My Master Is a God

Chapter 3123 In the belly of the big fish

I thought it would be the same as before, no harm.

These fish schools themselves were small, so Yang Yiyun didn't pay attention. They were not real physical fish schools anyway.

He didn't care about anything.

Soon the school of fish arrived in front of him and Qiu'er, whistling past them in an instant.

As a result, the next moment, Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically.

I actually felt pain.

And this pain comes from the soul.

He quickly said loudly to Qiu'er: "Qiu'er, these little fish are harmful to the soul, defend yourself quickly."

The results of it?

When he finished speaking, he saw that Qiu'er's whole body was already flashing with divine light, and she seemed to have prepared a defense. The fish swarm detoured towards her.

And what about himself?

It was miserable at the moment.

Careless, careless.

Enduring the pain of his soul like needle pricks, Yang Yiyun quickly activated his soul and burst out a powerful golden light of his soul.

Only then did I finally feel better.

In just a blink of an eye, the fish swarm passed by and gradually disappeared.

It was like being baptized by a strong wind.

Everything was calm again.

But he felt it deeply.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun finally realized where the danger here came from.

I didn't care about it at first, but now I finally know that some of the aquatic creatures at the bottom of the Tianhe River do not attack people, but these small fish just now are capable of attacking, and they attack the soul.

Under the impact just now, the fish passed through his body, and the damage caused was like a needle prick to the soul.

Although you don't want to enter, you can still feel the pain from the soul.

This is still a school of small fish, what if we encounter a big one?

The damage will obviously be greater.

These water tribes are not entities, but they are new species of soul energy type. They will not harm the physical body. They are aimed at the soul. It is naturally terrifying if you think about it carefully.

Still have to be extremely careful.

I was careless just now and didn't dodge, so I suffered a heavy blow.

Fortunately, the impact is not big.

Yang Yiyun looked at Qiu'er and said, "Qiu'er, are you okay?"

Wu Moqiu shook his head: "It's okay."

She speaks very little now, cherishes words like gold, and has an expressionless face.

It was obvious that he was the one who suffered the loss, Qiu'er was fine.

This made Yang Yiyun very depressed.

Then the two of them continued to dive downwards, but he didn't believe that there was no land in the Tianhe.

Yang Yiyun forgot about time and concentrated on guarding against underwater creatures.

If a school of fish appears next, he and Qiu'er will avoid it at a distance. If they can't avoid it, they will fight directly.

After all, he and Qiu'er were both very strong. They encountered several attacks but dealt with them all.

They didn't know how long they had been underwater, maybe several thousand meters or tens of thousands of meters or more, before they finally saw the bottom.

After descending to the bottom of the water, it was obvious that there were more creatures, and the individual individuals I encountered began to appear as giant creatures.

There are big ones that are tens to hundreds of meters tall, resembling sharks, and there are also various types of turtles and crabs that are as big as houses, etc.

There are even underwater vegetation like towering trees.

The entire underwater Yanran seems to be a rich world of species, all with one characteristic. It is not the entity but a combination of energy and soul.

The touch can penetrate directly, similar to an illusion, but Yang Yiyun knows that it is not an illusion.

All these things seem to exist like spiritual beings.

He thought that Master Tu and Ling Yi had said before that there were many remnant souls of Shura in Tianhe. Now it seemed that they were not only the remnant souls of Shura, but perhaps others.

After arriving in Tianhe Land, it is a unique time here, with reefs, mountains, vegetation, trees, and various aquatic creatures.

It was obviously the bottom of the water, but to them, it was not real water.

This is a vast, wonderful world.

To find Xuexiang and Kunpeng, Yang Yiyun really didn't know where to start.

I can only take Qiu'er one step at a time and try my luck everywhere.

But he thought it shouldn't be difficult to find.

Because Xuexiang and Kunpeng, like him and Qiuer, are living creatures compared to the creatures here and are incompatible with the underwater world.

Whenever you find something out of the ordinary, it should be Xuexiang and Kunpeng.

"Go over there~"

When Yang Yiyun was distracted and had no goal, it was Wu Moqiu who took the initiative to speak and pointed to the wind direction on the left.

Yang Yiyun was stunned and said: "Why go there? What did you find?"

"Perception." Qiu'er uttered two words coldly, ignored Yang Yiyun, and went directly to the left.

"Hey, Qiu'er, wait for me~" Yang Yiyun felt helpless towards Qiu'er now. In addition to losing her memory, she also became more and more cruel.

Seems to be more assertive.

When Qiu'er was with him in the past, she was a good girl who never had any opinions. He made the decision on everything. But now, she makes the decision and doesn't ask for his opinion at all.

Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but there was nothing she could do, and she didn't dare to provoke her, so she could only follow her obediently.

She thought to herself that maybe Qiu'er's current difference might not be a bad thing. Maybe she would really be able to find Xuexiang and Kunpeng.

Anyway, he has no goal, he just follows Qiu'er.

The ground beneath the river beneath their feet was not real, it was all flying.

Plants of river bottom vegetation, mountains, etc. were all directly penetrated by them, so it was easier to move forward in a straight line.

After they had been walking for several days, a roar suddenly sounded.


Like a cry.

Suddenly, Qiu'er stopped, her whole body glowing with light.

When Yang Yiyun saw it, he couldn't help but said rudely: "I'll go~"

In sight, a large fish several hundred meters in size came towards them with its mouth wide open.

The rows of teeth are like barbs, which makes your scalp numb just by looking at them.

Yang Yiyun quickly used his magic power to protect himself.

But they didn't move either.

Waiting quietly for this behemoth to swallow them up.

They didn't move for a moment because this big guy was fast and its huge mouth was coming in a blink of an eye, and the two of them had no time to avoid it.

And there is no need to evade, because the creatures here are all virtual spirits and not physical flesh and blood. They will penetrate the bodies of all creatures here.

He just doesn't care about guarding his soul from being attacked.

So as long as they are well prepared for defense, they will be fine and just wait to penetrate through the belly of this big fish.

The idea is correct.

But the next moment, his and Qiu'er's expressions changed, and their prediction was wrong.

The incorporeal bodies that are willing to do it will penetrate through, but when they are swallowed by this big fish, their vision suddenly dims.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't find it penetrated from the belly of this big fish.

Instead, darkness persisted all around.

Yang Yiyun felt something was wrong now and said: "Qiu'er seems to be wrong. It's been more than ten minutes, why is it still dark? No matter how big this body is, it should be able to penetrate us~"

Qiu'er said coldly: "There is an energy surrounding us. We should still be in the belly of the big fish."

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