The Hundred Peaks Competition and the Six Arts Competition ended in just two days, but the upcoming battle will last for seven days.

Although there are six arts in the Hundred Peaks Competition, the highlight is always the final battle. In the final analysis, the six arts actually serve the purpose of the battle.

In each of the six arts competitions, only the top 300 people can get the Peak Bamboo, but in the fighting technique, the top 2,000 people can get the Peak Bamboo.

If, like the Six Arts, only the top 300 people can get the Peak Bamboo, then the bottom fifty peaks will really have nothing to do with it. If the last peaks in the Six Arts don't get the Peak Bamboo anymore, they will have no ranking. The law is gone.

Even if you take two thousand names, you won't be able to get the peak bamboo in some summits.

For example, why was Sibaofeng ranked 100th before?

It was because in the last Hundred Peaks Competition, Si Baofeng failed to get a single Peak Bamboo in the Six Arts Competition, nor did it get a single Peak Bamboo in the Fighting Technique Competition, and ended up ranked in the 100th place.

Qixing Peak managed to get a peak bamboo in the battle, so it ranked ninety-ninth.

On the side of Juxiantai, on the mountain peak, a total of two thousand bamboo plaques have been hung, and the two thousand bamboo plaques correspond to the top two thousand rankings.

Many of the bamboo signs have names written on them. .

If they can hold on to the ring and defeat all challengers within seven days, this ranking will naturally belong to them.

As for their current ranking, it was also chosen by Bai Feng's disciples.

Before the fight begins, any disciple can choose a ranking at will and then become the champion of that ranking.

Even if you are the disciple of the 100th-ranked peak, you can also say that if you choose to be the number one champion, then you will be the temporary number one. As long as you can maintain your ranking, the final number one will definitely be. you.

If you just look at it this way, it feels like the person who chooses the ranking first is at a huge disadvantage. After you choose the ranking, you don't know how many people will challenge you, and you don't know how many games you will have to play.

Although, after the battle, the sect will provide you with various healing elixirs to treat your injuries, but if the injury is too serious, it may not be possible to recover in a short time. Although this situation is rare, it is not possible. It's not like it hasn't happened before.

The rule of the Hundred Peaks Competition is that if the injury is serious, you can get three days of training time. Once the training time is over, no matter how well your injury recovers, you must accept the challenge again. After all, everyone cannot wait for you all the time.

This will lead to a result. Everyone feels that they will be at a disadvantage if they choose to be the ring leader first.

Therefore, the Hundred Peaks Competition stipulates that the person who is ranked first will be chosen to have one more chance to challenge.

Once you fail to defend the ring, you will naturally be beaten down, and you will have to challenge again.

If you challenge again, if you lose, then I'm sorry, no matter how many places you were before, even if you were first, you were beaten down and became third, and then you challenge second, if you lose, Then you can't challenge anyone.

Challenge once, and failure is an opportunity to challenge again.

Of course, if you already have a ranking before the challenge, you can still maintain your original ranking after the challenge fails.

However, at this time, others can challenge you.

If the other party already has a ranking and challenges you, and you are defeated by the other party, it's okay. After all, you can still get the other party's ranking.

However, if someone without a ranking challenges you and successfully defeats you, then you will have no ranking at all.

And because you have already challenged once and failed once, but you can't challenge it again, there is no chance of saving it.

The Hundred Peaks Competition of the Hundred Peaks Sect was established by the founder of the sect. Some of the rules have changed, and even the number of people won during the battle has also changed. At the beginning, only the top one thousand people could get the Peak Bamboo. .

But no matter how it changes, the rules of fighting have not changed.

Once upon a time, someone like the founder of the sect suggested that if you fail once, you will no longer be able to challenge again. This rule is too unreasonable and will cause some high-strength disciples to not dare to challenge. If you fail once, you will lose your ranking directly and cannot truly reflect the strength of each peak and each disciple.

The founder of the sect asked back, "Inside the sect, you can survive even if you challenge and lose. If you misjudge the opponent's strength outside and are defeated by the opponent, will you be so lucky to survive?"

? ’ As an immortal cultivator, you must recognize your own strength.

Therefore, the rules of the Hundred Peaks Competition have not changed. If you fail the challenge, you will lose the opportunity for the next challenge.

If the challenge fails, you cannot challenge again. If the challenge is successful, you can naturally challenge again.

However, there is only one chance to challenge again.

A person only has two opportunities to challenge, and the difference between the two challenges cannot exceed one hundred people. For example, if you challenge the 800th place and succeed, then you can only challenge the 799th to 700th place.

The reason for this rule is also to test everyone's understanding of their own strength.

As for the defenders, they can have one more chance to challenge and have three chances to challenge.

One more opportunity to challenge means more choices. Therefore, after the fighting competition begins, many people will compete for the position of champion.

If the same position, for example, three people choose to defend the tenth stage at the same time, then it will depend on whose peak the ranking is higher.

Other people's peaks have worked so hard to achieve such a high ranking in the last Hundred Peaks Competition, so they must be given some preferential treatment.

It is also true that after the general fighting competition begins, the people responsible for guarding the ring are all disciples of the Fifty Peaks.

Each of the disciples at the Lower Fifty Peaks looked at the names on the bamboo plaques.

"The first defender, Feixianfeng Nie Jie, has ten golden elixirs and is perfect!"

"Sure enough, Feixian Peak is Feixian Peak, directly defending the number one spot!"

"Except for Feixian Peak, no other peak dares to hold this first place!"

"Feixian Peak's number one position cannot be shaken at all, not even Five Elements Peak can do it."

"The second defender is the senior fellow from Five Elements Peak, who is also the Great Perfection of Ten Golden Pills."

"Look at the third defender, Li Ke! It's Fairy Li Ke!"

"Although Suzaku Peak is also one of the top ten peaks, their ranking is not in the top five. This time, they actually took third place!"

"Have you forgotten that Fairy Li Ke broke through the golden elixir to perfection a while ago?"

"Yes, when the disciples from other peaks saw that Li Ke wanted to take the third place, they all gave in. After all, even if they relied on the higher ranking of their peak and got the third place, then what would happen next? Come down, Fairy Li Ke will definitely challenge you.

That was the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir. In a fight of that level, if one person was not good enough and was seriously injured, it would affect the subsequent ranking. No one would fight against a fully-dimensional Golden Elixir Master at the very beginning of the fight. A perfect master fights hard. "

In the direction of Zhuque Peak, Tu Zhuque looked at Chen Qingluan not far away, pointed at the position of the bamboo sign, and said with a provocative expression: "Chen Qingluan, our Li Ke has already defended the ring, aren't you dissatisfied? If you are dissatisfied, you can always do it. Let your disciples challenge our Li Ke."

What is she looking forward to most in the Hundred Peaks Competition? It's not that Zhuque Peak is surpassing Qingluan Peak in making talismans and refining alchemy in these two six arts, but now, it's a battle of skills!

She, Zhuque Peak, has Li Ke who can completely suppress all the disciples of Qingluan Peak!

It's just Li Ke, and Qingluan Peak can't compare with anyone else.

Just ask her if Chen Qingluan dares to let her disciple challenge Li Ke?

Chen Qingluan smiled coldly and said: "Challenge your Li Ke? Let your Li Ke defend the third place first."

"Oh? I want to see who has the guts to challenge our Li Ke." Tu Zhuque looked around domineeringly, not afraid of causing hatred to her disciples, and said provocatively, "You are welcome to challenge We are Li Ke."

No one answered her around.

They are not blind, nor have they not seen the vision of heaven and earth when Li Ke broke through. The ten golden elixirs are perfect, and each golden elixir has visions. Unless they are crazy, they will let their disciples challenge Li Ke. Ke.

Seeing that no one responded, Tu Zhuque's expression became more and more proud. He looked at Chen Qingluan and deliberately pretended to look regretful and said: "It's a pity that no one challenges us Li Ke, so we can only wait for you Qingluan Peak to challenge us." .

If I had known this, I would have asked our Li Ke to choose a stage further back to defend, for example, the tenth stage, which would be just enough to challenge the Ninth Peak. "

Chen Qingluan simply turned back and stopped looking at Tu Zhuque. Now, the ninth defender was none other than her disciple of Qingluan Peak.

As for really challenging Li Ke?

She is not stupid, she will not let her disciples challenge Li Ke.

That Tu Zhuque, why did he accept such a disciple?

Although she didn't want to admit it, she didn't admit defeat, but she also understood that in this Hundred Peaks Competition, unless something unexpected happened, Qingluan Peak's ranking might not be as good as that of Suzaku Peak.

Cao Zhen didn't pay attention to who were at the top. He didn't even look at the specific rankings. Instead, he scanned the faces of his five disciples one by one and slowly said: "Don't suppress yourself. This This time, Master hopes that you can give it a try and show yourself to your heart’s content.”



The five disciples were immediately shocked. Master, if you didn't say you wanted to get the 100th place, why did you let them give it a try?

Xiao Beiyan even asked: "Master, did I hear wrongly? You said a wave of defense?"

Cao Zhen broke through the defense in an instant. He should not have taught these disciples so many modern vocabulary. He finally regained his composure, looked at the ring below, and said slowly: "You haven't heard, what Master said is to let go and fight!

The disciples of Baifeng will fight hard and fight with all their strength in order to be ranked. This is a rare training opportunity. I don’t want you to miss this opportunity like this.

Of course, if you fight with all your strength, it’s up to you to decide which opponent you want to choose. "

"It's up to us to decide?" Yisheng, who always had a flexible mind, immediately reacted and whispered: "I understand."

"What do you know?"

"What's the meaning?"

Several of her senior brothers and sisters looked over.

Under the gazes of several senior brothers and sisters, Yisheng explained in a low voice: "Master doesn't want us to miss the opportunity to practice. However, Master has bet three million to ensure that our ranking in Sibaofeng will not rise. Seeing that we have reached the end We can't let Master's three million taels of spiritual stones go to waste.

Therefore, we still have to lose, but how we lose is up to us. For example, we can find some people who are obviously stronger than us and challenge them.

That way we can fight with all our strength and hone our own goals without destroying Master's bet. "

The other four people nodded.

"Just do it."

"Junior sister, you are the youngest, so you should start the challenge first."

"Junior sister, do you have any goals?"

Yisheng pointed in one direction of the bamboo sign: "Yes, nine hundred and ninety-three hundred."

"Nine hundred and ninety-three hundred names, Xiaochan Peak, Wuwei, six pills."

"People from Xiaochan Peak? They were the ones who started spreading bad words about Master before, so we beat them first!"

"However, he has formed six pills. Junior sister, you haven't formed any pills yet. Isn't there a big gap between you and him?"

"But among the disciples from Xiaochan Peak, he is the most suitable one for me to challenge." Yi Sheng looked at his senior brothers and sisters in embarrassment and said: "Junior sisters, I will work hard and will not give any trouble to you. The door is embarrassing.”

"Just choose him." Xiang Ziyu shouted: "What are you afraid of? As the protagonist, I have the ability to fight across the realm of cultivation. As the protagonist's junior sister, you naturally also have such abilities, although it is not as good as Senior brother, I am also "

"Shut up." Yan Yourong interrupted Xiang Ziyu directly, "How long has it been? This junior brother started to get sick again!"

"It's dangerous for you to talk to the protagonist like this, even though you are my senior sister."

Yisheng had already chosen an opponent to challenge, but she had no chance to challenge immediately.

After all, there are only ten sides in the arena below, and at most twenty people are fighting at the same time. The fighting competition has just begun. I don’t know how many people are lining up waiting for the challenge, and they need to line up slowly before it is her turn.

While she was waiting, Ling Xi, Yan Yourong and others also chose their opponents they wanted to challenge.

The person in front of them was Chao Zizai from Qixing Peak.

At the bottom of the arena, a referee in charge shouted loudly: "C-shaped arena, Seven Star Peak Chao Zizai, challenge one thousand five hundred and thirty-two, Ziyu Peak, Guo Yanting, one pill."

One disadvantage of being a challenger is that the level of cultivation will be written directly on the bamboo card, but the challenger will not tell the challenger what level of cultivation he has.

"People from Ziyu Peak?" Cao Zhen's expression changed slightly. When he bought the magic weapon, the people from Ziyu Peak also took the initiative to look for it. However, he really didn't have the magic weapon left by senior Ziyufeng. , so it was not sold to the Purple Feather Peak Divine Weapon in the end.

However, I don’t know what the people at Ziyu Peak think, but they actually followed other peaks and spread bad words about him, calling him shameless and so on.

When Chao Zizai challenged him for the first time, he did not choose anyone from other peaks, but chose someone from Ziyu Peak. He was

Although there are people fighting in ten arenas, everyone pays different attention to them because of the different rankings of their respective peaks. For example, those who climb the fifty peaks, especially those in the bottom ten peaks, naturally pay more attention to the rankings and their What is the situation with the close peaks.

Seven Star Peak, in this Six Arts Competition of the Hundred Peaks Competition, unexpectedly got five peak bamboos. Now, not only the people on the bottom ten peaks, but also the people on the bottom twenty peaks are paying attention to Seven Star Peak.

When they heard that Chao Zizi was about to challenge, they all looked towards the direction of the ring.

"People from Seven Star Peak?"

"Then Chao Zizai is the first disciple of Qixing Peak."

"Him? I remember he doesn't even have a fairy bridge, right? How dare he challenge someone who has already formed a pill?"

"Isn't he looking for a fight?"

"This is so unimaginable."

Many people who were descending from Twenty Peaks let out a sigh of relief. After Chao Zizai failed in his challenge, there was no chance for him to challenge again. As far as they knew, Chao Zizai was still the strongest disciple at Seven Star Peak.

In this way, Qixing Peak should not be able to get any Fengzhu in the next competition, and there is no need to worry about the threat of Qixing Peak.

According to the rules of the martial arts competition, as long as someone challenges you, no matter how many people challenge you, as long as you are not severely injured, you must accept the challenge.

When Guo Yanting heard the referee's shout, he flew down from high in the sky and landed on the ring. He looked at Chao Zizai opposite him with a strange expression and asked with confusion: "I'm curious, junior brother, why are you doing this?" Want to challenge me?"

The disciples of the Lower Ten Peaks challenged him, and he actually laughed a little angrily. As far as he knew, except for the Four Treasures Peak, no peak in the Lower Ten Peaks had disciples at the Dan Formation stage.

Challenge him? What does this person think?

"No reason. I challenge you, just to see you unhappy." Chao Zizai didn't even bother to be polite to the other party, he just felt unhappy with the people at Ziyu Peak.

He knew about Cao Zhen selling the magic weapon. After all, people from other peaks spent spiritual stones to buy Cao Zhen's magic weapon, so he didn't say much.

However, Cao Zhen did not sell the magic weapon to Ziyufeng, and the people at Ziyufeng actually said bad things about Cao Zhen, which he couldn't bear.

Therefore, he chose to challenge the disciples of Ziyu Peak first!

"You don't like me? I wanted to teach you a lesson, but now I have changed my mind. Soon you will know what will happen to me if you provoke me." Guo Yanting's eyes suddenly became sharp. When did Xiao Xiao The disciples of the Ninety-nine Peaks dare to challenge the disciples of the Twenty-Nine Peaks!

"You talk too much." Chao Zizai's face turned cold, and his combat power suddenly bloomed. Behind him, ten vision platforms appeared, and then ten vision bridges opened up this space.

"what's the situation!"

"The foundation of the ten perfect visions and the ten perfect vision bridges!"

In an instant, countless people's eyes fell on this place.

Although it is said that Chao Zizai is only in the Immortal Bridge stage and has not even condensed the inner elixir, ten vision platforms and ten vision bridges are really rare.

Whether it is completing ten Taoist platforms or ten fairy bridges. There are still people who can unite nine vision platforms and nine vision bridges. Even if they are in the upper ten peaks, they are all geniuses who will be trained intensively, let alone ten vision platforms and ten vision bridges. It’s a fairy bridge!

Anyone who can do this at the same time can definitely be called a genius. Then wait for the real genius!

Many people looked over instantly, their eyes filled with surprise and suspicion.

"Chao Zizai, I clearly remember that he only condensed the Daoji Taoist platform, and there was no vision!"

"When did he break through and enter the Immortal Bridge? It's still the ten Immortal Bridges of Dzogchen!"

"When did there become so many Dzogchen Complete Vision Taoist bases and Dzogchen Complete Vision Immortal Bridges?"

"No. He is so strong, why would he challenge the people from Ziyu Peak?"

"Yes, the challenger ranked 1531st is a disciple of the 63rd Peak, and he also has a pill.

If he wants to challenge, he should challenge the right person from Sixty-Three Peaks. Purple Feather Peak, which is ranked twenty, also has a pill, so it must have more and stronger methods.

What's more, even if he succeeds in the challenge, how can the other disciples of Ziyu Peak not be angry? Can they not call me back? "

"What did he think?"

In the distance, several disciples from Seven Star Peak were stunned.

"When did Senior Brother become so strong?"

"Master, Senior Brother, has he been in retreat during this period of time, has he been trying to achieve the Great Perfection of Xianqiao?"

"Elder brother is actually so strong. Our Seven Star Peak is about to rise."

Deng Qixing listened to the disciples' exclamations, but looked at Cao Zhen on the side. After Chao Zizai broke through, he told him everything. He also knew that all of this was Cao Zhen's credit.

Cao Zhen listened to the confused voices in the distance and looked at Chao Zizai who was at full strength on the stage. He was moved in his heart. Chao Zizai chose Ziyu Peak to vent his anger.

But, it's not necessary, it's really not necessary

On the C-shaped arena, Guo Yanting had a solemn look on his face. This little disciple of the Ninety-nine Peaks was actually the Ten Platforms of the Total Vision and the Ten Immortal Bridges of the Total Vision!

Although he has formed a pill and the other party has not formed a pill, the other party has one more Taoist platform and one more fairy bridge than him!

Although it seems that a Taoist platform and a fairy bridge are definitely not comparable to the inner elixir, the other side has an extra Taoist platform and a fairy bridge, which is the Taoist platform and fairy bridge of Dzogchen. It is the same as the nine Taoist platforms and fairy bridges. The bridge is completely different.

What's even more terrifying is that every Taoist platform and every fairy bridge on the other side has visions!

And myself

Behind Guo Yanting, nine Taoist platforms, nine fairy bridges, and an inner elixir emerged. Among them, there are two vision Taoist platforms and one vision fairy bridge.

Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it behind his back, and a long bow appeared in his hand. Among the disciples of Ziyu Peak, he was not the most outstanding, and he did not have a magic weapon. The long bow in his hand was already his best. weapons.

For a time, the power surged crazily in the nine Taoist platforms, nine immortal bridges, and an inner elixir behind him. The whole body's strength gathered on his hands, and a long arrow condensed out of the void.


The next moment, the long arrow shot out, like lightning, and shot towards Chao Zizai rapidly, with such power that it seemed to penetrate the sun and the moon.

He made the first move!

This is a competition between hundreds of peaks. He represents his mountain. There is no reason why the opponent's cultivation level is lower and the opponent should take the lead.

What's more, the Ten Visions Taoist Platform and the Ten Visions Immortal Bridge are too terrifying.

He has often heard that geniuses with the Ten Visions Taoist Platform and the Ten Visions Immortal Bridge defeated people with one elixir level, and even those who formed two or three elixirs had records of being defeated.

The long arrow streaked through the void, instantly tearing the air apart. The arrow was so fast that the sound of detonation was heard only after it passed through.

In less than the blink of an eye, the sharp arrow landed in front of Chao Zizai's eyes.

Chao Zizai stared at the sharp arrow with his eyes, raised his feet and took a step forward.

Suddenly, under his feet, a pair of ordinary-looking shoes suddenly bloomed with a silver brilliance, and with one step, it was like a star streaking across.

In just a short moment, he actually took seven steps in succession, each step leaving a shadow of stars on the ground.

The shadows of seven stars exactly form the shape of seven stars.

"Seven-star shining boots."

Ai Yunqi didn't know when he appeared next to Cao Zhen, pointing to the pair of shoes that emitted silver light under Chao Zizai's feet and said: "These are the magic weapons left by the seventh-generation peak master of Qixing Peak.

Back then, Deng Qixing had gone to the Tomb of Divine Weapons and obtained this divine weapon. It was probably for this Hundred Peaks Competition that he gave the shoes to his disciples.

This shoe was originally designed to match the magical Seven Stars Swinging Steps of Qixing Peak. Unfortunately, the Seven Stars Swinging Steps of Qixing Peak has been lost. Otherwise, this time would be enough for Chao Zizai to appear behind Guo Yanting. "

Cao Zhen had never seen the seven-star rustling steps, but what he saw was Chao Zizai's steps, which had a feeling of rustling like shooting stars.

On the ring, Guo Yanting did not stop after shooting an arrow. The second arrow and the third arrow were shot one after another. However, the long arrow flew down as fast as lightning, but it could not even touch the corner of Chao Zizai's clothes.

He looked at Chao Zizai who was getting closer and closer to him, a look of panic appeared on his face, and he quickly retreated towards the back.

But, it's too late!

Chao Zizai waved his left and right hands at the same time, and two flames, one red and one green, rose above his hands.

Red dark flames!

The next moment, as he waved his hands simultaneously, two balls of flames burst out. They were obviously flames, but they were like two stars, falling towards Guo Yanting.

Guo Yanting wanted to dodge, but Chao Zizai was too close to him. As soon as he made a dodge, the flames flew down and wrapped his whole body in it.

Even if they were standing far away, everyone could feel the scorching heat and the hissing sound when the flames burned.

"Okay, stop!"

Below the ring, the referee shouted and flew down to the ring in an instant. With a wave of his hand, a torrent of magic power shot out and landed directly on Guo Yanting.

The burning flame was extinguished in an instant.

Although it only took a short moment, Guo Yanting's entire body was completely burnt to black, and most of his hair was burned off, making him almost bald.

"The winner of this battle is Qixing Feng Chao Zizai." The referee quickly announced the final result.

Guo Yanting lowered his head, feeling the burning pain in his body. His face was filled with confusion, confusion, and shame!

He lost, actually to the ninety-ninth ranked Seven Star Peak disciple.

And he was defeated so simply. If the referee hadn't taken action just now, it's anyone's guess whether he could still be standing now.


"Guo Yanting of Purple Feather Peak was defeated so easily?"

All around, countless people paying attention to this arena could not believe what they saw. Some of them also guessed that Chao Zizai could win. After all, Chao Zizai had ten perfection vision Taoist platforms and ten perfection vision immortals. bridge.

However, they never expected that Chao Zizi could win so simply and quickly, without even being hurt by Guo Yanting at all.

"This? Is this really a disciple of Seven Star Peak?"

"Guo Yanting is a disciple of Ziyu Peak. It is a top-ranked peak. His magical power should be stronger. How did he lose so quickly?"

"What magical power did Chao Zizai use in the end? The two flames were like two stars?"

"Seven Stars Kaiyang!" Ai Yunqi introduced softly in Cao Zhen's ear, "The last thing Chao Zizai used was Seven Stars Kaiyang, one of the most powerful seven-star gatherings of Seven Star Peak.

The gathering of seven stars is divided into seven minor supernatural powers, namely Seven Stars Tianshu, Seven Stars Tianxuan, Seven Stars Tianji, Seven Stars Tianquan, Seven Stars Yuheng, Seven Stars Kaiyang and Seven Stars Fluctuating Light.

Unfortunately, it has been passed down to this day that only the Seven Star Kaiyang, a small magical power, is left in the gathering of seven stars. Moreover, if you want to practice this magical power, there are some requirements. It is difficult for ordinary people to practice. Unexpectedly, it is suitable for Chao Zizi. "

Cao Zhen listened to Ai Yunqi's introduction and said with some confusion: "Elder Ai, from what you said, why do I feel that Seven Star Peak was once very glorious?"

"It is indeed very glorious." Ai Yunqi sighed: "The former Seven Star Peak was the existence of the Hundred Peaks Sect and the Ten Peaks.

Otherwise, how do you think Deng Qixing came up with the Wind and Fire Dragon Ball in the first place? I think it is a treasure left behind by Seven Star Peak. It's a pity that so much time has passed, and people today have forgotten the glory of Seven Star Peak, and Seven Star Peak has never risen again. "

Cao Zhen turned back to look at Ai Yunqi and asked curiously: "Then, how did Seven Star Peak suddenly become like this? Why is the inheritance so broken?"

"Because that battle that year was the most tragic battle since the founding of our Baifeng Sect. In that battle, our Baifeng Sect suffered heavy losses and broke many inheritances. On Seven Star Peak, from the peak master to the disciples, Everyone fought bloody hard, and until the end, only a young disciple who had just entered the peak for a year was left.

That is also the eighth generation peak master of Seven Star Peak. Seven Star Peak is also the peak with the most severe inheritance among the hundred peaks. Although the only incense was barely preserved, the inheritance of Qixing Peak was almost completely cut off.

When our Hundred Peaks Sect experienced that battle, our vitality was severely damaged, and each peak was too busy to take care of itself. Later, after the vitality had recovered a little, Master Zhangzong once found the eighth-generation peak master of Qixing Peak and wanted to teach Qixing Peak some magical powers and six skills. However, the eighth-generation peak master was a strong man.

He said that he did not accept other people's inheritance, and he wanted to restore the inheritance results of Seven Star Peak. So far, Seven Star Peak has not risen. "

Cao Zhen fell silent. He had never seen that battle, but just listening to Ai Yunqi's simple account, he could imagine how tragic that battle was. On a mountain with ten peaks, the battle Only a young disciple who had just entered the peak was left.

As for the Seven Star Peak, the eighth generation peak master is so strong that he does not accept the inheritance from outsiders. He is not sure whether it is right or wrong. However, he also knows that the current Seven Star Peak has begun to accept other inheritances.

Deng Qixing, he wants to change Qixing Peak.

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