My Master Is a God

Chapter 3124 The Stone of Life has changed

Yang Yiyun frowned. He didn't expect that there would be such a change. He always thought that if it wasn't a real entity, it wouldn't be able to trap them. At most, his soul would be affected to some extent.

Now it seems that he still doesn't know enough about this world of Tianhe.

A new level of difficulty was discovered.

Fortunately, he and Qiu'er have not been attacked so far.

So there was no rush.

Yang Yiyun wanted to observe and check the situation, so as not to suffer a boring loss.

So he said to Qiu'er: "Qiu'er, wait a moment, I'll check what's going on."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and released his consciousness to check.


next moment.


Only a roar was heard.

He felt an burst of icy aura.

It startled him.

He quickly opened his eyes and saw Qiu'er slowly putting down her hand.

There is no doubt that Qiu'er took action directly and broke the dark space that trapped them.

Yang Yiyun suddenly became angry for no reason.

"Qiu'er, why don't you discuss it with me before taking action?" he asked with a roar.

However, Qiu'er's answer almost choked him to death.

"Why do I need to discuss it with you? It's better to just break it, why go to all the trouble." He answered confidently.

Yang Yiyun: "You..."

I was speechless for a while.

He wanted to get angry, but thinking about Qiu'er's current situation, he took a deep breath to hold back and said: "This is the Tianhe world after all, and everything is weird. We must be careful. Master Tu and Ling Yi both said, There is danger here. You take action rashly. What if something happens and you get hurt? Then just listen to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiu'er went straight forward without thinking about himself.

Yang Yiyun was so angry.

How could this aunt become like this?

Standing there, he took stock of the environment. Something was wrong.

It seems that this is no longer the case.

At this time, they appeared in a huge reef mountain.

Looking from a distance, there is a large area of ​​rocky mountains that looks like a castle.

Very huge.

He and Qiu'er were as small as two little ants in it.

Only then did they realize that they must have been brought here after being swallowed by the big guy.

Yang Yiyun didn't know what kind of place this was, but he would make peace with it once he came. Anyway, his search for Xuexiang and Kunpeng had no purpose.

There are reefs and mountains everywhere, large and small, as far as the eye can see.

Qiu'er ignored him and walked forward on her own. Yang Yiyun didn't have the temper yet, so she could only follow him.

This aunt now has a drastic change in temperament and memory loss. He can't afford to offend her, so he can only coax her, and he can't bear to actually lose his temper with her.


Yang also feels that one should not lick a dog too hard, otherwise it will form a habit, which is not good for him.

Since Qiu'er ignored him, he wouldn't talk to her for the time being. Wouldn't it be interesting to have a cold war?

There was a distance of twenty or thirty meters between the two of them. Yang Yiyun was hanging behind Qiu'er, shuttling between the rocks.

There is basically no concept of time here. It is dark and there is no sun, moon or sky, so it is difficult to care about time.

Anyway, just looking here.

However, he knew that Qiu'er kept walking forward and seemed to have some sense of purpose, so he simply walked around and took a look.

It would be a good thing if anything is discovered.


The sound of the river rolling was heard.

Yang Yiyun quickly took a look and saw a huge crab-like creature swimming around Qiu'er.

Each one is as big as a house.

His heart tightened, and he quickly dared to go. The cold war turned into a cold war, but he was still afraid that Qiu'er would suffer.

Who knows, he is overthinking.

Before the four big crabs could reach Qiu'er, Qiu'er's body emitted four dazzling light beams, and they immediately blended in.

The next moment, the four big crabs turned into nothingness.

Never appeared again.

Only then did Yang Yiyun realize that the creatures here could be killed.

It just requires a powerful soul to kill.

He felt around him that under the attack just now, the beam of light that erupted from Qiu'er was full of powerful spiritual power. At the same time, he also felt that the four big crabs killed by Qiu'er were stronger than the auras they encountered before. a lot of.

This made him wary.

It seems that the creatures here are divided into strong and weak.

I am afraid that I will encounter more powerful creatures next.

Fortunately, it seems that Qiu'er is so powerful that he doesn't care about these creatures at all.

The two of them continued to go deeper, one after the other.

Yang Yiyun felt like several years, even decades, had passed since this trip.

It's too big here.

And Qiu'er didn't stop at all.

During this period, the creatures at the bottom of the river they encountered became larger and larger, and they also took the initiative to attack them.

But fortunately both of them dealt with it.

Unknowingly, I walked into an extremely huge cave, which looked like a giant tunnel or a passage for someone's huge fish creature.

Qiu'er didn't speak, but acted firmly.

In this way, the two of them entered the huge cave one after another and fell into darkness.

The aimless journey into endless darkness begins.

During this period, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask Qiu'er: "Qiu'er, where are you going?"

"In front." Qiu'er still replied coldly, cherishing every word like gold.

But she sounded firm.

No intention of stopping at all.

Yang Yiyun stood in front of her and said: "It feels so wrong here. We have entered the heart of the mountain. We are here to find someone. We can't turn back. Xuexiang and Kunpeng are not here, right?"

"There is strong energy ahead."

Qiu'er looked at him in the dark and said.

Yang Yiyun was stunned at this moment: "Qi's energy? You are determined."

"I'm sure, there is." Qiu'er said.

Yang Yiyun fell into deep thought. Before they came in, Lord Rabbit and Ling Yi had said that there are various attributes of energy in Tianhe. Although it is dangerous, it is also a blessed place for cultivation. This is why Lord Rabbit arranged for Kunpeng and Xuexiang to enter Tianhe to practice. reason.

But after he and Qiu'er entered Tianhe, he didn't feel the existence of any attribute energy.

But Qiu'er said that he should go to the existence of Qi energy.

Although he still can't accept Qiu'er's coldness, he also knows that the big changes that Qiu'er has undergone here also mean that she has reached a peak in her cultivation.

Even according to Lord Rabbit, Qiu'er is the reincarnation of Empress Xuanyin. If this is the case, then her perception or perception here should be correct.

The existence of Qi energy means that it is a place where cultivation can be performed, so it is very likely that Xuexiang and Kunpeng will exist.

"Okay, I'll take a look." Yang Yiyun chose Qiu'er to believe.

So the two of them continued to move forward.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally a light blue light appeared in the darkness.

It's right in front of them.

The person who came sped up and rushed over.

The next moment they actually walked out of the huge cave, and what appeared before them was a single light blue underwater world.

In a distant place, a huge silver-white mountain stands in this world.


Wherever they looked, they also saw huge aquatic creatures.

There are huge creatures with body lengths of tens of meters, hundreds of meters, or even thousands of meters, including fish, wings, bipeds and multiple legs, etc.

Suddenly Yang Yiyun thought of the scene from the Jurassic movie.

At the same time, the Qiankun Pot on Yang Yiyun's left arm started to heat up. He felt something in his heart and found that the Stone of Life in the Qiankun Pot actually gave off a green luster at this moment, which seemed to have some resonance with this place.

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