My Master Is a God

Chapter 3122 Brand new creatures

There was content in the conversation between Ling Yi and Master Tu, but Yang Yiyun couldn't hear it.

Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia, who were standing aside, heard this and were a little curious, but they didn't dare to speak at the moment.

They have a shadow towards Master Rabbit. It was Master Rabbit who threw them into the Xuanyin Cave in the first place...

Looking back on this journey, Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia were really frightened.

They even knew how powerful and terrifying Master Rabbit was, and at this moment, the person beside Master Rabbit, who was called Lingyi by their husband, seemed to respect him in their eyes, so they naturally did not dare to speak.

It's just that Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia were curious. What treasures these two great gods said sounded like they were arranged for their husbands, and they didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

At this time, Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia were actually very worried about Yang Yiyun and Qiu'er who had entered Tianhe, but facing the two great gods Lord Tu and Ling Yi, they didn't know anything for a minute and didn't dare to ask.

All he could do was wait and pray that Yang Yiyun and Wu Moqiu would go in smoothly.

Lord Rabbit seemed to sense the uneasiness in Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia's hearts. He turned around and said with a smile: "You don't need to worry. This is the world of the gods. This world can be fatal to anyone, but it is only to that kid." Exceptions, you will know about them later, just wait patiently for them to come out."

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me." Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia quickly bowed and spoke.

Mr. Rabbit glanced at the two of them and said calmly to himself: "Everything in the world is really wonderful. What is the way of reincarnation... How can the boy under the empress Xuanyin still be by her side after several lives? Wonderful, wonderful~”

Ling Yi smiled and said: "Not talking about them, isn't it the same for you and me? Drifting in the long river of fate, I finally found myself and returned to the sky. The road of reincarnation may be the road to destiny. It's a pity. I still haven’t figured out the mystery behind it.”

"If you and I could understand destiny, we wouldn't be here now. Those who can understand destiny should be gods." Lord Rabbit also followed suit.

The two of them stood with hands clasped behind each other, looking at the vast sky and rivers, saying something in the east and west, but the words they spoke seemed to be spoken from heaven in the ears of Qiao Fu and Wu Moxia.

Not to mention the four of them, Qiao Futu Ye.

Yang Yiyun and Wu Moqiu flew into Tianhe to find Kunpeng and Xuexiang.

When the two of them entered Tianhe, they found that it was completely different from what they had imagined.

Originally, Mr. Rabbit said before that this Tianhe is not the real physical Tianhe, but just the mark of Tianhe. The real Tianhe collapsed long ago in the Open Sky Era.

Moreover, the Milky Way seen is made up of energy, so in Yang Yiyun's mind, this Milky Way is more of a visual illusion.

But he didn't expect that when he and Qiu'er entered Tianhe, they found...


Water splashed everywhere.

Entering the Tianhe River, there are actually water splashes and ripples, everything is extremely real.

It's no different than actually jumping into the water.

The water rippled around him and Qiu'er.


It's so real.

Yang Yiyun sighed inwardly at the wonder of Tianhe.

Of course, if you feel it carefully, it is not water.

Instead, the energy body was formed, like a vast simulation, very real, but not that way.

There was a faint silver light in the Tianhe, and Yang Yiyun gradually adapted to the environment in the Tianhe after calming his eyes a little.

Indeed, as Ling Yi and Master Tu said, this Tianhe is its own world.

Looking at it at this moment, naturally the void outside is not visible, let alone Lord Rabbit and the others.

All you can see is a transparent water world.

"Qiu'er, let's go down." Yang Yiyun looked at the environment and prepared to dive into the bottom of the river.

Since this place is its own world, the bottom of the water is often the place where people and creatures are hidden.

If he wanted to find Xuexiang and Kunpeng here, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

But Master Rabbit said that all opportunities are free.

Then he would look for them. Anyway, the time here was tens of thousands of times longer than the outside world, which meant that he would have a lot of time to look for Xuexiang and Kunpeng here.

I believe you can always find it.

I thought that this Tianhe was the dead Tianhe, but then Yang Yiyun realized that he was completely wrong.

It's a whole world full of life.

Or rather Tianhe World.

The so-called Tianhe is indeed well-deserved.


There was a sound of bubbling in the water.

But after they dived dozens of meters, a group of fiery red fish swam past them.

They looked like carps on Earth. They roared past in groups but did not attack the two of them.

Almost snug.

Yang Yiyun curiously stretched out his hand to touch one of them, but unexpectedly his fingers went directly through the body of the fish.


Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment.

The fish he touched swooped away as if frightened.

"Is it energy body?" Yang Yiyun muttered to himself.

Qiu'er rarely said: "It's like an illusory body, but it is conscious."

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard Qiu'er's words. When he thought about it carefully, Qiu'er's words hit the nail on the head.

The fish in the Tianhe seem to be phantoms, but in fact they are conscious. They are more like soul bodies.

But there are some slight differences.

Because he can touch and feel the energy body, and can also be frightened, this means that fate is indeed conscious.

This is a brand new manifestation of life.

After realizing this, Yang Yiyun also became solemn in his heart. Since these fish are conscious and are brand new creatures, there may be other creatures.

If these fish do not attack, they will not attack people if they encounter other fish schools next time.

"Qiu'er, we have to be careful next. Since the fish here are conscious, they are like brand new creatures. If we don't protect them all, there will be dangerous creatures." Yang Yiyun told Qiu'er.

"I know." Although Qiu'er answered him, her tone was still cold.

It was somewhat uncomfortable to hear it in Yang Yiyun's ears. Whenever Qiu'er could think of him, Qiu'er was still cute as before.

He was not used to this cold Qiu'er.

But there is nothing to be done, I can only hope that Qiu'er can regain her memory soon.

The Tianhe was as vast as he expected. The two of them dived down for thousands of meters without reaching the bottom of the river.

This made Yang Yiyun wonder, does this Tianhe world have a river bottom?

Of course, compared to the vastness of the Tianhe, a thousand meters is nothing, so we continued downward.



There was a sound of water waves.

This is already the fourth wave they have encountered, and there are all kinds of fish.

But neither attacked them.

When Yang Yiyun looked in the distance, a green mass appeared, with a diameter of more than thirty meters, but it was composed of small fish the size of loaches. There might be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of them.

It roared towards him and Qiu'er.

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