My Master Is a God

Chapter 3126 I can’t wait to beat you up.

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

It seems that each one is due to the large size, which makes the distance farther. Although it looks close, the distance is actually quite far.

Yang Yiyun shouted to Xuexiang and Kunpeng but didn't hear them at all.

Of course, the main reason is that Kunpeng is rushing towards the mountain at this time, and his target seems to be a green ball of light.

Moreover, the appearance of Kunpeng aroused the vigilance of three of the behemoths.

These three creatures reminded Kunpeng that there was no need to be small.

A fight begins.




Kunpeng is a physical entity, and Yang Yiyun wants to see how Kunpeng responds to the other three big guys.

The huge size looks shocking, but I don’t know how powerful it is in combat?

"Boom boom boom..."

A violent collision and fighting began.


I saw three major creatures besieging Kunpeng at the same time.

Yang Yiyun was still worried and wanted to rush over.

But the next moment he knew that he was worried for nothing.

Overestimated the strength of the seemingly huge three-headed creature.

Kunpeng let out a long roar, his whole body flashed with light, his size increased tenfold, he turned his head and opened his mouth and swallowed three creatures.

That's not all. There are hundreds of other creatures rushing towards the top of the mountain.

But Kunpeng, or rather Loach, became aggressive.

While swimming, it opened its mouth and swallowed wildly. Within a few minutes, all the creatures surrounding the mountain were swallowed up by it.

Then I saw the loach sucking in the twelve green light balls and sweeping them away.

The scene looked very shocking anyway.

Although Yang Yiyun knew that none of those creatures were real living creatures, it was quite enjoyable to watch the loaches show off their power.

At this point, Yang Yiyun said to Qiu'er: "Qiu'er, let's go and meet Xue Xiang and Ni Loach. They have seen you before."

"I heard my sister talk about them."

Qiuer answered.

The two flew away.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived in front of the mountain.

Yang Yiyun stopped and shouted: "Xue Xiang, Loach."

This time there was no interference from other creatures, and his voice spread far and wide.

"Brother Yun~"

Xuexiang's voice of surprise rang out, and she spotted Yang Yiyun immediately, leaping over Kunpeng's head.

"Xue Xiang~" Yang Yiyun also came forward to greet her.

The two embraced each other.

"Brother Yun, why are you here?"

After a while, Xuexiang came out of Yang Yiyun's arms and asked with tears streaming down her face.

"I came here specifically to see you." Yang Yiyun held Xuexiang's hand, but was extremely excited to see this beauty again.

Back then, Xuexiang was as innocent as a blank slate, calling her Brother Yun, and it is still the same now.

But her cultivation actually reached the third level of Hedao.

This was something Yang Yiyun didn't expect.

I originally thought that the good fortune here was Kunpeng's, but I didn't expect that Xuexiang had also cultivated the Tao. This shows that Lord Rabbit's arrangement has profound meaning.

This is also the place where Xuexiang was created.

Of course, when she met Xuexiang back then, she was the guardian of Kunpeng's egg, and she had always been with Kunpeng.

This is not surprising either.

Now that he saw that this girl's strength and cultivation had reached the Hedao level, he was very happy.

When two people meet, they must kiss each other.

Xuexiang's story is basically the same as that of Sister Mei Qiu'er, in that she was placed here alone by that bad old man Tu Ye and never cared about again.

It's just that she and Loach are cultivating here, and they haven't taken care of the others. For cultivation, you need to find opportunities and methods by yourself.

Fortunately, after she and Loach arrived in the Tianhe River, they gained a firm foothold by devouring and refining the aquatic creatures in the Tianhe River.

Moreover, her and Ni Loach's cultivation speed in Tianhe is thousands of miles a day, and this place is very suitable for their cultivation.

As their cultivation level improved, one day Loach discovered the cave and came here. This mountain would erupt with green energy every thousand years, which was a good thing for them to improve their cultivation level.

It is some kind of Qi power, and it contains powerful spiritual power. It is very helpful to understand the world after swallowing it.

But the creatures here are also robbing the green energy, but in Xuexiang's words, for the creatures here, the effect of those energies is at a discount.

Because the creatures here are not flesh and blood, but are magic elixirs for her and Loach. After countless years of hard snatching, she and Loach gradually became stronger and stronger, and became the overlords here.

Especially the loach couldn't satisfy the green energy and began to devour the creatures here. Countless years later, the loach became an adult and was even more powerful than her.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun also sighed in vain, sighing secretly in his heart. It seems that Lord Rabbit arranged for the loach to come to Tianhe in a targeted manner. Sure enough, this loach was different from the past.

In terms of breath, he felt that Loach seemed to be similar to Master Rabbit.

The time within Tianhe has become a huge advantage for Xuexiang and Niyi.

According to Xuexiang, they have been here for countless years, and time is meaningless here.

And if the outside world really calculates it, it has only been thirty thousand years at most since that bad old man Master Rabbit brought them into the realm of the gods. But ten thousand times that time has lasted hundreds of millions of years, right?

After such a long period of time, it is not surprising that Xuexiang and Nilu have reached their current level of cultivation.

It's rare that Xuexiang still remembers him after such a long time. If it were anyone else, she would probably forget everything.

However, this girl Xuexiang rushed into his arms immediately. Thinking about such a long time, Yang Yiyun really didn't know how they got here.

He couldn't help but hold her in his arms again, and said softly: "Have you never thought about getting out of here?"

Xuexiang said: "I never thought about it. I repair it with Xiaopeng every day. I come here every thousand years to steal energy for training. Lord Rabbit told us not to come out here."

These words...

Too simple.

Yang Yiyun greeted Lord Rabbit a hundred times in his heart.

Fortunately, Xuexiang has always been pure-minded, otherwise someone else would have gone crazy.

"Okay, I'm here to take you home." Yang Yiyun said softly.

"Well, I knew you would come." Xuexiang felt very sweet at the moment, with a bright smile on her face, and her beauty was even deeper than before.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but be fascinated.


Just then a cough interrupted him.

Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang separated in a flash.

When they looked back, a handsome young man wearing colorful clothes appeared next to them.

Appearance of sixteen or seventeen years old.

Yang Yiyun's first feeling was that she was too coquettish.

He actually wears clothes in five colors, and they also emit divine light.

Even the hair.

A very familiar aura emanated from this young man.

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses. He looked at the young man and said, "Loach?"

"Well, he is Xiaopeng. Now Xiaopeng has reached adulthood and can transform into a human being." Xuexiang said on the side. She had always called Xiaopeng, but Yang was still called Loach.

" are the loach. I am now Kunpeng, the infinitely powerful Kunpeng. Don't scream nonsense. Yang Yiyun, do you believe that I will take care of you?"


The young man transformed from the loach was unruly and looked at Yang Yiyun with provocative eyes. When this guy was hatched, he was an unruly and unruly guy. He was led astray by the miscellaneous birds, and he scolded him frequently.

But that little loach back then, was that Yang’s opponent?

Moreover, Diaoer is often bullied by several masters.

Especially the name, it has always been a loach's pain.

At that time, I thought in my heart that when he became an adult in the future, Yang Yiyun must take back this bad name. How could he be called a loach when he is a majestic Kunpeng?

It's just that my arms couldn't twist my thighs back then.

But today Loach discovered that his master Yang's cultivation level was actually not as high as his.


This is God's will~

It is not a gentleman to retaliate without revenge, this is what the miscellaneous birds often say to him.

Of course, there is a master-servant relationship with Mr. Yang, and there will be no real enmity. Ni Loach just wanted to teach Yang Yiyun, the master who bullied him a lot back then, especially the name Ni Loach, which he couldn't bear.

In terms of current strength and cultivation, it almost feels like he can crush Yang Yiyun.

How can it be done if we don’t regain some of the face we had in the past?

Where is Yang Yiyun?

Hearing Loach speak and looking at this kid's exaggerated clothes and provocative eyes, he felt happy.

"Hey, loach, it seems that after so many years, your wings have indeed become stiff." Yang said with a playful smile.

"That means that this young master has become an adult. Do you understand? The adult Kunpeng exists. You... quickly apologize to this young master and take back Ni Loach's name. The events of the past can be wiped out." Ni Loach was extremely embarrassed at this moment.

"Xiaopeng, why are you talking to your brother-in-law?" Xuexiang, who had never had a temper, couldn't help scolding her.

Kunpeng, Niyi, has been guarded and taken care of by Xuexiang since the beginning of Kunpeng's egg, so the two of them are like siblings.

Being scolded by Xuexiang, even though Niyi's cultivation is now strong, he is really scared in front of Xuexiang. Of course, this fear is not true fear, but respect for Xuexiang, his sister.

However, Yang Yiyun smiled at Xuexiang and said, "Xuexiang, this is an exchange between me and the Loach man. Now that Loach is considered an adult, he should have a temper. Don't worry about it. Let's have a good chat, haha~ "

It's been a long time since Mr. Yang felt this much fun.

Naturally, he could see that when Xuexiang intervened, Nili couldn't let go. How could this be done? It's rare that this kid is interesting, and he is also interested.

Hearing what Yang Yiyun said, Niluo was overjoyed and Xuexiang stopped talking.

Yang Yiyun then looked at Ni Loach and said, "Loach, what will happen to you if I don't apologize to you?"

Yang said with amusement.

Loach's eyes lit up and he said, "If you don't apologize, I'll just beat you up."

"Okay, let's have a fight. After I lose and apologize to you, I will call you Kunpeng Great Sage from now on. How about that?" Yang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

When Ni Loach heard this, it was like the Great Sage Kunpeng?

Damn, that name is loud and domineering.

He nodded repeatedly and said, "You must keep your word."

"Don't worry, I'll give you the name Kunpeng Great Sage even if you lose." Yang became increasingly happy.

The title of Great Sage Kunpeng originally belonged to Ni Loach.

But now it seems that Loach has not recovered any memory and is in the same state as Little Phoenix and the others, which is good.

"Come on, come on, hurry up, I can't wait to beat you up." Loach was extremely excited.

Finally got a chance to take revenge.

"Okay, please be merciful. It seems that your cultivation level is higher than mine now~" Yang pretended to be pitiful.

Loach said impatiently: "Don't worry, as long as my sister is here, I won't beat you to death."

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