My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 116: Goal Wealth and Freedom

Outside Shentong Secret Record Pavilion, Xiao Beiyan was still standing outside the door at first, but slowly, he ran to lie down under the eaves.

The sun in the sky has passed overhead and set to one side.

Xiao Beiyan stretched for a long time. It had been more than two hours since his senior brother entered the Shentong Secret Record Pavilion. He was already sleepy and Xiang Ziyu didn't come out. He was confused, why not just pick a magical secret book? Why bother?

Finally, just when he was about to leave first, Xiang Ziyu walked out with two broken books.

Of these two books, one had obviously been burnt by fire and was completely black, while the other had obviously been soaked in water for a long time, and the entire book was wrinkled and looked ugly.

"Two books?" Pavilion Master Lin frowned, stepped in front of Xiang Ziyu, and said in a stiff tone: "The rules of the Secret Book of Magical Powers are that you can only take one secret book of magical power at a time."

"That's right, I just got a secret book of magical powers." Xiang Ziyu took out the book soaked in water with a serious look, pointed to the text on it and said: "Pavilion Master, you see, this is a magical book." Is the wording correct?"

Pavilion Master Lin nodded: "Although the characters are incomplete, we can definitely confirm that they are divine characters."

Xiang Ziyu continued to point his finger and asked: "Pavilion Master, look at this again. Does this character look like the character "上"?"

Pavilion Master Lin continued to nod.

Xiang Ziyu quickly took out another secret book that had been burned by the fire and said, "Pavilion Master, please read this book again. Is there a word "xia" under the magic word?"

As he spoke, he put the two books together and analyzed: "Pavilion Master, look again, do the positions of the two words "god and devil" match up exactly? Also, the writing style and font of these two words Are they exactly the same?

Therefore, although these are two books, they are actually two volumes of one magical power. That magical power should be called the Scroll of Gods and Demons, the Record of Gods and Demons, etc..."

"Let me see..." Pavilion Master Lin quickly compared the two books together. The more he compared, the more he felt. Following Xiang Ziyu's thinking, the more he looked, the more he felt that these two books really seemed to be the same. A magical power in two volumes. He had never thought in this direction before!

These two volumes may be two volumes, so are there other two volumes among the secret books on the underground floor?

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait. He looked at Xiang Ziyu and nodded and said: "Since there are two volumes, you can take them with you. When you have mastered your magical powers, you can come back with the secret book. Change to another magical power."

After saying that, he quickly took out a piece of paper, recorded Xiang Ziyu's name, wrote down the records of the upper and lower volumes of the God and Demon Scroll at the back, and quickly entered the Shen Tong Secret Record Pavilion.

Xiao Beiyan looked at the secret book that Xiang Ziyu had taken back with some curiosity, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother, have you really found a magical power in two volumes?"

Xiang Ziyu raised his head when he heard the sound and said proudly: "That's natural, Xiao Beiyan, don't worry, senior brother is not the kind of person who eats alone. When senior brother goes back to study the scroll of gods and demons clearly and complete it, senior brother will complete it. I’ll teach it to you. A magical power that can be named after the two words “god and devil” must be a top-notch magical power!”

Hearing this, Bei Yan quickly stepped aside and asked in surprise: "Senior brother, are you planning to go back and practice your magical powers now?"

Regardless of whether these two books are really two volumes of the same magical power, looking at the mess of those two books, it is estimated that not one page of the content is complete, so how to practice? Are you just guessing about cultivation?

Senior brother, his brain is not good to begin with. If he continues to cultivate indiscriminately, even if he really takes him to see a doctor, he may not be able to see well.

If these two books are not one kind of magical power, but two kinds of magical power, and senior brother insists on practicing it as one kind of magical power, senior brother will not really become a fool by cultivating it, right?

Xiao Beiyan felt terrible just thinking about it.

"Now? I don't plan to practice now. I can't practice magical powers anywhere. It's a waste of time to practice magical powers now. I've read the introduction. There is a free Immortal Locking Formation here. Of course I have to practice it. Let's start with ten times."

Bei Yan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as his senior brother didn't practice that magical power randomly, he didn't know when the master would come back. He had to tell his master about it quickly, and he didn't want his senior brother to become a fool.

Cao Zhen is very busy now.

He originally planned to let Yisheng go to various peaks and Taoist temples to discuss making talismans, but when he came back, he found that he had nothing to do.

Still short of money, Qianlongguan’s Five Elements Alchemy Land is not open either. There is no place to gather wool and no way to refine elixirs. How can one improve his strength without elixirs?

He had no choice but to make a temporary decision. He and Yisheng separated and went to some Taoist temples to discuss business.

As for Lingxi, it is better to stay and look after the house. With her IQ, if she is allowed to negotiate, she can really come back with a 50-50 result.

Ask the Heart Taoist Temple.

Among the many Taoist temples in the Baifeng Sect, this is an inconspicuous Taoist temple.

Even Liu Yubei, the dean of Wenxin Taoist Academy, thinks that there is nothing special about his Taoist academy. The disciples of the Taoist academy have good or bad grades. Among the disciples who have left the Taoist academy, there are not those who are so bright. The genius disciple of the whole sect.

He didn't know why the disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect in front of him found him and cooperated with him. But this is ultimately a good thing.

The only problem is that their Taoist temple received too little.

Liu Yubei took a sip of tea and sighed: "One and a half percent is too little."

He only spoke half a sentence when he was interrupted by Yisheng.

"No, one and a half percent is not much at all. In fact, if it were not for the sake of the children in the Taoist Academy, I would only give you 10%."

Yi Shengben was sitting elegantly on the bench, with her slender legs crossed. After hearing Liu Yubei's words, she immediately stood up and said domineeringly: "It doesn't matter, if Dean Liu disagrees, I won't do it either." Reluctantly. Doing business is always a matter of mutual consent. I think there are other Taoist temples who will agree."

As she spoke, she moved her long legs and walked out.

Liu Yubei was dumbfounded for a moment. No, you keep talking about business. Although I have never done business, I also know that I can bargain when talking about business. How can you be like this? You don't give a chance to bargain at all. Come on, are you doing business? Can you do business?

After Yisheng took two steps, he paused slightly and said, "Of course, if Dean Liu figures it out later, he can look for me, but by that time, I can't guarantee whether there will be a place.

After all, there are so many Taoist temples in the Baifeng Sect, and other Taoist temples will eventually agree to our conditions. However, since the disciples of the Baifeng Sect are limited, the demand for the Spirit Gathering Talisman is also limited.

What's more, even if there are still places available by then, if you continue to do it, Dean Liu, you will make much less than other Taoist schools. "

Upon hearing this, Dean Liu couldn't help but ask: "How do you say it?"

Yisheng smiled in his heart. Dean Liu had completely followed his own rhythm. This time, she was sure to win. She slowly turned her head, looked at Dean Liu condescendingly and asked, "Dean Liu, I ask How do you think of the talisman-making techniques I taught you?"

"Of course it's extremely high. Even the children from the Taoist Academy can complete the talisman making." Liu Yubei praised repeatedly. This is why he agreed to cooperate. The talisman making techniques shown by the other party were too clever.

"In this case, Dean Liu should also understand that with this talisman-making technique, no matter which Taoist temple I give it to, the other Taoist temple can make money. When other Taoist temples began to produce spirit-gathering talismans on a large scale, in a short period of time, It will become famous, and the other party will get used to it and buy their spirit gathering talisman.

Dean Liu, you also buy a lot of materials. Let me ask you, do you always buy these materials from one store? "

"That's right." Dean Liu nodded.

"That's it. People have this habit. You think, when other people are used to buying talismans from a certain Taoist temple, if you sell the same talismans now, others will buy yours from the same Taoist temple. of?"

Dean Liu reacted very quickly this time, and he understood immediately. "Okay, one and a half percent is one and a half percent."

"Wise choice." Yisheng's mouth curved slightly, outlining a proud smile. When the master originally talked with Qixing Peak, he only talked about 30%, but he was only 15%.

Although Master has a business vision, when it comes to actual business and negotiation, Master is still a little behind.

Jixia Taoist Temple.

Cao Zhen took a sip of the fragrant tea and sighed: "Dean Huang, actually I want to give you more. After all, I was once a disciple of a Taoist academy. I know how difficult it is for disciples, but there is no way. Our Four Treasures Feng himself also consumes a lot.

Just like the method of making this spirit-gathering talisman, it took countless efforts, countless researches, and countless failures to develop it. The amount of material lost in this process is simply unimaginable.

And we can't just make spirit-gathering talismans. We also have to refine other spiritual talismans. We will have to do research again when the time comes, and we don't know how much material will be lost.

Today, I have a heart-to-heart talk with Dean Huang. I don’t love money and I have no concept of money. I only do this because I was once a Taoist disciple and wanted to do something for other disciples. We know that there are still few talented disciples in a Taoist academy, so what will happen to the remaining disciples? We also have to think about him. "

Cao Zhen said, paused slightly, as if he was recalling some past events, and said slowly: "When I was a disciple of the Taoist Academy, my talent was really average. I also know that during my cultivation, I was afraid that I had not made much progress, so I imagined that one day an old man with a white beard would appear in front of me and teach me how to make alchemy and how to make talismans.

It was precisely because of my previous experience that I finally came up with this plan. I call it the Taoist Disciple Support Plan.

I researched this talisman-making technique, why I didn't keep it myself, but contributed it, because I want to help more disciples, so that everyone can use the talisman, so that all disciples have a skill. "

Dean Huang was moved by this: "Huang admires Master Cao Feng's righteousness, so he divided it according to what Master Cao Feng said, and asked Liu to contribute to the future of the Taoist disciples."

For a whole day, Cao Zhen and Yi Sheng went to various monasteries to discuss the business of making talismans. As for the various peaks, except for the Seven Star Peak, other peaks have not been discussed.

Cao Zhen originally planned to go to various peaks directly, but Yi Sheng's words reminded him.

We should conquer all Taoist temples first, and then slowly surround each peak.

In the evening, Cao Zhencai returned to Sibaofeng.

In the past, when he returned to the Four Treasures Peak, a group of disciples gathered around and it was very lively. But now, there were only two people in the entire Four Treasures Peak, he and Lingxi, and it seemed much colder. Lingxi was still cooking.

Cao Zhen found that he didn't even have anyone to talk to.

Fortunately, not long after, a pair of long legs caught his eye.

Yisheng looked at Cao Zhen, who was sitting in the room, with a face full of heroic spirit, and an obvious look of surprise in his bright eyes: "Master, have you come back? You... all the Taoist temples have run away. Finished?"

How could the master come back faster than himself?

Every time I went to a Taoist temple, I went directly to the dean of the other party. When talking, he was always on the stronger side. He didn't waste much time at all. At his own speed, there was no way that the master could be faster than me. The only possibility was , that is, the master has not visited all the Taoist temples at all.

"We've all been there." Cao Zhen picked up the teacup and took a sip, with a smile on his face. With one more disciple back, Sibao Peak finally seemed a little more lively. He still liked everyone to gather neatly on the mountain.

"Have you finished running?" Yi Sheng said with shock, "Master, are you so fast?"

After saying that, she suddenly realized that if the master was so quick, the conditions for negotiation should not be high. Thinking of this, a look of pride appeared on her face, and she said proudly: "Master, what price did you negotiate with those Taoist academies? The prices I negotiated with the disciples were very low. For each one, I gave them 15%. I won’t talk to them about the 20% price. If the price you charge, master, is too different from that of your disciple, that would be bad.”

"One and a half percent?" Cao Zhen suddenly didn't understand, "You also got one and a half percent. If you are like this, won't it be troublesome when the final statistics are divided? I wanted to give the other party half a percent, but I thought too much Sorry for the trouble, just give them 10%."

"What? 10%?" Listening to the master's calm tone, Yisheng rushed directly to Cao Zhen and said with shock on his face: "Master, how did you do it? How could they agree?"

"Being a teacher is to do good deeds for the good of their Taoist temple. Don't say it's a success. Even if we let them do it for free, I think many people will agree." Cao Zhen waved his hand and said: "Don't do this, it's normal operation. , Sit down, sit down. You have to know that we are rescuing them and supporting them..."

Are you kidding me? I am Master Arima's title of Master of Bewitchment, with MAX level, chicken soup for the soul, and sophistry. If it weren't for the sake of friendship, believe it or not, I would have tricked them into stealing money.

Yisheng listened to the master's narration and the Taoist disciple support plan. She, who had always been extremely confident and arrogant, almost knelt down like her in the big world.

Genius, her teacher’s ideas are genius every day! How did her teacher come up with this.

She was born into a family of merchants and has been influenced by everything she has heard since she was a child. In addition, she is smart and has an extraordinary talent for business. Even his father said that if she did not cultivate immortality and concentrate on business, she would definitely surpass him. achievements.

However, now, she found that compared with her master, she felt that what she had learned since childhood could not be called the Tao of Business.

"Xiao Yisheng, it doesn't matter. You are still young, and it is normal for you to have a small structure. When my teacher gives you some guidance, your horizons will open up." Cao Zhen looked as if he was a little fan of his idol, Yisheng looked at him with admiration and said, "Eat first, eat and play, and then master will give you lessons."

Lingxi found that she had just cooked a meal, and her junior sister seemed to be a different person.

She could feel Yisheng's arrogance. Even though Yisheng failed to defeat anyone in the competition, the pride still shone deep in her bones.

But now, during the meal, Yisheng did almost nothing and only served the master with food.

Sure enough, the little junior sister also discovered the greatness of Master!

After dinner, Yisheng asked his master, whom he admired the most, to make tea. Then he said with some worry: "Master, actually there are some problems with what we do. Although we have said that we have other ways to make talismans, We will slowly pass it on to them in the future to allow them to cooperate with us.

However, it is inevitable that some people think that we will refine other talismans. There are even some short-sighted people who do not consider the future and do not want other talisman-making techniques. What if we just leave us alone and do it ourselves? After all, we have already taught them our talisman-making techniques. "

Cao Zhen stretched out a hand and tapped the table gently. When he first wanted to make a talisman, he had considered this issue. After all, there is no copyright in this world. After others know how to make talismans, they can naturally make talismans at will. He thought of many methods, but in the end, he felt that threats were the best method.

"Actually, it's very simple to solve this problem." Cao Zhen asked: "What is their purpose of making talismans?"

Lingxi had been listening to the conversation between the two and couldn't interrupt at all. When she heard this simple question, she opened her mouth and said, "To make money," without waiting for Yisheng's answer.

"Yes, in order to make money, if they go it alone, not only will they not make money, but they will also lose money. Naturally, they will not leave us and go it alone." Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed at Lingxi and said, "I still need you for this matter Come forward. Do you still remember the more advanced talismans that my master taught you?

Those kinds of talismans can perfectly replace basic talismans such as the Soul Gathering Talisman. Once we start to refine them and release them to the market, no one will buy the talismans they refined.

Tomorrow, all of them will call me our Sibaofeng. Lingxi will show it to them and tell them that if they do it themselves, then we will put those talismans in the market and none of them can make money. "

Those talismans can directly change the current talisman market!

If not, the Baifeng Sect has always emphasized unity and prohibited internal fighting. With his current strength, he would not dare to show those talismans.

"Master, after Senior Sister shows the talisman, let me talk to them. I am good at this kind of thing." Yisheng's eyes lit up. He had just learned business knowledge from his master and could use it in practice tomorrow. As for the new talisman, although she was not simple, she believed that since her master said so, she must be fully confident.

How could his master be wrong!

Cao Zhen nodded obediently.

Yisheng, however, took an abacus from nowhere and quickly calculated: "In this case, we should be able to make a lot of money. Master, let me do the math for you."

"No matter what, this little money is not enough. It is true that you can make money by making talismans, but this is a long-term business. In a short period of time, the earnings are limited. As the saying goes, a horse will not be fat without weeds, and a person will not be fat without weeds. If you want to make more money, you have to think of other ways."

"Cao Zhen felt that it was too difficult for him. He needed to take drugs to improve, and all of his apprentices also needed to take drugs to improve.

The little money I earned from using talismans was not enough to give a disciple a drug in the early stage.

"Windfall?" Yi Sheng's pair of slender fingers that were constantly fiddling with the abacus stopped for a moment, raised his head and said, "If you want to make a fortune, it's best to go to a gambling house. It doesn't mean that our Baifeng Sect is about to rearrange the rankings of each peak. Have you? I remember that the gambling house also offered various ranking odds for each peak, and we can buy the ranking of our Four Treasure Peaks to increase."

"That's a good idea." Cao Zhen's eyes lit up. How did he get his first windfall? It wasn't because of the original fight that he bought himself. "Unfortunately, the spiritual stones I earned last time have been almost spent, and the capital is still a bit too little. It would be great if I could find someone to borrow a loan. Borrow... Yes, why didn't I think of it, I should go for financing. "

"Financing? What does that mean?" Yisheng once again heard a word he had never heard from his master and immediately asked curiously.

“Financing means that we obviously have technology and development potential, but no money, so we can find someone to give us a sum of money, and give part of our share to the other party based on the other party’s money.

As for the target of financing, Master has already thought about it, and that is the current head master of our Baifeng Sect. Can there be anyone richer than the headmaster?

Moreover, by allowing the Master to invest in us, this talisman making is equivalent to the Master's own business. We also have an extra free backer, which is simply killing two birds with one stone. "

The more Cao Zhen thought about it, the more he felt that it was the best choice to seek financing from the real Zhang Zong. Looking at the rewards given by the Zhang Zong when Bai Feng summoned the order last time, you knew that the Zhang Zong was definitely a master who was not short of money.

"Looking for Master Zhangzong?" Yisheng suddenly thought of something and said: "Master will definitely succeed if he takes action. Master, it is impossible for a master with such a high ranking in Baifeng to say the time today and start directly next year. All major events require advance notice and preparation.

Therefore, various bets on the ranking of Baifeng will continue. We only need to buy the ranking of our Sibaofeng before the ranking of Baifeng begins.

During this period of time, if we have a lot of spirit stones in our hands, we can also buy the materials for refining the spirit gathering talisman. Master, think about it, when everyone starts refining the Soul Gathering Talisman, the price of the Spirit Gathering Talisman materials will definitely rise. We can stock up on the refining materials in advance. "

"This is a good idea. The more spiritual stones we accumulate before placing bets, the better." Cao Zhen was very happy. "I'll leave this matter to you."

"Don't worry, Master, just wait for the good news about your apprentice."

The master and the apprentice were planning their plan to make a fortune. Lingxi frowned and interrupted: "Master, I think it is better not to let Junior Sister Yisheng do this."

Cao Zhenman turned to look at his eldest apprentice in astonishment. She, her apprentice, directly rejected her idea. This was not like her style.

Ling Xi slowly expressed his opinion and said: "Master, my disciple feels that our junior sister is also a disciple of our Four Treasure Peak. She has already focused on cultivation, and she cannot keep wasting her mind on other things."

Yisheng turned to look at his senior sister. She realized that she had noticed the difference between Sibao Peak and many other peaks. She also knew that in fact, her most important thing should be cultivation. It was just that she was interested in business, so she took the initiative. What things are required to be done.

However, the senior sister took the initiative to let her practice.

In other places, what would happen to other senior brothers and sisters?

She was born into a family of merchants, and has seen many kinds of intrigues. Even members of the same family will plot against each other when facing interests, hoping that others will not be as good as themselves.

Even when I was in the Taoist Temple before.

Although everyone will not kill each other because of the rules of Baifeng Sect, they will not persuade others when they see others having fun instead of practicing.

After all, everyone has to compete. If your performance is poor, then my performance will naturally be good in comparison, and the chance of entering a more favorite mountain in the assessment will be greater.

But at Sibaofeng, the senior sister was thinking about her latest business affairs, which delayed her cultivation.

Although his strength is now at the bottom among the Four Treasure Peaks, he is a true Yang body after all. It is impossible for the senior sister not to know that it is only a matter of time before he surpasses her in cultivation.

But the senior sister still warned me!

Although she had not been in Sibao Peak for a long time, she could feel that although there were not many people in Sibao Peak, the master and all the disciples were like a family.

Cao Zhen turned around and looked at Yisheng beside him, and suddenly realized something. Yisheng was a true yang body. It seemed a bit wasteful for him to let a true yang body do business every day. If people from other peaks knew about it, I wonder if those peak owners would go crazy.

And what Lingxi said is right, disciples, the most important thing should be cultivation.

Besides, as long as the people you guide practice, you can win.

Even now, I haven't connected to Yisheng yet. Yisheng is currently cultivating and I can't share it. But as long as I improve the administrator level, I can share Yisheng immediately.

So, in the end, this matter still fell on me.

"What Lingxi said makes sense. Yisheng, what you have to do now is practice. As for business matters, you can write down the specific materials to buy and how to buy them. Just let me do these things. You write first, Master, I will go to the master to discuss financing matters now."

After all, what Mada Basic Price is good at is chicken soup for the soul, sophistry, etc. In fact, he has little experience and ability in real detailed and specific work.

Cao Zhen said, just as he was about to leave, he stopped again: "Forget it, it's too late. Let's go early tomorrow morning."

It doesn't matter that the sect leader is a man, she is still a woman, and the key is that she is a very beautiful woman. I will go there late at night... tomorrow, or early tomorrow morning.

"Okay, Master, please wait a moment." Yisheng thought there was no problem. Master has a business vision, which is Master's talent. But after all, Master is not a real businessman. It is normal that he is not good at specific operations.

While she was writing down the specific operational matters, she also said: "Master, if you go to see the master tomorrow, then let the disciples inform the various academies to come to our Four Treasure Peak. It won't take long. , If this matter continues to be delayed, I am afraid something will happen, and my disciple will not miss this half a day even if he is practicing."

"Okay, after you finish this, you have to practice hard. Lay a good foundation. In a few days, master can give you some guidance." Cao Zhen glanced at Yisheng's long legs and looked toward his room. Walking in the middle, with such long legs, it would be a waste not to practice some leg skills. What kind of suitable powers are there?

Lingxi looked at Cao Zhen's leaving figure, grabbed Yisheng and congratulated him: "Junior sister, congratulations, master will ask you to spend the night with him in a few days. Junior sister, I tell you, when you go there One night, you will know how powerful Master is, Master is very good at training..."

The next day, Cao Zhen left early to look for the master, while Lingxi and Yisheng notified each of the major academies to gather at Sibaofeng.

All of a sudden, on the Xianyun Car heading to Sibao Peak, the deans of various major temples gathered.

"Dean Li, you are not teaching disciples in the Taoist Academy today. Where are you going?"

"Dean Liu, it's rare. You rarely go out. What kind of wind blew you out of the Taoist Academy today?"

"I said, you guys, there's no need to pretend. We're all going to the Four Treasures Peak." Among the deans, Dean Liu Yubei of Wenxin Taoist Academy suddenly spoke up and interrupted the deans who were greeting each other and testing each other. The chief said, "Everyone has been notified to go to Sibao Peak to discuss making talismans."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the deans around him immediately looked over, and the deans who had just tested him no longer pretended.

"Everyone is going to Sibaofeng?"

"You, have you all received invitations from Four Treasure Peak?"

"Sibao Peak, what do they want to do? They are looking for so many of us!"

"What do you think about this matter?"

"What did Dean Liu say?"

Wenxin Taoist Temple is just a very ordinary Taoist temple among many Taoist temples, but at this time, everyone's eyes on the Xianyun Car fell on Dean Liu.

As the dean of Wenxin Taoist Academy, Dean Liu has had many contacts with the deans of other Taoist academies in the past, but this is the first time that he has attracted so much attention. He cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, Sibaofeng is looking for us. What needs to be done is the same, so I won’t waste everyone’s time and explain it again in detail.”

On the Xianyun car, the driver was full of curses. I don’t know what it is, but you can tell me.

The one he was responsible for was the route to the Four Treasures Peak. On weekdays, no one went to the Four Treasures Peak. But with so many people going to the Four Treasures Peak at one time, he was really curious.

As he drove, he listened to the conversations of several people.

Dean Liu said to everyone: "Yesterday, after the people from Si Baofeng left, I contacted a dean, and coincidentally, the dean was also found by the people from Si Baofeng.

What’s more interesting is that the people who came to him were different from the people who came to me. What’s more, what they gave me was different. They gave us 15%, but the dean only gave us 10%. "

As soon as Dean Liu finished speaking, someone immediately shouted: "What? Is there another 15%?"

"Did you only give 10%? I also gave 10%. They look down on our Taoist temple!"

"I said, you don't really want to break up with them." Among the several deans, a short dean with a goatee sneered: "I don't understand their methods. It’s already been given to me, why should I share it with them again? Let alone them taking the big share, even if I take the big share, I won’t share it with them. If I do it myself, wouldn’t it be good to earn it all by myself?”

"That's what they say, but don't they mean that they have other methods? What I think is that you can learn other methods first."

"Didn't they say that this time, they were coming to show us something else?"

"Go and have a look first. Once you learn how to do it, leave them alone."

The deans arrived at the Four Treasures Peak while chatting.

The driver of the car waited until the group of Taoist deans left, still looking confused. No, what on earth are you talking about? That's what you said!

Dean Liu and others walked all the way to the Four Treasures Peak. The further they walked, the more surprised they became. Along the way, they actually saw another Taoist dean.

"Sibao Peak and the others have brought all the Taoist temples here?"

"They have a good idea. They want all the Taoist temples to make money for them. It's simply fantastic. When we go back, we will see how many Taoist temples will share it with them."

"Sibao Peak is so poor. Look at this mountain peak. Apart from the spiritual field that you can barely see, what else is there?"

"Not to mention other things, other peaks, even the peaks ranked more than 90, have their own meeting halls. Sibaofeng doesn't even have a meeting hall. Why do we even have so many people in the courtyard? If it doesn’t go down, it can only be in this open space.”

"Where is the Peak Master of the Four Treasures Peak? Why didn't he show up? Why did he find two women here?"

As Yisheng and Lingxi walked to the open space among the crowd, the deans also slowly ended their conversation and looked towards the center.

Yi Sheng glanced around as if he were a master inspecting his disciples, and then he said, "I'm asking you to come here today to show you two kinds of talismans. The first one is called the Super Soul Gathering Talisman."

With that said, she stepped aside, looked at Lingxi and said, "Senior sister, let's get started."

Although everyone was dissatisfied with Yi Sheng's attitude, they all looked up after hearing the deliberate talismans. Because there were too many deans coming, some of the deans standing behind even had to tiptoe to look. I'm afraid I missed a link.

"Huh? The materials are a little different."

"This material, Xuan Mist Yan Sha? Xiao Su Mu? These materials are much more expensive than the previous materials."

"Stop talking and start practicing."

In everyone's sight, Lingxi's hands were dancing rapidly. The speed was so fast that they didn't even see some of the movements clearly. In a short time, the talisman was completed.

The moment the talisman was made, everyone felt that a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth was rushing towards the talisman in the air.

If we say that the spiritual energy pouring into the spirit gathering talisman they refined before was like water in a ditch, and now the spiritual energy pouring into that spiritual talisman is like a torrential river, the gap between them is too big. Big.

Moreover, they are not very close to the talisman. If they were closer and directly collected this extraordinary spirit-gathering talisman personally, the effect would be terrifying.

If you get the refining method of this extraordinary spirit-gathering talisman, then...

One by one, the deans looked at Lingxi and Yisheng with fiery eyes.

Yisheng also spoke at this time: "I think you all have felt the soul-gathering effect of this extraordinary soul-gathering talisman, but this is not its strongest point. Its strongest point is that as long as you carry it close to your body, After being stimulated with special techniques, even if you are sleeping, spiritual energy will continuously flow into your body and nourish your body."

"So strong!"

"How to make this talisman?"

When everyone heard this, they almost went crazy. Looking at the extraordinary spirit-gathering talisman in Lingxi's hand was like looking at pieces of spiritual stones.

The spirit-gathering talisman must be practiced to be useful. They have never heard of such a spirit-gathering talisman that can be used while sleeping. Once they refine the spirit-gathering talisman and sell it, wouldn't it be the same as robbing spirit stones?

Yisheng listened to the shouts of many deans, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved downwards with a proud smile and said: "The technique of the extraordinary spirit gathering talisman will not be taught to you." They still want to learn the refining technique of the extraordinary spirit gathering talisman? In Master's words, they are just thinking nonsense.

"What? Not teaching?"

"Why don't you teach me?"

"Come and teach me. If you don't teach me, what do you want us to do?"

"If you don't teach this technique, then we won't cooperate with you!"

"Yes, if you don't teach us this technique, we will do it ourselves and we won't give you any more money."

Everyone shouted when they heard the sound.

Yisheng looked at the shouting people with disdain and said with a contemptuous smile: "If you don't want to cooperate, just leave. Today, I am letting you come here just to tell you that we at Sibaofeng can make extraordinary spirit-gathering talismans."

If you don’t want to cooperate, we at Sibaofeng will make our own transcendent soul-gathering talismans at any time and sell them. By then, you won’t be able to earn a penny. If you want to make money, cooperate with us, Sibaofeng.

Now, I have informed you, you can go. "

After Yisheng finished speaking, he ignored the people with different expressions and turned around to leave.

The deans of the Taoist Academy were completely dumbfounded. They never expected that the Four Treasure Peak would actually hide such a killer move.

"What...what should I do?"

"What should I do? Of course I have to be obedient. After you go back, do you still want to do it alone? As for the extraordinary spirit-gathering talisman just now, although the production cost seems to be higher than the ordinary spirit-gathering talisman, everyone has seen the effect. Sibaofeng sells extraordinary spirit-gathering talismans, who would buy ordinary spirit-gathering talismans!"

"There is one thing I want to say: For those who want to go it alone, you have to think about it yourself. If you don't want to make money, we still want to make money.

Si Baofeng's meaning is very obvious. He doesn't care who works alone. As long as one person works alone, they will buy the Super Soul Gathering Talisman, and then we will have no money to make. "

"Yes, no matter who wants to go it alone, he is the enemy of all of us!"

"Everyone go back and prepare to cooperate honestly."

"Let me just say, the people in Sibaofeng are not stupid. They taught us the refining techniques of the Soul Gathering Talisman. How could they have no backup plan?"

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