My Master Is a God

Chapter 3107 I seemed to hear the roar of Diaoer and Little Phoenix

Yang Yiyun gave an order, and Xiaoba and the other nineteen people leapt away.

And when he appeared, people like Jiuli Cha also discovered it.

For Jiuli Cha, seeing Yang Yiyun immediately caused a panic.


Because he witnessed the power of Yang Yiyun's palm in the Eighth Star Compass with his own eyes. If Ji Wuming hadn't been dragged into the water, he might have been the one who died.

So when seeing Yang Yiyun, Jiuli Cha was fearful for no reason.

He cursed the God of Plague in his heart, saying that this kid is everywhere he goes.

After he originally used the teleportation order to escape, he wanted to leave but he saw Duan Shengang and the other three men. They were Yang Yiyun's men. They just kept doing nothing and wanted to kill them quickly. People from other major forces gathered together. , but the dissatisfaction with Yang Yiyun fell on Duan Shengang and the others.

There is no way, Yang Yiyun's performance in the Void Heavenly Emperor Disk is too jealous and hateful.

Killing Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple was due to the imbalance in their hearts.

Who would have thought that after taking action, these three people resisted desperately, and they really couldn't win for a while.

But this is normal.

They are all at the Hedao level. Duan Shengang and the other three are at the second level of Hedao cultivation, while the others are also average.

Only Jiuli Cha was a third-level Hedao being. Of course there was another person, Shennong Haoran, but he was not present and had long since left the realm of the gods.

All of them are at the Hedao level. If there is a real fight to the death, even if there are many people on the other side, they will not be able to kill Duan Shengang and the others in a short while.

The other is that these people add up to more than ten people, but they all come from various major forces and are not monolithic. Facing the desperate efforts of Duan Shengang and the others, no one will really fight to the point of trying to kill the three of them.

But now I didn't expect Yang Yiyun to show up.

This time, not only Jiulicha's expression changed drastically, but also others.

Yang Yiyun is the evil god, as everyone has seen in the world of Void Emperor Pan.

Jiuli Cha was the person who was most afraid of Yang Yiyun. He secretly retreated immediately and couldn't afford to offend him.

The fear of Yang Yiyun is not only the power of that palm, but also the fact that there are more than ten Hedao-level experts around Yang Yiyun.

Did it appear out of thin air?

Jiulicha thought of the elves beside Yang Yiyun in the Void Heavenly Emperor Pan before, and he realized something, so he ran away as soon as possible.

When Xiaoba and others heard Yang Yiyun's name, they immediately killed him.

The next scene is a bit dramatic.

When Yang Yiyun rushed forward, Xiaoba and the others were faster.

The two sides touched and fought.

It was over in less than ten breaths.

They were not fools. When people from other forces saw Jiulicha running away, they all scattered.

As a result, only five or six people who reacted slowly were killed by Xiaoba and others.

Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple were rescued.

Originally, Xiaoba was going to take the other holy demon spirits to chase him, but Yang Yiyun shouted to stop.

After thinking about it, I might as well forget it. I achieved my goal of killing five or six people to establish my authority.

An important reason is that his vision changed after he obtained Tianxin, and after learning about the war between the Holy Emperor and the Shura clan from Lingkou, he understood that his real enemy from now on would be the Shura clan.

As for these bastards in the God Realm, if the Shura Clan appears one day in the future, they will have to work together to resist the Shura Clan.

After all, compared to the Shura clan, the God Realm is one family.

Just let them flee.

I believe that after killing five or six people, they will not dare to provoke him again.

As for the old immortal Jiuli Cha, Yang Yiyun has put him on the blacklist. He also believes that Jiuli Cha will never get to know him easily, and they will run into him one day, and he will deal with him then.

"God Lord~"

Duan Shengang and the other three prostrated themselves in front of Yang Yiyun.

Seeing Duan Shengang and the others, Yang Yiyun signaled to get up, but something felt wrong.

But I couldn't tell what was wrong.

At this time, Sister Mei stepped forward and asked the three of them: "Can you see Xiong Huan?"

Yang Yiyun finally knew something was wrong at this time, yes, where is Xiong Huan?

Not with the three of you?

Although Xiong Huan went out last, Yang Yiyun asked to find Duan Shengang and the others to meet up, but Xiong Huan was nowhere to be seen.

Yang was also nervous and looked at Duan Shengang and the others.

"We have never seen Miss Xiong Huan~" Duan Shengang said.

"Have you never seen Xiong Huan?" Yang Yiyun asked.


Yang Yiyun's heart sank now.

Normally, Xiong Huan should be able to find Duan Shengang and the other three after he comes out.

Not found.

"Maybe it's a good thing that I haven't seen her. Don't worry. Look for her. You should be able to find her in the Gods' Domain." Sister Mei comforted her.

"Hmm~" Even though he was worried, Yang Yiyun also knew that what Sister Mei said made sense.

Then he said to Xiaoba: "Xiaoba, take people to find Xiong Huan. You must find her."

"Holy Lord, don't worry, as long as we are within the Tianshan Mountains, we will definitely be able to find him." Xiaoba assured.

Afterwards, he took the Nine-Life Saint Demon Spirit and left to look for Xiong Huan.

"Where are we going next?" Sister Mei asked.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and said: "This is the only secret place in the Gods' Domain. I want to find Lord Rabbit and Little Phoenix. They will definitely be here. Keep going. I believe Little Phoenix, Diao'er and the others will be here."


Just as the two were talking, an earth-shattering voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun saw a red beam of light rising into the sky.

Right in the depths of the Grand Canyon.

"Visions of heaven and earth~"

Yang Yiyun muttered: "Let's go over and take a look."

He felt that he might be able to find Mr. Rabbit and the others this time.

The group of people headed towards the depths of the Grand Canyon.

Half an hour later, his vision suddenly became clear.

But we arrived at a place with a wide view.

The Grand Canyon coming in is more like two gates, and now it seems that we have truly entered the so-called forbidden area in the back mountain.

"Lingyi is the back garden of Tianshan?" Yang Yiyun asked Lingyi, who transformed into a cat.

"Yes, as far as the eye can see is the Holy Medicine Garden. Unfortunately, it seems to have been destroyed now. The place where the light pillar is in the distance is the land of the Holy Beasts." Ling Yi said.

Yang Yiyun and others didn't see any holy medicine, and it didn't seem to have anything to do with the medicine garden. Except for some vegetation, most of them seemed to be ordinary weeds. Although it was a flat land, it was obvious that there were potholes of different sizes. , like a big crater hit by a meteorite from the sky.

There is a hazy blood mist surrounding it.

You can vaguely see peaks thousands of meters away.

And that red light pillar rising into the sky was on a certain mountain peak.





At this moment, a long roar came from the distance.

Yang Yiyun's face became excited, he sounded so familiar.

I couldn't help but look at Sister Mei and said, "I seem to hear the roar of Diao'er and Little Phoenix."

Sister Mei smiled and said: "I heard it too, it really might be them."

For many years, Yang Yiyun never missed them.

"Let's go, let's go quickly."

After saying this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but the wings of the wind and cloud flashed behind him, and disappeared in a swish, heading straight for the mountain in the distance.

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