My Master Is a God

Chapter 3082 Someone is blocking the way ahead

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Although Yue Jique had talked with him before and expressed friendship, in Yang Yiyun's heart Yue Jique was always one of the big bosses of Guangming All Heavens, and he had killed many disciples of Guangming All Heavens, so it was inevitable that he felt a little bit inside. fear.

He asked Shennong Haoran with his eyes, and Shennong Haoran sent a message to him: "Yue Juque is an upright person, so he can join in for the time being."

Only then did Yang Yiyun welcome Yue Jique to join their small group.

This time he formed a temporary team with Sister Mei, Shennong Haoran, and Yue Jique.

The other ten people were divided into three groups, including five elements of wood and water, one person from the ghost and god world, and one person from the ancient witch clan.

Then there are Jiuli Cha, Chi You Chan from the Chi You clan, and Xu Chu from the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace.

Finally, there is Huang Huang Abyss Ghost Soul Tian Gang, headed by Ji Wuming, and the six-armed three-eyed demon from the Demon God Realm.

In this way, they were divided into four small groups and successively set foot on the road to the Seventh Star Compass.

Yang Yiyun asked the other three groups to take the lead. After the group was formed, he signaled Shennong Haoran to take the lead. Invisibly, Yang Yiyun made Shennong Haoran the leader of their group.

But Shen Nong Haoran smiled and said: "You don't need to be polite, Fellow Daoist Yang, old man, I am here for you. Our group will be commanded by Fellow Daoist Yang, and Fellow Daoist Yue will not have any objections."

"That's natural. As the saying goes, a snake can't survive without a head. Don't be polite, Fellow Daoist Yang. The seventh level of the road is definitely not going to be easy. Fellow Daoist Yang has always been the first. It's best for you to direct everyone."

While Yue Juque was speaking, he glanced at the blood baby lying behind Yang Yiyun's neck.

Yang Yiyun listened to the beautiful words of these two people and thought to himself, old fox, didn't he see something in me and wanted to take advantage?

He doesn't care about this. No one knows what it will be like to actually reach Xingluo Dao. Anyway, only the first place will get a reward this time. If so, then this person can only be himself.

When the time comes, in the face of obstacles, everyone should rely on their own abilities.

It is also clear that these two old foxes actually just want to observe the specialness of the blood baby, and maybe they don't really want to form an alliance with themselves.

Forming an alliance feels too unreliable.

The obstacles on each avenue are different.

I don't think it will be easy this time.

When Yang Yiyun took the lead on the Xingluo Road, this time there was no illusory obstacle like the greedy character before.

Calm and calm.

This really made him a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay~"

Yang Yiyun said to Sister Mei.

Behind them, Shennong Haoran and Yue Jique were also a little confused as to why there was no movement.

And what about everyone else?

Although they were walking in front, they were all cautious and did not stay far away from them. It seemed that everyone was frightened by the previous illusion, and no one rushed forward.

After Yang Yiyun felt it for a moment, he took Sister Mei's hand and strode forward. As for Shennong Haoran and Yue Jique behind him, they hesitated after seeing Yang Yiyun speeding up. Is this kid a little bit... Stunned?

You can't slow down and take such a big step, what if something happens?

They thought about it, but the two of them still followed because they had already guessed that the blood baby on Yang Yiyun was an anomaly. They thought that Yang Yiyun's ranking first every time probably had a lot to do with the blood baby.

Since Yang Yiyun dared to stand in front of them, they had nothing to fear.

Yang Yiyun walked forward all the way, but people like Jiuli Cha, who had been in front of them for a long time, actually deliberately slowed down to let Yang Yiyun pass.

The meaning is obvious, he wants Yang Yiyun to test the waters in front.

"A bunch of old foxes~"

Yang Yiyun murmured and ignored these people. He still didn't stop. Soon he held Sister Mei's hand and walked at the front.

The two old foxes, Shennong Haoran and Yue Juque, were ten meters away from behind them, and they always maintained this distance.

But the strange thing is that Yang Yiyun walked thousands of meters without hearing anything, and up to now there has been no obstructive force on the Xingluo Road.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Yang Yiyun felt. Instead, he felt like the calm rhythm before the storm.

It's okay now. I'm afraid that if the blocking force appears later, it will be a storm.

However, Yang Yiyun kept walking like this for an hour without any trouble.

This is not just him, everyone feels uneasy.

what happened?

Are there no obstacles on this path?


What if it hadn't been the case that Qi Ling Xing Luo would have announced that the time had been extended by one hour?

Three hours are longer than before, which means that the road to the Seventh Star Compass should be more difficult. How come there is no movement?

Totally abnormal.

The more this happens, the less many people dare to speed up.

Even Shennong Haoran and Yue Jique who were following Yang Yiyun slowed down. They had been following Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei ten meters behind, but now they were getting farther and farther away, and they were still a hundred meters away.

I'm afraid that if something unexpected happens, I won't be able to react in time.

"Yunzi, why don't we slow down?" Sister Mei was unsure.

Yang Yiyun looked behind him, then at the endless Xingluo Road in front of him, and the cautious appearance of a group of Hedao strongmen behind him, and suddenly laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, if everyone is scared to death on an unknown road, how can we talk about being strong?" ? Besides, we are only going to the Seventh Star Luo Dao now, and there are also the Eighth and Ninth Stars who don’t know what they are like. We have no reason to be scared off. Let’s continue regardless of them.”

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Let's get through any difficulties together." Sister Mei said with firm eyes.

"Let's go~"

This time, Yang Yiyun accelerated even faster, and soon got rid of the people behind him.

While he was running with Sister Mei for another hour, Xue Ying suddenly said, "Dad, someone is blocking the way in front of me."

Yang Yiyun stopped quickly when he heard Xue Ying's voice.

The calm situation for two whole hours made him completely relax his vigilance. He even speculated that the obstruction force of Qi Ling Xing Luo on this path might be directly placed on the Seventh Star Compass.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the blood baby said, someone is blocking the way ahead!


He didn't see anyone there. ,

The road in front of him was a straight line. He could see hundreds of meters away at a glance, but there was no one there.

However, he knew that the Blood Infant would not lie to him. After stopping, he asked, "Daoer, can you see where it is?"

"Dad, Dao'er can't see it. This is a feeling. There is a dangerous aura, and Dao'er doesn't like it." The blood baby spoke with a milky voice.

What he heard in Yang Yiyun's ears made his heart skip a beat. The blood baby couldn't see it, but felt it. He also said there was a dangerous aura. So... what could be blocking the front?

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