This kind of thing has never happened in the Hundred Peaks Competition. Everyone did not care about the situation of their own peaks. Instead, they cared about the disciples of other peaks. They were even anxious because the talismans refined by the disciples of other peaks were about to fail.

In the final round of the Six Arts Competition and the [talisman] competition, Lingxi failed again in making the talisman for the second time.

As the unformed talisman exploded, all around, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect who were betting on the Four Treasure Peak's ranking becoming more and more anxious.

If you fail the first time, that's okay. There are still two chances.

But it failed again the second time, so there was only one chance left.

If it fails for the last time, wouldn't it mean that we won't be able to get a single peak bamboo from the Four Treasure Peak?

If Si Baofeng cannot get the Peak Bamboo, how will their ranking rise? If their ranking does not rise, all their spiritual stones will be in vain!

Many people were so anxious that they even shouted to Lingxi from a distance: "Stop refining that kind of talisman!"

"Fairy Lingxi, we believe in your strength. Just hold on, hold on and you will definitely get the first place. Don't take any more risks."

"That's right, Fairy Lingxi, hold on tight, you are the Talisman King. As long as you refine a talisman casually, you will be number one. There is no need to refine such a difficult talisman!"

At the Juxian Terrace, near the middle, He Tianqi listened to the shouts coming from all around. The expression on his already gloomy face suddenly shook, and a strong fighting spirit rose from the bottom of his heart.

Lingxi failed again?

In other words, she has failed twice and has only one last chance. Even if she is the Talisman King, she cannot guarantee that every time she refines the Talisman, she will be successful. Faced with the only chance, she will be more careful. , she may choose the safest way, and then her opportunity will come.

As if Lingxi didn't hear the shouts of the crowd at all, he still used the same method to make the talisman as before.

Suddenly, almost everyone who had bet on the Four Treasure Peaks ranking above sixty panicked.

"Why does her technique look familiar to me?"

"Although I don't know how to make talismans, I can still see the movements clearly with my eyes. Her movements are no different from the previous two times."

"No, she still wants to refine the talisman that failed twice?"

"She's crazy!"

"If they fail again, they won't be able to get a single peak bamboo from Four Treasure Peak!"

"We can't let her do this anymore."

Everyone was so anxious that they became even more eager to persuade.

"Fairy Lingxi, don't always make such difficult talismans!"

"Fairy Lingxi, if you fail this time, there will be no next chance. This is the best opportunity, so it is better to be safe."

"Fairy Lingxi, even if you don't get first place, you can still get among the top few."

"Yes, and with your level, even if you don't challenge such a difficult talisman, no one should be able to surpass you."

Faced with everyone's persuasion, Lingxi remained unmoved and continued to refine the talisman she wanted to refine.

Many people saw that Lingxi ignored them and even ran directly to Cao Zhen.

"Peak Master Cao, please advise your disciples."

"Master Cao, we can't continue like this. What if we fail again?"

"Peak Master Cao, we are really doing it for your Four Treasure Peak. We have also seen that Fairy Lingxi is the Fu King, but now, she only has one chance."

Cao Zhen looked at all the people who sincerely came to persuade him with astonishment. He really wanted to ask, when did I, Si Baofeng, become so popular?

You care so much about our Sibaofeng. Why didn’t you send some money when our Sibaofeng was poor?

"This is her own choice, and I will not force her to change. Besides, this is also my choice." Cao Zhen looked into the distance with a solemn expression and said firmly: "Our Sibaofeng has been sinking for too long. For a long time, we no longer want to stay at the 100th position. We want to reach a higher ranking. Each of us must work hard!

Even though Lingxi is the Talisman King, if she just refines a low-grade Talisman, she still won't get the first place. In order to ensure the first place, she can only refine a high-grade Talisman. "

Everyone understood what Cao Zhen meant.

This final round is about who can refine the talisman better.

How to judge which talisman is better? It is time to pass the grade and level of the talisman.

The most basic low-level talismans, such as the spirit-gathering talisman and the magic-returning talisman, are all first-grade talismans. Higher-level talismans include second-grade talismans, third-grade talismans, and so on.

The same first-grade talisman, refined by different people, will have different talisman levels.

The higher the grade, the better the talisman. For talismans of the same grade, the higher the grade, the better.

Generally speaking, no matter how high the level of a low-grade talisman is, it cannot be compared to a high-grade talisman.

Even a first-grade soul-gathering talisman, even at level 40, is still inferior to a second-grade and first-grade talisman.

Therefore, if Lingxi wants to get first place, she must ensure that the talisman she refines is the highest grade among all talismans.

However, with so many masters refining it, what if the talisman refined by others is of the same grade as the talisman she refined?

Those who can refine a forty-level talisman can be called a talisman king. It is not necessarily the case that a talisman king can refine a very high-grade talisman.

Although generally speaking, to be able to refine a talisman, even a first-grade talisman, into a forty-level talisman, the level of talisman making must not be low, otherwise it would not be called a king.

However, no one can guarantee that the opponent will not be able to refine a talisman of the same grade.

In this way, if you want to get first place, when pursuing the grade, you must also pursue the grade of the talisman.

Everyone also wanted Lingxi to take first place, but they were really afraid. Lingxi had already failed twice. What if Lingxi also failed the third time?

Everyone tried to persuade him again.

"But, Peak Master Cao, there is no need to pursue perfection."

"Yes, your disciple is King Fu, there is no way he can lose."

"Let her continue refining, just don't pursue perfection."

Cao Zhen shook his head resolutely and said: "No, in order to get first place, we can only pursue perfection. We have waited too long for this day. We, Si Baofeng, don't want to stay at the bottom of the list anymore!"

"Peak Master Cao, if you don't want to stay at the bottom, you must ensure that you can get the Peak Bamboo."

"That's right, Peak Master Cao, this time, the ranking of your Four Treasure Peaks will rise a lot."

Cao Zhen continued: "Just ascending is not enough. Our goal at Sibao Peak is to climb to Fifty Peaks!"

Go to Fifty Peaks!

Many people around were shocked. Cao Zhen's goal was to climb the Fifty Peaks. Earlier, they heard the news that the Peak Master of Suzaku Peak asked Cao Zhen to rush the Four Treasures Peak to the top fifty. They Still laughing.

After all, the gap between the Fifty Peak and the Lower Fifty Peak is too big, that is, there is a huge gap between the peak ranked fifty-one and the peak ranked fifty.

In the recent three Hundred Peaks Competition of the Hundred Peaks Sect, no peak under 50 broke into the top 50.

In the past five Hundred Peaks Competition, only one peak has rushed from the Lower Fifty Peaks to the Upper Fifty Peaks. That was the peak ranked fifty-one, and it rushed to the fifty-first place.

And among them, very few can reach the upper fifty peaks by buying the Four Treasures Peak.

However, if Lingxi really gets first place, Sibaofeng may really have a chance this time.

In the Six Arts Competition, the top 300 people will each get a Peak Bamboo. The 300th place will get one Peak Bamboo, the 299th place will get two Peak Bamboo, and so on.

But the top three are different.

The third place will get 310 peak bamboos.

The second place was three hundred and forty peak bamboos.

The first place can get a total of four hundred peak bamboos!

There is a difference of 60 peak bamboos between the first place and the second place. The gap is not that big.

They understand Lingxi's determination to be first, but Lingxi only has one chance. What if something goes wrong?

"Peak Master Cao, we have no other intentions, but it is too difficult to rush to the Fifty Peaks."

"Peak Master Cao, you will definitely be able to rise a lot this time. When the time comes, you will recruit more disciples. When the next Hundred Peaks Competition is held, that will be the best chance for your Four Treasure Peaks to attack the top fifty peaks."

"Yes, Peak Master Cao, we can talk about it next time."

Everyone tried to persuade him again.

"Next time?" Cao Zhen shook his head heavily and said, "Next time it will be too long. I, Si Baofeng, will seize every day!"

As his words fell, as if in response to him, the talisman that had gradually taken shape in front of Lingxi exploded with a bang, and pieces of paper flew everywhere.

Lingxi looked at the scattered talisman papers with a regretful expression, and fell into deep thought. She almost succeeded, but she almost succeeded. She could go one step further and test the last step.

However, now it failed before reaching the last step. In the future, it can only be returned to Sibaofeng and tested with Sibaofeng's own resources.

While thinking about it, she said angrily: "The last step is just the last step. Next time, I will succeed next time."

All around, people who bought high-ranking Sibaofeng products one by one suddenly felt that the whole world was dark.


"Failed again!"

"She, she failed again."

"A talisman king failed to make talismans three times in a row. In the competition, he couldn't get a single peak bamboo!"

"I said, you have to be more stable, you have to be more stable, she is too pursuing perfection!"

"Look at her remorseful look. Alas, she is still too young. We have been trying to persuade her for so long, but she has not listened at all."

"She said it would be no problem next time, so what if there is no problem again? She only has three chances, and she has no next time."

"She is more stable and won't be able to get even a single peak bamboo."

"It's over, it's completely over. She should be more steady and get at least three hundred and Fengzhu. Now it's better. There's not a single one left. I'm afraid the remaining Six Arts and Four Treasure Peaks are gone."

"It's over, my spirit stones are all gone."

"Wouldn't it be better for her to be in the top three honestly? She is the King of Fu. As long as she stabilizes, she will definitely have no problem getting in the top three."

Everyone seemed to be people from the Four Treasures Peak, each one feeling more sad than the other.

In the distance, there were many people with happy faces.

"It's okay, it's okay. That Lingxi failed to refine it in the end. It scared me a lot just now. I felt like she was going to succeed!"

"Yeah, luckily, she failed in the end."

"I feel like this way, our bet on about eighty people is pretty safe."

"More than seventy is possible."

On the surrounding heights, unlike other places where people stood densely together, there were only five people there.

Hundred Peaks and Five Evils!

In the Baifeng Sect, some people simply looked down on the five people and stayed away from them, while some people did not dare to get close because of their reputations.

As a direct result, there were only five of them in this place.

Bei Chenying looked at the defeated Lingxi, let out a sigh of relief, and whispered in a voice that only the five of them could hear: "Fortunately, Lingxi lost. I was really scared before, I’m really afraid that she will lose her head and become competitive and really go for the first place.”

Li Lingwei sneered: "What's the use of taking first place? Can you earn fifty times the spiritual stones by taking first place? No matter how many first places you take, the Four Treasure Peaks will not be able to reach the first place in the Hundred Peaks Ranking. One, there is no fifty times odds, so why should we take first place!"

"That being said, Lingxi has really sacrificed a lot. Young disciples, who doesn't want to be in the limelight? She is a Talisman King, and in the last three opportunities, she didn't refine a single Talisman. If you tell her, it's not enough. shameful."

Bei Chenying said, glanced at Wu Jinhuan standing aside and said, "Third brother, Lingxi is Xiao Liuzi's apprentice, so she has to call us uncle. You see she has sacrificed so much..."

"Lao Wu, when did you start beating around the bush when you talked to me?" Wu Jinhuan looked in the direction of Si Baofeng and said: "That talisman is of little use to me. As long as we earn spiritual stones this time, You don’t need to tell me, I will give the talisman to her myself.”

In the direction of Zhuque Peak, Li Ke looked at Ling Xi's leaving figure. She admired Cao Zhen and admired Li Ke.

Li Ke is obviously so powerful and is already the King of Talisman. In order to earn spiritual stones, Cao Zhen actually let Li Ke deliberately not take any Fengzhu. Cruel, this Cao Zhen is so cruel!

And Lingxi, a majestic Talisman King, is not afraid of losing face. She actually failed three times. What's even more amazing is that she hasn't let anyone see any problems. Everyone thought that she failed in making the talisman because she pursued perfection too much. No one doubted that she did it on purpose.

Tu Zhuque looked at Lingxi who left Juxiantai with a disappointed look on his face without waiting for the results to be announced, and the smile on his face completely froze.

Lingxi failed to make talismans three times!

These days, some of her disciples have also told her that Lingxi is very good at making talismans, and even many of her disciples in the peak have received guidance from Lingxi.

Especially today, after learning that Lingxi was the King of Fu, she really felt that Lingxi could get this first place. She never expected that Lingxi failed in all three opportunities to make talismans.

That Cao Zhen, his disciple is young and ignorant. As the peak master, why is he still ignorant?

Three opportunities, let the disciples make a talisman first, at least to ensure a relatively high ranking, and then pursue perfection, at least they can get the Peak Bamboo. Now, I can't get a Peak Bamboo. .

Sighing, she turned back inadvertently, only to find that not far away, Chen Qingluan was looking over, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, as if he was saying silently, 'Is this the Taoist companion you chose for your disciple? Look at his disciples, they can't even get a single Peak Bamboo. Let's see how many Four Treasure Peaks they can get. ’

"Why are you laughing!" Tu Zhuque looked at Chen Qingluan fiercely.

Chen Qingluan suddenly laughed out loud: "Why am I laughing? I see my disciples are still making talismans, and I am happy. Besides, what does my laughter have to do with you, Suzaku Peak?"

"You are happy too early." Tu Zhuque sneered, "I hope you can continue to laugh after the elixir test is over."

"Ha..." Chen Qingluan sneered disdainfully: "What? Let the people from Sibaofeng teach you some alchemy techniques, and then you think that your Suzaku Peak can catch up with our Qingluan Peak from behind? A person who has climbed to the top of the Tenth Peak can still You don’t feel ashamed to let the disciples from the penultimate peak teach you how to make alchemy.”

"Chen Qingluan! Tell me clearly, when did your Qingluan Peak surpass our Suzaku Peak in the alchemy path!"

"When did I not surpass you?"

During the quarrel between the two, the first of the six arts competition, the [talisman] competition, finally came to an end.

The guardian elders began to announce the final rankings.

"The 300th place, Seven Star Peak..."

Deng Qixing smiled, his face already full of wrinkles, his mouth grinning so happily that it almost reached his ears.

"Two, there are two people from Seven Star Peak who entered the top 300, and received a total of five peak bamboos! Ancestors, have you seen it? Our Seven Star Peak is about to get rid of the ninety-ninth place... "

Tu Zhuque also laughed, and while smiling he looked at Chen Qingluan provocatively: "Why don't you laugh? Aren't you happy?

I said, I, Zhuque Peak, am better than your Qingluan Peak in everything, including making talismans. "

Chen Qingluan's face was already frosty. Qingluan Feng could lose to anyone, but he couldn't lose to Zhuque Feng. But this time, Zhuque Feng won the first of the six arts competition, the [Fu] competition, no more, no less. , just like their Qingluan Peak has one more peak bamboo!

Her level of talisman making at Qingluan Peak has always been average, but her talisman-making heritage at Zhuque Peak is even worse. Qingluan Feng has always been superior to Suzaku Peak in terms of talismans.

This time, her Qingluan Peak was actually crushed by Suzaku Peak!

Thinking about the previous rumors and Lingxi who was already the King of Talisman, it was obvious that it was because of Lingxi that Suzaku Peak's level of talisman making suddenly improved a lot.

Looking at Tu Zhuque's proud face, she sneered and said, "I hope you can continue to be proud once the alchemy is over."

Suzaku Peak and Qingluan Peak are both fire-cultivating peaks. Fire is used in both elixir refining and weapon refining, so both of them are good at elixir refining and weapon refining.

She had also heard that the people from the Four Treasure Peak taught the people from the Vermilion Peak to make alchemy, but she didn't believe it. The people from the Four Treasure Peak had a Talisman King who made talismans, how could they produce another Alchemy King?

She believes that in the process of alchemy, her Qingluan Peak will definitely surpass Suzaku Peak!

The guardian elder quickly announced the top three hundred. As expected, He Tianqi from Lingfu Peak won the first place, and the second place was Shao Yijian from Feixian Peak.

As the [talisman] competition ended, disciples who did not belong to any peak quickly flew to the Juxian Platform, moved away the stone tables and materials, and then took the pill furnaces and various materials Place it well.

The protector elder spoke again: "Six Arts Competition, the second item [Elixir], disciples from each peak enter the Gathering Immortal Platform."

As his words fell, the disciples of Baifeng flew towards the Gathering Immortal Platform below.

Cao Zhen nodded to Yisheng and said, "Go ahead, I believe you." He believed that Yisheng should know how to perform after seeing how her senior sister performed.

On the side, Seven Star Peak did not send any more disciples this time.

The elder protector waited until no one was flying towards Juxian Terrace, then he said: "Elder Gu Chengyu of Qianlong Temple is in charge of this competition."

After saying that, he retreated to the rear, revealing Gu Chengyu's figure.

"Gu Chengyu?"

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. When he left Qianlong Temple, Gu Chengyu didn't say that he would host the elixir competition.

But think about it, it makes sense.

The elixir competition requires professionals, but for the sake of fairness, and you can't choose people from Baifeng, it is reasonable to choose Gu Chengyu from Qianlong Temple.

Gu Chengyu cleared his throat and shouted to everyone: "There are two rounds in the elixir competition. The first round is to test your foundation.

Now, all the disciples participating in the competition, listen up. From the materials in front of you, take out three coins of Mingjuezi, two coins of the rhizome of Orchidaceae, three coins..."

Gu Chengyu opened his mouth and said the names of various materials.

Below, a group of disciples participating in the competition moved quickly, using various tools and began to obtain various medicinal materials.

After about one stick of incense.

Gu Chengyu looked at the extinguished Shixiang and suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Below, all the disciples stopped.

Since it is the foundation for everyone in the school, the time must be limited. Otherwise, there are various tools for weighing medicinal materials. These disciples, if they weigh slowly, will be able to weigh out all the required medicinal materials.

"Now, those who have not completed the weighing should leave." After Gu Chengyu finished speaking, fifty or sixty disciples left on the Gathering Stage.

"Now, listen up, light the alchemy furnace, and follow my commands to control the fire..."

The elixir competition is different from the talisman making competition. The cost of making talismans is indeed lower, and the time to make talismans is also faster. There can be three rounds of competitions, and each round of the competition is about making talismans.

But the elixir is different. It takes too long to refine the elixir. If there are three rounds of competition like a talisman, then the Hundred Peaks Competition will last for who knows how many days.

Therefore, the first round of alchemy is the basis for testing everyone's accuracy and speed in grabbing medicinal materials, as well as the accuracy of fire control.

After another stick of incense passed, Gu Chengyu stretched out his hand and pointed at each of the disciples. Every disciple he pointed to was a disciple who was eliminated.

In just one round, there were only more than 300 disciples left on the entire Gathering Stage.

"There are so few people?"

Cao Zhen looked at the remaining people below and was immediately startled. What was this Gu Chengyu doing? Why do you eliminate so many people at once? Don't eliminate only 300 people, so that Yisheng can automatically get Fengzhu without having to act.

You Lao Gu, what are you doing?

Cao Zhen was frightened and quickly counted the disciples who were still at Juxian Terrace.

"One, two, three...three hundred and nine."

Finally, he let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the number of people has reached three hundred. If there are nine less people, the first thing he will do when the Hundred Peaks Competition is over is to drive him out of Qianlong Temple. As for Gu Chengyu, Baifeng Wuxie and Li Ke didn't mess with him and wrote their names upside down.

From the surrounding heights, everyone looked at the disciples leaving in groups, but each one felt a little surprised.

"This... is just one round, and there are only so many people left?"

"This is too difficult."

"I feel like Elder Gu, who is in charge of the school examination this time, is very strict."

"Previous competitions didn't seem to be so strict."

The disciples who were leaving one by one were even more talking about it as they left Juxian Terrace.

"I feel that my fire control is good enough, with only a few minor mistakes. In the previous Hundred Peaks Competition, some people also made minor mistakes during the fire control test, but they were able to stay in the end. Next round of competition.”

"Yes, I also made a small mistake. This time, it seems that everyone who made a mistake has been eliminated."

"Actually, my mistake was small. I was just a little slower than one breath when the flames were covering it. This has no impact at all."

Gu Chengyu listened to the voices coming from all around and stopped announcing the second round of competition. He looked at the people below with an ugly face and shouted: "Originally, I was only responsible for testing your basics. For other things, I don't have any need. Say, but you guys are like this, I can’t help but say a few words.”

When Cao Zhen listened to Gu Chengyu's words, an image of a man with disheveled hair and pale lips appeared in his mind.

Aren't Lao Gu's words just what was said in the rumors? I had already dismissed them, but I couldn't help but go back and curse them a few more times?

"You are all alchemists. You should know that there is no room for mistakes in alchemy. Sometimes, a slight difference can make a huge difference. Don't think that a small mistake is not worth mentioning. No matter how small a mistake is, it will be a big mistake. When controlling fire, the speed of flame coverage is slightly slower than a breath, which may ultimately affect the formation of the elixir. Why don't you think about it, you made a mistake, but why didn't others make a mistake?"

He was really angry that these disciples were not good at their studies and yet they blamed him for being strict. Is he strict? He really didn't think he was that strict.

Think about Peak Master Cao's disciple Yi Sheng. He just left the Taoist Academy and officially joined the Hundred Peaks Sect not long ago. What level is his alchemy level at? Aren’t you all ashamed?

After he finished speaking, many peak masters from all around immediately agreed.

"Elder Gu is right."

"Elder Gu's education is good."

"Elder Gu, when they compete in a competition later, why don't you also give some comments from Elder Gu?"

"Yes, yes, Elder Gu, without affecting the competition, for example, after the disciples have finished, what are they doing poorly? Are you educating them?"

As soon as one peak master spoke, other peak masters also responded. For some reason today, Gu Chengyu suddenly became a teacher. In this case, let's teach him more.

Gu Chengyu's alchemy level can definitely be ranked among the top ten in the Baifeng Sect.

This is a free teacher, why not.

Gu Chengyu's expression suddenly changed. Want me to comment? Let me educate you?

Are you slapping me in the face? Is there Yi Sheng who just taught me alchemy here, asking me to comment? Let me educate you?

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