat. Duan Shengang, the Yin Yang King Kong couple, and Xiong Huan don't talk much. Let's communicate together now, which will definitely be beneficial to the next walk here.

Don't be afraid of anything, just be afraid of ten thousand.

But don't let anything happen and they suffer a loss.

To tell the truth, Yang Yiyun knew that except for the simple and innocent Xiong Huan, Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple were actually very nervous. He sent everyone back, leaving only a few of them to come to the place known as the lowest cultivation base. Yang Yiyun wouldn't believe it if the three of them didn't have any ideas in the center of the gods' domain, which requires a Hedao level to enter.

But Duan Shengang and the other three never said a word of "no" from beginning to end. No matter how he arranged it, all three of them obeyed.

But Yang Yiyun knew in his heart that the three of them had some ideas in mind.

It's just that because he is the master and their relationship as servants, they didn't say it out loud.

If you think about it from another perspective, you will definitely say that you, Yang Yiyun, are partial.


Because you were afraid that Xuantong and others would be harmed, you let them go back to the Yunmen Divine Realm, but you asked the four of us to follow you. Are you going to use us as cannon fodder?

Of course, among the four, Xiong Huan is an exception. Almost everyone knows that you, Yang Yiyun, love Xiong Huan very much. When there is danger, you will be the first to protect Xiong Huan, and the three of us must be the best at the critical moment. Your cannon fodder.

Anyone would definitely think so.

Another important reason is that Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple have different origins from Xuantong and others. Among Yang Yiyun's many Heavenly Dao level subordinates, only the three of them are from the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace. The three of them are the people under Emperor Zun's seat.

Everyone knows the grudge between the Emperor of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace and you, Yang Yiyun, so it would not be a pity to leave the three of us behind, even if we die as cannon fodder.

Under normal circumstances, Duan Shengang and the others would be right to think so.

In fact, Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple thought so in their hearts, but Mogami did not say it out loud.

The life and death of the three of them are in the hands of Yang Yiyun. Even if Yang Yiyun asks the three of them to be cannon fodder, they can only be cannon fodder.

After stepping here, the three of them were ready to be wiped out at any time. No, it should be said that they were ready from the moment Yang Yiyun sent Xuantong and others back and left them alone.

It's just that I feel a little sad.

They are not afraid of death, but what they are afraid of is that they will feel unwilling to die like this.

Along the way, they were silent as they were thinking. Duan Shengang couldn't help but take this opportunity to talk to Yang Yiyun, or to confirm his thoughts. Even if it meant death, they wanted to die.

Compared with Xuantong and others, they always feel that they cannot integrate into their circle.

In fact, Xuantong and others kept a distance from the three of them intentionally or unintentionally.

Who told them to be the people under the throne of Emperor Chuisheng?

Everyone in the Yunmen Divine Realm knows that Yang Yiyun's biggest enemy is Emperor Zun, and the biggest hostile force in the Yunmen Divine Realm is the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace. In the final analysis, their origins are too embarrassing.

Yang Yiyun sat down and looked at Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple with a smile and asked them to express their opinions.

In fact, from the moment it was announced that the three of them were staying, Yang Yiyun felt the emotional fluctuations in the hearts of Duan Shengang and the others, and he vaguely guessed what the three of them were thinking.

But he never said anything to the three of them, why he should let the three of them stay and accompany him into the central place.

The reason why I didn't tell them was because I wanted to see how the three people's Taoist minds were.

After walking all the way until now, Yang Yiyun was relatively satisfied with the three of them.

At this moment, he finally couldn't help but speak, and just in time he solved the doubts in the three people's minds, which was good and bad for them.

The reason why he hasn't told them until now why he chose them to stay is because he has some thoughts and wants to sharpen the Taoist heart of the three of them. After the ups and downs, the Taoist heart is the most enlightened. This pair of three people impact the Hedao. There are benefits to this realm.

Now it's almost done.

Too much, and the three of them have demons in their hearts.

After Yang Yiyun spoke with a smile, Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple looked at each other, and then he continued to talk to Yang Yiyun.

Among the three of them, Duan Shengang and Yang Yiyun have always talked the most.

Duan Shengang opened his mouth and said: "Master, if all the powerful people behind the forces in Daodao Palace are here, we will probably... be afraid of fighting to the death... after all, we have killed people from several groups, Thirty-three Almost most of the forces such as Tiandian, Jiuli Clan, Five Elements Clan, Ghost World, etc. have been offended by us. If we encounter strong men from those forces, how will we deal with it? Of course, if there is really danger then, the three of us will I am willing to risk my life to fight a bloody path for my master..."

Duan Shen had just finished speaking, but only the last sentence was the key point.

If Yang Yiyun nodded in acquiescence, and if the three of them were forced to fight to the death when they were strangers, it would prove that Yang Yiyun left the three of them by his side to be cannon fodder at a critical moment. This would be really chilling.

After Yang Yiyun listened to Duan Shengang's words, he smiled and said: "Old Duan, you said a lot, but they are all assumptions. Only the last sentence is the key point you want to say, or what the three of you want to express, right? "

Hearing Yang Yiyun speak, Duan Shengang and Yin Yang Jingang and his wife were all shocked. Unexpectedly, his little thoughts were revealed by his master.


The three of them knelt on the ground.

Duan Shengang said with cold sweat on his forehead: "Master...I, I..."

Yang Yiyun laughed and said: "In your hearts, do you three think that I will send Xuantong and others back and only keep you, so that you can be cannon fodder for me at the critical moment? Or do you think that I will Is Yang Yiyun the kind of person who is unscrupulous?"

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