My Master Is a God

Chapter 3133 Fountain of Youth

Looking at Qiu'er's expression, he saw her before.

Memory restored?

Yang Yiyun thought, this must be the case.

He was completely different from his cold demeanor before.

Qiu'er's memory must have been restored.

Wu Moqiu arrived at Yang Yiyun's side in the blink of an eye.


Qiu'er looked at Yang Yiyun with some fear.

She regained her memory, but she was afraid. She felt indifferent to her husband. She was afraid that he would ignore her and no longer want her.

Yang Yiyun has been worried about jumping into the cave. He has been waiting for thousands of years. There is not a day when he is not worried and looking forward to Yang Yiyun coming out.

Knowing that when she, Xuexiang and Nili were waiting today, they found that the cave in the sky disappeared, the top of the mountain disappeared, the entire Tianhe world turned into nothingness, and they were deep in the void.

But Yang Yiyun's figure appeared, and he couldn't care less and quickly jumped to Yang Yiyun's side. But when he got to Yang Yiyun's side, Qiu'er stopped, feeling very uneasy.

At this moment, she has recovered her memory and returned to Qiu'er, who used to be whatever she said in front of Yang. In her heart, Yang was God.

Yang Yiyun looked at the pitiful expression in Qiu'er's red eyes, but stopped ten meters away from him, and was suddenly stunned.

But he was sure that it was indeed her Qiu'er who was back, and there was no longer any cold breath in her body.



Yang Yiyun shouted and received an immediate response. Now Yang finally felt relieved. He laughed loudly and came to Qiu'er and embraced her in his arms.

"It's great that you're back." Yang Yiyun said softly. He didn't like the cold Qiu'er at all before telling the truth.

It's better for her Qiu'er.

"Sir, it's all Qiu'er's fault. Sir, you won't want Qiu'er anymore, right?" Wu Moqiu asked her mother-in-law with tears in her eyes.

"How could it happen? I know it's not something you can decide. Isn't it better now? Your memory has recovered and everything is fine. Don't think too much about how I could not want you. I will never want you..."

Yang Yiyun knew that Qiu'er was a timid person who kept everything to herself. He knew that she was worried about whether her previous indifference had offended him, so he quickly comforted her with a whisper.

Finally, Qiu'er was coaxed.

In fact, this time there was the Nirvana of the Stone of Life, or the chance of Tianhe, and the smooth finding of Xuexiang and Loach, thanks to the indifferent Qiu'er who insisted on leading the way, otherwise he might have been searching everywhere in Tianhe until now. What about Snow Fragrance and Loach, not to mention the nirvana of the Life Stone.

All in all, everyone is happy this time.

He broke through and reached the fourth level of Hedao, found Xuexiang and Niyi, and Qiuer's memory was restored.

Xuexiang and Nili also came over.

Yang Yiyuncai and Qiuer separated.

Loach looked at Yang Yiyun with strange eyes and whispered: "Master, your family has made another breakthrough in cultivation."

In Ni Loach's eyes, Yang Yiyun's cultivation was now at the fourth level of Hedao, and the only bit of pride in his heart was shattered.

"Haha, why do you seem so disappointed when I break through?" Yang Yiyun squinted at Loach.

"No, no, no, I'm happy for you, Master." Loach shook his head quickly, now he was completely convinced.

Who can surpass Yang Yiyun in cultivation speed?

It was like this before, and it is even more like this now. Even if he is Kunpeng, he can't compare.

Make up your mind to pretend to be your grandson from now on.

In the past, Mr. Yang could torture him at the third level of Hedao, and even more so now.


Loach screamed in his heart.

"Let's go~" Yang Yiyun ignored Loach and went over to take Xuexiang's hand. On the left and right were two beauties, Qiu'er and Xuexiang.

Behind him is a loach pulling its head.

After Tianhe disappeared, Lord Rabbit and the others were waiting far away in the void.

Soon Yang Yiyun arrived in front of Master Tu and Ling Yi.

When the entire Tianhe disappeared, Master Tu and Lingyi saw Yang Yiyun.

Lord Rabbit said to Ling Yi: "It seems that I got it~"

"Yeah, faster than I thought." Ling said.

"It was his thing originally, but now it's just back in his hands, as it should be." Master Rabbit said with emotion.

"With the spring of life in hand, the Holy Lord can finally have the strength to protect himself. At least he doesn't have to worry about falling." Ling Yi said.

Mr. Rabbit said with envy: "Who says it is not the case? It is the first spring of life born in the Kaitian Era, and it is the origin of the Tao of life. It is the Tao, the treasure, the Dharma, and the Dharma."

"To be precise, it shouldn't be called the Fountain of Life, but the Fountain of Youth. A drop of water from the spring can make a mortal immortal and become a god." Ling Yi said.

Both of them spoke with envy.

Yang Yiyun arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"Congratulations to the Holy Master for reaching another level of cultivation." Lord Rabbit faced Yang Yiyun and congratulated him.

"Congratulations to the Holy Master for regaining the Fountain of Youth." Lingyi said.

Yang Yiyun listened to the two congratulations, but he knew that these two old immortals had indeed known about the situation before.

"You two seem to have known something for a long time, right?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Indeed, the Holy Master wants to hear what he can tell the Holy Master in the future." Ling Yi said.

"Stop nagging, you bastard. It's time to go. Certain forces and people in the God Realm may already know about the changes in the Gods Realm. Let's go out early and make preparations." Mr. Rabbit now regained his composure. A wretched look.

He has respect for Yang Yiyun, but he has no respect either.

At some point he would call out the Holy Lord, but more often it would be the catchphrase of a brat.

Yang Yiyun didn't care at all. Anyway, he knew in his heart that Lord Rabbit was sincerely helping him.

Looking back, Lord Rabbit was still the Great Sage of Hunyuan under the throne of the Holy Emperor.

It can also be said that he is his subordinate, but Yang Yiyun doesn't like to replace anyone, and he doesn't want to rely on anyone. What he wants to do is himself.

It is his rule that a person should be a person in this life.

Bring nothing else.

He would not ask Master Tu and Ling Yi to have any attitude toward him.

And I don’t dare.

These two immortals are real bosses.

None of them are good.

At present, he can only respect them and cannot ask them for anything else.

"By the way, how long have you been waiting?" Yang Yiyun asked, remembering that he had been practicing in Tianhe for thousands of years.

"It's just less than a year." Master Rabbit said.

It's really a matter of time and space.

Originally, he wanted to tell Mr. Rabbit and Ling Yi about the Life Stone, but after thinking about it, he decided not to. These two old immortals might know better than him, and there were some secrets that belonged to him, so he should keep them in his heart.

Let’s not talk about the stone of life turning into a spring of life. In Ling Yi’s mouth, it seems to be called the fountain of youth. We will learn about this later.

Go back now, Little Phoenix and the others are still waiting for the monkey to tease them out of seclusion.

He also found Qiu'er and Xuexiang Loach, and it was time to go back.

"Let's go~"

As Master Rabbit waved his hand, a space portal appeared again.

A group of people stepped inside.

When he came out again, he was already at the place where Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er were waiting. However, Yang Yiyun found many familiar figures, including Hou Doudou.

Apparently they were all out of seclusion.


The monkey's voice was like a bell. When he saw him for the first time, he shouted excitedly, and Yang Yiyun also laughed.

Most of Yunmen's many gifted mythical beasts in the fairy world have finally arrived.

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