My Master Is a God

Chapter 3130 Heavenly Cave and Life Stone

Yang Yiyun arrived at the top of the mountain in an instant, and saw Qiu'er standing next to a large hole in the cave with blood on the corner of her mouth from a distance. She had obviously been attacked.

This is the cave in the mouth of the loach.


He was angry, but he was always worried about her.

The shout came directly to Qiu'er: "What's going on? Is it okay with you?"

"No problem." Qiu'er still replied coldly.

Yang Yiyun felt depressed and said: "Why are you running here if you don't treat me well?"

This time he spoke with a tone of voice.

But Qiu'er just glanced at him without saying anything, but looked at Tiandong.

At this moment, Loach and Xuexiang flew over.

"I've met Sister Qiu'er~"

"I met my sister."

Xuexiang took the lead and greeted Qiu'er with Niyi.

Qiu'er's status is actually very high in the old Yang family. She was the first to follow Yang Yiyun, and Xue Xiang and Ni Loach had already met her when they were in the fairy world.

Xuexiang was busy talking to Yang Yiyun before, and didn't have time to see Qiu'er. In the blink of an eye, Qiu'er disappeared.

Now it was discovered that she was here.

Qiu'er just nodded, expressionless.

This made both Xue Xiang and Ni Loach a little embarrassed. Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and whispered about Qiu'er's amnesia. Only then did Xuexiang and Ni Loach feel relieved. No wonder Sister Qiu'er was so indifferent and completely different from her previous self.

But I also understood, and didn't take Qiu'er's indifference to heart. After all, Yang Yiyun looked helpless.

Xuexiang is a simple person, but she feels pity for Qiuer's amnesia. She takes the initiative to take Qiuer's hand: "Sister Qiuer, I am Xuexiang, do you still remember me..."

Yang Yiyun originally thought that Qiu'er would throw away Xue Xiang's hand, and was still a little worried, but saw that when Xue Xiang reached for Qiu'er's hand, Qiu'er only trembled instinctively, but did not resist.

Then he looked at Xuexiang, nodded, shook his head and said, "I don't remember, but I heard my sister talking about you."

"Yes, sister Qiu'er, do you still remember the time when we were in the fairy world? At that time we..."

Women and women are sometimes very strange. Even strangers will have a lot to say when they meet.

Xuexiang and Qiu'er started talking. Although Xuexiang kept talking, Qiu'er would nod or ask coldly.

Anyway, the two women got chatting.

This is what Yang Yiyun likes to hear. Qiu'er herself can't remember the past. Many things were told to her by her sister Wu Moxia, letting her know what happened to her in the past, so that she can at least see familiar people and things. , she won't be disgusted, and it may be good for her to recover her memory.

Xuexiang and Qiu'er went to talk. Yang Yiyun thought it was good. Maybe Qiu'er could still recall the past.

This is a good thing.

Yang Yiyun didn't disturb their conversation, and he was not in the mood to really blame Qiu'er.

But he still needs to understand the cave in front of him. The reason why he can find the snow fragrance and loach here is because Qiu'er found it based on his feeling. Of course, he knows that Qiu'er's feeling is not the perception of snow fragrance and loach. it's here.

Now it seems that Qiu'er's perception is related to the cave in front of her, so she was asked to break into it. It turns out that Qiu'er was injured by the cave.

What kind of cave is it?

what is inside?

It looks mysterious.

Let Qiu'er feel it and take the risk, but he didn't go in yet.

The scene he saw before was a green energy that erupted like a volcano, causing the creatures to fight with the loaches.

What exactly are those energies? I don’t even know what mysteries are inside the cave.

There was also Loach who said that there was a powerful force in this cave, but even he didn't dare to break through it.

very dangerous.

But the more so, it means that the things in this cave are more mysterious and precious.

Instead, Yang Yiyun became extremely curious and had the urge to find out.

However, he is not a fool. He can block Qiu'er and injure him, which makes even the unruly bastard like Ni Loach fear Tiandong. Obviously, Tiandong is not that easy to mess with.

Looking ten meters away, there is a cave entrance with a diameter of less than ten meters. It is not very big. There is a layer of flowing light curtain like a barrier on the surface, which is green in color, and the situation inside the cave cannot be seen clearly.

Yang Yiyun asked the loach beside him: "Loach, tell me what this cave is about?"

Ni Loach couldn't help but shuddered when he heard the words: "Master, please don't think about this sinkhole. Let's go after seeing it. After staying here for endless years, Sister Xuexiang and I miss you all very much. We It’s better to get out of here.”

Yang Yiyun laughed when he heard this: "This is not like you. Where is your unruly spirit before? Where did it go? You shouldn't be so cowardly."

Loach is now much more honest in front of Mr. Yang, and he does not dare to talk back when he is hurt by Mr. Yang. He apologizes with a smile: "That's different, this cave is really weirdly tight."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and tell me everything you know. I just understand now and I don't really want to break in." Yang Yiyun interrupted Ni Loach's chatter.

Loach breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Well, as long as you don't go in, I will tell you what I know. I won't say anything else. I will just talk about this cave. I don't know what it is called. The name of the cave I called it out and then named it. You see, I am much better at naming than you..."

"Let's get to the point." Yang Yiyun glared at Loach.

"Ahem, okay, okay, let me get to the point... Well, how should I put it, although this cave will erupt with energy every thousand years, it is really a good thing that can improve your cultivation. I once tasted the benefits and went through it. Once, I thought that there must be some peerless treasure in the cave.

But I didn't expect that when I was only half a meter away, I was bounced back by an invisible force and thrown out. With just one invisible impact, his body almost exploded and his demonic soul was dispersed... "

When Loach said this, he had a look of fear on his face and couldn't help but shudder. He paused and continued: "Master, you didn't see how miserable I looked at that time. If I hadn't been the body of the invincible Kunpeng in Yunei, you wouldn't have seen it. I know, the invisible power in the cave is like a knife that erodes the body and the demon soul. Thousands of knives will fall directly on the body. It is unimaginably powerful, let alone my fourth-level cultivator of Hedao. Because, I think even if the holy way is created, it will still be a result, and it will not be able to get in.

Over the past countless years, I have witnessed countless creatures trying to break into the Sky Cave, but all of them disappeared without any surprise. It was really terrifying.

Let's go, don't worry about this place, even if there is any valuable treasure in the cave, we won't be able to enjoy it... It took me hundreds of thousands of years to recover, thanks to Sister Xuexiang's care. "

Ni Loach still had lingering fears, and spoke sincerely to Mr. Yang.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Yang Yiyun to contaminate the things in this cave.

Yang Yiyun could see that Loach was truly afraid of this cave.

But he had an extremely strong impulse in his heart to jump into this cave to find out.

Because after he arrived at the edge of the Heavenly Cave, he discovered that the roar of the Stone of Life in the Qiankun Pot was getting louder and louder.

At this moment, the Stone of Life seemed to be alive, almost flying out of the Qiankun Pot and rushing into the Heavenly Cave.

It was extremely strong, as if a relative with a Life Stone in the Heavenly Cave was calling for the Life Stone.

He raised his hand and looked at the pattern of the Qiankun Pot on his arm. At this moment, the imprint of the Qiankun Pot exuded a green halo, and his whole arm was beating or trembling.

This green light was different from the golden color of the Qiankun Pot in the past. Yang Yiyun knew clearly that it came from the Stone of Life.

He was thoughtful, could it be that... there is really any connection between the Stone of Life and something in this cave?

The more I think about Yang Yiyun, the more it seems possible.

This is the first time the Stone of Life has made such a huge roar.

Moreover, the Stone of Life gave birth to the Water of Life. His Water of Life has not evolved for a long, long time.

Looking at the cave, Yang Yiyun began to think about it.

How about giving it a try?

If it is really related to the Life Stone, then the counterattack power of this sky cave may not pose any danger to him, right?

After thinking for a while, Yang Yiyun said: "You guys wait here, I'll go break into the cave."




However, Xuexiang, Niyi and Qiuer, who surprised Yang Yiyun, all said no.

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