My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 117 Target! Common prosperity!

Cao Zhen once again came to Dengxian Peak, but this time, he was not riding a flying crane, but a Xianyun Car, and he was not going to the Qianlong Immortal Palace, but to the Great Immortal Palace of the Hundred Summits Conference.

Different from entering this place before, the disciples who were about to serve the fragrant tea left. At this time, there were only two people in the huge conference hall, Cao Zhen and Headmaster Bai Fengzi.

On the high seat belonging to the Peak Master, Bai Fengzi looked at Cao Zhen curiously and asked: "Peak Master Cao, why do you come to see me?" Although Sibao Peak is only the last mountain in the Baifeng Sect, it can be ranked no matter how low it is. , Cao Zhen is also the peak master. As the head sect, she still wants to see her unless there is something important.

It's just that she doesn't understand. What does the peak master of Sibao Peak, who has always had no sense of presence, want to do with her?

Cao Zhen cupped his hands towards Baifengzi and said with an upright face: "Master Zhangzong, I came to you for the development of our Baifengzong."

Although he said he came here to beg for alms, he said it was very vulgar.

Bai Fengzi just took a sip of the fragrant tea and almost spit out the tea in his mouth when he heard the sound. Cao Zhen, the last peak master of Baifeng Sect, except for the famous one, is a dull and upright peak master and the development of his own Baifeng Sect. .

She forcibly swallowed the tea in her mouth, trying hard to maintain the demeanor of the master, and said seriously: "Oh? For the development of the Hundred Peaks Sect? I wonder what Peak Master Cao has?"

In any case, Peak Master Cao is also concerned about the development of the Hundred Peaks Sect. No matter how childish or unrealistic his words are, he still needs some encouragement.

"Sect Master, please see..." Cao Zhen did not answer immediately, but took out the materials he had prepared and began to refine the spirit gathering talisman in front of Bai Fengzi.

Bai Fengzi was stunned. What was he doing? Make a talisman? What does this have to do with the development of Baifeng Sect? Even Juefufeng, who is best at making talismans among the Hundred Peaks Sect, has never said anything similar. What the hell is Cao Zhen doing?

She looked at Cao Zhen's movements of making the talisman with curiosity, but slowly, her expression changed.

As the head sect of the Baifeng Sect, although she is not good at making talismans, she has dabbled in the Six Arts of Immortal Cultivation. She can see that Cao Zhen's talisman-making technique is similar to any talisman-making technique he knows. It's different, and it feels like Cao Zhen's talisman-making technique is more advanced than the talisman-making techniques she knows.

Not long after, a soul-gathering talisman was completed.

Cao Zhen then took out a few more spirit-gathering talismans from his arms and said to Bai Fengzi: "Zhang Zong, apart from the ones I refined, the other several spirit-gathering talismans are from different Taoist schools. It is refined by disciples, and it is refined by disciples of different Taoist schools. The success rate is about 65%.

This is still the first time they are refining. In the future, when they become more proficient in making talismans, the success rate will become higher. "

"What?" Bai Fengzi flashed and appeared in front of Cao Zhen. He took the spiritual talisman and felt the degree of spiritual energy gathered by the spiritual talisman. He turned around and asked with a surprised look on his face: "You said, these spiritual gathering talismans are from the Taoist Academy. Refined by ordinary disciples? And the success rate reaches 65%?"

"That's right, after they get familiar with it, they can reach at least 70%." Cao Zhen pointed to the spiritual talisman in Bai Fengzi's hand and said: "This is why I came to the peak master. I have already used this method of making spirit gathering talismans. It was passed on to me, the Baifeng Sect, and the deans of all Taoist academies, so that they can teach it to their disciples.”

"What!" Even Bai Fengzi, as the leader of the Baifeng Sect, couldn't help but exclaimed. The success rate of making a talisman could reach 50%, making it profitable, and a disciple wanted to make a talisman. The success rate reaches 50%. In addition to talent, it also requires continuous practice.

Cao Zhen's talisman-making techniques allow beginners to achieve a 65% success rate in making talismans. You can imagine how terrifying it is. This kind of talisman-making techniques has completely changed the current situation of Sibaofeng. As a The Master, knows the situation of the Four Treasures Peak very well. But Cao Zhen actually taught it to various Taoist academies.

"Master Zhangzong, although this talisman-making technique belongs to my Four Treasures Peak, my Four Treasures Peak also belongs to the Hundred Peaks Sect." Cao Zhen said with a righteous look on his face, "I know very well that only the Hundred Peaks Sect is strong. Only the Four Treasure Peaks can be strong. Besides, I come from the Taoist Academy and have always lived in the Baifeng Sect. If it weren't for the Baifeng Sect, it is not certain whether I would be alive now. I also want to repay the Baifeng Sect.

So even if I know that this talisman-making technique can be preserved as our Baifeng Sect's means of suppressing the peak, even if I know that this talisman-making technique can help our Baifeng Sect get rid of its reputation as the poorest peak, I still won't hide it. Personally, I want to contribute him. My goal is to make the Baifeng Sect have no talisman that is difficult to refine.

When all the disciples of our Baifeng Sect know this talisman-making technique, our Baifeng Sect can even sell the spirit-gathering talisman to other sects, so that our Baifeng Sect can also earn more income. "

"Master Cao... is righteous!"

Baifengzi's whole heart was not only touched, but also touched. The Four Treasures Peak was obviously the poorest peak of the Baifeng Sect and the peak ranked last, but Peak Master Cao could still do such a thing. What kind of spirit is this? How selfless this is!

Baifengzi suddenly stepped back and bowed to Cao Zhen with both hands.

"Zhang Zong, what are you doing?" Cao Zhen quickly stretched out his hand to support Baifengzi, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Baifengzi had already bowed down.

He was also convinced. He was now in the Dan Formation realm, but when someone wanted to worship him, he didn't stop him. This was the case for the eldest disciple, and it was the same for Bai Fengzi.

The same goes for Bai Fengzi. You are the sect master. Why do you want me to be the master of the peak? Am I the God of Wealth? Why do everyone like to worship me?

"Master Cao Peak, you are worthy of this worship. If everyone in the Baifeng Sect has your level of dedication, Master Cao Peak, why worry about our Baifeng Sect not being prosperous?" Bai Fengzi straightened up with a serious look on his face. Guaranteed: "Master Cao, don't worry, I will definitely let everyone in the sect know about your righteous actions and let everyone know about your dedication."

"No, Sect Master, there's really no need." Cao Zhen panicked instantly. I'm just here to borrow some money. Don't praise me so highly. Also, my plan hasn't come to the peaks yet. You Don't make trouble.

He quickly deceived: "Master Zhang Zong, don't spread it out yet. We are not suitable to promote this kind of thing to the whole sect. We need to test it first and slowly change it. Otherwise, the change will be too big and it is easy to cause trouble, so I First, we found the deans of each Taoist school, and we made changes little by little."

Bai Fengzi calmed down after hearing the sound. After thinking for a moment, he felt that he had been too eager just now. He nodded and said: "Yes, what you said makes sense. By the way, Master Cao came to see me this time, but he has something to do. help?"

Cao Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. After saying so much, he finally got to the point. Boss Ma's skills were good in everything, but it was just a waste of words.

"Peak Master, it's like this. If I just hand over my skills to others and leave it alone, I'm afraid it will cause market chaos in the future, which will lead to good things and bad things.

My new disciple Yisheng came from a merchant family. She told me that there are many situations where good things turn bad, so we must manage them, and our Four Treasures Summit will take part of the benefits. Of course, We will also invest in these interests and continue to study the refining techniques of other spiritual talismans. Our Baifeng Sect cannot only make one type of talisman, the Spirit Gathering Talisman.

My goal is that there will be no difficult talismans in the Baifeng Sect, and eventually there will be no difficult talismans in the world. But research is also very consuming of materials.

You also know the situation of our Baifeng Sect. I am really shy and have no other options, so I thought of asking the Master.

I hope that Master Zhang Zong can provide some of the spiritual stones to help our Four Treasure Peaks and our Baifeng Sect's great cause of making talismans overcome the initial difficulties.

Of course, I won’t let Master Zhang give away the spirit stones for free. These spiritual stones will be treated as Master Zhang’s investment in our Four Treasures Peak, and our profits will be given to the Master..."

"No need to say it." Bai Fengzi waved his hand and interrupted Cao Zhendao directly, "Master Cao, you are so considerate of Baifeng Sect and even contributed such talisman-making techniques. As the leader of Baifeng Sect, I , how can I continue to collect benefits? Then how can I have the face to be the head of the Baifeng Sect, and how can I face the ancestors of the Baifeng Sect!

I paid for the money and gave you five hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones. This spiritual stone is not loaned to you, nor is it a shareholding as you said. This spiritual stone is given to you for my Baifeng Sect.

Let there be no talisman in the world that is difficult to make, how courageous this is..."

As Cao Zhen watched and talked, he began to mutter to himself, saying that everyone in the Baifeng Sect should contribute a little bit, and that the Baifeng Sect should develop further and cannot be complacent as in the past. What kind of Baifengzi would it be in the future? He felt extremely confident in his heart. , this master has been brainwashed.

Five hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones. I'll go to the casino and flip through them several times.

I remember that Li Ke invested 500,000 taels of spiritual stones to buy herself a win, and finally earned 5 million taels. She should not have earned less than her.

Speaking of which, when I came to this world, I received two large sums of spiritual stones. Once, Li Ke gave me 50,000 taels of spiritual stones because she made a lot of money. This is the first time.

Both times it was women who gave him money.

Did I unknowingly eat soft rice?

Sibaofeng still looked as shabby as before.

Cao Zhen returned to Sibao Peak and walked all the way to his residence. He shook his head and said that he was still too poor. Although he had received five hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones, these spiritual stones needed investment, and the spiritual stones gave birth to spiritual stones.

We can only wait until the great cause of making talismans is stabilized and we have spare money, then we can renovate Sibaofeng.

"Master, you are back." Different from the past, this time when he returned to Sibao Peak, the person who greeted him was not Lingxi but Yisheng. She ran up to Cao Zhen with a large pile of paper and shouted: "I have written down the specific materials to be purchased and how to purchase them. By the way, people from Qixing Peak are here, and they said, That will have to wait while they pick a date."

Cao Zhen nodded in understanding. The sworn relationship with Jinlan does not mean that they can marry Jinlan at any time after they have discussed it. For such an important matter, of course one must choose an auspicious day.

"By the way, take this thing." Cao Zhen took out the dragon ball from his arms and handed it to Yi Sheng.

Yisheng stood there stupidly, but did not reach out to pick up the Wind and Fire Dragon Ball.

"You child, if Master gives it to you, take it. There is also the magma Ganoderma lucidum that I won from Xingyao Peak before as Master. You should also take good care of it. It will also be very helpful to your future." Cao Zhen said. With a tugging sound, the wind and fire dragon ball was directly placed into Yi Sheng's hand.

Yisheng felt the unique warmth of the orb in his hand and opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say thanks.

This is the Wind and Fire Dragon Ball!

When Baifeng competed for her to be his disciple, why Deng Qixing was on the 99th-ranked Qixing Peak, and they were all confident that she could join Qixing Peak? It was because of this Beacon Fire Dragon Pearl.

At the beginning, if it weren't for Master, he would have chosen to join the Seven Star Peak, and the only reason was the Wind and Fire Dragon Ball.

This is the inner elixir that the dragon transformed into when he wanted to transform into a dragon in the 9999th year. Its value is simply inestimable.

It can even be said that this is a treasure that no amount of spiritual stones can buy.

Now, the master actually wants to give this treasure to himself.

This is the treasure of Qixing Peak. Why did Qixing Peak hand him over to the master? Before, Master also said that he would cooperate with Qixing Peak to make talismans. I'm afraid that was one of the conditions. In addition, Master must have agreed to more conditions from Qixing Peak. I don't know what a big price he paid.

Look at what Sibaofeng looks like now. It's bare, there isn't even a decent conference hall, it's shabby and looks shabby. Look at Master, he worries about resources every day and works hard to make money.

Master can obviously use this Wind and Fire Dragon Ball to change everything. Use it to exchange for resources. Master can transform the Four Treasures Peak, and there is no need to worry about how to earn more resources every day.

But the master would rather let the entire Four Treasure Peak still look so shabby, not care about other people's opinions, would rather work himself out, and did not use this Wind and Fire Dragon Pearl to exchange for resources, but gave it directly to himself.

Tears appeared vaguely in Yisheng's eyes. She wanted to say some words of gratitude, but she didn't know how to say them. She was so arrogant that she didn't know how to say words of gratitude since she was a child. She even believed that saying any gratitude was impossible. No words could express the feeling in her heart at this moment.

Cultivation, the only way is to keep practicing, make yourself stronger, make the Four Treasures Peak stronger, and make the Four Treasures Peak the number one peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Only in this way can you repay the master!

Cao Zhen did not stay longer at Sibaofeng. He told Yisheng and Lingxi not to worry about other things. He had everything in Sibaofeng. After letting them practice well, he left Sibaofeng and took the Xianyun car to find them. The copper plate elder left.

For Yisheng's plan, it was a bit troublesome for one person to acquire so many materials. It was best to find someone to help him, so he thought of Elder Tongdish.

Elder Tongdie has always cared about him very much. He had not killed him before and had lost a lot of spiritual stones. This time, he planned to go to Elder Tongdish and ask Elder Tongdish to earn some spiritual stones with him.

As soon as Cao Zhen walked into the cave built by Elder Tongdie against the mountain, he frowned and wondered why the light here was much darker than before.

He raised his head and looked around, remembering that the last time he came, there were two fist-sized East China Sea ice clam lighting beads inlaid on the wall.

But now, there is only one East China Sea ice clam lighting bead left on the wall.

Cao Zhen sighed softly. It seemed that Elder Tongdish lost more than he said. He even picked out the only two beads and sold one.

In the cave, Elder Tongdie saw Cao Zhen walking in, but his expression suddenly turned ugly. He was sitting cross-legged on the futon, and suddenly stood up, as if he was scolding a child who was lazy and didn't do his homework well. Like a father, he asked sternly: "What are you doing here? Didn't you go to Qianlong Immortal Palace? How long has it been? If you are not practicing in Qianlong Immortal Palace, what are you doing here?"

"Elder, please don't get excited. You can go back to Qianlong Immortal Palace at any time. The time I was out does not count." Cao Zhen knew that Elder Tongdish cared about him, but he didn't have a headache coming to see Elder Tongdish. , mainly because Elder Tongdie would educate him when nothing happened.

Elder Tongdie said angrily: "How can I still not know the rules of Qianlong Immortal Palace? You haven't told me yet, why are you running out here when you have nothing to do?"

"I came out to do some business. After finishing the business, I will return to Qianlong Immortal Palace." Cao Zhen was a little surprised. Elder Tongdie was much more temperamental than before. Could it be that he had to pay for the company?

"Business!" Elder Tongdie shouted, wanting to say something, but in the end it turned into a long sigh.

After a long time, he finally said with hatred: "Child, you... how could you do this? You have no money anymore, you can tell your uncle. What business are you doing out here! You are putting the cart before the horse..."

Cao Zhen was deeply moved as he looked at Elder Tongplate who was persuading him with sincere words. Elder Tongplate was obviously so poor that he dug out beads and sold them, but he still wanted to sponsor him again.

"Elder, actually..."

Just when Cao Zhen was about to explain what he was going to do, Elder Tongdie suddenly reacted and shouted: "No, didn't you make a lot of money? Last time, you made a hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones from the gambling fight, right?" With so many spiritual stones, what kind of business do you still do?”

"This... business, of course, there is not enough money to spend." Cao Zhen was helpless. Among his five apprentices, the new Yisheng had not yet been trained. The other four apprentices were all ancient immortal bodies and wanted to improve their realm. , can only take drugs.

Those pills, any one of them, are extremely expensive. The total money for refining the pills is not enough to sell the Four Treasure Peak a hundred times. Without doing business, I really can't afford to support those disciples.

"Not enough money? How come there is not enough money? That is one hundred thousand taels of spiritual stone. Unless you are prodigal, otherwise, there are only six people in your Four Treasure Peak including you and the new disciple Yi Sheng. How can you not have enough money? You You’re not really a loser, are you? You…”

Elder Tongdish covered his chest and said sadly: "You won once and then swelled up. Just because you can win once, doesn't mean you can win the second or third time. Tell me, are you?" Are you gambling again? Let me tell you, gambling cannot last forever. Nine times out of ten you will lose.

Don’t gamble again in the future. It’s too late for you to stop now. Let me tell you, the period when you first entered Qianlong Immortal Palace was the period of fastest improvement. What you need to do now is to return immediately. Practice in Qianlong Immortal Palace. "

"No, I really don't have enough spirit stones." Cao Zhen was completely helpless. He also blamed himself for not making it clear to Elder Tongdish before. Although he didn't want to be high-profile, he had no choice but to make Elder Tongdian feel at ease. I can be high-profile for once.

"Elder, I'm actually quite strong now."

Cao Zhen's face condensed, and all his strength exploded instantly. In an instant, ten Taoist platforms appeared behind him, followed by ten immortal bridges, and behind the immortal bridge, a vision pill also appeared.

"Form...form a pill, have formed a pill!" Elder Tongdie was surprised, and the voice he made was so loud that it even echoed in the cave.

In his surprised and delighted eyes, behind Cao Zhen, the second, third... a total of seven vision pills appeared.

Ten perfect Taoist foundations, ten perfect fairy bridges, seven inner elixirs, all full of visions!

"Seven pills have been formed. Seven pills have been formed. Okay, okay!" Elder Tongdie cried with joy as he looked at it: "You have finally come forward. In this way, even if I die in the future, I will be able to see your master." Accounted for."

"Uncle, you are still fine now. Don't talk about whether you will die or not." Cao Zhen quickly grabbed Elder Tongdish, and at the same time, in order to divert Elder Tongdish's attention, he said: "I came to see Uncle this time, too. If you need help, ask your uncle for help."

"What? Are you asking me for help?" Tongdie reached out and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and asked with concern: "Have you encountered any trouble? Even though my uncle has been in the sect for so many years, he still has a bit of face."

"Uncle Master, you are overthinking. It's not a problem. I just want to find Uncle Master to do some business. Uncle Master, please don't rush in. Take a look at my technique of making talismans."

Cao Zhen quickly demonstrated his talisman-making techniques. After Elder Tongdie also learned the talisman-making techniques and made two spirit-gathering talismans at the same time, he explained what he was doing now and talked to Tongdie Said: "Uncle Master, haven't you been serving as an elder in the Immortal Palace of the Ministry of Industry? You should know some seniors who are good at making talismans.

We can cooperate and earn 50% of the spiritual stones we earn. "

Elder Tongplate has always treated him like his own disciple. Naturally, he cannot just squeeze out 10% of Elder Tongplate.

What's more, Elder Tongdie has been in the Ministry of Industry for many years, and the people he hired are also good at making talismans. They can make talismans very quickly, and even if they only make 50 or 50 points, they can still make a lot of money.

"Uncle Master naturally fully supports this matter. I also know a few old guys, I think they should be interested." Elder Tongdie touched his chin and already started to consider who to invite.

"Uncle Master, we can look for these slowly, but before that, we can do another thing. After a while, there will be more and more people making Spirit Gathering Talisman, especially the speed at which they are making Spirit Gathering Talisman is getting faster and faster. After that, the materials for making the Soul Gathering Talisman will become less and less expensive, so we can take this opportunity to stock up on a batch of materials for refining the Soul Gathering Talisman in advance." Cao Zhen began to tell his plan.

"Buy materials? Although these are ordinary materials, according to you, if you need to hoard a lot, you will need more spiritual stones."

Cao Zhen explained: "Uncle, don't worry, I have enough spirit stones here. However, I don't know where these materials for refining spirit talismans are sold in large quantities, how to buy them, and how to choose. Why don't you help me, brother? Purchasing the materials for refining the Spirit Gathering Talisman? Uncle Master, don’t worry, this is definitely a business that will make a profit without losing any money."

Elder Tongdie was still hesitant: "This... this kind of business is very offensive, we'd better not do it."

"But it can make money, why don't we do it?" Cao Zhen said, pointing to the wall without the night pearl: "Uncle Master, you can see, you have sold the night pearl. To make money, Not shabby.”

Elder Tongdie suddenly became anxious: "Sold the Luminous Pearl? Who said that I sold the Luminous Pearl? Although I lost a lot of money, I am not so poor that I sell the Luminous Pearl."

"Why is there one missing night pearl?" Cao Zhen shook his head secretly in his heart. Even now, Elder Tongdie is still being stubborn.

"Why is there one missing? It's not because of you." Cao Zhen, the elder of Bronze Disc, shouted: "The last time you had a fight with the people from Xingyao Peak, I bet on them to win, but you won in the end.

Afterwards, many people thought that I deliberately cheated them by playing a game with you, and they not only hated you, but also hated me. Among them, an old friend of mine also lost a lot. The key was that he misappropriated his wife's money.

Later, his wife found out and scolded him. He was angry at home and came to question me, saying that I cheated him.

The two of us had a quarrel, and during the quarrel, we broke a luminous pearl. At that time, I wasted a long time and agreed to lend him some money and asked him to go back and explain to his wife, and then he forgave me. "

Cao Zhen felt that Elder Tongdie was really miserable. He obviously lost money, but others thought he had made a big profit. It was obviously that girl Li Ke who made the big bucks.

Elder Tongdie finally helped Cao Zhen to collect the materials. He borrowed Cao Zhen's words, make money, don't be embarrassed.

Cao Zhen knew that Elder Tongdie actually wanted to help him more.

Yisheng wrote in great detail how to collect materials, and even the reasons for doing so.

For example, you cannot collect all the materials in the early stage. If you collect them all, it will affect the human-made talismans of various major temples.

The materials must be collected slowly, firstly so that the price of the materials will not rise too fast, and secondly, during this period of time, each major courtyard will also be able to make more spirit-gathering talismans.

Once they start making talismans, they will not stop easily, and as they become more and more proficient in making talismans, they will make talismans faster and faster, and the speed of consuming materials will also become faster. Their demand for materials will also increase. The more it will be.

Yisheng had already agreed with each Taoist temple not to sell the talismans for the time being. After everyone had refined enough soul-gathering talismans, they would start selling them at the same time and dominate the entire market in an instant. Before selling, everyone would keep it strictly confidential and not make any announcement.

For three days, Cao Zhen and Elder Tongdie spent all 500,000 taels of spirit stones to purchase materials for refining the spirit gathering talisman.

Now, all he needs to do is wait. When there are no more materials for refining the Soul Gathering Talisman on the market, it is time for him to sell the materials.

"Well, although these materials are valuable, now is not the time to take action. Now, it means that I have no money again. I have to think of some other ways to make money. By the way, those divine weapon relics I obtained in the Divine Weapon Tomb... …

Back then, senior Beichenying could make money through those relics, and so could I.

However, the last wish of those relics must be fulfilled first. According to the rules of Baifeng Sect, as long as the last wish of the divine weapon relics is fulfilled, then the divine weapon will be completely owned by oneself, and then the divine weapon can be sold. "

Cao Zhen thought of this and quickly began to look through the last wishes of these relics in his hands.

"The Coiling Dragon Sky-Breaking Spear of the seventeenth generation chief disciple of the Seventy-one Poyue Peak, his last wish is to make up for the shortcomings of their peak's magical power and Yue-piercing attack. How to do this? I don't even know Poyue Peak's Yue-piercing attack. What, how to make up for the shortcomings?”

Cao Zhen skipped this last wish and continued to look down.

"The twenty-second-ranked Xiaochan Peak, the last wish of the fourteenth-generation peak master's Pure Enlightenment Diamond Bracelet, and the Four Agama Sutras, the highest classic that has made up for most of the missing parts of Xiaochan Peak?

This task is too simple. Master Xuanzang’s Hinayana Buddhism is at MAX level and Mahayana Buddhism is at MAX level. Is this still a problem? But you have to keep this bracelet for yourself, it is a rare space magic weapon. "

"Huh? It's another magic weapon from Xiaochanyuan, the Demon-Suppressing Diamond Circle, a relic of the seventh-generation peak master of Xiaochan Peak. His last wish is to complete the Four Agama Sutras?"

"It's all a requirement to complete the Four Agama Sutras. Isn't this a free gift?"

Cao Zhen continued to observe, and when he looked through it, he discovered that in addition to the Pure Enlightenment Diamond Bracelet that he wanted to keep, there were actually four magic weapons from Xiaochan Peak in his hand.

"Although the people in this small Zen monastery have many last wishes, everyone has this one in their last wish, which is to supplement the Four Agama Sutras."

"Okay, let's go to Xiaozen Temple first. After all, it is the second mountain peak ranked twenty-second. There should be a lot of money to be made."

Cao Zhen got up and left. As for the "Four Agama Sutras"? Master Xuanzang, that is the MAX level of Xuanzang's Hinayana Buddhism and MAX level of Mahayana Buddhism. Isn't it just a matter of minutes to supplement the "Four Agama Sutras" for him and them?

Soon, he found a fairy cloud car and headed towards Xiaochan Peak. Although his current cultivation level was enough to fly with a sword, flying with a sword was not as comfortable as riding a fairy cloud car.

There are hundreds of peaks in the Hundred Peaks Sect, and these peaks range from big to small. Although Xiaochan Peak has a boyish name, it is not small at all. This peak is not very high among the Hundred Peaks Sect, but it is very majestic and majestic.

There are no steps built at all in Sibao Peak.

But Xiaochan Peak, starting from the foot of the mountain, has white stone strips. It is said that these stone strips are spread all the way from the top to the top of the mountain.

Above the majestic gate, two young Zen disciples guard the left and right.

Because of their Zen practice, the disciples of Xiaochan Sect, unlike most disciples of Baifeng Sect, have no hair.

As soon as Cao Zhencai approached, the two gatekeepers immediately paid attention.

Peak master?

After the two people saw the visitor's clothes clearly, their faces suddenly straightened, and then they heard a voice.

"Four Treasure Peak, Peak Master Cao Zhen, I have something to see you, Peak Master." He didn't ask for a meeting. He and the Peak Master of Xiaochan Sect are both Peak Masters. We all have the same status, so what do you ask for? What's more, if he begs, people from the Little Zen Sect will be begging him after a while.


When the two gatekeeper disciples heard this, the respectful expression on their faces suddenly disappeared completely, and even an imperceptible look of disdain flashed across the face of one of them.

The Four Treasures Peak is just the last broken peak. As for their peak masters, the peak masters of those peaks are even inferior to the strength of many genius disciples among the top fifty peaks. The reason why they are peak masters is that their peaks are really weak. Just no one. Their Xiaochan Peak is the twenty-second peak!

And Sibao Peak is the last one among all the peaks, especially the peak master of Sibao Peak. I have heard a lot about him during this period, and he goes around every day to buy various materials for making talismans.

The dignified peak master has been reduced to doing business that only merchants do. It can be seen how miserable the Four Treasures Peak is now.

Among the two disciples, the one on the left did not clasp his fists and salute like most disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, but instead proclaimed the Buddha's name and asked: "I don't know, Peak Master Cao, why do you want to see our Peak Master? "

Their Xiaochan Peak and the Four Treasures Peak are not related to you. Moreover, one is a peak in the top twenty and the other is a peak at the bottom. He doesn’t think that their peak master has anything to talk about with the master of the Four Treasures Peak. of.

Yes, although their Little Zen Peak is ranked the twenty-second peak, all of them know that the reason why they are ranked in this ranking is because of the indisputable strength of their Little Zen Sect. They have the strength and heritage of the top twenty peaks.

Cao Zhen's face suddenly turned cold. Usually when a peak master goes to find another peak master, the disciples from the other peak will immediately take him into the peak respectfully.

But the tone of these two disciples from Xiaochan Peak in front of them, are they questioning themselves?

"What? Does this peak master want to report to you what he wants to do? Is this how your peak master, your master, teaches you the rules?"

"Peak Master Cao misunderstood." On one side, another slightly older Xiaochan Peak disciple heard the sound and immediately explained: "My junior brother did not mean this. He just joined the peak not long ago and does not understand the rules. Peak Master, please Come with the poor monk."

Cao Zhen didn't bother to argue with the other party. Judging from the other party's age, he was indeed not very old. He might have just left the Taoist academy and joined Xiaochanfeng like Yisheng.

Soon, under the leadership of this disciple, he walked into Xiaochan Peak and walked up the built steps.

He could clearly feel that the aura in Xiaochan Peak was much richer than that in Sibao Peak. As he walked, the sound of chanting continued to come from all over the mountain. Obviously, Xiaochan Peak has a lot of disciples.

All the buildings in Xiaochan Peak have one characteristic, that is, they are big, which has the advantage of looking magnificent.

The same is true for the living room.

After the gatekeeper disciples introduced Cao Zhen here, they left in a hurry, saying they were going to inform their peak master.

Cao Zhen looked around and kept nodding. This Xiaochanfeng is good. The living room is so grand. You can tell at a glance that you have money. You can ask for more money later. Well, I heard that they have it here. Lingtian is also good, and you can ask for more medicinal materials when the time comes.

He kept thinking about what medicinal ingredients he would need for a while, and there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Soon, a monk who looked slightly older than him walked into the hall. Anyone who looked at him would immediately notice his ears.

This person's ears are very large, and the earlobes hang down exaggeratedly, feeling like they are hanging down to the chin.

Cao Zhen frowned. Although he was not familiar with the peak master of Xiaochan Peak, he had seen him in Baishan Peak. He was obviously not the person in front of him.

The visitor entered the house, loudly announced the Buddha's name, walked towards Cao Zhen, and said: "The first disciple of Xiaochan Peak, I have never met Master Cao Peak."

Cao Zhenduan sat on the chair without any sign of standing up, and asked in a low voice: "Where is your master?" He and the other party were both peak masters, but the other party sent a disciple, so there was no need for him to give face to the other party.

"Master Cao, please forgive me. My master is in retreat and cannot meet with Peak Master. Please forgive me, Master Cao." Wu Xiang looked at Cao Zhen, who did not stand up, with a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Although Cao Zhen is the peak master, he is only the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak, which ranks last. The other party's cultivation level, the fifth stage of Xianqiao, is placed in Xiaochan Peak. Not to mention compared with the master who is the master of the peak and all the uncles, many disciples are stronger than the other party's cultivation level, let alone Let’s talk about those direct disciples and those who are disciples.

I have given enough face by being able to come to see him, and he actually still treats me like the peak master!

Did he think Master was really in retreat?

It's just that Master doesn't want to see him.

Although their Little Zen Peak is a member of the Hundred Peaks Sect, their way of cultivation is different from that of most peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect. They are following the path of Zen cultivation. What is the difference between them and the Four Treasure Peaks who practice Taoism? Talk about?

What's more, given the cultivation and knowledge of the Master of the Four Treasures Peak, what qualifications does he have to talk to the master?

Unable to discuss practice, he had no interaction with Xiaochanfeng, so what could he do? Just do business.

For a while, Cao Zhen dragged Elder Tongdie from the Immortal Palace of the Ministry of Industry to buy materials for making talismans. Then Tongdie went around looking for people to make talismans. The trouble was not as big as usual, and everyone in the Baifeng Sect Almost all know it.

Privately, many people viewed it as a joke.

Many people even say that the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak is simply crazy. He thinks that after winning a battle of magic, he can do anything, and he still wants to make a talisman?

Among the six arts of cultivating immortals, which one is not profound and profound? Did he really think that if he could fight, he could make a talisman? Is everything okay? Besides, what are the five fairy bridges that can be defeated?

Being able to come to see him is already giving me face, and he is still holding up his airs.

Wu Xiang was dissatisfied and did not bother to waste the world with the peak master of the penultimate peak. He said directly: "Master Cao, just tell me if you have anything. I have also heard that Cao Benefactor has been looking for someone to make a talisman for a while. It seems that he wants to start a business of making talismans, so that's all. We Zen practitioners talk about being empty of all four elements and never doing business."

Cao Zhen suddenly felt unhappy. Was he mocking his business and looking down on his business? Do they really think that their little Zen Peak is so noble?

He paused for a moment, then nodded seriously and praised: "I know that you who practice Zen are really good at practicing Zen. When you have no money, you take an alms bowl and go to find someone. Whoever you see Let's all say it, and the donor will give some.

Anyway, just like beggars, they get something for nothing, and they really don’t need to do any business. "

Wu Xiang's entire face instantly turned livid.

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