My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 138 The golden body of dragon and tiger shakes all directions

Cao Zhen had seen many of his apprentices fight, but he had never seen how Xiao Beiyan fought with others.

On the ring, Bei Yan took out the Flowing Cloud Fire Thunder Hammer. Opposite him, Feng couldn't wave his crescent moon Zen staff forward, pointing in the direction of Xiao Beiyan.

One end of the Zen staff is in the shape of a shovel, and the other end is in the shape of a crescent. When illuminated by the sun, it reflects the cold light that makes people's hearts tremble.

The next moment, the alms bowl he had been holding in his hand suddenly flew up and floated above his head, rotating slightly, and bursts of golden light fell from the alms bowl.

On the mountain, everyone suddenly screamed in surprise.

"Magic Weapon, Crazy Crescent Shovel!"

"The Infinite Swallowing Heavenly Bowl, two divine weapons, cannot have two divine weapons in hand!"

He couldn't help but look at the other side with cold eyes. His magic weapon was indeed incomparable with Bei Yan's magic weapon. After all, Bei Yan's hand was the magic weapon of the fifth-generation great elder, but he had two magic weapons!

Xiao Beiyan looked helpless as he released two magic weapons, as if he were a child comparing toys, and shouted: "Are you going to compete with me to see who has more treasures? I don't have any magic weapons here, but I still have one." A treasure.”

His left and right hands each grasped a giant hammer. He could no longer grab the treasure, so he could only use his magic power to control the Infinite Array to fly out.

On the surrounding mountain peaks, everyone instantly noticed the array disk in Bei Yan's hand.

"The name of this formation seems to be the Duzun Wuji formation?"

"He also has a unique Wuji array?"

"How many unique Wuji arrays do they have in the Four Treasures Peak?"

"Not every disciple of the Four Treasures Peak has a unique Wuji Formation Disk."

"I remember that when I was in Qianlong Immortal Palace, I heard Xiang Ziyu say that everyone in their Four Treasure Peaks has a unique Wuji Formation Disk. I always thought he was bragging. Now look, that may be true. !”

"Cao Zhen, how big is the inheritance he has received? There are so many such terrifying arrays!"

Following yesterday's battle, after Yi Sheng displayed the terror of the formation disk, many people were inquiring about the name of the formation disk. Soon, the name of the Wuji formation disk spread from the mouths of the disciples of Qianlong Immortal Palace.

The Sovereign Wuji Formation unfolded and instantly covered the entire arena.

Unable to immediately feel that countless pieces of soil seemed to be surging on the surrounding ground, and the power of the earth surged in, like a pair of invisible big hands, tightly binding him.

"This is"

Unable to change his face suddenly, after going back yesterday, many people asked about Wuwei's battle with Yisheng. Wuwei said that after Yisheng used the formation chart, he felt that no matter where he stood, he was standing in the fire position. There are fire positions everywhere in the formation diagram, and no matter how you move, you cannot leave.

Therefore, he was directly restrained.

However, I now clearly feel that I am in a low position.

The magical power I have cultivated is the magical power of water. At the water level, I am also restrained.

Now, I feel like I can only exert about 80% of my combat power!

Therefore, this formation diagram is not at all like what Wuwei said, with fire positions everywhere. Instead, it will be restrained depending on the opponent!

How can there be such a formation in the world!

Anyone who enters will be restrained. In other words, everyone can only use 80% of their combat power against the owner of the array.

In this way, if you have this formation diagram, you can almost be said to be invincible within the realm of fellow practitioners.

If he had this formation diagram, he would not only be in this ranking now, he could even break into more than 400 places!

Why did the people from Sibaofeng get such a formation?

Do their shameless mountains deserve to have this formation map?

Eighty percent?

So what if it's 80%, 80% of the strength is enough to defeat this half-grown boy, and he is also the existence of Jiudan!

Under his body, a golden halo flew up. In this golden light, there was even more vast Buddha power like the sea, covering his whole body. In an instant, when he looked from a distance, it looked like a golden ball of light. , raised his feet and collapsed on the ground, his whole body rushed towards Beiyan like an arrow from a string.

"Pagoda Diamond Circle!"

"The top magical power of meditation, the Buddha's Vajra Circle. Among the meditation peaks of our Baifeng Sect, only Baoxiang Peak and Xiaochan Peak have the Buddha's Vajra Circle!"

"Although the Buddha's Vajra Circle is not like other magical powers that can directly attack the opponent, it can be attached to the body, making the caster like a Buddhist Vajra."

Unable to use his full combat power, he used his Nine Pills cultivation with all his strength, and in the blink of an eye, he flew in front of Bei Yan.

At Bei Yan's feet, a halo of light mixed with red and purple suddenly rose. The fiery red light was like a burning flame, while the purple light was like thunder from the ninth heaven, full of terrifying power that could destroy everything.

Many people around recognized this magical power at a glance.

"Earthfire and thunder aperture!"

"One of the top ten magical powers of Qianlong Temple!"

"Similar to the pagoda diamond circle, the earth fire and thunder halo is not a magical power that directly attacks the opponent, but a magical power that is attached to the body and allows the user to attack with the power of thunder or fire."

"He actually cultivated this magical power!"

"The earth fire and thunder aperture is just right for his Flowing Cloud Fire and Thunder Hammer."

The peak master of Thunder Fire Peak looked at Bei Yan, who was possessed of the power of flames and thunder, and murmured to himself: "I see, this son must have a body of fire and thunder, and he has also cultivated the Earth Fire Thunder Aperture of my Thunder Fire Peak. Then I went to the Tomb of Divine Weapons, and it aroused the resonance of Liuyun Fire and Thunder Hammer."

The earth fire and thunder aperture was originally the magical power of their Leihuo Peak. Later, because of the heavy losses of the Hundred Peaks Sect in that battle, the eighth generation peak master of Leihuo Peak donated this magical power and put it into Qianlong Avalokitesvara is for the talented disciples of the Baifeng Sect to practice.


There was a buzzing sound, and the crazy crescent shovel in Fang's hand made a buzzing sound, and the end of the shovel swept towards Beiyan. For a moment, the air around him seemed to be crushed instantly, and a series of harsh sonic booms were emitted. A strong wind blew, so strong that it felt like just this force could blow the short Beiyan out of the ring.

Almost at the same time, the Flowing Cloud Fire Thunder Hammer in Bei Yan's hand hit the falling crescent shovel.

On top of the giant hammer that seemed to be bigger than his body, scorching heat and flames coexisted with violent lightning. It hit the shovel surface heavily, and there was a loud sound like a huge stone breaking. The giant hammer and crescent moon Wherever the shovel collided, flames scattered.

As the magic weapons in their hands collided, Bei Yan's body unconsciously retreated back.

After all, he only possesses an inner elixir. Even if he has a formation disk that can't suppress it, he is completely at a disadvantage in a simple competition of strength. This blow caused the energy and blood in his body to surge.

But as he retreated, a cloud was shot out of the Flowing Cloud Fire Thunder Hammer. The cloud instantly flew above Wenfa's head, and countless flames and thunder poured down, hitting Wenfa crazily.

The Flowing Cloud Fire and Thunder Hammer is the magical weapon of the fifth-generation great elder!

Seeing that countless fire, rain and thunder were about to hit him, he couldn't hold on to the crescent shovel and suddenly turned it over. A silver arc of light flew out from one end of the crescent moon, as if a waning moon rose and flew to the top of his head.

At the same time, he waved his palms continuously, shooting one palm after another in the air. In the sky, countless huge phantoms of handprints appeared, converging with the crescent moon to block all the fire, rain and thunder.

After all, the magic weapon in his hand was inferior. He only relied on the magical power in the magic weapon, but he could not completely block the magical power in the Flowing Cloud Fire and Thunder Hammer. He had to take action again to completely block it.


He couldn't help but have a victorious smile on his face. One of his magic weapons was indeed no match for the Flowing Cloud Fire and Thunder Hammer, but he had two magic weapons!

The bowl above his head, which had been rotating slowly, suddenly flew out and landed on top of Bei Yan's head. The bowl, which was originally only the size of a palm, instantly became as big as the entire arena, covering the entire arena. The mouth of the bowl Downward, the endless flood poured down, gathering in the shape of a water dragon in mid-air, heading straight towards Beiyan.

This is his ultimate move!

Bei Yan also smiled. Do you think you are the only one who has two magic weapons?

From his waist, the Evil Tower flew out with a thought, and instantly transformed into a majestic tower. It had no spire, and had three floors in total. Each floor had a color, namely red, orange, and red. The three colors were one. The majestic and majestic atmosphere filled the entire space.

The next moment, the entire tower suddenly shook, and a loud "buzzing" sound was heard. The sound was so loud that it spread throughout the entire Juxian Peak at this moment.

Even though there were nine arenas on the Gathering Stage where eighteen people were fighting, under this loud noise, all the sounds of eighteen people fighting on the other nine stages were suppressed.

It seems that in the entire space, at this moment, there is only this sound.

Amidst the loud noise, with the tower as the center, a sound wave visible to the naked eye vibrated in all directions, causing the surrounding space to vibrate, and then the entire sky seemed to vibrate.

In this shock, the huge water dragon quickly shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into streams of rainwater. The next moment, these rainwaters were all shattered by the shock and dissipated invisible.

"The eighth-generation master's thought shook the evil tower!"

"Bei Yan, why does he still have magic weapons!"

"Two magic weapons, one is stronger than the other. One is the fifth-generation great elder's, and the other one is actually the eighth-generation master's magic weapon!"

"The Tower of Zhenxie is called "Zhen" which means "vibration" instead of "suppression", because this tower can shatter everything!"

"He hides it so well!"

"How can a disciple of the Four Treasures Peak have such a magical weapon? Did he get it from the Divine Weapon Tomb? Is that impossible?"

"This kid is really insidious. Didn't he say before that there was only one magic weapon? But it turned out to be two magic weapons!"

"You are so insidious at such a young age!"

On the stage, before Wenbu could recover from the surprise that Bei Yan had taken out another magic weapon, Bei Yan had already raised his hand, and the giant hammer transformed by the inner alchemy vision suddenly swung at Wen Wen.

Do you think I hit with this hammer in my hand?

No, my hammer is for throwing things.

Everything happened too fast. The two helpless magic weapons were fighting against Bei Yan's magic weapon, and they were unable to dodge immediately.

Looking at the falling giant hammer, the magic power in his body was running rapidly, and the golden light on his body gained another layer. As the top magical power of meditation, the Buddha Diamond Circle also has the ability to protect the body. With his cultivation of Jiudan, he did not believe that he could break through his defense with one strike.

The idea just popped up in his mind. The next moment, behind Bei Yan, the visions on the Taoist platforms and fairy bridges were flying out together with the giant hammer.

I couldn't be stunned for a moment. What kind of vision is this? Can this kid's vision be used like this?

Giant hammers, towers, agates, colored glazes, one after another, strange phenomena fell crazily on Fang Wen's body, causing the golden light on Fang Wen's body to shake crazily.


In an instant, the golden light protecting Wu Wen's body burst into pieces.

On Bei Yan's hands, a group of purple light had condensed.

"Five thunders rectify the law!"

The purple thunder crashed down. Compared with the Five Thunder Zhengfa performed by Yisheng, his Five Thunder Zhengfa was stronger and more terrifying in power.

His cultivation base is higher than that of Yao Yisheng, and he has been practicing the Five Thunder Method for longer!

High above, everyone looked at the huge thunder falling, and all of them suddenly reacted.

"That kid, he is holding two giant hammers. I thought he was good at close combat. After playing with it for a long time, it turns out that he is confusing."

"I can't help but be completely at a disadvantage!"

"Too strong, no wonder he dares to challenge the incompetent!"

"Have you noticed that the combat power that cannot be exerted seems to be a bit abnormal, that should not be the combat power that cannot be possessed!"

"Yes, I don't feel normal either. Under normal circumstances, Beiyan would have been knocked to the edge of the ring if he couldn't have used that stick."

"Eighty percent, I feel like I can't at most only use 80% of my strength."

"The formation diagram must be because of that formation diagram!"

"But yesterday, when Wuwei fought against Yisheng, I felt that Wuwei could display about 90% of his strength. How come he could only display 80% of his strength despite being unable to do so?"

"Their cultivation realms are different. Yisheng is only at the Immortal Bridge stage, while Wuwei is already at the pill formation stage. They are far behind in their cultivation realm.

But Fu Bu and Bei Yan both form pills. Although the number of pills is different, the pills are pills, so they are suppressed even more! "

"That's how it should be."

At the gathering place of the Five Evils, Li Lingwei's eyes widened, pointing in the direction of the ring and shouting: "This kid, he has the upper hand, he's not going to win!"

Although Zhong Xinyi and others did not speak, they all frowned. If Si Baofeng won, it would be 100% impossible for them to stay at the top 100.

At the moment, Beiyan still has the absolute upper hand, how will he lose soon? If someone who has a clear upper hand deliberately loses, everyone can see it, and then the sect leader will investigate!

Unable to look at the huge thunder falling above his head, a fierce look suddenly flashed in his eyes, damn boy! He had seen his junior brother fight with Yi Sheng yesterday, and knew how amazing the power of the thunder was. He also learned from his uncle that the power of the thunder was extremely weird. If he was completely hit, he would not be able to survive for five days. Full recovery is not possible.

Five days?

After three days, others will be able to challenge him.

What to do if you can’t recover by then!

Damn, damn boy!

A ferocious and violent aura surged out of his body.

A black mist suddenly rose behind him, and in the mist, a shadow several feet tall with a human body and an animal head appeared.

The shadow's hair seems to be green flames. One of his eyes is on the top of his head, and the other is on his chin. His nose has one hole facing the sky and the other facing the ground. His ears, one in front and one behind, are huge. There are huge fangs in its mouth and it holds a huge axe.

Almost at the moment the thunder fell, the shadow suddenly rushed into Wenfa's body, and the body that was suddenly emitting golden light became extremely dark, like a black mist.

The lightning struck down, and the huge black wings enveloped his entire body.


With a muffled sound, Wu Lei Zhengfa hit Wu Lei head-on. Even though he was protected by black wings, Fu Wu's body was still hit hard and flew out. After flying backwards and flying more than twenty meters away, his body suddenly collapsed. Stop.

At this time, his whole body had turned pitch black, there was an obvious mark of being bombarded on his back, and red blood was constantly flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Beiyan was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "Monster, this guy is a monster!"

"Not a monster!"

High above, everyone watching the battle shouted lowly.

"This is Yaksha! One of the eight Dharma protectors Yaksha during meditation!"

"Babu Nightshake Transformation!"

"Yaksha transformation, this is a magical power that can only be used after the golden elixir. He only used it after forming the elixir."

"Nine pills can indeed be cast by force, but after being cast, there will be backlash!"

"Isn't it necessary?"

"However, if he doesn't use the Yaksha Transformation, the blow just now will definitely hit him hard. Moreover, if he doesn't use the Yaksha Transformation, there seems to be no chance of winning."

"That's right, even though Beiyan only has one pill, he can only exert 80% of his power. Beiyan's two magic weapons are stronger, the visions are extremely weird, and even his supernatural powers feel stronger.

After such a competition, he couldn't fall behind. If he didn't use the Yasha Transformation, he felt that he really had no chance of winning. "

"At this time, I am afraid that Fafa has no longer considered the backlash. He only thinks about defeating Beiyan first."

I don't know if it's because of the Yaksha transformation, but the helpless face looks much more sinister. He stares at Beiyan, as if he wants to eat Beiyan alive. It's this damn boy, if not Even though he used that weird thunder, he couldn't use the Yaksha Transformation either.

If I don't use Yaksha, after being severely injured by the power of thunder, I will continue to fight unless I jump off the ring and admit defeat immediately. If I am attacked by the thunder power several times, I will be like Wuwei, three times. The injury cannot be recovered within a day.

Rather than that, it's better to use Yaksha Transformation and defeat this kid first.

If you don't feel well for yourself, you should make this kid even more miserable and eliminate him directly!

As for admitting defeat?

This is a competition among hundreds of peaks. Which disciple would admit defeat at this time? If you admit defeat, you will lose the face of the entire Xiaochan Peak!

If you can't admit defeat, you can only win!

He couldn't rush towards Beiyan quickly. He was using the Yaksha Transformation forcefully and couldn't maintain it for a long time. He had to fight quickly!

Bei Yan turned his head and ran towards the distance of the ring. He just heard the people above shouting, but he had to force his magical power, so he would definitely be able to maintain it for a long time.

"Run? Still want to delay time? Did you run?"

Unable to create a spell with both hands, endless floods rushed out from the alms bowl above the sky again, converging into the shape of a water dragon.

But this time, with the blessing of Yaksha Transformation, the water dragon became even bigger. When the Evil Tower shook with a single thought, although the water dragon was dispersed, the endless rainwater was not dispersed.

The rain poured down, and every drop seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms, hitting Bei Yan's body, causing his whole body to ache.

And his moving steps also slowed down, and the next moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed in front of his eyes.

Unable to swing the Crazy Crescent Shovel with full force.

Bei Yan felt a gust of wind blowing towards him, and before he could escape, a golden light rose up from his body. In the light, two phantoms, a dragon and a tiger, were entwined, and the faint sounds of dragons and tigers roared.

Dragon and tiger golden body!


There was a loud noise like a mountain breaking into pieces, the dragon and tiger's golden body suddenly shattered, and the next moment, Bei Yan's body flew backwards and flew out.

There were nine golden elixirs originally. After performing the Yaksha transformation, his strength was vaguely comparable to the half-step golden elixir. Beiyan simply could not withstand this terrifying blow.

While flying upside down, he hit the magic circle light screen at the edge of the ring hard, then bounced back and landed on the ring. The impact was so powerful that his body bounced again.

"Winner, Xiaochanfeng can't!"

Below, the referee immediately declared a no win.

Cao Zhen flew down from a high place again, took out a heart-protecting and nourishing essence pill that he had already refined, and stuffed it directly into Bei Yan's mouth.

Fortunately, he educated several apprentices last time and asked them to work hard to cultivate the Dragon and Tiger Golden Body. At the critical moment, the Dragon and Tiger Golden Body helped Beiyan block a lot of power impacts. Otherwise, Beiyan might be injured. He is not much lighter than Yi Sheng.

As for Yisheng, he had always asked her to refine elixirs before, and the dragon-tiger golden body was difficult to cultivate. She had not yet cultivated the dragon-tiger golden body.

However, she mainly suffered backlash injuries. Even if she cultivated the Dragon-Tiger Golden Body, her injuries would not be much lighter.

On the other side, Yuan Kong had already flown down. He immediately took out a pill and asked his disciple to take it. At the same time, he glared fiercely in the direction of Cao Zhen.

This was his only direct disciple, otherwise he would not have given him two magical weapons. As a result, he met Bei Yan, who also had two magical weapons, and was forced to use the Yaksha Transformation.

Although they couldn't win in the end, they couldn't use the Yasha Transformation. Even if they tried their best to treat him, he wouldn't be able to recover within three days. Even on the last day, he might not be able to fully recover. After all, if you are unable to perform the Yaksha Transformation with your cultivation level in the Dan Formation Stage, the backlash cannot be cultivated in a short time.

As Cao Zhen and Yuan Kong left with their disciples, the arena became empty, but everyone around them was still reminiscing about the battle just now.

"Have you ever noticed that the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak are terrifyingly strong?"

"It's not an ordinary terror. This Beiyan only has one pill, but he was unable to fight and almost lost."

"If you can't learn the Yasha Transformation, you will lose because of your inability!"

"Actually, Sibaofeng's calculations are very good. Under normal circumstances, they should win. Who would have thought that they would not be able to perform the Yaksha Transformation during the pill formation stage!"

"It's over, it's over, Si Baofeng lost again, they haven't gotten the peak bamboo yet, what should we do?"

"My spirit stone!"

With everyone shouting, under the ring where Beiyan and his opponent had just been unable to compete, the referee spoke again: "Xiang Ziyu of the Four Treasures Peak, challenging the 499th, Wuming of the Xiaochan Peak, and the inner elixir of perfection."


"The people from Sibaofeng are here again?"

All around, the people who had not yet recovered from the battle were suddenly shocked.

"The people from Sibaofeng, they are really here for Xiaochan Peak."

"The problem is, the people from Sibaofeng are challenging for the ranking!"

"Wu Ming, he is the third-ranked being on Xiaochan Peak!"

"There are still three disciples at Four Treasure Peak. They won't all challenge them."

"It's impossible. The two top-ranked disciples at Xiaochan Peak are both at the Golden Core Stage. People from the Four Treasures Peak will challenge them only if they have a real problem with their brains!"

"This Xiang Ziyu, I heard is even stronger than Bei Yan."

"No matter how strong you are, it's useless, Senior Brother Wuming, but the inner elixir of perfection is ten inner elixirs, which is comparable to Yuanfei's nine inner elixirs."

"Although Wuming is the third-ranked disciple of Xiaochan Peak, I heard that Wuming is more talented than Wuqi, the second-ranked disciple of Xiaochan Peak. However, Wuming has been a disciple of Xiaochan Peak longer. Late, the training time is shorter, so the cultivation level is not as good as Wuqi, but everyone in Xiaochan Peak believes that it is only a matter of time before Wuming surpasses Wuqi."

"The people from Sibaofeng, can't they find a lower ranking to challenge?"

"This is a vicious cycle, especially in the battle with Beiyan just now. They must have thought that Beiyan could win. As a result, Beiyan lost instead of winning. The Fengzhu that they could get in the calculation was not obtained, so they We can only continue to challenge for higher rankings and compete for more peak bamboos."

"Then you have to win."

"How do you know that Xiang Ziyu can't win? Haven't you seen the two disciples who appeared before Si Bao Peak? The disciples of Si Bao Peak cannot be judged purely based on their cultivation level."

"But Wuming is really too strong."

Amid the murmurs of discussion among the crowd, in the direction of Xiaochan Peak, Yuan Ci’s face had already turned livid. Si Bao Peak, they are coming again!

On purpose, they must have done it on purpose! Although the two disciples of my Xiaochan Peak both defeated the Four Treasures Peak, one was severely injured and the other was backlashed. Especially, he was helpless. When the Hundred Peaks Competition ends, will he be able to stay in the top two thousand? question.

Now, Si Baofeng has come to challenge his Xiaochan Peak. Does this mean he wants to die with him?

But if we die together, he must also have that strength.

Amid the murmurs of discussion, Xiang Ziyu and Wuming fell onto the stage one after another.

Xiang Ziyu looked at the opposite side. Even with his bald head and wearing a monk's clothes, Wuming couldn't hide his handsomeness. He nodded slightly and said, "You are much more handsome than your two senior brothers. Sure enough, as the protagonist, It’s people like you who need to be stepped on.”

"Those are my two senior brothers." Wuming corrected himself with a long stick reaching his eyebrows. Although he was the third disciple of Xiaochan Peak, his time to enter Xiaochan Peak was shorter. Whether he was unable to He will call the previous five senior brothers.

"Junior brother is still stronger? Then you are the so-called genius." Xiang Ziyu became even more excited when he heard the voice: "Sure enough, the protagonist fought against so-called geniuses. You can also use the Yaksha transformation just now, right? Don't waste time, quickly use the Yaksha transformation." As he spoke, he took out the array disk and opened it.

All around, everyone was numb when they saw the same formation disk again.

"Sure enough, probably all the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak have that formation disk."

"Look at the spear in his hand, it seems to be a magic weapon."

"This is the magical weapon Lingfeng Overlord Spear of the sixth-generation peak master of Tianling Peak. It is extremely domineering!"

"The magic weapon in Wuming's hand is not bad at all. He is holding Xiaochan Peak, the seventh-generation peak master Hunyuan Pojun Stick!"

Zichen stood in the crowd and looked at the two magic weapons in Xiang Ziyu's hands. He felt that his original decision was really correct. Seeing that Xiang Ziyu had both a formation plate and a magic weapon, if he hadn't If Xiang Ziyu is asked not to use magic weapons and treasures, how can he fight with Xiang Ziyu? That's why I lost in the first place.

"Yaksha Transformation?" A look of contempt appeared on Wuming's face, and he said proudly: "You have no chance to see it." He felt the restraint coming from his body, but there was no look of surprise on his face. He had just Watching from above, it was impossible to fight Bei Yan, and it was already clear that the formation of the Four Treasure Peaks could restrain the opponent.

So what about restraint?

Do you really think that you are a mediocre person like Wuwei and Wuwei?

As he finished speaking, ten perfection Taoist platforms, ten perfection immortal bridges, and ten perfection inner elixirs all appeared behind him.

Among them, there are eight vision platforms, seven vision bridges and five vision pills!

Why is he called a genius?

Is it considered that he will definitely surpass Wuqie who has already condensed the golden elixir?

It's because his talent is so amazing!

Daotai, Immortal Bridge, and Neidan are all in great perfection! And he still has the body of an angry-eyed King Kong!

Xiang Ziyu looked at the Taoist platform, Xianqiao, and Neidan behind Wuming, looking at the glaring King Kong visions one after another, and his expression became more and more excited: "Yes, this is interesting. The more talented, the better."

Behind him, ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and a vision pill all appeared.

"This vision!"

"What a vision is this!"

High up, the disciples with weaker cultivation base looked at the visions in Xiangzi's Yudao Platform, Immortal Bridge, and Inner Alchemy. For some reason, they all felt the urge to kneel down and worship.


Wuming felt the domineering and kingly aura in Xiang Ziyu's visionary shadow. He snorted coldly and suddenly grabbed the long stick in his hands with both hands. The magic power in his body was running rapidly. The next moment, he raised the long stick in his hand high. Smashed down suddenly towards the front.

There was still a huge distance between him and Xiang Ziyu, but he struck down the stick as if Xiang Ziyu was right in front of him.

As soon as the stick fell, an extremely huge long stick that looked like a jade pillar suddenly appeared in the sky. The long stick crashed down, causing the entire sky to shake.

For a time, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

At this moment, everything in the world seemed to be the only one left with this stick.

Vaguely, everyone felt that there seemed to be a rumored angry-eyed King Kong from ancient times, holding a giant stick and smashing it down. They even had the illusion that this stick seemed to be able to destroy the entire Immortal Gathering Peak.

One stick fell, and the world was shocked.

The stick was obviously very far away from Xiang Ziyu, but when the stick fell, it hit Xiang Ziyu head-on.

You can vaguely feel that this long stick is made up of countless golden Buddhist inscriptions.

One after another Sanskrit sounds echoed throughout Juxian Terrace along with the sound of hunting wind.

Everyone around was shocked.

"This is Xiaochan Peak's magical power. The world is so close! It feels like it's far away, but in fact it can be right in front of you in an instant."

"Isn't it said that this magical power has been lost? When did Xiaochan Peak regain its inheritance?"

From a high place, Wan Ci looked in the direction of the Four Treasures Peak, with a sneer on his face, Cao Zhen, I'm afraid you can't imagine today.

End of the World is lost only because the Four Agama Sutras are incomplete. After completing the Four Agama Sutras, their disciples at Xiaochan Peak can also practice the magical power of End of the World.

Among them, Wuming has the highest talent, even higher than Wuxiang, but he is the most profound person who has cultivated Tianya Closely.

The person who completed the Four Agama Sutras was Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen lifted a rock and smashed himself in the foot.

Xiang Ziyu looked at the stick that fell on his head, and suddenly raised the spear in his hand and placed it horizontally in front of him. Although he didn't like spears, having a magic weapon was better than having no magic weapon.

High up, everyone was puzzled when they saw Xiang Ziyu's movements.

"What is he doing?"

"Is Xiang Ziyu crazy? What Biren used was magical power, but instead of using magical power, he directly raised his magic weapon to resist like this?"

"What was he thinking about?"

At the gathering place of the Five Evils, Beichen Ying and others also widened their eyes. This Xiang Ziyu, his acting is too fake. If you want to lose, you should learn from your junior brothers and junior sisters. You can lose like this. If nothing went wrong, even if they lost, people would think that both of them had tried their best, and they would all think it was a pity. They felt that if they hadn't been unlucky and the opponents they chose showed extraordinary fighting power, they would have won.

What are you doing?

If you lose on purpose, if others guess the plan between us and your Four Treasure Peaks, and compete with the Hundred Peaks to earn spiritual stones, the Master will be the first to spare you.

They had also studied these disciples of the Four Treasures Peak before. After studying them, they felt that although the other disciples were good, it was Xiang Ziyu who was the most worrying. Sure enough, something was going to happen to this Ziyu!

The next moment, the long stick fell heavily, and was about to hit Xiang Ziyu's raised spear. However, Xiang Ziyu suddenly turned his hands, and the spear in his hand was raised horizontally above his head, and then thrust upward, straight towards Wu Ming stabs away!

The end of the world is so close, not only does the attack fly from far away to close, but the entire person appears in front of the opponent in an instant, Wuming has also appeared in front of him.

Xiang Ziyu didn't think about defense.

Defense, is that what the protagonist does?

For the protagonist, offense is always the best defense! The protagonist always fights attack with attack and takes a step back, then he is not called the protagonist!

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