My Master Is a God

Chapter 3132 Nirvana of Tianhe

Yang Yiyun never thought that one day, the Life Stone would come out of the Qiankun Pot in such a strong state.

When the Life Stone leaped out, the entire white world changed.

This world is more like a dimensional space, without the existence of interesting magazines.

At this moment, the color began to change.

Gradually turned into green, starting from light green and finally becoming dark green.

The Life Stone was suspended in front of him, shining brightly, floating and spinning...

Dyed the whole world green.

At this time, Yang Yiyun couldn't see clearly what was happening inside the Life Stone, but he must have had some changes.

He didn't know what this place had to do with the Stone of Life, but now he knew that the mystery should be revealed.

The Life Stone jumped out on its own initiative, changing this white space into a green divine realm.

Yang Yiyun couldn't see what was going on inside the Life Stone. It was too dazzling to look directly at, but what he felt was only the powerful force of life, which exploded like a flood.

As he felt, the powerful vitality that erupted from the Stone of Life spread in all directions at a rapid speed.

It is indeed more like a transformation of strength.

The source is the life force.

Start changing the whole world.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Yang Yiyun suddenly felt less dazzling, so he slowly opened his eyes to look at it.

But he discovered that the color of the entire world had turned dark green.

And the Life Stone was finally seen.

But he found disintegration.

The Life Stone, which was originally nine meters in size, has now turned into the size of a millstone, but it is still emitting thousands of rays of light, spreading in all directions.

The Stone of Life disintegrates.

Yang Yiyun was shocked.

It can be said that the Water of Life is half the credit for his being here today. Now that the Life Stone, the body of the Water of Life, is beginning to disintegrate, how can he not panic?

Will there be no water of life in the future?

what to do?

Yang Yiyun muttered and tried to stop it, but found that his thoughts were helpless.

I can only watch.

How did that happen?

What exactly is going on?

There was nothing he could do in this situation.

The Stone of Life at this moment is completely and disobedient.


Yang Yiyun discovered that the Qiankun Pot was still shining with light.

This was a comforting phenomenon for him.

After all, the Qiankun Pot is the foundation, and the stone of life comes from the Qiankun Pot.

As long as the Qiankun Pot is fine, it means there will be no problem with the Stone of Life.

He discovered that there was still perception between the Qiankun Pot and the Life Stone.

His heart moved and the next moment he entered the Qiankun Pot.

He entered the Qiankun Pot because he discovered a special place inside the Qiankun Pot.

This place is where the Life Stone used to be and where the spring of Dragon Fish Lake is.

Of course, Dragon Fish Lake was the name he gave it. There was no name before. He only knew that the spring of Dragon Fish Lake was the place where the Life Stone originated.

This time he came in and saw that although the life stone had escaped, the spring was still there and had undergone great changes.

Water is bubbling out of the spring, and colorful water splashes are rushing out. Along with it is the powerful and pure Qi energy, which is all integrated into the Dragon Fish Lake.

At this moment, the entire Dragon Fish Lake has undergone tremendous changes. There are colorful streams of light, which are really beautiful. Moreover, Dragon Fish Lake is spreading westward at an extremely fast speed...

To be precise, Longyu Lake can no longer be called a lake, but should be more appropriately called a river.

The spring originates from the east of the Qiankun Pot world, and the water flows continuously to the west of Hunan.

East to west.

It flows westward almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon the water flow entered the chaos of the Qiankun Pot world, and the hazy chaos began to recede, giving way to the river.

And this was just one of the changes he saw. What was even more amazing was that in the fist-sized spring, Yang Yiyun saw countless aquatic creatures that he had seen in Tianhe before. They were large and small, of different shapes and colors. Even after emerging from the spring and entering the Dragon Fish Lake, they all came back to life.

It truly came to life, took on a real body of flesh and blood, and transformed into a real living being.


Yang Yiyun was stunned. Looking at these changes, he felt enlightened.

In the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun felt that the Life Stone outside was indeed releasing energy and disintegrating, but inside the Qiankun Pot, a spring appeared, and a channel transition was formed between the two.

The disintegration of the Stone of Life was not a real disintegration, but seemed to be swallowing up some kind of energy outside. Yang Yiyun now believed that this energy was the Tianhe he saw, and everything in the entire Tianhe.

After transformation, swallowing, disintegration and fusion, he finally returned to the spring of the Stone of Life in the Qiankun Pot.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun believed that the Stone of Life swallowed up the Tianhe that was compatible with the outside world, and transformed the Tianhe into an entity through some mysterious transformation into the Qiankun Pot.

Let the aquatic creatures in Tianhe have real flesh and blood bodies.

Yang Yiyun believes that the cave he jumped from is the core of the Tianhe world. It may be some kind of original power or some treasure. In short, it seems now that it must be inseparable from the Stone of Life, or it itself is the Stone of Life. part.

On the contrary, it can be understood that the stone of life is Tianhe.

Although it is a guess, judging from what happened, this guess is valid.

At this point, Yang Yiyun not only took a breath of cold air.

Although he didn't know what Tianhe meant, just thinking about it, if all the Tianhe water tribes he saw before came back to life, they would really have incredible fighting power.

The size and aura are no less than those of a loach.

Can it be weak?

At this moment, the entire Dragon Fish Lake has turned into a mighty river, flowing into chaos, but the creatures emerging from the spring have come to life and are jumping happily in the river.

There are schools of fish that are only inches away, and there are behemoths that are tens of thousands of meters tall.

He was at the spring, and at a glance he could see that the river was thousands of miles wide.

As for the length, after plunging into the chaos at the edge of the Qiankun Pot world, there is no end in sight.

And with the spring as the center, the huge energy gathered without dissipating, forming a circle with a diameter of nine meters. In it, the pores of his whole body were opened, and the huge vitality power of pure gold, or the energy of vitality, was got into him.

The Qiankun Dao Seed Technique started to operate independently, which really made him happy.

So I just stood there and started practicing. This kind of almost substantial Qi power and energy with vitality attributes was hard to come by.

He didn't care what changes would eventually occur to the Stone of Life, but now he pointed to cultivating here.

Time is lost here indefinitely.

Yang Yiyun began a long period of practice and completely entered samadhi.

This state of mind lasts for thousands of years.

On this day, Yang Yiyun's whole body was filled with divine light, and there was a roar in his body. He broke through and entered the fourth level of Hedao.

The ten trees in the body all grew to a height of one thousand meters.

Yanran already has the foundation of a towering tree.

Once he practiced, his body was filled with majestic vitality inside and outside.

There is life in all the magic.

When he opened his eyes, he said to himself: "That's it."

Everything was understood, just as he had guessed, the Stone of Life was the body of Tianhe, and considering the world of Tianhe here, it can be considered that another form of the Stone of Life is somewhat similar to the soul.

This time it’s a return to harmony.

It can be said that the Stone of Life is the Tianhe, and the Tianhe is also the Stone of Life. In the great war of the Open Sky Era, the Stone of Life was shattered and its soul was separated.

Now this scene is just a kind of nirvana and rebirth.

All this was the information he sensed from the spring when he was practicing. Not only did the Stone of Life not disappear, but it evolved.

At this time, the spring eye still exists in front of me, which is a colorful ball the size of a fist, in the shape of water flow.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand, and the spring directly entered his body and entered the divine core Tao species, juxtaposed with the ten great trees.

The spring of life is not just a spring, but also a powerful force in the world, the source of life.

The Dragon Fish Lake has turned into a river, or it may be called the Tianhe or the River of Life, which is more appropriate.

With this river full of life force in the Qiankun Pot world, the entire Qiankun Pot is full of vitality. Yang Yiyun can feel that the chaos around the Qiankun Pot world is quietly growing...

Countless aquatic creatures appeared in the river, which were the incorporeal creatures seen in the Tianhe before, but he was the rebirth of the Tianhe creatures from the Open Sky Era.

If he needs it, all the powerful water demons in Tianhe can fight him.

The control of Tianhe is the spring of life. He has taken it into his body. This is a kind of power, and it is also the avenue of life. It can be called his trump card in battle, and it can also allow him to understand the vitality between heaven and earth.

This time he knew it had arrived.

I finally understood what Master Tu and Ling Yi meant when they said they had a great opportunity before entering Tianhe. It seemed that the two old immortals had known about the situation between Tianhe and him for a long time.

At the end of his training, his cultivation finally reached the fourth level of Hedao. He finally felt that he had some dignity. Otherwise, Ni Loach would be at the fourth level of Hedao, and he would be a little worried.

And more importantly, he now has the confidence to go out and find Emperor Zun for revenge.

Emperor Zun's cultivation also stayed at the fourth level of Hedao and hit the fifth level to return to unity.

However, I’m really not sure what level Emperor Zun is at, but now he has the strength to challenge.

With a move in his heart, Yang Yiyun walked out of the Qiankun Pot.

The color outside is still green, but the Life Stone has dissipated.

Of course, it didn't really dissipate, but turned into the form of a spring.

At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that everything outside was just a virtual shell within a virtual shell.

Here, in Tiandong, in the mountains, and at the bottom of the Tianhe River, the entire Tianhe River is a virtual shell when you come in.

Because the essential power has turned into a spring and entered his body.


Yang Yiyun waved his hand and spat out one after another.

Suddenly everything in his sight began to dissipate, like a fog receding.

Like an illusion, everything disappears.

Ten thousand meters away from him, Yang Yiyun saw Qiu'er, Xuexiang and Niliu.

Further away, we saw Master Tu, Ling Yi, Wu Moxia and Qiao Fu.

The vast Milky Way across Xuke disappeared, and naturally other people were seen.


An excited cry sounded out.

When Yang Yiyun saw it, Qiu'er came quickly, and he could see the tears on her face from a distance.

This made Yang suddenly startled. Something seemed wrong. Qiuer's face lost its indifference.

Could it be...?

Yang Yiyun suddenly became happy.

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