My Master Is a God

Chapter 3081 Each becomes a small group

This time, Qi Ling Xingluo's tone was cold and impatient. It sounded a little bad to Yang Yiyun's ears. He even wondered if it was because he had broken the rules?

But it doesn't matter if you think about it, it was the blood baby who did it anyway, not him.

If Qi Lingxing Luo really cared about it, he would have kicked out the anomaly Blood Infant long ago, but he never did.

This can only mean that Qi Ling Xing Luo acquiesces to the existence of the blood infant, or that Qi Ling Xing Luo has nothing to do with the blood infant.

Anyway, for him, it doesn't have any impact.

The seventh level was opened as soon as it was announced, and this time it was actually extended by another hour, from the previous two hours of the sixth level to three hours.

I was originally looking forward to the reward for the sixth level, but I didn't expect to directly announce that there was no distinction between first and second place, it was just a Star Talisman for each person.

Qi Ling Xingluo said that each Xingluo talisman has different attributes, which sounds like it is randomly assigned.

As for the reward for the seventh level, it was mentioned this time, but only the first person to reach the seventh line of the compass will be rewarded. As for the reward, it is not mentioned at all. Qiling Xingluo's willfulness has reached the extreme, but everyone is helpless. .

There is no way anyone can make him a weapon spirit.

We just do whatever other people arrange.

But then again, the rewards you get after passing each level are getting heavier and heavier, and everyone is looking forward to it more and more later.

For example, for the reward for reaching the Sixth Star Compass this time, after Qi Ling Xing Luo's words, a flash of light flashed before everyone's eyes, and pieces of rhombus-shaped talismans of different colors appeared, only the size of a baby's palm.

Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up when he saw the Star Talisman in front of him. He found that the so-called Star Talisman was actually the same as the Dark Talisman in his hand. The one in front of him was pure gold, with divine light shining on it, and there were complex and complex symbols on it. Very good texture. As soon as Yang Yiyun reached out and pinched his hand, he immediately felt the unparalleled metallic power contained in it. It was the Qi of gold, but it was not a pure Qi power, but more like an extremely powerful one. It was like a sword, giving him the illusion that he could break through the world just by activating this talisman.

Yang Yiyun thought it was a bit exaggerated to break the world, but he knew that this golden star talisman was definitely an offensive weapon.

After putting it away, Yang Yiyun looked at Sister Mei and Xiong Huan.

The Star Luo Talisman in Sister Mei's hand is actually the same color as his, but upon closer inspection, the lines seem to be different.

This made Yang Yiyun think about it. It must be the same metallic Star Luo Talisman but it has different uses.

In Xiong Huan's hand was a milky white star talisman. Yang Yiyun smiled and asked, "Maybe Huan'er can feel the attributes?"

Xiong Huan nodded and said, "Brother Yun is a wind-attributed talisman."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "With the wind attribute, you can make up for it with speed, which is pretty good."

While talking, Yang Yiyun looked at the talismans that other people had handed over, but they were all colorful and had different attributes.

The Star Talisman is the same as the Dark Talisman in his hand, but Yang Yiyun feels that this thing seems to be higher-level than the Dark Talisman he got. It should be a spell refined from the holy way, but its name is Star Luo Talisman.

I don’t know if it was the name Qi Ling Xingluo called out.

Everyone who qualified got one anyway.

Looking at the Star Luo Talisman that everyone got in their hands, Yang Yiyun had an idea, that is, to shine the light on the Talisman in their hands. These Talismans are definitely a great fortune.

Of course, it's just a thought. To snatch it at this time is to seek death.

Putting away his evil thoughts, Yang Yiyun looked at Sister Mei and Xiong Huan and said seriously: "I want to discuss something with you."

Sister Mei's eyelids twitched, she took a deep look at Yang Yiyun and said, "Do you want us to give up?"

The corner of Yang Yiyun's mouth twitched. Sister Mei was still so smart. She smiled awkwardly and nodded, but she didn't explain much. She just said, "I respect your choice."

Sister Mei rolled her eyes at Yang Yiyun and said: "I know you are worried about us, but don't forget that I am also on the second level of Hedao with the same level of cultivation as you. Let's just let Huan'er go out. I can still help if I stay. You've offended so many people, who knows what the situation will be like next, and I won't feel at ease if you let me leave."

As for Sister Mei, Yang Yiyun knew that she had her own opinions, and he also understood that once she decided something, she would never change it.

He smiled bitterly, looked at Xiong Huan and said, "Huan'er, use the teleportation order to leave here. When you get out, find Lao Duan and the others. Can you wait for us outside?"

"I...I...Okay." Xiong Huan is a little aggrieved, but she is actually not stupid. Her current cultivation level is weaker than that of Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei=1 level. She is at the first level of Hedao. I know in my heart that if I continue, I may not be able to help. Even if I don’t need to help, if something happens to her, Yang Yiyun will definitely have to take care of her, which will become a drag on Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei, even though I really want to be with Yang Yiyun. At the same time, but also sensible, he finally nodded and agreed.

Next, Xiong Huan took out the teleportation order and left the world of Void Emperor Pan directly.

Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei looked at each other, smiled, held hands and said, "Let's go~"

With the same cultivation level and being a husband and wife, they walked side by side on the road to the Seventh Star Compass, and the two of them felt a little more relaxed.

Like Xiong Huan, three more people from the same forces used teleportation orders to leave.

For those who left, they had little confidence in the road ahead, and it was also the request of their fellow disciples, but they would gain a lot if they could reach the Sixth Star Compass.

And the road to the back will definitely be more difficult. Everyone knows this. The next three levels will definitely cost your life. It is better to leave.

At this point, except for Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei, there are twelve other forces.

Representing the twelve major forces.

The road to the Seventh Star Compass opens.

As soon as Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei set foot on the Xingluo Road, a voice sounded from behind them: "Fellow Daoist Yang, can we go together with you later?"

When Yang Yiyun turned around, it was Shennong Haoran.

He smiled and said: "Of course, it is Yang's honor to be able to travel with fellow Taoist Haoran."

"Can several fellow Taoists, Yue, come with me?"

Immediately afterwards, Yue Juque came forward.

At this time, Yang Yiyun looked around. Including him and Sister Mei, there were fourteen people in total, but they had been divided into several groups in twos and threes. Everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they had completed a grouping and formed small groups.

Yang Yiyun was a little undecided about Yue Juque. He glanced at Nong Haoran, but the latter nodded.

Only then did Yang Yiyun smile and say: "Welcome Fellow Daoist Yue to join us."

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