My Master Is a God

Chapter 3121: Sir, can you tell me which treasure he can get?

The river that Yang Yiyun saw traversed the vast sea of ​​​​stars, running from east to west, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.

He thought it was just a big river, but he didn't expect it to be such a shocking scene.

Yang Yiyun stuttered and asked Lord Rabbit, "Is this Tianhe?"

Mr. Rabbit took a deep breath and said: "To be precise, this is the river of souls left by Tianhe. The real Tianhe collapsed long ago in the great war of the Open Sky Era."

"Collapsed? What is this?" Yang Yiyun was a little confused.

Lord Rabbit said: "Didn't I tell you all? What you have opened now can only be regarded as the soul of Tianhe. You can understand it as the mark left by Tianhe, not the physical Tianhe."

Yang Yiyun looked at the Tianhe hanging in the vast void, and there were some unbelievable facts. As far as his eyes could see, this sky crane rushed from the east and flowed to the endless west. The key point was the sound of the river, like thunder and roar. , Tebi's reality, but Lord Rabbit said that this was just an illusion, a virtual shell.

No, it cannot be said to be an illusion. To be precise, it is the Tianhe mark.

The real Tianhe has collapsed and died.

But this Tianhe doesn't look like a false mark.

Too real.

All things in the divine world have spirits, and it seems they are not from home.

Mountains have mountain gods, and rivers have river gods.

This Tianhe River is no exception, it looks even more awesome.

At this time, the place they were in was also suspended in the void, and behind them was the space portal opened by Master Rabbit.

The Tianhe River hangs in the void, seemingly right in front of you, but when you look at it again, it seems to be very far away.

"What is the void here?" Yang Yiyun asked again. He felt as if he was no longer in the world of the gods.

Mr. Rabbit said: "It is still within the world of the gods' domain, but the place where Tianhe is located is in an independent space-time space."

"It's really incredible~" Yang Yiyun sighed.

He looked at the tumbling Milky Way, which was all silvery white, very majestic, mighty, and extremely bright.

"Master Rabbit, don't tell me that Xuexiang and Kunpeng are both within Tianhe?" Yang Yiyun asked after thinking about it.

"Where else could it be if it weren't for Tianhe?" Mr. Rabbit rolled his eyes.

"Well, let them come out quickly~" Yang Yiyun said.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Rabbit shook his head and said: "The Tianhe River is its own realm. Unless they come out on their own, or go in and find them, there is no other way."

"You... are simply a scam~" Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes.

From the outside, the Milky Way looks huge, let alone a world of its own.

This is the Tianhe River. It is said to be a river, but Yang Yi's clouds are definitely more magnificent than the sea. If you go in and find someone in it, you will really be looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Why cheat?" Mr. Rabbit wondered.

Occasionally, Mr. Yang will say a popular saying in his hometown, but even for people like Mr. Tu, they can't understand it, even if they have great powers.

"Ahem, it's nothing. Let's go in and find them quickly." Yang Yiyun said carelessly.

"You go ahead and we'll just wait." Lord Rabbit said calmly.

"Ah, with you... you won't go?" Yang Yiyun looked at Lord Rabbit and then at Ling Yi, who didn't seem to have any intention of entering Tianhe.

"No~" Mr. Rabbit shook his head.

Ling Yi smiled and said: "Holy Lord, just go ahead. Although the Milky Way is big, I believe you can find them out due to free chance and destiny."

Yang Yiyun suddenly felt that Mr. Tu and Ling Yi, the immortal couple, seemed to have let him go intentionally.

"Tell me clearly, what is the fate? Why do I feel that you are hiding your advantages from me, and tell me, are there any dangers in this Milky Way?" Yang Yiyun asked, staring at the two of them.

Ling smiled and said nothing.

Mr. Rabbit laughed and said: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, brat, let me tell you the truth, the time in Tianhe is tens of thousands of times longer than the outside world, which means you will have enough time to find someone.

Tens of thousands of years have passed since leaving the inner world, and the outside world may only be a few hours away. In addition, there is a great opportunity within the Tianhe River. It depends on whether you have good luck or not, but it is no problem when you think about it. Who made you related to the Holy Emperor?

There is also the existence of various energies within this Milky Way. It can also be said that the Milky Way you see is completely condensed energy. Entering it will be of great benefit to your cultivation.

As for the danger... of course there is. There are countless remnant souls of Shura trapped inside, but don't worry, it's just the remnant souls. It won't do much harm to you. Anyway, you can go in and look for it, we won't go in. " Master Rabbit said.

Yang Yiyun heard Lord Rabbit say that time is tens of thousands of times greater than the outside world, and it is a Milky Way formed by condensed energy, which is good for cultivation.

What other big opportunities are there?

So many benefits?

He was immediately overjoyed. As for the danger, he automatically ignored it. As for the remnant soul of Shura, he was naturally not afraid now.

Since Lord Rabbit and Ling Yi don't want to go in, let's not go. Anyway, these two are the bosses.

However, he looked at Qiu'er, Wu Moxia, and Qiao Fu and said, "Then let me take the three of them in to find Xuexiang and Kunpeng's head office?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Rabbit shook his head and said: "Wu Moxia and Qiao Fu's cultivation level is too low. Going in will not be beneficial to their cultivation but rather harmful. However, Wu Moqiu can go in, and it may be good for her too."

Yang Yiyun was embarrassed now. Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia couldn't go in. Qiu'er was a stranger to him, so they couldn't even go.

He originally wanted to find two helpers to go in and find someone, but now it seems he has to do it himself.

After thinking about it, he said: "Forget it, I'll go by myself, you just have to wait again."

There are remnant souls of Shura warriors in Tianhe, which are in danger after all. Yang Yiyun doesn't want Qiu'er to be in any danger by following him.

After he finished speaking, he was about to enter Tianhe, but he didn't expect Wu Moqiu's voice to ring out: "I'll go too~"

Although her words were still cold, Yang Yiyun was shocked. Does this mean that she cares about me?

"Qiu'er, just wait for me." Yang Yiyun still refused to let Qiu'er enter Tianhe.

But Wu Moqiu said firmly: "I want to go."

At this time, her words were full of chill, her eyes were firm, and even Yang Yiyun could smell a command.

He smiled helplessly and said: "Then... then go ahead."

In the past, Qiu'er was obedient in front of him and did whatever he said, but now Yang Yiyun knew that he was going to do the opposite.

He must rely on this Queen in everything.

Just go, Qiu'er's cultivation strength is higher than him, I believe there will be no problem, and it can still help him if the guarantee is not enough.

Immediately, he reached out to hold her hand, but Wu Moqiu dodged instinctively.

This made Yang very embarrassed, but the next moment he stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed her hand in a domineering manner, and said, "Let's go~"

As he spoke, he carried Qiu'er, thinking of Tianhe leaping away.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them entered the Tianhe and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Lord Rabbit looked at the place where Yang Yiyun and Qiu'er disappeared, and asked Ling: "Master, do you think which treasure he can get?"

Ling Yi said quietly: "As long as he is him, he will definitely get it."

"Why haven't you confirmed his identity yet?" Master Tu looked at Ling Yi.

Lingyi shook his head, but nodded slightly and said: "I am sure it is the Holy Emperor, but the real Holy Emperor is gone."

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