My Master Is a God

Chapter 3134: Attacking the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace after a Thousand Years

"The brat has finally grown up~" Yang Yiyun smiled and punched Hou Doudou in the chest.

Hou Doudou was also very excited to see Yang Yiyun go. As a spiritual beast who followed Yang Yiyun after Diao'er on Earth, his path was more difficult than Diao'er's, but he kept working hard and never stopped.

It can be said that the monkey's journey through Doudou was much more difficult than that of the mink.

Along the way, Hou Doudou found the Monkey clan, recognized him and became his teacher, but he found that not much had changed in the end.

Of course, only he knew that he did this because he wanted to become a strong man, wanted to help Yang Yiyun, and wanted to be as willful as Diao'er.

But in the end, the distance kept getting farther and farther, and he even separated from Yang Yiyun for a while. Only later did he realize that if he wanted to grow up, he must follow in the footsteps of his elder brother Yang Yiyun.

Facts have proved that he was right. After ascending to the God Realm, Lord Rabbit arranged for them to practice, saying that it was under Yang Yiyun's order.

When we met again today, he really became the person he wanted to be.

In terms of cultivation, he has entered the third level of Hedao.

The talent of the thru-branched ape is revealed.

When we meet again, he can finally say to his elder brother, I can help you, and I am no longer the Hou Doudou who is holding him back.

"Brother~" Hou Doudou hugged Yang Yiyun.

"You have grown up too." Yang Yiyun and Monkey teased each other in a bear hug.

At the same time, he glanced at the entire audience, and many of his old subordinates were there.

The Purple Emperor, the Green Ox, the Five Elements Rat, and even the Snow Cat were all covered in darkness, reminding Yang Yiyun of the scene of the battle in the lower realm.

It's a pity that Zihuang's cultivation level is not as good as that of Hedao, but relatively speaking, they are already very good. All of them are in the fifth and fourth levels of the rules of heaven, and the worst ones are also at the primary level of heaven.

There are thousands of monsters, and the scene is spectacular.

As for Hou Doudou, this kid is indeed different from what he used to be. He is indeed of the blood of the monkey, and he is one of the great saints mentioned by Master Rabbit.

It is considered to be on the same level as Diaoer, Little Phoenix and the others.

The next step was to meet and reminisce with the old subordinates from the past, which ended after several hours.

Afterwards, Yang Yiyun gave an order and returned to the Yunmen Divine Realm.

The trip to the Realm of the Gods has come to a successful end.

Of course, this is perfection for Yang. Those powerful people who came in with him at the beginning cannot be called perfection, but tragic.

Because most of them were killed by Yang Yiyun.

The remaining forces have not entered the center of the Gods Realm. Of course, they do not have the courage and strength to enter.

After all, the center of the Gods Realm is said to be accessible only by those who follow the Way, and Yang is an exception.

After entering, the strong Hedao people he met all became competitive with him, but in the end he came to the back of the group.

Jiuli Cha escaped in the end. You can imagine how many enemies he would have after he got out.

But does Yang Yiyun care now?

the answer is negative.

Not to mention that he himself is now at the fourth level of Hedao cultivation, Little Phoenix and the others have become the strongest.

Coupled with other monsters, thousands of Heavenly Dao levels, this force will burn high incense if it goes out and does not bully others. If that force does not come looking for trouble, Yang Yiyun will be very happy.

But having said that, from now on, his enemies have risen to the Shura clan, beyond the Three Realms.

As for the creatures in the God Realm, speaking of it, they are actually in the same camp.

He won't touch them if he can.

But if someone insists on causing trouble for him, he will not be merciful.

The first thing he must do is...

Over there, after leaving, he was going to go to the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace to find Emperor Zun to settle his grievances.

Regardless of whether the old boy Emperor Zun is related to the Shura clan or not, he will erase the power of the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace from the God Realm.

First of all, one is not a gentleman if he refuses to avenge himself. Besides, Mr. Yang has never thought of himself as a gentleman. Back then, he was chased by those bastards under the Emperor of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace and fled all over the God Realm like a bereaved dog. How many times and a half did he One foot was lingering at the gate of hell, and he could only swallow the pain and grievances in his stomach through gritted teeth.

At that time, he had discovered that he had sworn that one day he would uproot the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace.

Secondly, he also knows that Emperor Zun will not let him go. This is fate. Now, both sides don't care whether it is fate or not. They can't live with each other just for face, so there must be a battle.

In other words, the Ascension Clan he represents or the forces of the Qiankun God Realm, and the Thirty-Three Heavenly Celestial Clan represented by Emperor Zun, one of them must perish before this matter can be settled.

The third and final point of Yang Yiyun's murderous intention is to remove the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace from its membership.


Because the Celestial Clan group surrounded by the forces of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace led by Emperor Zun has formed a consciousness that is deformed in the God Realm. In the words of the earth, this Celestial Clan is anti-human to the extreme and deserves to die.

In the eyes of the Heavenly Clan group headed by Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace, the ascended clan is a lowly group and should not appear in the God Realm. He has been traveling in the God Realm for so many years and has seen too many Thirty-Three Heavenly Palaces. There are too many things that cannot be described about the tyranny of the powerful Celestial Clan group and the harm they do to other groups.

Therefore, if the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace is removed from the God Realm, the Emperor Zun will kill him.

He didn't have the strength before, but now he thinks he has it.

No matter what, this battle is a battle.

He has the cultivation level of the fourth level of Hedao. The legendary Emperor is also at the fourth level of Hedao, but he may be at the peak of the fourth level of Hedao and hit the realm of unity at the fifth level.

But so what?

Little Phoenix and the others are now gathered around him...

They used Master Tu's words to say that in the Kaitian era, they were all great saints under the throne of the Holy Emperor.

What's there to fear?

Three days later, Yang Yiyun led everyone back to the world of Yunmen Divine Realm.

The return of many old subordinates, relatives and friends made the entire Yunmen lively.

The first thing Yang Yiyun did was to bring the world of the Yunmen God Realm from a hidden state into the open, and find the top of Dongfang Mountain in the God Realm Ascending Mountains as the foundation of the Yunmen God Realm.

This will also be his hiding place in the future when he establishes the Heavenly Palace of the Holy Path.

Releasing the Yunmen Divine Realm for the time being is a signal to the forces in the Divine Realm.

Indeed, when the Yunmen Divine Realm appeared in Feisheng Mountain, the entire divine realm was in chaos, and the Qiankun Divine Clan represented by Yunmen completely moved from darkness to the bright side.

This heralds the rise of Yunmen and the dedication of the Qiankun Divine Clan.

It also indicates that the decisive battle with the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace is coming.

Yang Yiyun even announced to the outside world and inside that he would attack the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace in a thousand years.

As soon as this news came out, the entire God Realm was in an uproar.

What was strange was that the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace was the only one who had no response. However, someone discovered that the strong men scattered outside the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace began to return one by one.

This means that both sides are beginning to prepare for a fight to the death.

In the world of Yunmen God Realm, after Yang Yiyun came back and met his family and friends, he announced that he would go to the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace to find the Emperor Zun for a decisive battle after a thousand years, and then he went into seclusion.

Since he was going to have a decisive battle with Emperor Zun, he naturally had to make some preparations. Being strong did not mean that he would despise Emperor Zun.

After all, Emperor Zun is known as the most powerful person in modern times in the God Realm. Of course, this is obvious.

But Yang Yiyun knew better. If Emperor Qi was not related to the Shura clan, he had to be more careful.

So he prepared for a thousand years and wanted to understand Tianxin within a thousand years.

With Tianxin in his body, he has the confidence, which is the key to his cultivation and the key to his future enlightenment of Hunyuan.

In Lingyi's words, Tianxin is the foundation for you to become a strong person.

It is very important to understand the cultivation of Tianxin. In the world of the gods, he only got it, but he did not understand it carefully.

Of course, in addition to Tianxin, there is also an upgraded version of the Life Stone, the Life Fountain, or the Fountain of Youth, which is also one of the keys that can make him the most powerful person.

Likewise, he needs to practice and gain enlightenment.

There is also the Palm of Heaven's Punishment, a total of three palms to practice. He only comprehended and practiced the first palm of all things in the world of gods. There is also the second palm of Heaven's Punishment of Heaven and Earth and the third palm of Heaven's Punishment Avenue, all waiting for him to practice. Enlightenment.

This is a very powerful attack power.

This time he will try the practice of the second Palm of Heaven and Punishment of Heaven and Earth. If he can master it, he will be more confident when he goes to fight with Emperor Zun.

In addition, to be honest, his cultivation realm has improved too fast, and it can be said that the foundation is not stable. It was the suggestion of Master Tu and Ling Yi that he practiced for a thousand years before leaving seclusion to find Emperor Zun.

So after coming back, Yang Yiyun went into seclusion. Anyway, now that Master Tu and Ling Yi are here, even if the Yunmen Divine Realm is exposed, I believe there will be no problems.

Lingyi is the holy way, this was confirmed by Yang Yiyun before retreating.

This can be regarded as the first living saint in his Yunmen.

After practicing in seclusion for a thousand years, he attacked the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace and had a decisive battle with Emperor Zun.

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