My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 135: I finished writing and forgot to post it

The reason why the Hundred Peaks Sect has the Hundred Peaks Competition is also to encourage each peak to practice. In the previous Hundred Peaks Competition, whether it was the Six Arts Competition or the final fighting competition, there were masters from the sect who would point out various problems of the disciples on the spot and give them guidance.

However, whether to give guidance or not depends on the wishes of the responsible sect masters.

Gu Chengyu didn't want to give advice. There was Peak Master Cao in the distance, and among the assessment disciples in front of him was Yisheng. What was he giving advice on?


He cleared his throat and was about to announce the next elixir to be refined. Later, the voice of Baifengzi, who had not spoken since announcing the start of the Hundred Peaks Competition, came.

"Since all the peak masters have asked Elder Gu to give guidance, then Elder Gu should give guidance."

"Yes." Elder Gu was helpless. The Master Zhang Zong said so, how could he still say no?

"In the second round of the alchemy competition, the elixir produced is Tiger Bone Chalcedony Pill. Now, the competition begins."

As these words fell, silhouettes appeared one after another on the Gathering Immortal Platform. They were all from the Dharma Protector Immortal Palace!

Refining alchemy is different from refining talismans. If a low-level talisman fails to be refined, it will not have much impact at most if it explodes. However, if alchemy fails normally, it is better. Once someone fails and the alchemy furnace explodes, there will be consequences. dangerous.

Therefore, in the alchemy competition, someone must be watching over to prevent someone from blowing up the furnace, causing danger, or affecting other disciples.

On the surrounding mountain peaks, many people who were good at alchemy nodded slightly when they heard the name of Tiger Bone Chalcedony Pill.

"It is indeed a tiger bone chalcedony elixir."

"When I first picked up the materials, I guessed that those were the medicinal materials for refining the Bone Tiger Chalcedony Pill."

"After all, it takes too long to refine high-grade elixirs. Therefore, in the Hundred Peaks Competition, every elixir competition is to test first-grade elixirs. After all, the refining time of first-grade elixirs is relatively short."

"Tiger Bone Chalcedony Pill is relatively difficult to refine among the first-grade pills, but the refining time does not take long, so it is suitable for a competition."

On the Gathering Stage, all the disciples participating in the competition heard this and started to move without any surprise.

Because they had prepared the materials before and started to light the fire, many of them directly took the materials and started throwing them into the alchemy furnace to start refining.

Some people took some materials again and put them into the alchemy furnace together with the materials they had refined before.

"Look, that's the leader of Zuidan Peak, Dan Juezi. He's still putting out medicinal ingredients. His medicinal ingredients... he's putting in double doses of medicinal ingredients!"

"Too cruel!"

"He's really confident. He's not afraid of the furnace blowing up in the end?"

"Zhuang Xiayan from Five Elements Peak, she also put in double the amount of medicinal materials!"

"Also, Bian Ling from Suzaku Peak and Mu Xuan from Qingluan Peak also put in double portions of medicinal materials."

"Look, the female disciple from the Four Treasures Peak didn't stop. She put in double portions of the medicinal ingredients."

The stipulation of the competition is to refine the tiger bone chalcedony pill. Since the same pill is being refined, then naturally, if you want to distinguish between high and low, you have to distinguish based on the quality and quantity of the refined pill.

If you refine one pill and someone else refines two pills, your ranking will naturally not be higher than others, unless the elixir you refine is of higher quality.

As we all know, all elixirs are divided into four categories: upper, middle, lower and top quality.

When a first-grade elixir such as Tiger Bone Chalcedony Pill is refined, people will distinguish it by using the terms upper-grade, middle-grade, and next-grade. A first-grade elixir is a top-grade elixir of top-grade quality.

According to the rules of the Hundred Peaks Competition, one pill of the first grade is equal to ten pills of the first grade, which is equal to one hundred pills of the next grade.

In the end, after everyone has refined the elixir, statistics will be compiled based on quality and quantity to determine who ranks higher.

Of course, there are special circumstances.

If you refine a top-quality elixir, even if you only refine this elixir, but no one else has refined a top-quality elixir, then even if someone else refines a top-quality elixir in this furnace, Among the hundred top-grade elixirs, the one that ranked higher in the end was also the top-grade elixir.

It is too difficult to refine top-grade elixirs. Even if the alchemy masters in the sect asked them to refine first-grade pills, they could not guarantee that they would be able to refine top-grade pills.

In the last ten Baifeng Competitions held by the Baifeng Sect, no one has refined a top-quality elixir.

Therefore, there are no disciples who want to compete to refine a top-quality elixir. Everyone is thinking about how to refine more elixirs.

Anyway, the stipulation is that whoever refines more elixirs in a furnace will naturally be able to refine more elixirs by adding more medicinal materials.

However, refining alchemy does not mean that if you put one part of the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace, one part will be made, and if you put in two parts, you will definitely be able to make two parts.

The difficulty is completely different.

If more medicinal materials are put in, the efficacy of the medicinal materials will be doubled, which requires more precise control. If the control is not good, there will be problems in the fusion of the medicinal properties of various medicinal materials, and the furnace will explode directly.

Once the furnace explodes, there is only one result and it is eliminated directly.

Therefore, everyone knows that if you add more medicinal materials, you will be able to refine more elixirs, but there are not many people who really dare to use more medicinal materials.

Taking advantage of her height, Yisheng turned her eyes and saw several people who were adding medicinal materials. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, looked at the medicinal materials in front of her, and took out the tools to weigh them again.

"Is she crazy?"

"What does she want to do? She has obviously put double the amount of medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace. Why is she still putting medicinal materials in it?"

"She...she put in three doses of medicinal ingredients!"

"Did she want to kill someone?"

Several peak masters, seeing Yi Sheng's actions, quickly shouted: "Elder Gu, quickly, go and look at her."

"Be sure to keep an eye on her."

"Quickly, send someone behind her."

If Yisheng exploded the furnace, he was not one of them, but the problem was that their disciples were next to Yisheng. Once the furnace exploded, what would happen if it affected their disciples' refining of elixirs?

A disciple from the Protector Immortal Palace also noticed the situation on Yisheng's side and was about to pass by, but suddenly, Elder Gu's voice rang in his ears.

"Let me go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Elder Gu flew down from a high place behind Yisheng. Looking at Yisheng who was constantly grabbing medicinal materials, his face couldn't be more relaxed.

Just refining a first-grade elixir, what could Yisheng do wrong?

Not to mention putting three times the medicinal materials, that is, if the alchemy furnace is not big enough, Yisheng is not afraid of putting four times or five times the materials if the alchemy furnace is big enough.

Are you kidding? Yisheng's talent can go wrong?

When he was at the Five Elements Alchemy Land, Yisheng and Cao Feng taught them how to make alchemy while refining the elixir.

That is not a first-grade elixir or a second-grade elixir, but a third-grade elixir.

Even among the third-grade elixirs, they are at the very top, very close to the fourth-grade elixirs. How could she go wrong in refining such a first-grade elixir? That's a big joke.

Finally, Yisheng put all three materials into the alchemy furnace. The next moment, behind her, ten Dzogchen Perfect Vision Dao Foundations and ten Dzogchen Vision Immortal Bridges all appeared.

Each of her Taoist foundations and each of her fairy bridges exudes golden light, and each of her Taoist foundations and fairy bridges has a burning flame.

Among them, the Daoji is burning with red flames, and the Xianqiao is burning with blue flames.

The flames were so strong that they seemed to ignite the surrounding air.

On the Gathering Immortal Platform, the disciples who are refining the elixirs include many who have formed the elixirs, and there are even genius disciples who have already condensed the golden elixirs.

But as the Daoji and Immortal Bridge behind Yisheng rose, many people looked over.

"Ten Taoist foundations, ten fairy bridges!"

"Vision, every Taoist foundation and every fairy bridge has a vision!"

"These...disciples of the Four Treasures Peak, who are they?"

"I heard that the other four disciples of the Four Treasures Peak have all condensed an inner elixir, and all of them have ten vision foundations and ten vision bridges."

"How come among the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak, one of them is the Ten Daoji and the Ten Immortal Bridge Dzogchen, and all of them have visions!"

"When did the Dzogchen Daoji Immortal Bridge and the complete vision become so numerous!"

"These Four Treasure Peaks, even if they can't get any peak bamboos in the Six Arts Competition, they can still get a lot of points when it comes to fighting with these disciples."

"Yes, I heard that there are only three disciples of Qianlong in Qianlong Temple, but the other four disciples of Sibaofeng are called the fourth disciples of Qianlong."

"This Yisheng is indeed a genius who was eagerly robbed by all the peaks. She has only been worshiping the Four Treasures Peak for a short time, and she has already reached the Great Perfection of the Ten Immortals Bridge!"

"If she originally joined mountains like Zhuque Peak and Qingluan Peak, I don't know how far she has reached now."

Tu Zhuque listened to the discussions around him, and a look of pride appeared on his face full of mature charm. One of the big reasons why Yisheng was able to reach this point was because of the Suzaku blood pool in their Suzaku Peak. Yisheng was He was soaked in the Suzaku blood pool for a whole month.

When she heard Li Ke say that Yi Sheng had been soaking in the Suzaku Blood Pond, she was shocked, and even went to the Suzaku Blood Pond herself.

At the beginning, when Li Ke, who was a Bifang fire body, entered the Suzaku blood pool for the first time, he only soaked it for twenty-five days, not thirty days!

At the Sibao Peak, Yan Yourong looked at his junior sister, turned back to Cao Zhen in surprise and asked, "Master, did you let my junior sister spend the night in your room?"

She had been practicing crazily for a while, and Yisheng went to Suzaku Peak more often. She didn't know that her junior sister had already condensed ten immortal bridges.

"No, I haven't taken your little junior sister through it yet... No, what are you talking about? I haven't used elixirs to help your little master improve."

After Cao Zhen discovered that Yisheng had made a breakthrough and condensed ten vision foundations and ten vision fairy bridges, he finally understood why so many people were rushing to accept Yisheng as a disciple. This talent was really amazing.

After he taught Yisheng the true knowledge of Chunyang Wuji, he taught Yisheng a lot of alchemy techniques and the refining of various elixirs, but he basically didn't care much about Yisheng's practice and only let Yisheng enter the Suzaku Blood Pond. After soaking in it for a while, Yisheng became so strong.

However, it is understandable that the Suzaku Blood Pool, the True Yang Body, and the Pure Yang Wuji True Solution that are most suitable for her have become so strong.

On the Gathering Immortal Platform, after Yisheng put all the materials into the alchemy furnace, he suddenly fired a fire spell. Suddenly, the hot flames burned crazily underneath the entire alchemy furnace.

Around her, many people who paid attention to her because of her Vision Daoji and Vision Immortal Bridge suddenly frowned.

"What is this? Shouldn't the flame at the beginning of alchemy be a small fire?"

"With such a huge fire, can this elixir still be refined?"

"She can make pills?"

Gu Chengyu listened to the shouts all around, turned his head sharply, and shouted in the direction of the sound: "What do you know! As long as the fire control level is high enough, there is no problem even using large fire at the beginning, not to mention , the fire can cover the entire alchemy furnace..."

Gu Chengyu started to boast a lot. Didn't the master Zhang Zong ask him to comment on it? So praise is also a comment. There is nothing wrong with him praising Yisheng here.

"Look, Yisheng's fire control, this is the real fire control, fire temperature..."

Everyone didn't pay much attention to Yisheng at first, but after listening to Gu Chengyu's words, they all looked at Yisheng. Many of them didn't know much about alchemy, but they knew that Gu Chengyu was a member of the Baifeng Sect. , the top ten alchemy masters, Gu Chengyu did not praise the disciples of Zui Dan Peak, Five Elements Peak, and Suzaku Peak. Instead, he praised Yisheng, obviously because of Yisheng's high level of alchemy!

"So, this Yisheng, it is possible for her to break into the top ten?"

"Four Treasure Peak is not only good at making talismans, but also good at refining pills?"

"There was news before that Cao Zhen was good at alchemy. Now it seems that the news should be true."

"However, Yisheng has only joined the Four Treasures Peak for a long time. Cao Zhen has been teaching her alchemy since she joined the Four Treasures Peak. How high can her level of alchemy be?"

"Didn't you see that Elder Gu is always behind Yisheng, with a look of admiration on his face? He doesn't believe in Yisheng's alchemy skills, but you still don't believe it, Elder Gu?"

"makes sense."

Cao Zhen felt angry as he listened to Gu Chengyu's constant praise, "Old Gu, why are you running behind my apprentice when you have nothing to do?"

What are you bragging about?

Why didn't I see that you are so cultured and can play in different ways without repeating the same thing? You can make flowers come out by simply controlling the fire with one hand.

How about you stay away from my apprentice? You are bragging so much from here. After a while, my apprentice failed in alchemy. What will others think? What if others think that I, Si Baofeng, deliberately want to get the 100th place?

I think you, the elder of Five Elements Dandi, really don’t want to do this anymore!

Amidst Gu Chengyu's compliments, the elixir refined by Yi Sheng gradually condensed and took shape.

Bin Laden!

Yisheng concentrated on firing an alchemy formula into the alchemy furnace, and then suddenly pulled his palm toward the alchemy furnace.

Suddenly, a round pill flew out of the pill furnace and was exposed to the air.

"Top grade!"

"It's a top-grade elixir!"

Suddenly, exclamations came from all around.

Everyone's eyes fell on Yi Sheng one by one. There had been ten Hundred Peaks Competition, and no one could refine the top-grade elixir. This top-grade elixir was the highest quality elixir.

"The second one, the second one is the top grade Tiger Bone Chalcedony Pill."

"The third pill, she pulled out the third pill."

"Unfortunately, the third one is a middle-grade elixir."

"The middle grade is enough. The main reason is that there were two high-grade elixirs before, which is equivalent to 200 low-grade pills."

"Elder Gu is indeed Elder Gu. No wonder he keeps praising Yisheng. It turns out that Yisheng's alchemy skills are so powerful."

"The fourth one is also of middle grade!"

A group of people who bet on the Four Treasure Peak's rankings rose a lot, all exclaimed. They felt that the spirit stones they bet on seemed to be winning again.

"Yisheng is still in Ladan, and she hasn't stopped yet."

"Although Sibaofeng did not get the Peak Bamboo in the previous talisman competition, in this alchemy competition, Yisheng seems to be able to make a comeback."

"As long as she gets into the top ten, there is still hope!"

"Stay steady, you must stay steady."

One by one, the bettors looked at Yisheng who was starting to pull the alchemy, but they were more nervous than when they saw the disciples on his peak.

Where Bai Feng and Five Evils were alone, Li Lingwei's eyes widened, she pointed at Yi Sheng and exclaimed: "She succeeded, she actually succeeded!"

The sound was so loud that people around him looked over, and when they saw clearly that it was Bai Feng and Five Evils, they immediately turned around again.

In the entire Baifeng Sect, who doesn't know that the Five Evils of Baifeng and Cao Zhen of Sibaofeng had a falling out. Seeing the people from Sibaofeng succeed in pulling elixirs, the Five Evils of Baifeng would naturally not be happy. This is normal.

After Li Lingwei finished shouting, she seemed to realize that she had just shouted too loudly, and quickly lowered her voice and said: "What should we do? She has pulled out so many elixirs, and there are still two high-grade elixirs in it. What's wrong with her results?" It can’t be worse, but the Fengzhu she obtained this time is enough to ensure that the ranking of the Four Treasures Peak will rise a lot, and we are betting on the spirit stone.”

On the side, several people did not answer, but their brows were deeply furrowed, and they looked at Ru Wenlin at the same time.

Ru Wenlin slowly said: "Wait a little longer. Don't jump to conclusions before you see the final result."

Li Lingwei muttered with an unhappy look on her face: "What more results are needed? The pill she has pulled out now is enough."

At Juxian Terrace, Yi Sheng was still pulling pills, but slowly, her speed of pulling pills was getting slower and slower. A dense layer of sweat beads appeared on her forehead. It felt like she had reached her limit, and Qi was still there. Supported with difficulty.

The alchemy furnace in front of her was also shaking. Slowly, the alchemy furnace shook more and more violently, and at the same time, a violent aura surged out through the alchemy furnace.

Gu Chengyu, who had been standing behind with a smile on his face, suddenly had a look of panic on his face.

"not good!"

In Gu Chengyu's body, a mighty aura like the sea suddenly erupted. He raised his hand and waved forward. In an instant, a transparent umbrella-like light shrouded down, covering Yisheng's alchemy furnace.

The next moment, a muffled sound was heard, and the alchemy furnace exploded suddenly. Broken copper pieces flew out in all directions and fell on the light curtain, as if touching an invisible wall before falling to the ground. .

All around, everyone was stunned.

"The furnace exploded?"

"what's the situation?"

"Why did the furnace explode suddenly when it was so good?"

"Didn't she start to pull out Dan? She even succeeded in pulling out Dan, so how could she still blow up the furnace?"

Everyone couldn't understand it at all. They had never heard that Bin Laden could explode a furnace after he succeeded.

"I...I failed..." Yisheng reached out his hands in pain and covered his face.

"Alas..." Gu Chengyu sighed, but for a moment he didn't know how to comfort Yisheng. Besides, as the person in charge of this competition, he couldn't comfort Yisheng directly. He could only explain to the people in the distance. He said, "In the alchemy furnace, when there are so many elixirs being refined, it is possible that the furnace will explode after the elixir is successfully produced.

After all, after the elixir is condensed, there will be residual medicinal properties in the elixir furnace... It's just that, if I tell you too much, you won't understand.

In fact, in this case, there is a chance to remedy the situation, but unfortunately, there is no remedy in the materials here, so the furnace explosion is unavoidable.

Yi Sheng, she really wanted to compete for the first place. If not, if she reduced some medicinal materials slightly, the furnace would not explode. "

This was all he could do, and he could only explain it to Yi Sheng. In fact, he was also a little surprised as to why Yi Sheng had such a sudden explosion. During the time he spent at the Five Elements Alchemy Land, he felt that although Yi Sheng was young, he could not make alchemy. He was still very calm when he was there, but why did he explode this time?

It can only be said that Yisheng was too eager to take first place, and without Peak Master Cao by his side, he had no confidence, so he was devastated.

"This... the people of Sibaofeng, what do they think? Why do they all want to be the first?"

"So that's it. I understand. It must be that Lingxi failed to get the Peak Bamboo, which broke the original plan of the Four Treasures Peak. Therefore, Yisheng must fight to be the first to find the lost Peak Bamboo in Lingxi. As a result... …”

"As a result, she couldn't get a single peak bamboo. According to the rules, blowing up the furnace is equivalent to failure, and all the pills that Yisheng pulled out before will be invalid!"

"The Four Treasures Peak is completely finished."

"It doesn't matter whether the Four Treasures Peak is completed or not. The key is that the spiritual stones I bet on, I bet on thirty thousand taels of spiritual stones."

"Thirty thousand taels? I bet 60,000 taels!"

"I bet more than the two of you combined. I bet one hundred thousand taels!"

Where the Five Evils of Baifeng were, Li Lingwei stared blankly at Yisheng's exploded pill furnace, feeling nothing but admiration in her heart.

"That's okay, it turns out it can still be like this."

"good very good!"

The five people, except Ru Wenlin, laughed loudly, and even Ru Wenlin also had a smile on his face.

Around them, everyone saw several people laughing, but they didn't think much about it. Bai Feng and Five Evils had fallen out with Cao Zhen. How could they not be happy now that they saw the people from Si Baofeng fail.

At the location of Suzaku Peak, Tu Zhuque was completely speechless. What were the two disciples of the Four Treasures Peak doing? If they perform stably, they obviously have the strength to compete for first place. Even if they don't compete for first place, they are stable and it is probably not difficult to get into the top three. As a result, both of them can't get a peak bamboo!

So Cao Zhen, what on earth is he doing? Well now, the two strongest people among the Six Arts at Si Baofeng have all failed. How can he get the Peak Bamboo from the remaining Six Arts?

If he can't get the Peak Bamboo in the Six Arts, how many places can he reach in the Four Treasure Peaks?

Tu Zhuque's brows furrowed deeply. Even though her Zhuque Peak once again defeated Qingluan Peak in the alchemy competition, she was not in the mood to provoke Chen Qingluan. She was considering whether the Four Treasure Peaks would be able to wait until the duel. How many names did you get?

If the final ranking of Sibaofeng is not high, how can it be worthy of his own Li Ke?

As the alchemy competition ended, the alchemy furnaces on the Gathering Immortal Platform were quickly removed and replaced with furnaces for refining weapons.

The protector elder appeared again and announced: "The third round of the Six Skills Competition, the [Weapon] Competition, the disciples will enter the Gathering Immortal Platform."

As soon as the voice fell, the disciples participating in the competition from each peak flew out one after another and landed on the Gathering Immortal Platform.

In the direction of Sibao Peak, Cao Zhen pulled Xiang Ziyu and wanted to explain a few words, but after thinking about it he said, "Just have fun by yourself."

Xiang Ziyu is different from Lingxi and Yisheng.

Whether it is Lingxi or Yisheng, they can really get the first place.

But Xiang Ziyu has only been learning weapon refining for half a month. More importantly, this guy always has all kinds of weird ideas. During the assessment, he doesn't have to deliberately let go. He himself If you practice hard, you will fail.

Xiang Ziyu quickly followed everyone and flew down.

Different from when Lingxi and Yisheng appeared before, as soon as he appeared, he was noticed by countless people, almost everyone was looking at him.

"Four Treasure Peak has sent out disciples again."

"The two disciples sent by Four Treasure Peak before failed in the end. Although they didn't get a peak bamboo, they were really strong. If they weren't too eager, I even think they might have gotten it. Number one! Especially Lingxi!"

"Even if they don't get first place, they are still in the top three!"

"This disciple from the Four Treasure Peak will be as strong as the two previous disciples if he participates in weapon refining, right?"

Xiang Ziyu couldn't help but shake his head slightly as he listened to the discussions around him. It's not a big deal. This is the treatment of being a protagonist. As soon as he appears, he attracts the attention of countless people.

It's a pity that this time, for the sake of Master and the Four Treasure Peaks, I can only hide my edge.

After everyone was seated, the guardian elder continued to announce: "This competition will be hosted by Elder Ai Yunqi of Qianlongguan Immortal Arms Square."

On the Gathering Stage, when the disciples participating in the competition heard this, their expressions changed drastically. Elder Ai Yunqi, how could it be her? How could she host a competition?

He is also an elder of Qianlong Temple. Some people may not know Gu Chengyu from the Five Elements Dan Land. After all, not everyone can make alchemy and go to the Five Elements Dan Land.

But Ai Yunqi of the Immortal Weapon Workshop is familiar to anyone who has been to Qianlong Temple. After all, who doesn’t want to try their luck and see if they can get the magic weapon left by a senior!

And Ai Yunqi, who is in charge of the Immortal Armament Workshop, is famous for having a bad temper. This time she is the one hosting the competition? I heard that in the past, during the Hundred Peaks Competition, Master Zhang also invited Elder Ai Yunqi to host the Hundred Peaks Competition, but Elder Ai refused. Why did Elder Ai agree this time?

Let her be in charge of hosting, without even thinking about it, it must be strict.

Ai Yunqi appeared in everyone's sight with a cold face and announced directly: "The first round is to build the weapon embryo. No matter what kind of weapon embryo it is, as long as it reaches fifty forgings and is strong enough, it will be qualified. Let's start now."

As her words fell, everyone quickly became busy.

If everyone were asked to choose a competition from the Hundred Peaks Competition that they least want to see, it would be the weapon refining. Others, whether it was talisman refining or elixir refining, there was no movement. It will upset people and they can chat with each other.

But as soon as the weapon refining started, the sounds of forging could be heard, which made people panic. This is thousands of people working at the same time...

Amidst the sounds of hammering, most people's eyes fell on Xiang Ziyu.

"What kind of vision was that? What a weird vision!"

"It feels like there are two figures, one black and one white?"

"What kind of figure is this?"

"Isn't he an ancient immortal body? I know that Lingxi seems to be an ancient talisman immortal body. Does anyone know what kind of immortal body Xiang Ziyu is?"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter what kind of immortal body he is. What matters is his level of weapon refining."

"I don't know, but if you look at him forging weapon embryos, his method seems to be a bit special."

"Yes, if he can be as strong as the other two disciples of Four Treasure Peak and let him stabilize, then there is still a chance."

"You see, others are just forging. When he forges, it seems that the hammer is vibrating, and the embryo of the weapon is also vibrating."

"It feels very powerful."

"Remind him quickly!"

Even though the sound of hammering continued to echo, many people who bet on Sibaofeng still tried their best to shout at the top of their lungs.

"Xiang Ziyu, you have to hold still."

"Yes, stop imitating your senior and junior sisters."

"You must first ensure that you get the Peak Bamboo, and then you can strive for a higher ranking."

The scene was so chaotic that Xiang Ziyu couldn't even hear the shouts of everyone clearly. He just forged the iron embryo in front of him step by step. Every time he struck it, a kind of vibration was added to it. Slowly, the vibration While shaking, he found to his embarrassment that he could no longer shake.

"The quality of this material is too poor. If the vibration continues, the embryo will break before it reaches fifty forgings. We have to find a way..."

Xiang Ziyu murmured to himself, looking up and down at the sword embryo he had made. After thinking about it, he changed the direction and then forged it. Moreover, he also increased the force of the shock. The entire sword embryo could not bear the force evenly. , that’s where I change the force.

Sweat kept dripping at his feet, and he was already immersed in forging.

Refining a weapon is not easy, even if it is just a weapon embryo, it still takes a long time.

Ai Yunqi waited for two full hours before he said: "The time is up, everyone, stop!"

As her voice fell, everyone stopped at the same time, except for one person who continued to pound the hammer in his hand.


The sound of metal colliding was extremely clear at this time.

Ai Yunqi flew straight up, flying towards the only figure who didn't stop.

"Xiang Ziyu!" Ai Yunqi looked at Xiang Ziyu with a cold expression and said sternly: "Didn't you hear the elder told me to stop? Why are you still forging?"

Yes, Xiang Ziyu is indeed a disciple of Peak Master Cao, but a competition is a competition, and the rules are the rules. No one can violate the rules!

"I stopped." Xiang Ziyu said innocently, "I stopped the moment you said stop."

In the distance, people who had bet on the higher rankings of the Four Treasure Peaks heard the sound and quickly shouted: "Yes, that disciple did stop at the same time."

"Yes, I feel it's the same time too."

"It always takes time for the word "stop" to reach the disciple's ears, so it seems that the disciple is slow, but in fact, the disciple really stopped at the same time."

"Yes, that disciple is far away, so it's normal that he heard it later."

"With so many disciples, it's impossible to stop all at once. There will always be one who stops last. This is normal."

"Elder Ai, we are not from the Four Treasures Peak. We are purely speaking to be fair. The disciple of the Four Treasures Peak really stopped at the same time."

This is only the first round. If they let Xiang Ziyu be eliminated directly, they won't be able to get a single peak bamboo from the Four Treasure Peak. By then, all their spiritual stones will be in vain. No matter what, they can't Let the disciples of Sibaofeng be eliminated like this.

"Okay, even if you stopped at the last moment with my words, then tell me, what kind of thing did you refine?" Ai Yunqi pointed to the embryo forged by Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu said proudly: "This is the sword embryo."

"Sword embryo?" Ai Yunqi picked up the whole spiral-shaped weapon embryo, which looked like a gun, but was obviously much thinner and shorter. He sarcastically said, "If you didn't tell me, I thought this was a sword embryo. What is the embryo of a strange weapon? Tell me, how does this look like a sword embryo?"

"This, this is the sword embryo that I specially created." Xiang Ziyu explained forcefully: "I plan to make this sword into a spiral shape. After forging the sword, the magic power will naturally form a spiral shape after it passes through the sword. It will be more penetrating..."

As he spoke, he even started bragging: "Look, elder, when I forged it, I used a kind of concussive force. In this way, after the embryo is forged, when it is forged again, the weapon will be more powerful." Strong resilience, the other party..."

"That's enough." Ai Yunqi interrupted Xiang Ziyu rudely and said dissatisfiedly: "You, get out, you have been eliminated."

"Eliminated? Why? I have completed fifty forgings." Xiang Ziyu was confused. He was eliminated now? My senior sister and junior junior sister were the last to be eliminated. I was eliminated as soon as I came up. That was so embarrassing.

"Fifty forgings? Yes, you have completed fifty forgings. However, I asked you to complete fifty forgings in order to make the embryonic weapon stronger. I also said that to achieve sufficient strength, you, the embryonic weapon, Do you think it's strong enough? What strength can it have?

Other people's weapon embryos can be forged on the basis of fifty forgings. Your weapon embryos will break if you touch them again. Is this considered complete? "

Ai Yunqi said, raising her hand to the side and sucking, and suddenly, a knife-shaped embryo forged by a disciple flew into her hand.

"The weapon embryo forged by this disciple has only completed forty-five refinements, but it is still stronger than your so-called fifty-refinement weapon embryo."

She held the weapon embryo forged by Xiang Ziyu in one hand and the forty-five-forged sword embryo in the other hand, and they suddenly chopped them together.

Suddenly, there was a clang of weapons colliding, followed by a crisp cracking sound.

The embryo forged by Xiang Ziyu broke into two pieces from the middle, but the other embryo seemed to be unscathed, with no cracks at all.

"Tell me, this is a fifty-forty-forged weapon embryo? It's not as good as a forty-five-forged one? Now, get out!" After Ai Yunqi finished speaking, he didn't even look at Xiang Ziyu, and then looked back at that person The disciple who had forged forty-five times said, "You also go out."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiang Ziyu, who had been standing there just now, seemingly thinking about how to make excuses, turned around and left.

"As the protagonist, even if I am eliminated, I still have to be the first. I can't let others take my first place."

At the surrounding heights, people who had bet on the Four Treasure Peaks and obtained high rankings were all dumbfounded.

"The situation doesn't seem right."

"This Xiang Ziyu is different from his senior sisters."

"This guy, is this really not okay?"

"Sure enough, we still think too much. Think about it, if the other six arts in Sibaofeng are strong enough, do Lingxi and Yisheng still need to work so hard to compete for the first place?

They must know the situation of their Four Treasure Peaks and know that only they can obtain the Peak Bamboo, so they excessively pursue perfection during the competition and must get first place. "

"When you say that, I think it makes sense."

"We should have thought of this."

"So, our bet is going to fail."

"Yes, half of the six arts assessment has passed, but I haven't gotten a single peak bamboo from the Four Treasure Peak."

"It's not necessarily that the Four Treasure Peaks can still have a final battle, haven't you noticed? In this Hundred Peaks Competition, the Upper Fifty Peaks are even stronger than in previous competitions, and the Lower Fifty Peaks actually don't have many peaks that can get the Peak Bamboo of."

Cao Zhen listened to everyone's discussion, and he was already laughing in his heart. I was still thinking about how to explain that my eldest apprentice and my younger apprentice were obviously capable of winning the first place, but in the end they didn't get a single peak bamboo.

It would be better for you to complete the supplement for me directly. I don’t have to think about the reasons. You also paid to bet on me, Sibaofeng, so that various gambling houses will have spiritual stones to compensate me when the time comes, so as not to go bankrupt. You are really good people. !

On the first day of the Hundred Peaks Competition, only three of the six arts competitions were completed.

The Hundred Peaks Competition was held only the next day. For the other three of the Six Arts, [Array], [Field], and [Beast], Four Treasure Peak did not send any more disciples to these three.

After the Six Arts Competition, the winner was not Feixian Peak, but Five Elements Peak.

Five Elements Peak can be said to be the only one among the Hundred Peaks that is proficient in all six arts. With their Six Arts, they have always occupied the top three positions in the Hundred Peaks and have never fallen down.

Ranked second is Feixian Peak, which ranks first among the top 100 peaks all year round.

Everyone was not too surprised. After all, although Feixian Peak's Six Arts were strong, it was not their strongest point. Their strongest point was fighting, which was far better than those of other peaks.

On the third day, the real highlight of the Hundred Peaks Competition, the battle of wits officially began.

The place for fighting is still Juxian Peak, but on Juxian Stage, ten arenas have already been set up.

In the Hundred Peaks Competition, all the peaks will participate. It is just one arena, and fighting one by one is too slow. Therefore, the fighting style of the Hundred Peaks Competition has always been ten-sided arenas, and the ten battles start at the same time.

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