My Master Is a God

Chapter 3106 It’s really those people from Jiulicha

"Let's go and have a look~"

Yang Yiyun spoke immediately.

The back mountain seems to be the only place where a sudden change can occur. It seems that Duan Shengang and the others entered the back mountain on their own initiative or by force.

It's possible that Master Rabbit and Little Phoenix are among them.

Soon they crossed the Tianshan Mountains and arrived at the back mountain.

After arriving here, Yang Yiyun saw a strange scene.

One day the light of the sky appeared.

Straight into the clouds and spanning hundreds of meters, it is more like a portal standing between heaven and earth.

It's so radiant, but it's really beautiful to look at.

"Is this here?" Yang Yiyun asked.

At this time, Xiaoba transformed into a young man with oily hair and pink face, nodded and said: "Yes, the Holy Lord is inside. This is the only mysterious place in the center of the Gods' Domain besides Tianshan Mountain."

"Where are the others?" Yang Yiyun asked the other holy demon spirits.

"Some went to other places, and some went in." Xiaoba replied.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said to Ling Yi: "Recall the other holy demon spirits, let's go in."

A screen of light couldn't stop them. Although Yang Yiyun could feel the power of the barrier from far away, it was nothing.

For him now, the cultivation level of the third level of Hedao is actually enough to be called a strong person in today's God Realm.

Moreover, with Sister Mei, Xue Ying, and even the boss of the Holy Demon Spirit, Ling Yi, by his side, Yang Yiyun believed that he could solve any problem he encountered.

Soon, Ling Yi recalled the holy demon spirits from other places, and twenty holy demon spirits gathered around him.

Except for Lingyi who did not transform into a human being, others such as Xiaoba and Shisan all transformed into humans.

The point is that after each transformation, it appears to be at the level of Hedao on the surface.

However, Yang Yiyun knew that Xiaoba and other holy demon spirits had no realm to view or regulate them. Their talent was change, and even if they were asked to imitate a fifth-level Hedao Yang Yiyun, they would probably be able to imitate it.

The current nineteen holy demon spirits such as Xiao Ba have imitated the cultivation realm based on the cultivation realm of his master.

So now it seems that they are all strong men at the third level of Hedao.

Not to mention whether Xiaoba and the others have real third-level Hedao strength, even if they don't, it's still very scary to look at.

I am afraid that there are not so many powerful people at the Hedao level in the entire God Realm.

Yang Yiyun thought to himself, but when he looked at Xiaoba and others around him, he felt a surge of pride in his heart.


There is a feeling that... these are the empires I have created.

Yang Yiyun has never asked about the specific strength of Xiaoba and other holy demon spirits, not even Ling Yi.

He felt it was unnecessary.

All he needs to know is that the twenty holy demon spirits respect him as their master.

Of course, according to Ling Yi's words at the beginning, he currently does not have the real qualifications or strength to let him respect him as the Lord, so Ling Yi calls him the Holy Emperor instead of the Holy Lord.

As for Xiaoba, they directly addressed him as their master.

Of course, this does not mean that there must be a distinction between master and servant. In fact, it is a kind of recognition.

Now he has not yet reached the point where Ling Yi, the leader of the Holy Demon Spirit, recognizes him.

At least until he has cultivated and entered the holy path.

In addition, there are sixteen holy demon spirits who have walked out in countless years in the spirit mouth. Yang Yiyun is actually looking forward to them.

I don’t know what kind of hosts the sixteen holy demon spirits who have been in the God Realm have chosen?

Come to think of it, he should be a truly powerful person to this day.

Including the sixteen holy demon spirits, Yang Yiyun knew that they would all be his subordinates in the future, and he was looking forward to meeting them.

Think about how interesting it would be if those sixteen holy demon spirits became the predecessors of the enemies he had offended in the realm of the gods.

"Holy Master, shall we go in?"

Xiaoba interrupted Yang Yiyun's imagination.

"Ah, okay, let's go in." Yang woke up as if from a dream.

Then Xiaoba stepped forward and waved his hand directly at the huge light curtain. Divine light immediately flowed, and a three-meter-diameter portal opened in the light curtain barrier.

For Xiaoba, it was as easy as tearing apart a layer of rags.

Although Yang Yiyun knew that a light curtain barrier was nothing, it still depended on what kind of barrier it was. The huge light barrier in front of him stretched straight to the sky, so it was naturally not an ordinary light barrier barrier.

And Xiaoba can open a three-meter-diameter door opening with a wave of his hand, which is enough to show that Xiaoba, as a holy demon spirit, has great strength.

Even if the Holy Demon Spirits like Xiao Ba lose their Holy Body and their strength is greatly reduced, they still carry the title of Holy.

This is not a title anyone can hang on to.

Moreover, I heard from Lingyi that when these holy demon spirits leave the world of the Emperor of the Void and come into contact with the outside world, they will re-cultivate and condense the holy body, and then their strength will return to its peak.

Therefore, the potential of Xiaoba and the others is extremely huge in Yang Yiyun.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xiaoba and other holy demon spirits are powerful men of the holy way who respect the future.

"Holy Lord, please~"

Xiaoba has been extremely active and excited since he came out, and he acted as a very qualified lackey in front of Yang.

This made Yang very satisfied.

He laughed and walked into the door that Xiaoba tore open.

Next to her, Sister Mei was holding the blood baby who was already walking.

The picture is very harmonious.

When they entered the light barrier, a huge canyon appeared in their sight.

Originally, Yang Yiyun thought it would be another world.

Now it looks like a huge canyon completely shrouded by a huge barrier.

This is also the forbidden area behind the Tianshan Mountains in Qi Ling Xingluo's mouth.

But looking from the mountain walls on both sides of the canyon, it looks like it was cut out by a giant sword.

It's normal to think about it. This place itself is the battlefield between the ancient gods and Shura.

It seemed that this huge canyon was very deep and dark, with a strong smell of blood floating in the air.

Xiaoba said before that he heard the sound of fighting.

Yang Yiyun heard it when he arrived, seemingly hundreds of meters away.

He was worried that it was Duan Shengang and the Yin-Yang King Kong couple, so he didn't dare to delay. He moved his feet and turned into a ray of divine light and moved forward.

About six hundred meters later, Yang Yiyun saw a figure in his sight.

More than ten people surrounded three people.

As expected, it was Duan Shengang and Yin Yang Jin Yang, and the people who besieged them were none other than those who had escaped before, and the leader turned out to be Jiuli Cha.

These Yang Yiyun was furious.

It seemed that Duan Shengang and the others were fighting desperately, but it was time for them to run out of gas.

Suddenly Yang Yiyun shouted: "You are looking for death, Xiaoba kill them all."

Anyway, these people are all enemies, so he doesn't care. He keeps looking for trouble again and again. He couldn't do anything in the Void Emperor Pan before, but now he has no scruples at all.

We need strength, we need people, we need people.

If you don't kill them, do you really think he is easy to bully?

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