My Master Is a God

Chapter 3129: Continue to pretend to be a grandson in the future

But he wouldn't do that. He was not a mortal enemy. In the final analysis, Ni Loach still regarded him as his younger brother, and he just wanted to teach him a lesson.

If he were an enemy, he would definitely attack him with his soul and become an idiot.


A profound lesson must be taught, otherwise this child will drift away.

Yang looked at the huge body of Kun. Although he looked up at the moment, he had an evil smile. Suddenly, from a distance, Yang Yiyun slapped the loach's huge body.

"God punishes all things."

With one palm, it grew bigger and bigger, becoming several thousand meters in size.



The huge Kun body of the loach was directly dropped from the sky by Yang, and with an earth-shattering sound, it hit the earth under the water.

It's a pity that the underwater world here is not the real earth. It was rebounded by an invisible force and did not make a big hole.

But with this blow, even though he didn't use all his strength, the scales on the loach's body fell off, and his flesh and blood became blurred.

"Brother Yun, stop it~"

Xuexiang screamed from a distance.

She was frightened.

He was afraid that Yang Yiyun would kill the loach.

Although she knew at the beginning that it was wrong for Ni Loach to provoke Ni Loach, he was still a young man after all. After he became stronger, he became a little frivolous. Originally, she wanted to teach Ni Loach, but Yang Yiyun stopped her. She didn't say anything, so she let Yang Yiyun It would be good to teach the loach.

Xuexiang thinks it's just a lesson, but...

The methods Yang Yiyun used were beyond her imagination and too powerful.

The sin of a loach will not lead to death.

He rushed over to beg for mercy.

"Uh~" Yang Yiyun looked at Xuexiang's nervous and pitifully worried face, his eyes full of pleading, and immediately smiled bitterly and said: "What are you thinking? I just educate this kid, otherwise he will suffer a big loss in the future. If you don’t pour cold water on him, he will suffer a big loss from now on. How could it cost his life? This is not the end of it.”

"Really? I...I thought you wanted to kill Xiaopeng." Xue Xiangchu said pitifully.

"I don't even dare to kill him when you are here." Yang Yiyun said with a bitter smile.

"Then...what's wrong with Xiaopeng? You can't even move." Xuexiang said looking at Loach's miserable appearance.

"He can't die. I'm careful in my actions. Besides, he's Kunpeng." Yang Yiyun looked at Xue Xiang and explained.

Then he said in a deep voice to the motionless loach in the distance: "You brat, I'll give you three counts. If you don't get up, I'll give you another slap."

He knew in his heart that this palm only used 50% of the strength, and at most the loach would be slightly injured, but not life-threatening.

And now he has put away the Chaos Bell, and the attack on the demon soul has ended. This kid is probably pretending to be dead.

Sure enough, he said: "One~"

Before he could count the rest, in the next moment, Loach's divine light flashed and he turned into a young man again.

He quickly said: "Don't... don't hit me. I'm going to surrender."

Compared with the graceful demeanor before, now that Loach has transformed into an adult, his hair is disheveled, his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, and he is very embarrassed.

I was really scared to be beaten by Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked full of fear and did not dare to come forward.

Yang Yiyun was very happy, but with a sneer on his face, he said: "Get over here~"

Loach obeyed and slowly walked to Yang Yiyun.

Xuexiang hurriedly stepped forward to check on his injuries and asked how he was doing. The boy hid behind Xuexiang, not daring to speak and lowering his head, for fear that Yang would do something again.

Yang Yiyun looked amused, but said with a cold face: "Do you realize you are wrong?"

"Wrong." Loach nodded.

"What's wrong?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"You shouldn't be without a master, and you shouldn't be attuned to your master." Loach whispered.

"Hmph~" Yang Yiyun snorted coldly.

The latter was trembling all over.

Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice: "Ignorance, am I the kind of person who cares about these trivial things? I'm going to beat you today to tell you, don't think that you are lawless when your cultivation level is strong. You must know that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the world.

A small cultivation level of the fourth level of Hedao will almost make you ascend to heaven. Little bastard, let me tell you the truth. After Hedao, there is the Holy Way. The Holy Way is profound and far beyond your imagination. The world is complex and powerful. You can't imagine.

Remember, from now on, no matter how powerful you are, always lower your profile and pretend to be a grandson, otherwise I won’t know how to kill you.

Not to mention you, Little Phoenix, Diao'er, and Niu Xiaozi are all as good as you, but they are not as arrogant as you..."

Yang Yiyun educated him, causing Loach's head to lower and lower, and his whole body to tremble.

Finally, Yang's mouth went dry and he changed the topic: "Does the name Loach deserve you?"

At this time, Loach had been attacked physically and mentally by Yang. Under the double blow, the last bit of pride was gone.

Hearing Yang's words, he cried and said: "Deserving...deserving~"

Ni Loach cried in his heart. It seemed that the shame of the name Ni Loach would never be washed away in this life. He originally thought that after he became an adult and practiced here for countless years, he would be very powerful.

Especially after meeting Mr. Yang, I found that Mr. Yang's cultivation level was lower than him. I thought that I could finally get revenge, but who knew... Mr. Yang was still as perverted as ever, especially the previous bell was simply too loud. Damn, it's so scary.

But at the same time, he was scolded by Yang, but he also knew that he was wrong, or that he was too arrogant, and he realized his inner changes.

After hearing Yang Yiyun say that Little Phoenix and the others had the same cultivation level as him, he felt even more uncomfortable. Anyway, he was now ready to pretend to be a grandson and didn't dare to make any mistakes.

"Okay, don't pull this head, open your mouth and take it." Yang Yiyun finally stopped mentally torturing the loach, and waved three drops of water of life for the loach to take it and recover from his injuries.

It doesn't matter, it's just a skin injury.

"Thank you, Master." Loach completely lost his temper and called out to his master obediently.

"Chuxi, protect your sister Xuexiang from now on. Don't let her get hurt. If she stops talking, I'll beat you to death. Stop looking like a bitter melon. I don't really want to eat you." Yang's tone softened. .

This finally made Loach feel a little breathless, and he quickly promised: "I will never let Sister Xuexiang get hurt."

"Isn't that right? Well, no matter what happens in the future, I will always be your brother." This was a double entendre.

Loach suddenly remembered that Mr. Yang had said this before when he beat someone up, but it was not brother, but, your uncle is still your uncle, this sentence is correct.

There were a lot of emotions in his heart, but Ni Loach finally felt relieved. This matter was over, which meant that Yang no longer wanted to care about him.

Xuexiang finally felt relieved.

Just as the three of them were talking, a loud noise suddenly sounded.


Yang Yiyun saw that it was the top of the mountain. At this moment, he and the loach fought at the foot of the mountain.

An earth-shattering voice sounded, accompanied by a breath. The next moment, Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically and he said, "It's Qiu'er."

Only then did I realize that Qiu'er was no longer around.

At this time, Loach hurriedly said: "Oops, there is a cave on the top of the mountain. I don't dare to go in. It's very dangerous. I don't even dare to break into it."

"Go to the top of the mountain." Yang Yiyun disappeared as soon as he finished speaking. Maybe it was Qiu'er who went to the top of the mountain.

Even the loaches dare not break into the licking hole. If Qiu'er goes...

Yang Yiyun didn't dare to think about it anymore.

This girl really needs to be taken care of. She just doesn't fit in with others, but she still dares to leave the team without authorization.

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