My Master Is a God

Chapter 3109 The Great Shura Born from the Body

You must know that the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace led by Emperor Zun is the number one force in the heavenly clan of the God Realm. Emperor Zun is recognized as the most powerful person in the God Realm.

Of course, this is a strong person in understanding.

But if it has something to do with the Shura clan, it will completely change the story.

No matter how chaotic the God Realm is, whether it is internal fighting, fighting for fame and wealth, etc., that is all the matter of the God Realm.

But the Shura clan is completely different~

The Shura clan is a foreign race from the fourth world. It is a clan that wants to invade the God Realm and even destroy the Three Realms.

If Emperor Zun is related to the Shura clan, this would be a big problem.

Just as Ling Yi said, some people from the Shura clan are lurking in the God Realm and infiltrating the God Realm by seizing bodies.

The Thirty-three Heavenly Palace where the Emperor is located is most likely one of them.

If the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace is one of them, then there must be other forces.

This is very dangerous.

Because no one knows what forces in the God Realm still lurk in the Shura clan.

Now it has been revealed that a great Shura is actually one of the three great Dharma Masters under the Emperor.

There were three great Dharma Masters. Yang Yiyun beheaded the third Dharma Master, but the whereabouts of the second Dharma Master was unknown. This Dharma Master turned out to be a great Shura.

It is obvious that this great Shura is very powerful.

But they were besieged by Master Rabbit and Little Phoenix and the others.

Although he didn't know why, Little Phoenix and Lord Rabbit collided with this big Shura, but Yang Yiyun knew that he couldn't let each other go.

First of all, this great Shura himself is the emperor, and he is the enemy.

In Ling Yi's words, the Shura clan is very harmful to the divine world and should be destroyed on sight.

Yang Yiyun originally wanted to go over and help, but stopped the next moment.

He wanted to see the fighting power of Little Phoenix and Diao'er.

We haven't seen each other for so many years. When Master Rabbit took Little Phoenix away, they said they had entered the realm of the gods to practice. Yang Yiyun wanted to know what level of strength they had reached now?

Based on his breath perception, Yang Yiyun knew that their strength had reached the third level of Hedao or even higher. Among them, Yang Yiyun, the old guy from Lord Rabbit, couldn't even sense it.

But the enemy is stronger.

The aura of that great Shura was far beyond Yang Yiyun's perception.

A powerful enemy indeed.

According to what Chunyang Vajra said before, the Great Dharma Lord, the Great Shura in front of him, is a strong man on the third level of Hedao.

It seems more than that now.

However, Yang Yiyun still believes that with Master Rabbit and Little Phoenix fighting, they can win.

Sure enough, after rushing out of the big pit, Little Phoenix and the others fought together, and Big Shura became a little unable to resist.

Of course, he didn't understand Shura at all, just for the time being.

At this time, Lingyi asked in confusion: "How many great saints does the Holy Emperor know?"

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "More than just acquaintances, some of them followed me when I was still a mortal, and some of them were brought into the world by me myself... Only Master Rabbit is an exception, and the others are all walking with me in the lower world. Come here, mate.”

"It seems that the Holy Emperor has a close relationship with the Holy Emperor. Some things have long been destined. The five great saints have been the most loyal followers of the Holy Emperor since the founding of the world. I thought they were the most loyal followers of the Holy Emperor during the war. They all died, and I didn’t expect that they would be reborn in the dark and still follow you..." Ling Yi sighed incomparably.

Yang Yiyun heard that Lingyi once mentioned the Holy Emperor, and finally couldn't help but said: "Don't always think that I am the reborn Holy Emperor. I am not anyone, I am myself."

I don't know why Yang Yiyun feels very disgusted when others say that his successor is the rebirth of so-and-so.

Although he has always been able to avoid this topic and has been deliberately avoiding it since he saw the spirit, he knows that some things may be destined.

According to Ling Yi, he was the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. However, Ling Yi himself said that he did not recognize his identity yet, but he acquiesced in Xiaoba and the others calling him the Holy Lord.

As for Yang Yiyun, if you don’t admit it, I won’t admit it either.

It wasn't until Little Phoenix and Diao'er appeared that Yang Yiyun clearly felt that Ling Yi's attitude towards him had changed.

And this change is leaning towards the identity of the legendary Holy Emperor who he said was passed down from generation to generation.


Yang Yiyun felt very disgusted.

What he wants to do is himself, not others.

So I said to Lingyi that I am who I am.

Lingyi fell silent, but finally said: "The Holy Emperor does not need to care about the identity of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. It is true that a person in this life is a person in this life. Even if you are the Holy Emperor, you will not be the Holy Emperor back then. , each life should be better than the last, the important thing is the present."

Yang Yiyun finally felt a little more comfortable after hearing Ling Yi's words.

Anyway, he believes that he is himself and not anyone else. This will not change and will be the path he adheres to.

Just do it yourself.

Others don't care.

"Don't call me Shengtian from now on. I hate this title." Yang Yiyun snorted coldly at Ling Yi.

"It's...the Holy Lord..."

Ling Yi glanced at the little phoenixes in the distance, and finally called out "Holy Lord."

"In your opinion, they might be better than that great Shura?" Yang Yiyun looked at the battle in the distance and asked the spirit. He knew that this mysterious Taoist spirit was the real powerful person. If others were born in Nirvana, Then Lingyi is just a powerful elf who has lost his holy body, he is always the same.

It means that the truly powerful people who have lived from the Kaitian era to the present must be people with unique vision.

You should be right to ask Lingyi about the battle situation.

Sure enough, Lingyi said in a deep voice: "If it is a true pure-blooded Shura, even the current five holy alliances will not be a match. The terror of a true pure-blooded Great Shura is unimaginable.

But now, whether it is this Great Shura or the Five Great Saints, they are all considered to be reborn from Nirvana, and they are all considered to be at their peak.

On the surface, it seems that the Five Saints have the advantage, but it is not easy to kill this great Shura. It is also good for the Holy Master to watch from the sidelines. It will be good for the future to understand the fighting power of Shura as soon as possible.

This great Shura was obviously reborn through reincarnation, and his cultivation strength was greatly weakened. However, it should not be underestimated. It would be really difficult for the five great saints to capture him. "

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he was a little worried about Little Phoenix and the others, and asked, "Are they in danger?"

If there was danger, he would not be prepared to watch the show and take action.

"It's hard to tell for the time being. After all, the five great saints have rebuilt themselves in Nirvana and have not yet returned to their peak. Moreover, it seems that except for the Great Sage Hunyuan, the other four great saints seem to be unfamiliar with their combat magical powers. But after all, they are the bodies of divine beasts. It is impossible to think about it. The loser." Lingyi said.

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he didn't ask any more questions. He just kept his eyes on the battlefield. If the situation went wrong, he would take action at any time.

And he believed that Ling Yi would not stand idly by, as Ling Yi and Xiao Fenghuang were all old acquaintances.

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