On the gathering platform, disciples from Baifeng gathered together. At a glance, it felt like there were thousands of them.

In the Hundred Peaks Sect, although there are few disciples in the Lower Fifty Peaks, there are not many disciples who can participate in the Six Arts Assessment.

The key is that there are many disciples on the Fifty Peaks, especially those on peaks like Lingfu Peak that specialize in the Talisman Path. They have sent almost all the disciples on their peaks.

The Juxian Platform has long been filled with stone tables, and each stone table is filled with materials for refining the Soul Gathering Talisman. Although everyone has different methods for refining the Soul Gathering Talisman, the materials used are almost the same. , these materials are enough to ensure that they can refine the spirit gathering talisman.

The stone tables were prepared in advance, but no one knew how many disciples would take the exam. Therefore, the sect prepared more stone tables, but of course not too many. Only a few stone tables were empty. Behind most of the stone tables stood a disciple taking the exam.

"The first round of school examinations, three chances, the third level of Talisman can pass the examination."

Following the order of the protector elder, all the disciples on the Immortal Gathering Platform started to take action one after another. Even if they were just disciples within the sect, even if they were just refining the simplest Soul Gathering Talisman, when everyone took action at the same time, all around the Immortal Gathering Platform The air was visibly shaking.

And many people's eyes were already looking towards Cao Zhen.

The first test is actually the Soul Gathering Talisman?

Who doesn't know that Sibaofeng found a group of people from the Taoist Academy to refine the Spirit Gathering Talisman, and directly dominated the entire Spirit Gathering Talisman market.

The faces of several peak masters from the Lower Fifty Peaks suddenly became a little solemn.

"But it gave Si Baofeng an advantage."

"Don't worry, this is just the first level. Is there a second level later?"

"No, look, there are still many people standing over at the Four Treasures Peak. Only one of their disciples is missing? They sent one person to take the talisman examination."

"Didn't you say that the best among the six skills of the Four Treasures Peak is Talisman? But only one person is sent to this area, how many peak bamboos can be obtained in the end? Fortunately, I was worried that the Four Treasures Peak would affect our peak. There’s no point worrying about the location.”

"Those who bought the Four Treasures Peak and rushed into the fifty-plus ranks, I'm afraid their intestines are full of regrets now."

"I've heard that some people, I don't know what they think, actually bought the Four Treasures Peak and rushed into the Upper Fifty Peak."

Deng Qixing, who is also the master of the Lower Fifty Peaks, could no longer suppress the smile on his face. He looked at Cao Zhen and said, "Master Cao, I would also like to thank you for teaching us how to refine the spirit gathering talisman. Anyway, the five of me Disciple, there is no problem in entering the second round. It all depends on the situation in the second round. In fact, even if they fail to pass the second round, it doesn’t matter. This time, the reason why I let them all take the exam is more It boosts their self-confidence.

As disciples of the Ninety-nine Peaks, they are used to being looked down upon by others and have no self-confidence. This time, I want to tell them that they are far stronger and better than they think. "

Cao Zhen looked at Deng Qixing who was talking eloquently with some surprise. Although Deng Qixing's Seven Star Peak was Ninety-nine Peaks, Deng Qixing's education level was not low.

If Seven Star Peak had more resources, it would never be reduced to this position.

Suddenly, beside him, several exclamations sounded.

"Why doesn't Lingxi at Sibao Peak move?"

"Stop, stop. Is this the end of practice?"

"So fast!"

"She, she is actually faster than He Tianqi from Lingfu Peak."

On the Immortal Gathering Platform, Lingxi had already put her hands behind her back, and on the stone table in front of her, there was a Soul Gathering Talisman. She is an Ancient Talisman Immortal, and she has taught many people to refine the Soul Gathering Talisman before. She is really familiar with the refining of the Soul Gathering Talisman.

However, she never imagined that she made the talisman without exerting all her strength. When she put down the talisman, no one around her refined the spirit gathering talisman. She was the first among them all!

"Look, He Tianqi, he has finished refining it. He is indeed the genius of Spirit Talisman Peak who can transfer the talisman away!"

"It's a pity. I thought He Tianqi would be the first to complete the talisman, but I didn't expect that he would be the second."

"The first one and the second one shouldn't matter. After all, as long as you pass the first round, it's fine. I think He Tianqi didn't try his best."

At the Juxiantai, among the disciples taking the exam, a man with a handsome face wearing a golden robe, near the middle, looked through the crowd in the direction of Lingxi with surprise.

You're not the first?

There is actually someone faster than me!

Although he didn't try his best, it was rare for that person not to finish making the talisman so quickly.

However, even though it was only the first round, it didn't matter where he finished, but he was from Lingfu Peak after all, so losing to others was a little embarrassing. Although the next round is not the last round, I still need to do my best to get first place. Otherwise, as a disciple of Lingfu Peak, it will be unjustifiable.

While he was thinking, another burst of exclamations came from the mountain peaks on both sides.

"Shao Yijian from Feixian Peak, he is actually the third one."

"Senior Brother Shao Yijian has long been a powerful being of the Golden Core Perfection. He is one of the few disciples in our Baifeng Sect. I didn't expect that his talisman-making techniques are so advanced."

"As expected of the number one Feixian Peak."

Amid the exclamations of everyone, a man with a stern face looked at the talisman that had been refined in front of him expressionlessly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Slowly, more and more people completed making talismans.

Until the last person finished making the talisman, the voice of the guardian elder sounded.

"Those who have successfully made the Soul Gathering Talisman and reached the third level of the Soul Gathering Talisman will have your name and mountain peak carved on the stone table in front of you. Other disciples will leave the Gathering Immortal Platform."

After the words fell, several disciples in the crowd slowly walked out, either annoyed or regretful, and left Juxian Terrace.

Cao Zhen looked down and saw that there were not many disciples leaving, only thirty or forty. This first round of school examinations was not difficult.

Among the remaining disciples, no one checked their talismans.

This is the Grand Competition of Hundred Peaks. Master Zhang Zong, various high-level officials of Hundred Peaks Sect, and the peak masters of each peak are all watching from above. Who dares to stay here to make up for the lack of completion?

The elder protector waited for the last disciple who was supposed to leave to leave the Gathering Immortal Platform, and then spoke again: "In the second round, the refining is the Dharma Return Talisman. It is also the third chance. Now, you can start refining."

"Returning Talisman?" Deng Qixing was stunned for a moment, and then he became ecstatic: "Blessed by our ancestors, the second round of the competition turned out to be the Returning Talisman, Qixing Peak, Qixing Peak's ranking among the hundred peaks this time is really It’s going to rise!”

Cao Zhen had taught his disciples how to refine the Returning Talisman.

Just comparing the magic talisman, he is confident that all five of his disciples can enter the next round.

As long as you enter the third round, you may get Fengzhu!

By the way, Cao Zhen!

Deng Qixing turned to look at Cao Zhen and thanked: "Peak Master Cao, thanks to you for teaching us Qixing Peak to return the Dharma Talisman. This time it is the Dharma Return Talisman. I, Qixing Peak, have a chance to get the Peak Bamboo, Cao."

As he spoke, he felt embarrassed when he looked at Cao Zhen. Cao Zhen could give them the special method of refining the Talisman of Return to the Seven Stars Peak. How could he not give it to the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak? However, the Four Treasures Peak's disciples Among Baofeng's disciples, only Lingxi participated.

It's a pity, it's really a pity. If all the other disciples of Sibaofeng participated in the Talisman Examination, they would all be able to enter the third round and have a chance to get the Peak Bamboo. Now, only Lingxi has the opportunity to get Fengzhu.

Cao Zhen deliberately pretended to be regretful and said: "Among my disciples, only Lingxi is good at making talismans. The other disciples are not good at making talismans, so I didn't send them there. If I had known this, I would have sent them all." ”

As he spoke, he looked in the direction of Juxian Terrace.

On the gathering platform, Lingxi waved her hands one after another, refining the talismans in front of her with special techniques. Slowly, behind her, ten vision foundations, ten vision fairy bridges, and a vision pill all appeared. , the strange phenomena of the ancient talismans vibrated and resonated with her, and as she played the spells, they entered the talismans in front of her.

After a while, the talisman was completed.

It's just an ordinary spell-returning talisman, but even if you stand around, you can feel the rich magic power in it.

Not far away, several disciples from Seven Star Peak even turned their heads out of curiosity and looked in the direction of Lingxi.

This is?


They hadn't even finished half of their magic-returning talismans. How could Lingxi finish it first? This speed is too fast. Also, are you sure you are refining a spell-returning talisman?

They often refine the magic talisman on a daily basis, and they know very well about the magic talisman, but the magic talisman does not have such a strong aura of magic power.


"Lingxi, have you completed refining again?"

"This is too fast!"

On the surrounding mountains, everyone quickly noticed that among the disciples making talismans, the only one, Lingxi, had stopped making talismans.

"Is this the second round of assessment? Although there is also a competition on speed, the premise is that the level of the spiritual talisman must be compared first. If the levels are the same, the speed of refining the spiritual talisman will be compared again. She finished refining it so quickly, can she What kind of high-level magic talisman is coming out?"

"Perhaps, she practiced a talisman first to guarantee her performance. After all, after three chances, she has a guaranteed talisman. She can use the remaining two opportunities to refine high-quality talismans."

"But from the look on her face, it's clear that she has no intention of refining it anymore."

"Strange, what is she doing?"

All around, there were many people who were paying attention to the Four Treasures Peak, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

This time in the Hundred Peaks Competition, the peak that attracted the most attention was not the Feixian Peak or the top-ranked peak like the Five Elements Peak, but the Four Treasures Peak.

Feixian Peak, Five Elements Peak, and other top-ranked peaks have nothing to do with most people, but the Four Treasures Peak, who knows how many places they will compete for this time, is a direct threat to them.

Besides, many of them have bet on the Four Treasures Peak. How could they not pay attention to the situation of the Four Treasures Peak?

He Tianqi glanced in the direction of Lingxi from a distance, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. What's the use of pursuing speed? In this round, the final competition is to see who can refine the talisman with higher quality.

A peak like the Four Treasures Peak can probably only rely on these methods to attract attention.

He quickly gathered his thoughts and concentrated on refining the talisman in front of him.

Although he was focused on pursuing the quality of the talisman this time, his refining speed was still extremely fast.

Even if he is a few people behind, he is still among the top ten people who have completed refining the talisman.

Level 35, magic return talisman!

He Tianqi looked at the talisman he had completed in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. This time, he performed well, even though he had once refined a level 36 spell-returning talisman.

But that was when it was quiet and no one interfered. Now, in this Juxian Terrace, in this unfamiliar environment, and in the middle of the exam, it is enough to be able to refine the thirty-fifth level magic return talisman. .

He looked at the remaining materials on the table, thought about it, and decided not to continue refining.

He still has two chances, but with these two chances, he may not be able to guarantee that he will be able to refine the thirty-sixth level magic recovery talisman.

Among all the disciples, the thirty-fifth-level Dharma Returning Talisman must be the one who looks arrogant to everyone. Even counting the elders in the Baifeng Sect who are good at making talismans, there are not many people who can refine magic-returning talismans higher than this.

Level thirty-five is enough.

He also needs to retain more energy to prepare for the next round of competition.

On Juxian Platform, more and more disciples stopped making talismans.

Finally, after the last disciple finished refining the magic return talisman.

From a high place, the elder protector raised his hand and grabbed it forward. In the void, a shadow of a giant hand appeared. On the stone table in front of the disciples, the refined talismans flew up one after another and fell into the sky. In giant hands.

The next moment, the giant hand suddenly retracted.

The elder protector pondered for a moment, and then quickly reported: "No. 500, Zhao Wenbo of Seven Star Peak, seventh-level Dharma Return Talisman, No. 999, Hidden Sword Peak."

Yi Sheng stood behind Cao Zhen, listening to the Protector Elder reporting the rankings of the top 500 people one after another. A look of surprise appeared on his face, and he said with admiration: "There are so many disciples, and the Protector Elder just collected them all casually." He put away the talismans. He didn't even need to touch these talismans with his hands to accurately distinguish the level of the talismans. He could also know who refined these talismans. This kind of control was so terrifying. ”

"Don't worry." Xiang Ziyu stretched out his hand and wanted to pat Yisheng's shoulder, but found out awkwardly that he had to lift his arm up to touch Yisheng's shoulder. He immediately retracted his hand and continued, "You As the protagonist’s junior brother, you can’t have this kind of control until you reach his age.”

When Yan Yourong heard this, he immediately turned away and was too lazy to pay attention to this junior brother who was starting to get sick again. Yisheng, on the other hand, nodded obediently and said: "Senior brother, I will definitely practice and try to catch up with you as soon as possible. "

"Catch us?" Xiang Ziyu puffed up his chest with a proud look on his face and said: "Little junior sister, it is still possible for you to catch up with them, but it will never be possible for you to catch up with your senior brother. Because, your senior brother , I am destined to become a legend in this era."

"Senior brother." Xiao Beiyan poked Xiang Ziyu gently from the side and shouted: "Senior brother, you don't need to puff up your chest. No matter how tall you are, you won't be as tall as Junior Sister Yisheng."

Xiang Ziyu immediately lowered his head and looked at Xiao Beiyan, educating him: "Xiao Beiyan, do you know? It is very dangerous for you to talk to the protagonist like this.

Also, before discussing this issue with your senior brother, you should first see how tall you are. "

"I'm different." Xiao Beiyan said nonchalantly: "I'm not as tall as my junior sister, but I'm still young and I can still grow taller."

"Okay, you two, shut up." Yan Yourong couldn't stand the bickering between the two and said coldly, "First of all, let's hear how senior sister is ranked."

The guardian elder reported everyone's rankings one after another. After a while, he had already reported the 100th place.

Deng Qixing was so excited that he almost danced: "All five disciples have entered the top 500. They all have the opportunity to get the ranking. I, Deng Qixing, am finally worthy of my ancestors. This time, we Qixing Feng, if you have a chance, break into the top ninety-five, no, even the top ninety will have a chance."

Deng Qixing has already made a quick calculation. In the Six Arts Assessment, not many of the bottom fifty peaks can get the Peak Bamboo. And the top ten peaks have failed to get the Peak Bamboo in the Six Arts Assessment for five consecutive Hundred Peaks Competition. Bamboo.

Now, he has five disciples in the top 500 at Seven Star Peak. Even if these five disciples only got one Peak Bamboo in the third round, that would be a huge advantage among the next ten peaks. .

In addition, Chao Zizai, who is no longer what he used to be, will surely surprise the people of the next ten peaks when he finally takes the fight to Bai Feng.

This time, he, Qixing Peak, really had a chance to break through to the 90th place.

All this is because of Cao Zhen.

In fact, it can be said that he has done nothing in his life. He has not done anything wrong or correct. But now he feels that a few months ago, he has made the most correct thing in his life. The decision was to let Chao Zizai and Cao Zhenyi marry Jinlan. Today, the two of them have not yet become sworn friends to Jinlan, but Qixing Peak has already benefited a lot.

However, other people's external strength is ultimately the strength of others, and everything must ultimately depend on oneself.

High above, the guardian elders were still calling out names one by one.

All around, everyone heard these names, but they kept looking in the direction of Sibao Peak and Lingxi.

"There are already fifty of them, and I haven't heard the names of Four Treasure Peak and Lingxi yet."

"That Lingxi couldn't have been eliminated."

"Probably not. Didn't you see the Daoji, Xianqiao and Neidan she released just now? Those visions are obviously talisman visions."

"There is a talisman phenomenon. She should be good at talismans. There is no way she failed in the second round."

"But, the top ten have been registered now, and her name hasn't appeared yet. She can't be in the top ten."

"I also think that no matter how good she is at refining talismans, she shouldn't be able to make it into the top ten."

"Don't talk about the top ten, now we are all in the top five."

"Third place, Feixianfeng Shao Yijian, level 33 magic return talisman." From above, the voice of the guardian elder came, and below, everyone suddenly let out an exclamation.

"The third place turned out to be Shao Yijian!"

"Feixian Peak is indeed Feixian Peak. Even if we don't take the lead as a talisman, we can still win third place."

"This time, I'm afraid there won't be any peak that can shake Feixian Peak's position."

"First, it must be He Tianqi from Lingfu Peak. I don't know who the second place is."

While everyone was amazed, the voice of the protector elder came again. "Second place, Spirit Talisman Peak He Tianqi, thirty-fifth level magic return talisman."


"He Tianqi is only second?"

"He is second, who is first?"

"A level 35 magic healing talisman can't even rank first?"

Everyone around was stunned for a moment. The first place was not He Tianqi? That was a genius disciple of Lingfu Peak, and the peak master of Lingfu Peak personally said that this was the disciple with the best talent for making talismans that Lingfu Peak had received in a hundred years.

However, now, He Tianqi did not get the first place.

He Tianqi looked at the Protector Elder with a dull look on his face. If it weren't for the Hundred Peaks Competition, and if the person who spoke was not the Protector Elder, he would have even asked, "Isn't he the first?" You have refined a thirty-fifth level magic healing talisman, but you are still not the first? So who is first!

"First, Four Treasures Peak, Lingxi, 41st Level Magic Talisman!" High up, the guardian elder did not hold the magic talisman with the phantom giant hand that gathered magic power, but used his own With his palm, he held the spiritual talisman refined by Lingxi in his hand.

The forty-level spell-returning talisman was so astonishing that even he was worried about possessing it in person, holding it in front of him and confirming it again.

The crowd below seemed to explode instantly, bursts of exclamations erupted.


"God, did I hear that right?"

"This is Level 41!"

"Is there anyone in our Baifeng Sect who can refine such a high-level talisman?"

"If it wasn't what the guardian elder said, I wouldn't be able to believe it at all!"

"Well, our peak is already very good at refining talismans. One of the top ten is our peak's senior brother. However, our peak master cannot refine a forty-level talisman. This is a forty-level talisman." Level one! It’s so scary!”

He Tianqi turned his head with a dull expression and looked at Lingxi in the distance. The forty-level talisman? How is that possible? It was already amazing that he could refine a level 35 talisman. If it were even more amazing, he would believe that the other party could refine a level 40 talisman.

But at level 41, he couldn't believe anything he said.

Although there is only one level difference between a level 40 talisman and a level 41 talisman, there is a world of difference between them. I don’t know how many people will be unable to cross that threshold in their lifetime.

Anyone who can refine a forty-level talisman will be respectfully called the Talisman King!

The Sibaofeng disciple who is ranked last from the bottom before him, this young disciple, is actually a Talisman King!

"King Fu!"

"Lingxi, it's King Fu!"

For a moment, everyone in the entire Baifeng Sect was stunned.

At the highest point, Bai Fengzi listened to the praises of Lingxi, but his eyes fell on Cao Zhen.

Is this what you are doing to the Baifeng Sect?

Not only do you teach your disciples the techniques and help them practice, but you also teach your disciples various six arts to improve the Hundred Peaks Sect in all aspects.

It would be better if the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe comes later, so that you can have more adequate arrangements.

It's a pity that I can't hold on for long now, and I will have to rely on them in the future.

In the direction of Lingfu Peak, the master of Lingfu Peak looked at the figure below. In addition to shock, his eyes showed regret, deep regret.

He had some impression of this disciple, because this disciple had an ancient talisman body. He had also seen in some ancient books how terrifying the ancient talisman body was when it grew up, and how suitable it was for the art of talismans.

But he still didn't accept this disciple at the beginning, because it was impossible for the Ancient Talisman Immortal Body to grow in this era.

Who would have known that now Lingxi has broken through the pill formation and can refine a forty-level talisman. No matter what kind of talisman it is, as long as he can refine a forty-level talisman, he is the Talisman King!

If I had known this, I would have included Lingxi into Lingfu Peak no matter what.

In the direction of Suzaku Peak, Tu Zhuque clapped his hands three times: "Okay, okay." There is a Talisman King in Sibao Peak. In the future, when others ask about Taoist monk Li Ke, let me tell you that the disciple of Taoist monk Li Ke is Fu. The king also has face.

Deng Qixing had already stared at Cao Zhen with wide eyes. At this moment, he finally understood why Cao Zhen only sent Lingxi alone.

Lingxi is the King of Fu, and only one person is enough! Do we still need disciples from the sect?

The faces of those who bet on the Four Treasures Peak all have different expressions.

"There is actually a Fu King in this Four Treasure Peak!"

"I bet on Sibaofeng ranking 61st to 65th. I feel more confident now."

"Really? I bet on the Four Treasure Peaks to be ranked between fifty-six and sixty. It's obviously me who is more likely."

"Okay, the stronger the Four Treasures Peak, the better, so that I can have a chance to earn a fortune in spiritual stones."

Anyway, there is no way that the Four Treasures Peak can threaten their mountain. The stronger the Four Treasures Peak is, the better, so the chance of winning their bet will be higher.

As a member of the Baifeng Sect, Chen Shizhi was also on the Juxian Peak, but the position he stood at was further down than the Four Treasures Peak. Listening to the shouts around him, he raised his head and glanced in the direction of Cao Zhen, sneering in his heart. Unexpectedly, Cao Zhen, this insidious guy, really has a back-up plan. One of his disciples is actually a Talisman King!

He definitely wanted to rush into the Upper Fifty Peak.

That guy probably still thinks that he bet on the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks to remain unchanged. If he knew that I bet on the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks to enter the upper fifty peaks because of what he said that day, he would probably be pissed to death.

After the guardian elder reported the rankings, he did not stay too long and quickly spoke again: "The top five hundred people will stay, and the rest will leave the Juxian Terrace."

As his words fell, the disciples who were eliminated one by one had no choice but to leave.

After all the disciples left, the third round of school examinations did not start immediately. Instead, disciples from the Baifeng Sect flew down to the Gathering Immortal Platform and once again took out various materials and placed them on each table. On a stone table.

At this time, the voice of the protector elder came out again.

"The final round of the Six Arts Talisman Examination begins."

As soon as the words fell, the disciples who were still in shock had to restrain their minds and began to study the refining materials in front of them.

In the last round, there is no longer a requirement for what kind of talisman must be refined, but the materials provided by everyone are the same, which can ensure the greatest fairness.

Otherwise, everyone can bring their own refining materials, so peaks with higher rankings and more resources will naturally be able to use better materials, and the talismans they refine will naturally be stronger. So unfair.

Lingxi just glanced at these materials, and her hands were already moving.

From the surrounding heights, everyone's eyes had already fallen on her.

"Sure enough, the Talisman King is the Talisman King. You can tell what runes to refine just by looking at it."

"You see, she is not refining it so quickly this time, and she obviously pays more attention to it."

"What technique is this? Master Hu, you are good at making talismans. Can you tell what technique it is?"

"I am blind, but I can't see what kind of technique it is."

Lingxi's combat power was fully activated, and ten vision foundations, ten vision fairy bridges, and a vision pill all appeared behind him, and ancient talismans and visions shone with dazzling brilliance.

In front of her, a talisman gradually took shape. Although it was not completely refined, the colorful light emitted from the talisman told everyone how amazing this talisman would be if it was successfully refined!

"I am so far away, I can feel the overwhelming power emanating from the talisman!"

"Yes, you see, the talisman has not been refined yet, but the air around it is already vibrating crazily."

"Is this the true strength of King Fu!"

"Lingxi, she is definitely not the kind of person who can only refine one or two kinds of talismans. She is the real Talisman King!"

"The first place this time must be Lingxi."

"This Hundred Peaks Competition is about to make history. The peak from the bottom will take first place in one of the six arts competitions. This has never happened before!"

Cao Zhen listened to everyone's exclamations, felt and looked at the talisman refined by Lingxi, and was completely panicked. As a disciple, he would not really think about taking the first place.

If she takes first place, there will be no need to compete with the rest. Si Baofeng will definitely not be ranked last, and all her three million spirit stones will be wasted.

He quickly sent a message to Lingxi and asked, "Lingxi, what are you going to do? You don't really want to take first place, do you?"


Lingxi had just replied two words when the talisman that was taking shape in front of her suddenly exploded with a bang.

"The talisman exploded?"

"This is"


Everyone who was observing Lingxi was stunned. This was different from what they expected. Why did it suddenly fail?

Lingxi looked at the failed talisman and helplessly transmitted the secret message to Cao Zhen: "Master, the disciple just feels that it is rare to use the materials of the Baifeng Sect without spending money. I want to test it. The disciple imagined A kind of talisman.”

"Master is anxious, anxious. If you continue to experiment, don't you still have two chances? Master promises not to disturb you."

Cao Zhen gently wiped the sweat from his head, as long as Lingxi didn't really want to win the first place. He just disturbed Lingxi and distracted Lingxi, so the talisman making failed.

Don't bother Lingxi gathering wool anymore.

All around, everyone looked at Lingxi who quickly picked up the materials and started making talismans again after the failure, and they all started looking forward to it again.

"It doesn't matter, there are three chances in total."

"Yes, there are two more chances. She is the King of Talisman. What should she be afraid of if she fails once?"

"If she is a little more secure, she won't be able to run away in the first place."

They all bought Sibaofeng's ranking to rise!

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