Every time the Baifeng Sect competes in the Baifeng Competition, the business of the gambling houses is the hottest. But this year, in addition to the gambling houses, one by one the pawnshops found that their business was actually very good.

There are several pawnshops in the Baifeng Sect. They compete with each other on weekdays, and they want everyone to go to their pawnshops to pawn things.

Today, when every pawn shop clerk saw someone coming to the pawn shop, they almost all said the same thing.

"Sir, please go to the pawn shop next door and have a look."

"It's not that we don't do business anymore, it's that we don't have any spiritual stones for you. There have been too many people pawning recently, and all the spiritual stones have been spent."

Liu Zhixing and Yue Chong ran to four pawnshops before they came across a pawnshop that still had spiritual stones. They mortgaged everything, took the spiritual stones they got from the pawnshop, and ran to the nearest one as quickly as possible. Gambling house.

Today, there are only three days left until the Hundred Peaks Competition. The gambling house is already overcrowded and cannot be squeezed in. The gambling house has to hang up bamboo rafts outside the gambling house. On each bamboo raft, there is written Each peak has various odds of ranking, most of which are gathered near the bamboo rafts of Sibao Peak.

In every Hundred Peaks Competition, the positions of most peaks do not fluctuate too much. A fluctuation of five or six places is considered relatively large. A fluctuation of ten places is definitely an accident.

The fluctuations are not big, and the odds are naturally not high.

If you want to make more money, buy mountains with higher ranking fluctuations.

Just like the Four Treasures Peak, no one would think that the Four Treasures Peak would continue to stay in the bottom ten. In fact, there were not many people betting on the Four Treasures Peak's position after the eighty.

The ranking of Sibaofeng fluctuates greatly, so the odds are naturally high. As long as you win the bet, you will make more.

Of course, the odds that the ranking of Zhuque Peak falls out of fifty and that of Feixian Peak falls out of the top ten are naturally extremely high. If you bet on ten thousand taels of spiritual stones,

Then all your ten thousand taels of spiritual stones will be gone.

The odds are high, but even a fool knows that it is impossible to win.

Sibaofeng is different.

Everyone knows that the ranking of Sibaofeng will definitely rise a lot, but no one knows how much it will rise. Therefore, various gambling houses will not offer such super low odds. If you bet correctly, you can still make a fortune. of.

Liu Zhixing didn't even look at the odds on the plaque. He went directly to the place where he was betting. Even though the gambling house specially added more people to collect spiritual stones for betting today, there were too many people betting and they still had to queue up.

Liu Zhixing waited for a long time, and finally there was only one person left in front of him.

"I bet 5,000 taels of spirit stones on the Four Treasure Peaks ranking between 61st and 65th." A man took out a 5,000 taels of spirit stone ticket and slapped it on the table in front of him.

In fact, at the beginning, there was no interval for gambling houses to bet on the ranking of the Hundred Peaks Competition. They were directly betting on the specific ranking.

For example, for Si Baofeng, you can bet that he will be ranked 61st. If the bet is right, you will get the corresponding spirit stone. If the bet is wrong, you will get all the money.

If you want to buy Sibaofeng, ranked 61st to 65th, then you need to buy Sibaofeng ranked 61st, 62nd, and up to 65th, and buy all five odds. .

In this way, there may even be a situation where even if the bet is successful in the end, the odds are not high enough and you still have to lose money.

However, if you bet on one or two, the chance of winning is too low. After all, even if you are a member of the mountain, you can only say how many places they can rank, and it is difficult to say how far they can definitely rank. name.

Therefore, at first, when everyone bet on the Baifeng ranking, they all bet very little. It was not until later that a gambling house introduced this range betting method.

You can directly place as many bets as you want. Of course, the odds are not as high as betting on a single ranking, but the odds of winning are also higher.

As a result, everyone went to this gambling house to bet. When other gambling houses saw this, they naturally followed suit. If they didn't follow suit, all their money would be lost by other gambling houses.

The clerk at the gambling house quickly collected the spirit stone tickets and said while writing the receipt: "The Four Treasure Peaks are ranked sixty-one to sixty-five, and the odds are two to one."

"Wait a minute." The man who had just taken out the spirit stone ticket pressed his own spirit stone ticket and shouted: "This morning, the odds of Sibaofeng ranking 61st to 65th were still 20%. Half, why is it now only 20%?"

The clerk quickly explained: "This is the odds that the owner has just adjusted. Sir, if you think the odds are too low, you don't have to bet. However, these odds are already higher. The odds offered by other gambling houses Lower.”

The odds of gambling houses are not static, but will change according to the amount of people's bets or various news. The odds of Sibaofeng ranked 61st to 65th have decreased, which is obviously more Many people are optimistic that Sibaofeng can be ranked in this ranking.

"Okay, I'll bet." The man hesitated for a moment, but decided to bet again. If he didn't bet, he was afraid that the odds would become even lower if he waited for a while.

The man quickly left with the receipt, and it was Liu Zhixing's turn.

"Fifty thousand taels of spirit stones, all bet on the Four Treasure Peaks ranking fifty-sixth to sixty." Liu Zhixing placed the spirit stone tickets heavily on the table. This was what he had collected after mortgaging everything he could. All his possessions were lost.

If he lost, he would have nothing, but he still bet because he believed in his own judgment.

The clerk quickly asked: "Sibao Peak is ranked fifty-sixth to sixty. The odds are 25% to 1, 50,000 taels, are you sure?"

"Sure!" Liu Zhixing collected the receipt from the gambling house. He believed that his judgment was correct!

Today, there are enough people in the major gambling houses, but two days later, the day before the Hundred Peaks Competition, the major gambling houses are even more crowded.

On this day, Chen Shizhi came to a gambling shop early in the morning and waited.

He is waiting for someone. Although he has already decided in his mind which odds he wants to buy, he still has to wait a little longer to judge whether he is right.

The spiritual stones on his body were only his entire net worth, half of which he had borrowed!

He had to be more cautious!

Suddenly, his eyes fell on an inconspicuous disciple.

Yes, it’s him!

Chen Shizhi stood up quickly and followed quietly. There were so many gambling houses in Baifeng Sect, why did he choose this one?

Because this gambling house is the closest gambling house to the Gongbu Immortal Palace. At the same time, he also inquired that Tongdie chose this gambling house for his last bet.

He also guessed that Tongdie would definitely not come to bet in person. Everyone knew the relationship between him and Cao Zhen. If he came to bet, others would naturally follow suit.

Tongdai should choose someone he trusts to come.

Others may not know it, but when he was a classmate with Cao Zhen, he heard Cao Zhen mention Elder Tongdie. He also knew that Elder Tongdie had a very good relationship with an old friend from the Immortal Palace of the Ministry of Industry. But he didn’t know what happened later. The reason was that they had a falling out, and the two of them stopped interacting with each other.

However, the fact that the two of them do not interact does not mean that they have truly become enemies, but that they are both waiting for the other to admit their mistakes.

They still cared about each other. Because he knew that Tongdie was an elder from the Gongbu Immortal Palace at the time, he felt that after leaving the Taoist Academy, he might need the help of the elder Tongdie in the future, so he remembered it very clearly.

Who knows, later he did not enter the peaks, but became a master.

However, he remembered the name of Elder Tongplate's old friend - Elder Yinpan. During this period, he tried his best to find out the background of Elder Yinpan. The name of the inconspicuous person in front of him was Du Yu is the disciple of Elder Yinpan.

Apparently, Elder Tongplate approached Elder Yinpan, and Elder Yinpan asked his disciple to come and place bets.

After seeing Du Yu, he quickly followed him, wanting to place a bet right after Du Yu, but for some reason, several more people suddenly appeared and ran in front of him.

There were several people separated between him and Du Yu.

Du Yu walked all the way to the place where the bet was made and said timidly: "I bet that the Four Treasure Peaks will be ranked fifty-one to fifty-five. The total is one hundred thousand taels. Please separate them and give me two receipts."

One hundred thousand taels, 50,000 taels were given by his master, Elder Yinpan, and the other 50,000 taels were given by Elder Tongpan.

Everyone knows that Elder Tongdie has a close relationship with the Peak Master of the Four Treasure Peaks, and Elder Tongdie also said that after studying the odds, he went to the Peak Master Cao of the Four Treasure Peaks and asked about fifty-five people. Is it better to bet on fifty-one to fifty-five, or bet on fifty-six to sixty. Peak Master Cao’s answer was that it would definitely be before fifty-five.

Elder Tongdie said this, so what else was there to consider? His master naturally followed suit and made a bet.

The clerk in charge was not surprised when he heard that two receipts were issued. There were too many people like this these days, let alone those who issued two receipts. He could finish the security by himself. He had seen all the people who issued ten receipts.

"The Four Treasure Peaks are ranked fifty-one to fifty-five. The odds are 35% for one hundred thousand taels. Please keep the two receipts." Because this is the betting range, the odds are generally not particularly high. Thirty-and-a-half percent is actually not low.

Du Yu quickly took the receipt and put it in his arms. He even pressed one hand tightly on the receipt and retreated outside. This was a hundred thousand taels of spiritual stone. If nothing happened, it would become 350,000 taels. What to do if someone steals it!

As soon as Du Yu left, someone behind him said: "One hundred thousand taels, I'll also buy Sibaofeng, ranked fifty-one to fifty-five."

Chen Shizhi frowned tightly. Du Yu definitely didn't have one hundred thousand taels of spirit stones, so this must have been deposited by Elder Tongdie.

However, I clearly judged that Cao Zhen's Four Treasure Peaks could break into the upper fifty peaks. Why did Elder Tongdie only bet on fifty-one to fifty-five?

Did you make a mistake in your judgment?

"I also bet on the Four Treasure Peaks ranking fifty-one to fifty-five, one hundred thousand taels."

Another voice came from in front of him.

Chen Shizhi looked forward. Slowly, he was surprised to find that the people who jumped in line in front of him were betting at least one hundred thousand, and all of them were betting on the Four Treasure Peaks. Ranked fifty-one to fifty-five.

These people were obviously in custody with Du Yu, and they followed him immediately after Du Yu appeared!

Therefore, these people are the same as themselves.

They knew about Du Yu's existence!


Chen Shizhi suddenly realized that Cao Zhen was very insidious. He couldn't possibly not know that everyone knew about his relationship with Elder Tongdie. He should have guessed that others would also inquire about Elder Tongdie's relationship.

So, is it possible that Cao Zhen is still deliberately acting out a show with Elder Tongdie?

Elder Tongdie is actually someone who puts it on the bright side, just to let everyone be fooled.

In fact, he secretly bet on the ranking that Sibaofeng could really reach.

Wasn't this what happened last time when Cao Zhen and Xing Yaofeng competed?

Elder Tongdie deliberately staked Cao Zhenshu to mislead others.

This must be the case. Cao Zhen made a lot of spiritual stones from selling magic weapons before, far more than 100,000 spiritual stones. He will definitely take more spiritual stones and bet on other rankings.

He misleads others, probably because he is afraid that too many people will buy the same odds as him, and eventually the gambling house will go bankrupt and cannot afford the spiritual stones. In that case, he will lose money, so he misleads others.

However, since he spent these 100,000 spirit stones to mislead others, his real ranking in the Four Treasure Peak must be higher and the odds are higher.

The answer is already very obvious, and I was right in my previous judgment.

The ones with higher odds than those ranked 51st to 55th are naturally those ranked 46th to 50th.

As for forty-one to forty-five, although the odds are higher, it is impossible for Sibaofeng to reach such a high ranking.

"One thousand taels, I bet on the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks, forty-six to fifty!" Chen Shizhi finally made the decision. He was just a master, and many of the thousand taels of spiritual stones were borrowed from him.

However, his one thousand taels of spiritual stones will change even more.

"The Four Treasure Peaks are ranked between forty-six and fifty. The odds are 45% and one thousand taels. This is the official receipt." The guy from the gambling house quickly took the receipt.

Many people around him laughed when they heard the odds of this choice.

"This person is crazy. No matter how strong the Four Treasures Peak is, it is impossible for him to break into the top fifty peaks."

"Yes, I did hear someone say that the Peak Master of Suzaku Peak asked Cao Zhen to rush to the Upper Fifty Peak, but I think that was just the Master of the Peak to encourage Cao Zhen, not really to let the Four Treasure Peak rush to the upper peak. Fifty Peaks.”

"There is another possibility. Master Tu really doesn't know how big the gap is between the upper fifty peaks and the lower fifty peaks. After all, Zhuque Peak is an upper ten peak, a peak ranked over fifty and a peak ranked sixty or seventy. In her eyes, it might be pretty much the same."

"It's not impossible."

"No matter how powerful the Four Treasure Peaks are, they can't break into the Fifty Peaks. They only have five disciples in total."

Everyone laughed and discussed how to bet.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind. The voice was so loud that it could be heard very clearly in the noisy gambling house. This voice drowned out the voices of everyone talking.

"Place a bet on me and buy Sibaofeng ranked last."

the last one?

Everyone immediately laughed even harder.

"Who is this? Are you crazy? You want to buy the last one in Sibaofeng?"

"How many years has it been since he left seclusion? Do you still think that the current Four Treasures Peak is the former Four Treasures Peak?"

“It’s completely crazy to buy the last one in Sibaofeng!”

"Isn't this just throwing money at the gambling house in vain?"

"Who can't think so?"

Everyone looked back, but when they saw the speaker, they shut up immediately.

"One hundred peaks and five evils."

"Five evils Bei Chenying and three evils Wu Jinhuan."

"They're coming to place their bets, too."

"They accepted Cao Zhen as one of the Six Evils of the Hundred Peaks before, but they broke up because of Fairy Li Ke that day!"

"The Five Evils of the Hundred Peaks and the Four Treasures Peak are ranked last. This is normal. They are obviously here to disgust the Four Treasures Peak."

With the name of the Five Evils of the Hundred Peaks, Bei Chenying and the other two didn't even need to speak. Everyone around them got out of the way. Bei Chenying walked directly to the place where the bets were placed, slapped the table, and shouted: "Three hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones, buy them all." Sibaofeng ranks last.”

As soon as the words fell, countless exclamations came from all around.

"Three hundred thousand taels?"

"This, they are really ruthless."

"It's not necessary. It's just to slap Si Baofeng in the face. There's no need to buy so much, right?"

Beichen Ying immediately looked at Fang Fang where the voice came from with an angry look on his face: "I want you to teach me how to do things? I don't just want to buy the Four Treasures Peak, I also want to buy the Suzaku Peak."

As he said that, he turned to look at the guy in the gambling house and said, "Add another three hundred thousand taels, and I will buy Zhuque Peak and rank last."

"Lao Wu, don't!"

Wu Jinhuan grabbed Bei Chenying and whispered: "Are you crazy? I know that you think Cao Zhen hates Zhuque Peak because Li Ke broke up with us. I also know that you are the most hated among our brothers. Cao Zhen's people.

But we can't buy it like this. If we buy the last one in Zhuque Peak, we will really offend Zhuque Peak to death. We will still be in the Baifeng Sect from now on. "

"Okay, I listen to you and don't buy Suzaku Peak. Then I will buy another 200,000. The Four Treasures Peak is the last one. There are a total of 500,000 taels of spiritual stones. The Four Treasures Peak is the last one!"

"Lao Wu, there's no need. You're having trouble with Lingshi." Wu Jinhuan wanted to persuade him again, but seeing the angry look on Bei Chenying's face, he finally sighed and said, "Okay, Lao Wu, what do you say?" Forget it, buy it.”

The man from the gambling house stretched out his hands tremblingly, handed the receipt to Beichen Ying, and said: "The Four Treasure Peaks are ranked one hundred, and the payout is fifty thousand taels."

Bei Chenying received the receipt and sighed secretly in his heart. It's a pity that the odds of the cap are fifty.

In the past, the odds in gambling houses were not capped at fifty. But later, there was a gambling house that once offered odds of a hundred times because there was no upper limit on the odds. As a result, the odds of one hundred times really happened, and the entire gambling house closed down. Since then, all gambling houses have uniformly adjusted the highest odds to fifty times.

However, half a million taels of spirit stones, fifty times that is 25 million taels of spirit stones, is fine.

Now, he is going to the next gambling house.

He not only wanted to buy for the five of them, but also for Li Ke, and also for Cao Zhen. Cao Zhen directly gave three million taels of spiritual stones this time.

If you buy Lingshi for Li Ke, he can still draw water, but if you buy it for Cao Zhen, he can't draw water. After all, Cao Zhen is not only his brother, but also the most critical person.

There is a reason why they bought it today when the casino was about to close. There was indeed nothing wrong with their plan, but what if someone saw through it and followed suit?

Therefore, they choose to bet at the last moment. In this way, others will follow suit and bet, and the amount they can bet will be limited and the impact will not be great.

The next day, the sun rises.

In the entire Baifeng Sect, every mountain peak and every place sounded the sound of a bell at the same time, and the sound was louder and louder than the last.

Sibaofeng, Lingxi took the lead, and the five disciples lined up neatly and stood in front of Cao Zhen. Except for Yisheng, everyone exuded a strong fighting spirit. The determination of the face.

"Master, the Hundred Peaks Competition is about to begin. Don't worry, we will not embarrass the Four Treasure Peaks!"

"Master, this time, we must make the Four Treasure Peak a blockbuster!"

"Master, we will protect the glory of the Four Treasures Peak!"

Cao Zhen felt the high-spirited fighting spirit of his disciples and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. For the first time, he felt that he was sorry for these disciples.

His disciples have been preparing for a long time, waiting for this day, waiting to fight for the honor of the Four Treasures Peak, but they themselves

I have no choice but to say what needs to be said.

"This time, the rearrangement of the Hundred Peaks may be different from what you think." Cao Zhen glanced over the faces of Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu, and Beiyan one by one, and said in a deep voice, "This time, I hope you won't fight with all your might."

"Why!" Yan Yourong couldn't help but question. Ever since she broke through because of her master, she has always respected her master's words like an imperial edict and has never violated them. This is the first time she has questioned her master after her breakthrough. .

Since her breakthrough, she has never slacked off for a day, just to fight with all her strength on the day of the Hundred Peaks Competition and strive for a higher ranking for the Four Treasure Peaks.

But now, his master actually said that they would not be allowed to fight with all their strength!

Cao Zhen listened to the bells coming one after another and said in a serious tone: "Master also knows that you have been preparing for today for a long time. Master also wants to make Si Baofeng's ranking higher, and Master also wants to be worthy of Si Baofeng." The ancestors and sects of the ancestors, the master does not want the Four Treasure Peak to be ranked at the bottom of the Hundred Peaks.

However, there is no way. The Little Era is about to reverse the world, and in those darkest moments when the masters are sleeping, anything can happen.

Master wants each of you, each of my own disciples, to survive, so Master needs to help you improve your strength.

To improve, you need elixirs, and a large amount of elixirs. The price of the materials required to refine elixirs is far beyond your imagination. Now, if you want to get more spiritual stones, you can only go through the Hundred Peaks Competition.

And the highest odds for our Sibaofeng, that is, the capped odds, is that the ranking of Sibaofeng remains unchanged. Only by staying in last place can we get more spiritual stones and refine elixirs for you."

"Master, I was wrong!" Yan Yourong immediately stepped back and knocked his head to the ground.

"Wait, if you don't want to learn, why are you learning this? Your senior sister is enough for me to kowtow." Cao Zhen quickly stepped forward and stopped Yan Yourong. He just changed his mind because he asked his disciples to compete with each other. My heavy heart became lighter.


As soon as he finished speaking, Lingxi knelt down and knocked his head on the ground: "Master, I am wrong. I shouldn't kowtow to my sister."

Cao Zhen:

"You know you are wrong and you still kowtow? Go back and write a hundred times that Master is the greatest. Also, in the future, when there are outsiders behind Master, you are not allowed to kowtow to Master."

Cao Zhen was interrupted by this, but his mood improved a lot. He looked at everyone and said solemnly: "This time, Master is also for the future of our Four Treasures Peak. Next time, Master will definitely let you go and rush, let go." Go fight.”

"No, Master, it's not your fault this time. It's the disciples who failed to live up to expectations." Yan Yourong looked at Cao Zhen with determination and said: "If we are confident enough, if we can rush to the first place, Master will not need us either." No matter what, we can still get the highest odds!"

Even if Cao Zhen didn't watch it, he could guess that if Si Baofeng reached the top spot, the odds would definitely be capped.

However, with the current situation of Sibaofeng, there was no possibility of reaching the first place, and he had not even considered it.

"Yes, senior sister is right." Xiang Ziyu shouted with a look of excitement on his face: "We have reached the top fifty this time. This ranking is not in line with the temperament of the protagonist. As the protagonist, I am on the peak How can we be ranked in the middle? We are either ranked last or first. This is the real protagonist!"

The bells rang one after another, and each sound lasted for a long time.

Cao Zhen listened to the sound of the bells, raised his hand and said: "Okay, next time, we will be first. This time, we will keep a low profile and make money first. Let's go down the mountain."

The Hundred Peaks Competition has finally arrived!

Juxian Peak, this is a peak that does not belong to any of the hundred peaks. No one would climb Juxian Peak on weekdays.

However, every time something big happens in the Baifeng Sect and the disciples from all the peaks gather, the gathering place is Juxian Peak. The Hundred Peaks Competition is no exception.

Juxian Peak, near the top of the peak, has a terrain that is high on all sides and low in the middle.

The peak masters and disciples of each peak are on the surrounding high places, and the competition venue is the low flat place in the middle.

However, the surrounding heights are also high and low, and are not generally high. As the last mountain peak, Sibao Peak is naturally at the lowest place, next to the Seven Star Peak people led by Deng Qixing.

Deng Qixing looked at Cao Zhen who was not far away, and then looked at the people on the other peaks further away, then raised his head and looked into the distance, looking at the highest peaks, and sighed: "Our last few peaks The total number of people in the mountain is less than half the number of people in a mountain.

However, I think that after the Hundred Peaks Competition, the Four Treasures Peak will gradually become different, and the number of disciples will gradually increase and become more comfortable. From now on, the Seven Star Peak will rely on you. "

"Master, you" Chao Zizai was just about to say something when the hundredth bell sounded and the ringing stopped.

He immediately stopped what he was about to say and looked to the top.

At the highest point of Juxian Peak, Bai Fengzi stands proudly here, his windbreaker fluttering in the wind, making a sound as it is blown by the peaks.

After glancing around, she said: "Baifeng Sect, Hundred Peaks rearrangement, starting now." The Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe is coming, and she will not be sloppy or talk too much nonsense.

After she finished speaking, she retreated to the back.

Then, an old man with pale hair and a majestic face walked forward.

"Elder Qin from the Protector Immortal Palace." Someone beside Cao Zhen called out softly.

Elder Qin said loudly: "The hundred peaks are rearranged, the Six Arts Examination, the first talisman, the disciples of each peak can go to Juxian Terrace."

As his words fell, the disciples in the Baifeng Sect quickly flew towards the Juxian Platform. Juxiantai is the huge platform in the middle.

Cao Zhen turned back to look at Lingxi and said, "Go ahead. There's no need to admit defeat at the beginning. After all, you've been preparing for so long and you still need to show it. Once you've shown it, you won't get the Fengzhu."

"Yes, disciple understands." Lingxi responded and fell directly towards Juxian Terrace.

On the side, at the location of the Seven Star Peak, Cao Zhen discovered that there were five disciples from the Seven Star Peak flying down towards the Gathering Immortal Platform.

Cao Zhenman glanced at Deng Qixing in surprise. The Hundred Peaks Competition, including the Six Arts Examination, does not matter how many disciples you want to send to each peak. If you want, there is no problem in sending all the disciples.

Each examination of the Six Arts will be conducted in three rounds.

The first round is the qualification examination.

For example, the assessment of talismans requires everyone to refine a talisman. If they can refine it and reach a certain level, they will be qualified to enter the second round.

In the second round, everyone refines the same talisman. Whoever refines the talisman with a higher level can naturally enter the next round. If the two people refine the talisman with the same level, then it depends on who refines it faster. , the faster one enters the next round.

A total of 500 people will be selected to advance to the third round.

In the third round, there will be no regulations on the talismans to be refined. Everyone can refine the talismans that they are good at. Finally, the top three hundred were selected based on the talisman's function, level, and refining speed.

Everyone in the top three hundred will get the corresponding peak bamboo, which is actually points to add to their own peak. Finally, among the 100 peaks, whichever peak has the most bamboos will naturally be ranked first, and we can use this to calculate. If there are the same number of peak bamboos, it will be a separate competition to see who can fight better.

In fact, at the beginning, it was not the top three hundred, but the top one hundred.

But later, some people from the peaks suggested that for the Hundred Peaks Competition and the Six Arts Examination of the Hundred Peaks Sect, each peak could only send a maximum of ten people to each event.

Those who made these suggestions were also the peak masters of the Lower Fifty Peaks. After all, there are no restrictions on the people sent from all peaks. So the top disciples are almost all people from the Upper Fifty Peaks, and their disciples from the Lower Fifty Peaks have no A chance to get ahead.

However, this proposal was directly rejected by the current leader Bai Fengzi.

In the words of Master Zhang Zong, if the disciples practice hard, they must be given a chance to show off. She will not limit the number of disciples sent to each peak, but she has increased the number of people who can increase the number of peak bamboos. In the past, there were a hundred increased to the top three hundred.

In this way, even some disciples of the Lower Fifty Peaks can obtain certain peak bamboos for their own peaks, and the Lower Fifty Peaks will also pay more attention to the Six Arts.

When there were only a hundred people in the past, many peaks in the Lower Fifty Peaks could not even get a peak bamboo in the Six Arts Competition, and they could only compete to see who could fight better.

Therefore, there is no problem in sending a few more disciples in the Six Arts Competition, but the problem is that if you send out so many disciples, you have to ensure that they enter the second round or the third round, otherwise it will be useless.

Qixing Peak

Deng Qixing seemed to notice Cao Zhen's gaze and looked over with the same surprise, "Peak Master Cao, why did you just send a disciple? Your disciples should be able to refine the spirit gathering talisman, right?"

If this first round of competition is about refining the spirit-gathering talisman, then all of your disciples should be able to enter the next round. Why don't you send a few more disciples? "

"This can't be such a coincidence, right?" Cao Zhen casually said haha, what could he say? You can't say that you are ready to release the water, so you sent Lingxi alone.

"That's not sure. Why I sent so many disciples? I just hope that the first round of assessment is the Soul Gathering Talisman. It would be better if the second round is the Dharma Return Talisman."

The magic return talisman is a talisman that restores mana. Cao Zhen did not teach it to other Taoist academies, but later he found an opportunity to teach it to Qixing Peak.

On the highest mountain, Bai Fengzi did not pay attention to the first-ranked Feixian Peak or the second-ranked Five Elements Peak, but looked in the direction of the Four Treasures Peak.

Looking at the falling figure, her eyes suddenly shrank, alone? Sibaofeng actually sent just one person?

At this time, the voice of the guardian elder also sounded again.

"The first talisman competition of the Six Arts, in the first round, the talisman refined is the Spirit Gathering Talisman."

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