My Master Is a God

Chapter 3127 I still have 10% of my power for you

Loach was very excited. He didn't expect that Yang Yiyun would dare to get on the pole.

Now it's okay, he wants to teach Yang a lesson for the various abuses he suffered towards him in the past.

What does Yang Yiyun think?

In fact, he really wanted to fight the loach. Since the loach had a strong will, then it would be granted.

If nothing else, it can be seen that this kid is drifting now, and not just ordinary drifting.

If you don't satisfy this guy, how can you lead the team in the future?

Little Phoenix, Niu Duzi, Diao'er, etc. are all grown up and have very strong cultivation levels, but none of them are as arrogant as this kid Ni Loach.

But having said that, this kid Ni Loach is indeed one level higher than him in cultivation, he is at the fourth level of Hedao, and he is at the third level of Hedao.

If I could be him, I would indeed be a little proud.


He Yang Yiyun is not someone else.

In front of Loach, he plays three identities.

First, he can be the owner of the loach and can control him, because he used the water of life to control the loach in the first place. Although so many years have passed, the influence of the water of life still exists, and after arriving here, something strange happened to the life stone. Afterwards, Yang Yiyun could feel the water of life's control over Loach becoming more and more intense.

Of course, only he knows this.

Second, the relationship between him and Loach is a monarch. Why?

Because he is the master of Yunmen, and Ni Loach is from Yunmen.

The third relationship with Xuexiang is decided, he is brother-in-law Nilu.

No matter which one of these three items comes out, there is no reason for Loach to squeak in front of him.

But this kid is so arrogant now.

Both publicly and privately, Yang Yiyun felt that it was very necessary to let this boy recognize the reality and let him know that there are still such words as rules in the world.

Yu Gong said, "Loach is guilty of one of the following and should be severely punished."

Personally speaking, he has the obligation to correct Ni Loach's blind self-confidence and inner arrogance, otherwise sooner or later this kid will suffer a big loss.

Now it sounds like he is at the fourth level of Hedao. Indeed, in the entire God Realm, he can be called a strong person.

Is it really strong?

If Yang Yiyun didn't know the theory of the Holy Way, the Holy Heaven Emperor and the Kaitian Era Holy Heaven, and the war between the Shura Clan and the Ancient God Clan, then Ni Loach's cultivation level would indeed have the qualifications and strength to show off.

However, he happened to know the level of the Holy Path.

Compared with the level of Holy Dao, the cultivation level of the third and fourth levels of Hedao is nothing.

The holy path is divided into nine realms.

Not to mention, the final cultivation of the fifth level of Hedao is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Therefore, Loach's success is of no value at all.

If you don't give this kid a little pain or pour a basin of cold water on him, he will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

He doesn't know yet whether there are genuine powerful men of the holy way in this world, but he believes that they must exist.

There is even a powerful Shura clan that exists in the God Realm.

The Hedao level is nothing compared to these.

As for the issue of fighting with Loach, Yang Yiyun really didn't care.

He is on the third level of Hedao, while Ni Loach is on the fourth level of Hedao. There is indeed a gap, especially after cultivating to their level, the difference is a small level, which is a huge difference.


At that time, for ordinary Hedao gods.

With him, it's always a battle over the top.

The point is that after he obtained Tianxin, there were many things that actually exceeded his own knowledge.

How should I put this kind of thing? It is not about magic power at all, but it comes down to perception.

This alone gave him the confidence to clean up the loaches.

What's more, the Palm of Heaven's Punishment is no joke.

Qi Ling Xingluo told him that he gave him the Palm of Heaven's Punishment on purpose, just to see if Yang Yiyun had a connection with the Holy Emperor. If there was no connection, he would not be able to practice the Palm of Heaven's Punishment, because To practice the Palm of Heaven's Punishment, you need conditions. What you need is to be in the top ten attributes. This condition he has had since the beginning of his cultivation.

To be precise, it has existed since the beginning of the golden elixir.

Finally he succeeded in practicing.

According to Qi Ling Xingluo, the previous Eighth Star Compass could not release the magical power of Palm of Heaven's Punishment at all.

This was the result of his discussion with Ling Yi.

The magical power of the Palm of Heaven's Punishment is unique to the Holy Emperor.

In other words, even though he didn't admit it, the facts proved that he was the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, but he insisted on being who he was now.

And Loach, the Great Sage Kunpeng, to put it bluntly, even in the Kaitian Era, was still just the younger brother of the Holy Emperor.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart. If he still couldn't teach Loach a lesson, he should stop messing around with his former younger brother.

"Hey, Yang Yiyun, don't go back on your word~" Ni Loach was extremely embarrassed.

"Stop talking. Come, let me see how you have grown over the years." Yang Yiyun looked at Loach with a smile.

"Okay, this young master will do as you wish." Loach was full of confidence and was holding back his energy to teach Yang Yiyun a lesson today.

After he finished speaking, his whole body was filled with divine light and he immediately disappeared...

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said to himself: "The Qi of Space is not bad, but unfortunately, I am perfect."

While muttering to himself, Yang Yiyun raised his hand and punched suddenly on the left side.


After a dull sound, Loach's figure appeared, and Yiliang said in surprise: "Okay, that's interesting. I want to be serious, so be careful."

"Stop talking nonsense, just use whatever means you have." Yang Yiyun chuckled.

"Kunpeng ascends to heaven~"

With a roar, Loach's whole body lit up with a bright golden inscription.

A powerful aura of coercion emitted, and he suddenly punched Yang Yiyun.

Seeing the inscriptions on the loach flickering, Yang Yiyun did not dare to be careless. He felt a trace of pressure, which was the aura of high-level magical powers.

It seemed like a simple punch, but invisible forces formed from all directions, converging on one punch and heading straight for his face.

Even though he had the aura of a mountain falling apart and the earth splitting apart, his breath locked him down and suppressed him.

Yang Yiyun put away his smile, waved his palms, and said: "God punishes all things."

The first palm of the Palm of Heaven's Punishment came out to meet him.

Of course he didn't use 30% of his full strength.


There was a roar.

The power of Yang Yiyun's Heavenly Punishment Palm matched the power of Loach's punch. The two met for more than twenty years, but the two magical powers met together.

A dazzling energy halo was emitted.

The fists and giant palms manifested by magical powers collided, but they were deadlocked in the middle.

"Break it for me~"

Loach roared again, and a second inscription lit up on his body.


Yang Yiyun's magical power position is completely different.

With a smile, he said: "Use all your strength, this little strength won't be enough for me."

"Then it's as you wish." Loach's heart was churning, and there was anger on his face.

"Boom boom boom..."

A roar sounded from his body, but every time, an inscription lit up, and a total of nine inscriptions blessed his body.

This is the maximum of his power.

And Yang Yiyun had already prepared to activate the power of the Heavenly Punishment Palm from 30% to the ninth level.

Now he took a step back.

The loach on the other side smiled.

However, Yang Yiyun said: "I still have 10% of my power for you."

After saying this, his whole body was shocked, and the power of his palm exploded.

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