My Master Is a God

Chapter 3108 The Ten Saints

Yang Yiyun arrived in a flash.

After he reached the top of a mountain peak, he saw... a fiery red phoenix flying in the sky.

Very huge.

The aura of the mythical beast exuded made Yang Yiyun feel extremely powerful.

The wingspan is tens of feet wide.


"Is it...Shan Hong?"

Yang Yiyun muttered to himself uncertainly.

He was not sure because what he saw at the moment was obviously an adult phoenix.

In his impression, Yang Shanhong has always been a little phoenix.

The phoenix is ​​hovering in the sky, or in other words, is circling around the red pillar of light rising into the sky. It seems to be very afraid of this pillar of light, and it also seems to be waiting for an opportunity to move.

Yang Yiyun walked up quickly and finally reached the top of the mountain and reached the place of the red light pillar.

To be precise, it was five hundred meters away from the red light pillar.

He saw that the red light pillar rising into the sky rose from a large pit on the top of the mountain.

There is a large pit of about 100 meters in the center of the mountain top with a diameter of about a thousand meters, and the red light pillar rises from it.

The smell of blood is strong and full of evil spirits.

It's very uncomfortable.



Two long roars rang out from the big pit.

Yang Yiyun could hear it clearly now. It was very similar to the roar of Diao'er and Niu Duzi, but it was extremely powerful and powerful.

"Is it... you?"

Yang Yiyun looked at the huge pit and muttered to himself.

I don’t know what happened in the big pit, but this red beam of light is heart-stopping.

Yang Yiyun looked at the phoenix in the sky and wanted to shout, but he was afraid that it was not a little phoenix.

The huge phoenix in the sky gave him a familiar yet unfamiliar aura.

After thinking for a while, Yang Yiyun was ready to shout.

However, before he could speak, there was a bang.

There was a dull sound in the pit.

In an instant, there was a burst of blood, which was extremely dazzling.

Yang Yiyun subconsciously closed his eyes.

At the same time, I heard different roars.

Then an extremely huge wave of air hit his face.

Under this wave of air, he felt the pressure and quickly used his skills to resist. Even so, he was hit by the impact and took three steps back before stopping.


Sister Mei's voice sounded.

At this time, Yang Yiyun also felt the dazzling blood light dissipate.

When he saw that it was indeed Sister Mei and the others who were coming.

"I'm fine. Don't get too close. The aura is very strong." Yang Yiyun looked at Sister Mei again while speaking to her.

The next moment, his whole body was shocked.

He saw a mink with golden wings spread out, a unicorn with its entire body filled with light, a giant beast that was as big as an elephant and surrounded by thunder and lightning, and a rabbit with flashes of divine light.

At this moment, the besieger was a burly middle-aged man with a height of three meters and long, vigorous hair.

Now he was sure that the mythical beasts in front of him were the minks.

The mink, the calf, the cloud thunder beast, the rabbit and the little phoenix in the sky.

Even if their auras had changed, they wouldn't have gotten together by such a coincidence, and could there be other mythical beasts in the world?

It seemed like everyone was surrounding the bloody man.

At this time, the cat-like Lingyi on his shoulders exclaimed: "Great Shura, Great Sage Hunyuan, Great Sage Phoenix, Great Sage Duobao, Great Sage Qilin, Great Sage Yunlei~"

Ling Yi shouted out six titles in one breath.

Yang Yiyun was stunned to hear that he actually knew Yi Lingyi?

"Ling Yi... do you know them?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Ling nodded and said: "That bloody man is one of the great prizes under King Shura of the Shura clan. We call him Great Shura, and his status is equivalent to that of the Great Sage under the Holy Emperor.

As for the other five, they are all old acquaintances. They are five of the ten great saints under the Holy Emperor. I didn’t expect that they also returned. It is considered a blessing to the divine world~"

Yang Yiyun was a little confused, but also ignorant. He seemed to understand a little at this moment.

He opened his mouth and said: "What do you mean, after the war between the ancient gods and the Shura tribe, the ten saints under the Holy Emperor also achieved Nirvana? And the same is true for the senior leaders of the Shura tribe?"

"Yes, I knew they would not die. How could the majestic Holy Heavenly Sage fall completely? He must have re-nirvana through reincarnation, and now it seems that is indeed the case.

The same is true for the senior leaders of the Shura Clan. After the Opening Era, the current era may be glorious again. Of course, glory is often accompanied by tragic battles, but I believe that this time we will definitely win and finally let the ancient gods. Glory returns to the world. "Lingyi was very excited when he spoke at this moment.

Yang Yiyun felt a little complicated inside.

According to Ling Yi, Little Phoenix, Diao'er, Niu Calf, Yun Lei Beast and even Lord Rabbit are all great saints under the throne of the Holy Emperor.

If so, do they still recognize themselves?

Obviously, the little Phoenix now is very different from Diao'er and the others. Their aura is very strong and they have at least the strength of the third level of Hedao.

According to Ling Yi, they are great saints under the Holy Emperor. Now they have returned from nirvana. Since they have returned, it is unknown whether they still remember themselves.

Although in name, he has obtained the Tianxin inheritance of the Holy Emperor, which is equivalent to being the heir, he may still be the monarch of Little Phoenix and the others.

But he happily hoped that Little Phoenix and Diao'er would still be the same.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt inexplicably irritable.

He didn't even dare to call Diao'er and the others.

just in case……

After shouting, are they no longer the ones he is familiar with?

"Don't worry Yunzi, I believe Diao'er and the others still remember you."

At this moment, Sister Mei spoke softly, holding his hand tightly to comfort him.

Sister Mei understands her man's thoughts best.

"Hmm~" Yang Yiyun forced a smile, then took a deep breath and said to Ling Yi and other holy demon spirits: "Get ready to help."

At this time, in his eyes, although Little Phoenix and others were besieging the so-called Great Shura alone, the Great Shura had the upper hand.

The power of Shura is powerful and strange.

"The Divine Lord seems to be the Great Dharma Lord under the Emperor's throne." At this time, Duan Shen just stepped forward and spoke.

Then Chunyang King Kong said: "It seems, that bloody man is the Great Dharma Lord under the emperor's seat. Although he has changed at this moment, I am very familiar with him and I am sure it is him."

Yang Yiyun was confused again.

How come the Great Shura in Ling's mouth has now become the Great Dharma Lord under the Emperor's throne in the mouths of Duan Shengang and Chunyang King Kong?

If this is really the case, Emperor Zun will have a big problem, and even the entire Heavenly Clan forces in the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace will have a problem.

That bastard Baobu Qi Emperor has a deep connection with the Shura clan.

Recall that Ling Yi said that the Shura Clan is not easy to die, especially the senior leaders of the Shura Clan, who also have the opportunity to be reborn in Nirvana.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Yiyun felt that things were a bit serious.

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