My Master Is a God

Chapter 3050 If it is not broken now, then when will it be better?

"Master clearly knows that we have no such intention~"

This time the three of them spoke in unison, their foreheads touching the ground.

In fact, Yang Yiyun's words were quite serious. Indeed, they had not thought of it so deeply, but their subconscious doubts had already arrived.

Duan Shengang and the other three were frightened.

But the next moment Yang Yiyun waved his hand, and the three of them stood up involuntarily.

Then Yang Yiyun looked at the three of them and said, "Do you think I left you alone just to let you be cannon fodder at the critical moment?"

Duan Shengang and the others were sweating on their foreheads.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "It's understandable to have such thoughts. If you don't think so, it's not normal. I can tell you now why I keep you."

Yang Yiyun paused and continued: "The reason why I keep you is because the three of you have reached the peak of the fifth level of the rules of heaven, and you have been practicing longer than any of Xuantong and the others. You are stuck in the big world." The bottleneck period is long, which means that you are more likely to break through than others. It is not what you think in your mind. I want to leave you to charge forward.

In front of the strong men of Hedao, your charge is meaningless. This is the real reason for keeping you. And I also want to tell you that from the day I conquered you, you are my subordinates. This was true from the beginning. What I said remains unchanged, and it will remain unchanged now and in the future. I have never looked at you differently just because you are the emperor's subordinates.

In addition, I will make another promise to you today. I, Yang Yiyun, will not let you be cannon fodder. If you follow me, you will be my brothers. Although I have never said that you are theoretically servants, I have never really regarded you as slaves. I say these words from my sincerity, and God will punish me if there are any falsehoods. "

As soon as these words came out, Duan Shengang and the others were shocked.

But he fell to his knees again.

Yang Yiyun's words were tantamount to making a strong oath in front of the three people.

People of the gods should not swear easily. Every word is inscribed with the law of heaven. If you violate it in the slightest, you will really be punished by heaven.

In other words, Yang Yiyun was sincere in everything he said to the three of them.

On the contrary, the three of them thought too much.

Belly sinister heart of a gentleman.

Of course, the point is that Yang Yiyun's words stopped in the ears of Duan Shengang and the others, but they gained a lot of respect in their hearts.

Even when they were in the Heavenly Temple, they had never received such respect from the Emperor.

At this moment, Duan Shengang and the others were shocked.

It's touching.

The Taoist heart is constantly fluctuating.

Guilt, emotion, self-blame, and excitement spread in their hearts.

Yang Yiyun looked at the three of them and narrowed his eyes.

All he wanted was this moment.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he needs three people to be moved by him or swear loyalty to him from now on, or to sacrifice his life or something like that. He is not that tacky.

What he, Yang, wanted was to stimulate the Taoist heart of the three people to fluctuate.


Because this is the tempering of the Taoist mind and is part of the practice.

Under such stimulation, they will have a new understanding of Taoism, which means a breakthrough.

According to the empirical inference, under the fluctuation of Taoist heart, it is very likely to be able to break through.

Now let’s see who among the three Duan Shengang has the biggest fluctuations and deepest feelings.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Yang Yiyun felt the auras of the three people fluctuating violently.

In this state, it is actually the state of mind that can help break through the cultivation level the most, but as the parties involved, they do not know it because they are in the middle of the situation.

But Yang Yiyun is already in the realm of harmony, and he has the most say.

Close your eyes and carefully feel the breath fluctuations on Duan Shengang's body.

Not long after, what surprised him was that Duan Shengang, who was slightly weaker among the three, actually had the greatest aura fluctuation reaction, while the Yin-Yang King Kong couple was actually weaker than Duan Shengang.

He knew that this time Duan Shengang was successful, but the Yin Yang King Kong couple missed the opportunity.

Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes, put his hand on Duan Shengang's head, and shouted softly: "How long will it take if we don't break it now?"

Suddenly, a burst of energy entered Duan Shengang's body.


A dull sound came from Duan Shengang's body.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura emanated.

Duan Shen just broke through.

Finally broke through to the first level of Hedao.

With the help of Yang Yiyun, with the ups and downs of the Taoist heart, the clear understanding of the heart, and the help of Yang Yiyun with his own Qi Seed, Duan Shengang finally passed the big hurdle and successfully entered the Hedao.


Yang Yiyun exhaled a breath and retracted his palm.

Just now, the Qi power in his Qi seed was almost exhausted.

But it's worth it.

To help Duan Shengang break through, it doesn't matter if he consumes some strength.

To hit the Hedao mark, both realm perception and strength are needed.

When he broke through, it was because the Qiankun Pot had strong energy and he realized that it was a natural process.

Duan Shengang's state of mind was stimulated and fluctuated under his guidance, and his own accumulation was sufficient. With his help, it was a matter of course.

As for the Yin-Yang King Kong couple, after all, there is a slight difference. Yang Yiyun knows that they are one and the same, and they are concerned about each other. When the Taoist brother fluctuated, he was not as pure as Duan Shengang and failed to achieve a breakthrough. As expected.

Having said that, if one of the three makes a breakthrough, this is already a big profit.

You must know that this is Hedao, not an ordinary breakthrough, how difficult it is.

Of course, after this Dao Heart stimulation, Yang Yiyun knew that even if the Yin-Yang King Kong couple failed to break through, they had taken another step towards the door of Hedao. In the future, their chance of breakthrough would be greater, maybe in the next second.

"Duan Shengang thanks the master for the gift of creation."

After the breakthrough, Duan Shengang finished his work, opened his eyes and bowed to Yang Yiyun.

The tone was filled with immense excitement.

He never expected that he would break through to the first level of Hedao just like that.


When he was in Tiansheng Temple, Duan Shengang was extremely fascinated and envious when facing the three great Hedao Dharma Masters. Hedao was extremely far away to him.

Among the countless gods in the entire Thirty-three Heavens Palace, there are only three powerful Hedao masters under the Emperor.

There are not even many Hedao level beings in the entire God Realm.

And now that Duan Shen has just stepped into the realm of Hedao, it would be a lie to say that he is not excited.

But Duan Shengang finally understood at this moment that his breakthrough was all due to his master Yang Yiyun. From when Xuantong and others left, to leaving the three of them to enter the center, to his breakthrough at this moment, it was all his master Yang Yiyun who created this alliance. road.

After the breakthrough, Duan Shengang understood this truth. Yang Yiyun was stimulating the Taoist hearts of the three of them, thereby triggering their state of mind and finally helping the next breakthrough.

At this moment, Duan Shengang felt the changes brought about by the realm of Hedao, and then he realized Yang Yiyun's good intentions.

This bow is considered a true surrender.

From then on, Duan Shengang was a new student.

There is no longer any relationship with the Tiansheng Temple, only Yang Yiyun is the master.

"Haha, get up. It's your destiny that you can break through. I'm just helping you. From now on, just call me God, don't call me master. I said that I regard you as brothers in my heart, never as slaves." Yang Yiyun looked at Duan Shengang. , I am also in a good mood, and there is one more Hedao in the audience.

"I will obey the divine decree." Duan Shengang became more and more awed when facing Yang Yiyun.

Who can give me some advice on Hedao?

No one in the entire God Realm had heard of it, except Yang Yiyun.

"You two should stop kneeling. There is no need to envy Lao Duan. The breakthrough here is not because you are weak, but because you and your husband are one and care about each other. This is an advantage and a disadvantage. But for this reason alone, your breakthrough as a couple is very close at hand. Don't let your Taoist heart stir up troubles again. Too much will be harmful. Keep a good state of mind, and according to your cultivation and your character, it will not be difficult to enter the realm of harmony with the Tao." Yang Yiyun glanced at the Yin Yang King Kong who was still kneeling on the ground. the couple said.

"Follow the teachings of the God, and we, as a couple, will definitely live up to the God's expectations."

The two couples opened their mouths to answer. In fact, as Yang Yiyun said, they knew their situation.

After this incident, their Taoist minds became more firm, their minds and thoughts became clearer, and they felt that they were not far away from joining the Tao.

"Okay, it's time for us to go~"

Yang Yiyun smiled and gestured to Sister Mei.

There are no valuable discoveries in this ruins, so I am ready to leave and go somewhere else.

But Xue Ying, who had been very quiet at this time, suddenly said: "Dad, there is someone underground~"

Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei just turned around and stopped quickly after hearing Xue Ying's words.

Is there someone underground?

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