My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 139: One shot makes the storm rise and one sword cuts off the world

Endless mana burst out from Xiang Ziyu's body and poured into the spear. Under the sunlight, the rich mana was hesitating on the tip of the spear that shone with cold light.

The next moment, the spear suddenly thrust upwards, and a cold light flashed through, like a meteor falling from the sky. The air around the gun body was stirred and spun wildly under the spear, forming an air vortex that surrounded the gun. All around him, he swept towards Wuming.

Wuming's body was filled with golden light, and he had no intention of returning to defend himself. The long stick continued to hit Xiang Ziyu head-on.

Want to trade injury for injury with yourself?

Then you have to break through your own defense first!

I am the existence of the Great Perfection of Ten Inner Alchemy!

The Hunyuan broken military stick in his hand was smashed down with endless power. For a moment, the whole world shook, and this stick seemed to shatter the sky into pieces.

In just one breath, a stick that could destroy mountains fell heavily on Xiang Ziyu.

Suddenly, two beams of light, one black and one white, suddenly lit up on Xiang Ziyu's body. On top of the beams, there were strange words that were incomprehensible.

The two beams of light surrounded his body, enveloping his whole body. As if a stick that could destroy everything hit the beam, the beam suddenly shook.

The next moment, the two beams of light suddenly broke apart.

The long stick struck Xiang Ziyu on the shoulder.

At the same time, the spear in Xiang Ziyu's hand also hit Wuming.

In an instant, a loud noise like the earth exploding exploded.

On Wuming's body, the golden protective light trembled crazily, and the spear seemed to have touched the golden wall, unable to move any further.

Suddenly, behind Xiang Ziyu, a black and white visionary shadow suddenly shot out and landed on the tip of the spear.

The next moment, the golden body-protecting light suddenly cracked, and the spear was deeply inserted into it. Wuming felt that two opposite but extremely pure breaths poured into his body from the tip of the spear, raging crazily.


Wuming opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of bright red blood. He flew backwards and looked in the opposite direction in surprise. His defense was actually broken by a shot.

How could a person with only one elixir break through his own defense?

What exactly is that black and white aura?

Why did I feel the purest magic power but also the purest immortal power from that aura?

How could these two disparate forces come together?


Why does that kid look fine?

His own blow, let alone a small guy with one pill, could not block even a blow of that magnitude. This kid actually blocked it with his physical body?

High up, the countless people who were watching this battle also widened their eyes.

"Did you use your body-protecting powers and your body to completely block that blow?"

"That blow, I could feel the horror even if I was standing on the mountain, but he blocked it like this?"

"What kind of magical power is that?"

At the highest point of Juxian Peak, Master Bai Fengzi looked at the black and white light that quickly emerged after it was broken, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This body-protecting magical power and the strength of this physical body have completely reached the limit of the pill-forming stage, and there are even faint signs of exceeding the pill-forming stage.

However, Xiang Ziyu only formed one pill. What would happen if Xiang Ziyu formed nine pills?

Her eyes couldn't help but fall on Cao Zhen again. Is this your magical power from your previous life? How high did you reach in your previous life that you could easily impart such magical powers to your disciples?

Xiang Ziyu looked at the shattered clothes on his shoulders, with a look of excitement in his eyes: "It's a bit interesting to be able to break through my body-protecting magical power. However, this is not enough. Quickly, use the Yasha Transformation. "

"You're not qualified yet." Wuming covered his injured wound and did not rush forward again as before. Instead, he waved his hands and made a series of Buddha seals.

"Prajna Boruvacuum Mahamudra!"

"Want to compete with me in magical power?" Xiang Ziyu laughed and immediately waved his hands rapidly.

For a moment, in the sky, magical powers like thunder, flames, heavy water, and strong winds flew down towards Wuming. Each magical power was different and each one was terrifyingly powerful.

All around, countless people watching the battle were completely confused.

"What's happening here?"

"What kind of magical powers are these?"

"How does he have so many magical powers?"

"There are more than ten or twenty kinds of magical powers."

"How can he have the energy to cultivate so many magical powers? Moreover, each magical power has been cultivated to such a high level!"

"The key is, why have I never seen these supernatural powers?"

"This magical power, this magical power, why do I feel so familiar? It's a bit like the lost water of Canglang in our Canglan Peak?"

"No, this is different from the Canglang Water. It is recorded in our peak's classics that the Canglang Water surges out in turbulent waves, with each wave higher than the last. However, his magical power surges out in a swirling motion."

Facing the magical powers flying down one after another, Wuming could only keep defending and retreating.

He has rich fighting experience and has competed with disciples from many peaks in the Hundred Peaks Sect. Generally speaking, he has seen most of the magical powers in the Hundred Peaks Sect and knows how to deal with them.

But the guy in front of him used magical powers that he had never seen before. Moreover, this guy's magical powers were even more chaotic. He had all kinds of magical powers, and he couldn't even find the rules, let alone the rules. Targeted.

What made him most uncomfortable was Xiang Ziyu's body-protecting magical power and physical strength. His magical power attack hit Xiang Ziyu. Xiang Ziyu was fine, but Xiang Ziyu's magical power hit him and could break it. Turn on his defense.

I don't know when, on the surrounding peaks, not only the disciples of the peaks, but also many peak masters and even the elders of the Hundred Peaks Sect also looked towards the direction of the arena.

"Um, is this really just a person with a pill?"

"It's too scary. Xiang Ziyu, who has one pill, is beating Wu Ming, who has ten pills."

"Although Wuming has not been seriously injured so far, if things go on like this, his injuries will become more and more serious, and he will eventually be defeated."

"Terror, incomparable terror. Have you noticed that the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak are almost invincible at the same level as their fellow practitioners?"

"The Ancient Immortal Physique, they are the Ancient Immortal Physique. Although today's Ancient Immortal Physique is called today's useless body because it is almost impossible to cultivate, but under the realm of fellow cultivators, they are absolutely powerful. People are desperate, otherwise they wouldn’t be called the Ancient Immortal Body.”

"I don't know how they cultivated to form pills. Where did the Four Treasure Peak come from so many resources?"

"Four Treasure Peak doesn't have it, but didn't Cao Zhen get a great inheritance? They must have made so many breakthroughs because of that inheritance."

"No matter how great the inheritance is, it is limited. Let them break through to form one pill, which is probably the ultimate."

"Yes, as far as I know, except for Yisheng, the four disciples of the Baifeng Sect have been forming a pill for a long time, but no one has made a breakthrough. It must be because of insufficient resources."

"Don't worry about whether the resources are enough, don't worry about whether they can improve, at least, they are really strong enough now!"

The monk's robes on Wuming's body had become like the clothes of a Begging Peak disciple, with holes everywhere, and his handsome face was scorched black, and he no longer looked handsome at all.

He looked at the countless firelights falling in the sky and the endless yellow sand pouring into the air, with a fierce look on his face.

Yaksha changes!

Even those who are unable to condense the nine inner elixirs can forcefully perform the Yaksha Transformation. After he has condensed ten inner elixirs, he can naturally perform the Yaksha Transformation. Moreover, the Yaksha Transformation he casts is stronger and lasts longer!

Now, he no longer thinks about the consequences of performing the Yaksha transformation, nor does he think about the subsequent competition. Now, he only has one thought in his mind, defeat Xiang Ziyu!

"Yaksha transformation!"

"Wu Ming finally used the Yaksha transformation!"

High above, Wan Ci's fists clenched unconsciously.


Under his feet, a huge stone made a muffled sound and instantly turned into a pile of powder.

Damn the Four Treasures Peak, and let its disciples perform the Yaksha Transformation. In the end, Wuming won, and in the next few days, he had no strength to fight anymore.

Damn it, really damn it!

Cao Zhen, very good, I remember him!

Xiang Ziyu looked at the opposite side, his whole person turned into a pitch black and helpless, but there was no trace of panic on his face. Instead, he became more and more excited, shouting: "Yaksha Transformation, I told you to use it earlier." , you don’t listen. Look, aren’t you still using Yaksha Transformation now?”

Wuming didn't answer Xiang Ziyu. Behind his back, a pair of black wings flapped, and he suddenly rushed towards Xiang Ziyu.

The blood in Xiang Ziyu's body burned crazily, and the overwhelming fighting spirit soared into the sky.


He refused to retreat or give in, and also rushed towards Wuming.

In an instant, the two were fighting together.

I don't know if it was because of the Yaksha Transformation that Wuming fought again, but he was not as agile as he was in the previous battle. However, his whole person was more ferocious and more desperate.

Xiang Ziyu didn't even know what retreat meant. Even though he was no match for Wuming in terms of mana and strength, he could rely on his stronger divine and demon recording powers and stronger defense to forcefully defeat Wuming.

The spear and the long stick collided continuously in the air, making a series of clanging sounds.

Every time the magic weapons collided, he felt bursts of pain in his tiger's mouth.

On the opposite side, Wuming was having an equally difficult time. Every time he collided, his upper arm felt sore and numb.

But neither of the two people retreated, and they were still waving the magic weapons wildly.


There was another muffled sound, and under the two people's attacks one after another, Xiang Ziyu could no longer hold the magic weapon in his hand and fell to the ground.

"The magic weapon has fallen!"

"Xiang Ziyu, his magic weapon has landed!"

"The winner has been decided!"

High above, many people had expressions of regret on their faces.

"He shouldn't fight forcefully. After all, he is only one Dan. If he fights forcefully, how can he be Wu Ming's opponent in the Ten Dan Great Perfection? Not to mention, Wu Ming also performs the Yaksha Transformation!"

"Yes, he should not fight head-on. Even if Wuming is close to the golden elixir stage, he is still forming elixirs and has not reached the golden elixir. His Yaksha transformation will not last for too long. As long as the duration of the Yaksha transformation ends , Xiang Ziyu will be able to win."

"Retreat? If you retreat, you will lose faster." In the crowd, a peak master looked at Xiang Ziyu with admiration and whispered, "The two of them are fighting now, and they are talking about momentum. Whoever retreats will win." Whoever’s momentum is weak will be defeated, and whoever’s momentum is weakened will be defeated.”

The magic weapon in Xiang Ziyu's hand fell, but he did not retreat, and suddenly waved his hands forward.

Five thunder rectification!


Wuming's long stick fell before Xiang Ziyu's Five Thunder Zhengfa, and hit Xiang Ziyu's chest, but directly knocked Xiang Ziyu away.

Xiang Ziyu's thunderbolt fell at this moment, hitting Wuming's head heavily, causing Wuming to dwarf and twitch all over.

For a moment, Wuming's expression became even more ferocious.

Xiang Ziyu was flying backwards, raised his hand, drew the spear into his hand again, raised the spear to block on the ground, stopped his retreating body, and used the rebound force to rush towards Wuming again.

The two of them fought to the same point again, neither of them wanted to retreat, and neither of them even stopped defending and continued to attack crazily.


Wuming's long stick came down again. This time, the long stick hit Xiang Ziyu's head directly, knocking Xiang Ziyu to the ground.

Xiang Ziyu fell heavily to the ground, and he felt that this fall seemed to shake all his strength away. Behind him, there were ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and an inner elixir. , the light also dimmed a lot.

After all, he is just an inner elixir. Under the continuous battles and constant injuries, no matter how long his Qi pulse is, it is somewhat unsustainable.

Wuming, but he also has ten Taoist platforms and ten immortal bridges, and his Qi veins are also extremely long, not to mention Wuming also has ten inner elixirs!


How could I lose!

He is the protagonist!

Xiang Ziyu frantically mobilized all the power in his body, and behind him were ten dim Taoist platforms, ten fairy bridges, and an inner elixir. A ray of light burst out again.

He forcibly activated the power in his body and stabbed out again.

At this time, he had long forgotten that Si Baofeng's goal was to lose the competition and get one hundred places.

He knew he was going to win!

A spear thrust out, just like the legendary dragon flying out of the endless sea, stabbing Wuming's chest with a violent, domineering, and ferocious aura.

Wuming also hit him with a stick.

On the long stick, the golden light shone brightly, like a towering mountain, hitting Xiang Ziyu's abdomen.

Immediately, Xiang Ziyu's abdomen dented to a degree visible to the naked eye, and his body flew out like a kite with its string broken, flying until it reached the edge of the ring and then stopped.

The blow just now had exhausted all the potential in his body. After suffering another heavy blow, he passed out directly.

On the other side, after Wuming was stabbed by a gun, he took a few steps back. Looking at Xiang Ziyu who had fallen to the ground in the distance, a look of relief finally appeared on his face.

The next moment, the dark light on his body suddenly disappeared, his body went limp, and he also fell to the ground.

"Yaksha Transformation, is it over?"

"Tragic, so tragic."

"These two people don't seem to be competing at all, but they are fighting for their lives!"

"It's just a little bit close. If Xiang Ziyu persists for a while longer and waits for Wuming's Yaksha to disappear, he will definitely win."

"Who would have thought that a disciple who only formed an inner elixir could put an opponent of ten elixirs into such a situation."

"He worked so hard. He really worked hard. I rarely see a disciple who works so hard."

This battle was so brutal that everyone even forgot about the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks they had bet on, and all their attention was focused on this battle.

After the fighting competition began, Cao Zhen landed on the Gathering Immortal Platform for the third time and picked up his own disciple for the third time.

Xiang Ziyu had already passed out, but he found that Xiang Ziyu's hands were still holding the spear tightly.

My own disciple

Cao Zhen was filled with emotion. Although Xiang Ziyu usually looked average and even mentally ill in the eyes of others, Xiang Ziyu's fighting spirit was the strongest he had ever seen among all people.

Xiang Ziyu was already injured, and it seemed that the injury was much more serious than that of Yi Sheng. Yan Yourong did not challenge him again.

Xiang Ziyu was seriously injured. Even after taking the elixir, Xiang Ziyu didn't wake up until today's battle was over and everyone returned to the Four Treasures Peak.

"What? Did I lose?" Xiang Ziyu almost fainted again after hearing the results of the challenge. "As the protagonist, this is my first time appearing in front of everyone, and I actually lost!"

Xiao Beiyan said leisurely: "So, you are not the protagonist. Moreover, it is better if you lose. If you win, the master's three million taels of spiritual stones will be wasted. Do you think the master will expel you?" Get out of school."

"The bet was right, and there is still a bet. I said, as the protagonist, why did I lose? I figured it out, it was because of the bet. I made the bet for the sake of the master, so in the end I did not activate my full potential. Otherwise, I must have broken through during the battle.”

Cao Zhen was speechless for a moment, can you even force yourself to explain this? Don’t you still know your ancient immortal body? A breakthrough in battle? Want to eat shit?

Seeing that Xiang Ziyu was already injured, he didn't want to irritate Xiang Ziyu any more, and comforted him: "Okay, the battle is over. The most important thing for you now is to rest assured and recover. Your injury will not last for ten and a half days." I’m afraid Yue’s body won’t recover, so you can go down the mountain when the time comes.”

"Master, don't worry. As the protagonist, I will recover in just a few days. By the way," Xiang Ziyu looked at Xiao Beiyan and said, "In my desk, there is a secret book without a cover. That is my The last book of magical powers taken out from the Secret Secret Pavilion of Divine Powers.

After researching, I found out that it was a magical power for healing injuries, so I stopped practicing it. At that time, I was still wondering why I got such a magical power. It turned out that everything was already determined.

Junior brother, please find it for me. I have cultivated that magical power, and I will be able to recover before the Hundred Peaks Competition is over. "

"What to take? Just let me recover honestly. Xiao Beiyan, give me the secret book, I will confiscate it."

Cao Zhen was immediately helpless. Is his apprentice really stupid? When he is not injured, he just practices his magical powers randomly. Now that he is like this, he still practices randomly. Does he really want to destroy himself?

Soon, Cao Zhen took the secret book with no cover and missing pages and left with several disciples.

Xiang Ziyu looked at the closed door and murmured to himself: "Without the secret book, I can't practice? Who am I? I am the protagonist!

I’ve read through that secret book, and I’m still impressed.”

On the third day of the fighting competition, Cao Zhen only brought Yan Yourong and Lingxi to Juxian Terrace. Although Xiao Beiyan's injuries were not as serious as those of his junior sister and senior brother, they were still injured after all. He also left Xiao Beiyan at Sibaofeng.

Two days have passed since the fighting competition. There are obviously many fewer disciples participating in the fighting today than the previous two days.

At ten o'clock in the morning, it was Yan Yourong's turn to challenge.

Due to the performance of the Sibaofeng disciples in the previous two days, Yan Yourong's move immediately attracted the attention of many people.

In the direction of Xiaochan Peak, Yuan Ci looked over fiercely, with even a trace of panic on his face. The disciples of Sibao Peak wanted to challenge him again?

Wouldn't they want to challenge their own Xiaochan Peak again?

Among the disciples who are still guarding the ring at Xiaochan Peak, the two disciples who are stronger than Wuming are both at the Golden Core stage. No one from Sibaofeng will challenge them as long as they have no problem with their brains.

However, there are still lower-ranked disciples in their Xiaochan Peak in the ring. Although judging from the performance of the Four Treasures Peak in the past two days, the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak can definitely challenge for a higher ranking.

But what if they want to go against their own Xiaochan Peak and challenge the lower-ranked disciples of Xiaochan Peak?

With the strength displayed by Bei Yan and Xiang Ziyu, no disciple of Xiaochan Peak, except Wu Xiang and Wu Qie, could stop the remaining two disciples of Si Bao Peak.

In his eyes filled with hatred and worry, the referee's voice also rang out from under the empty ring.

"The Four Treasure Peaks are said to be rich, challenging the four hundred and thirty-sixth, the Purple Feather Peak is Purple Thousand Feathers, and the inner elixir is perfect."

"Not from Xiaochan Peak?"

After everyone was stunned for a moment, they quickly reacted.

"It can't be from Xiaochan Peak. Apart from Wuwei, Welfare, and Wuming who were unable to challenge due to injuries, there are only five people who are still guarding Xiaochan Peak. Among them, Wuxiang and Wuqie are both It is the golden elixir stage, so naturally it cannot be challenged.

The remaining three ranked highest, only one thousand. The two remaining disciples of Xiaochan Peak, the senior sister and the second senior sister, are said to be stronger. In order to get more peak bamboos, it is impossible for them to challenge the remaining disciples of Xiaochan Peak. "

"Now, the people who have headaches are not the people from Xiaochan Peak, but the people from Ziyu Peak."

“Although the three disciples from Sibaofeng all failed in their challenge, none of their opponents ended well.

Yesterday, after the fighting meeting, some people even said, ‘I would rather meet the Feixian than the Four Treasures. ’ Everyone would rather meet Feixian Peak, and at best they can’t beat them, but the people in Sibao Peak are all like lunatics. Even if they lose, they will bite them hard, and they really can’t bear it. "

In the direction of Xiaochan Peak, the worried look on Yuanci's face has completely disappeared. Fortunately, the people at Sibaofeng did not get the Peak Bamboo in the past few days. Now that they want to get the Peak Bamboo, they don't care about getting the Peak Bamboo. Feng fought.

On the contrary, Zi Yufeng on the side was unlucky.

In the direction of Ziyu Peak, the master of Ziyu Peak called Zi Qianyu to his side with a serious look on his face, and told him: "Don't take it lightly just because the opponent only has one inner elixir. In the past few days, the disciples of Sibao Peak have been fighting for you. I have also seen that it cannot be viewed solely in terms of cultivation level.

We don't want you to be like the people at Xiaochan Peak, who were finally forced to release your strongest magical power.

After a while the battle starts, don't worry about anything else, don't hide any trump cards, directly release your strongest magical power, and finish the opponent as quickly as possible. "

"Yes, disciple understands." Zi Qianyu nodded heavily before flying towards the arena.

On the stage, Yan Yourong had already released his ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and a vision inner elixir.

Although Zi Qianyu is a female disciple, she is as cold as Yan Yourong. She did not speak after landing on the ring. Ten Tao platforms, ten fairy bridges, and ten inner elixirs all appeared behind her.

Like Wuming, she has ten Taoist platforms, fairy bridges, and inner elixirs. Moreover, she has more visions than Wuming. There are only one Taoist platform missing from the nine visionary Taoist platforms, which means that she has all the Taoist platforms. Visions, eight of her fairy bridges have visions, and five of her inner elixirs have visions.


All her visions were feathers.

And the feathers are of different colors, which makes people feel as if there are countless extinct fairy birds in myths and legends landing on her Taoist platform, fairy bridge, and inner alchemy.

And a feather also appeared in her hand. The next moment, the feather changed rapidly and turned into a long knife. The blade of the long knife looked like a phoenix head, and the handle looked like a phoenix tail. Looking from afar, it seemed that There is a phoenix entrenched on this long knife.

"The Seventh Generation Guardian Elder's Hundred Birds and Phoenix Sword."

"Someone challenged Zi Qianyu before, but she didn't take out this magic weapon!"

"This, I'm afraid, is her trump card. She actually showed it from the beginning."

Amidst the exclamations of everyone, a strong and extreme anger and unwillingness suddenly broke out, and the aura rose into the sky and spread to the surroundings.

Just with the spread of the aura, the light shields of the magic circle suddenly rose on the other nine arenas around it.

Obviously, it was this aura of sadness and anger that triggered the magic circle to prevent people in other arenas from being affected by this aura, so the magic circle was activated.

"This anger and grief"

"Sorrowful and Furious Dragon Sword!"

"The third-generation Master Master's Sorrowful Dragon Sword is one of the top ten divine weapons in the Hundred Peaks Sect's divine weapons list!"

"Yan Yourong still has such a magical weapon in his hands!"

Yan Yourong released the formation disk, holding the magic weapon in his hand. His eyes were fixed on Zi Qianyu opposite, with nothing else in his eyes! All the noise around her, even the referee below, were automatically ignored in her world.

The next moment, she suddenly moved.

Kill the ghost!

Yan Yourong drew his sword, but with just one blow, the whole world suddenly changed its expression. The angry dragon sword made a clanging sound, and the long sword suddenly fell down!

With one strike, the entire sky seemed to be cut into two pieces.

The bright sword light fell from the sky, as if the Milky Way nine days away was hanging upside down. The sword light seemed to converge into a turbulent sea, as if it was about to submerge the entire world.

"The birds flap their wings!"

Zi Qianyu also slashed out with one sword.

Yan Yourong's sword seemed to be ingenious, unpretentious, and concise to the extreme, while Zi Qianyu's sword was extremely gorgeous.

As she slashed out with her sword, the strange feathers on the Taoist platform, the fairy bridge, and the inner alchemy behind her began to vibrate. Indistinctly, there seemed to be extinct sacred birds and beasts, fluttering their wings and flying. As soon as it started, the sky suddenly became colorful and extremely beautiful.

It was also slashed with one sword, but there were countless changes in this sword. Countless sword shadows were transformed into the sky, and they were slashed towards Yan Yourong.

The next moment, in the sky, the sword lights of the two people suddenly collided.

For a moment, countless images of flying birds and streaks of sword light all dissipated in Yan Yourong's river of swords.

And every time the river of swords swallows a flying bird shadow, and every time a sword light is shattered, the light becomes dimmer.

At the same time, more flying birds bypassed the bright knife river and all fell towards Yan Yourong.

One breath.

In just one breath, the countless birds and sword lights that had bypassed the river of knives had all landed on Yan Yourong.

In an instant, golden light rose from Yan Yourong's body, and dragon and tiger statues surrounded him.

Dragon and tiger golden body!

But just before he could breathe, the dragon-tiger golden body was broken open.

There were too many sword lights that fell down.

It was clear that Zi Qianyu only slashed out with one sword, but in that moment, she felt as if she had been struck by thousands of swords. Waves of cold breath rushed into her body, knocking her whole body away and flying straight towards her. Flying outside the ring.

On the other side, the river of knives she slashed out shattered countless phantoms of flying birds and sword lights, and then struck heavily on Zi Qianyu.

One knife!

Zi Qianyu felt as if she had been split into two pieces from the middle by this knife. All the muscles and veins in her body seemed to have been cut off by this knife. Her breath was shaken into chaos and she was completely out of control. It also flew out uncontrollably backwards.

"Tap, touch!"

Two muffled sounds were heard one after another.

Yan Yourong was the first to hit the light curtain of the magic circle at the edge of the ring and bounced back to the ring.

At the other end of the ring, Zi Qianyu also hit the light curtain of the magic circle at the edge of the ring and bounced back to the ring.


"Is this the end?"

"One move, just one move, now that the battle between the two is over!"

"This is the fastest fight I've ever seen since the fighting started!"

"Both men hit the ring"

"According to the rules of the fighting tournament, if both of them fly out of the ring, it will be up to them who lands first. Obviously, Yan Yourong is the one who lands first."

"Yan Yourong lost."

"Yan Yourong's sword light still encountered a certain amount of obstruction before it fell, so it was a step too slow."

"Yan Yourong lost, but if it weren't for the fighting, if it wasn't for the ring fight, the two could be said to be a draw!"

"It's a pity, it's such a pity."

"Four Treasure Peak, what kind of luck is this. Their disciples were all very close to winning, especially Xiang Ziyu yesterday and Yan Yourong today. As long as Xiang Ziyu persists for a while, Wuming will not be able to win again. To maintain the Yaksha transformation, Xiang Ziyu must be the winner.

It's even more pity for Yan Yourong. In fact, this battle can be regarded as a draw, but because of the rules of fighting, she lost. "

From a high place, Cao Zhen quickly flew down. He pulled off his coat and wrapped it around Yan Yourong. Then he took out a pill and gave it to Yan Yourong.

The countless sword flashes just now had already cut Yan Yourong's clothes to pieces.

High on the mountain peak, the peak master of Fifteen Peaks Famous Sword Peak looked straight at Yan Yourong who fell on the ring, repeating the same words over and over again: "What a sharp sword, what a domineering sword, so good With a simple stroke of the sword, I want this disciple, this disciple, this disciple. The Hundred Peaks Competition is over, and I want to go to the Four Treasure Peaks in person.

This disciple will only be buried in the Four Treasures Peak, she said, come to my name, Dao Peak! "

Beside "Senior Brother", a man with a stern face, just standing there, as sharp as a long knife out of the body, warned: "Senior Brother, I can also see how sharp her knife is, and I can even more I feel that this sword is consistent with your sword technique, but she is an ancient immortal body and she can no longer practice, and if she breaks through, she can only stay in the elixir formation stage."

The famous sword peak master of "Ancient Immortal Body" fell silent for a moment.

It was only then that the referee below shouted: "The winner is Zi Yufeng Zi Qianyu."

Cao Zhen ignored the comments of everyone around him, hugged Yan Yourong, and returned directly to the direction of Sibao Peak.

Yan Yourong lay in Cao Zhen's arms, looking at his master. After a while, he suddenly said, "Thank you, master, for letting me fight with all my strength."

Although her voice was weak, it was full of determination.

"Master, this battle has made me more determined on my path. I can feel the gap between me and Zi Qianyu, but her sword is too fancy and the power is scattered.

If she could concentrate all her strength, she would never be knocked out of the ring by me. I have decided on the path I want to take in the future. "

"Now that it's confirmed, let's continue like this. Now, heal your wounds first and watch your senior sister fight." Cao Zhen hugged Yan Yourong with one hand and stretched out the other hand to pat Yan Yourong's hand gently. Shoulder.

While everyone was still immersed in the battle between Yan Yourong and Zi Qianyu, Lingxi slowly walked onto the ring.

Suddenly, the eyes of countless people around also fell on Ling Xi.

"This is the last disciple of the Four Treasures Peak!"

"The first disciple of the Four Treasures Peak, the strongest disciple of the Four Treasures Peak!"

"She is going to challenge too. Who will she challenge?"

"Lingxi. You have never seen her take action, and you can never imagine how strong she is." A disciple who left the Qianlong Immortal Palace said to the people on the side with admiration: "Lingxi, although it is just An inner elixir, but under the golden elixir, I’m afraid she won’t have any rivals?”

When everyone around heard the sound, they immediately didn't believe it: "How is it possible? One inner elixir makes you invincible under the golden elixir?"

"You people from the Qianlong Immortal Palace are too weak. I heard that she is the first of the three Qianlongs in this group, but she is only the first of your group.

Among this group of disciples of Qianlong Immortal Palace, no one is her opponent under the golden elixir. It does not mean that she is the number one person under the golden elixir of the Hundred Peaks Sect. "

"Tell me, who will she challenge? Or someone from Purple Feather Peak?"

Everyone couldn't help but guess, and many of the peak masters frowned, fearing that Lingxi would challenge their disciples.

More people looked at the referee below.

In the eyes of everyone, the referee said loudly: "Sibao Peak Lingxi, challenge 351, Xiaochan Peak is fearless, and the golden elixir is one level!"

As soon as the words fell, countless exclamations rang out from all around.

"What? Did I hear it correctly? She is challenging the golden elixir?"

"This Lingxi, like her junior sisters and brothers, must have condensed an inner elixir. It's just an inner elixir, but she challenges someone with the first level of the golden elixir. Isn't this looking for death?"

"The first level of the golden elixir, although it is just a golden elixir, is still a golden elixir. The gap between the golden elixir and the inner elixir is too huge."

"Let's put it this way, that Xiang Ziyu is strong enough. If Wuming, who fought against Xiang Ziyu before, condenses the golden elixir, Xiang Ziyu won't be able to fight back. No matter how strong Lingxi is, he can still be better than Xiang Ziyu. How strong is Yu?"

"To be honest, I think Xiang Ziyu should be the strongest among the pill-forming pills. Even his senior sister Yan Yourong is so strong because of the power of the divine weapon. Without the Sorrowful Dragon Sword, Yan Yourong may not be Xiang Ziyu's opponent."

"Yes, I think so too. Xiang Ziyu's defensive magical powers and physical strength are so terrifying. My master said that Xiang Ziyu's defensive magical powers and physical strength have exceeded the limit of his cultivation realm!

I've never seen Lingxi take action, but I really don't think Lingxi is much better than Xiang Ziyu. "

"A person who has formed a single elixir and challenges a golden elixir is like breaking a jar."

High above, at the Xiaochan Peak, Yuanci suddenly smiled, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world: "Challenge Wuqie? We're just people from Sibaofeng. Wuqie, go ahead."

A person with only one inner elixir challenges the golden elixir stage. What else do you need to give orders?

Wuqie also shook his head and flew down to the ring. Looking at the leader of the Four Treasure Peaks opposite, he stretched out his sleeves and said: "Junior sister, please."

Although Si Baofeng challenged their Xiaochan Peak one after another, everyone could see that Si Baofeng was deliberately targeting their Xiaochan Peak.

But the other party is only a disciple in the Dan Dan stage, and is still a disciple of Dan Dan. If he is too aggressive and says some harsh words, it will appear that he is too ungraceful.

Although Lingxi hated the people at Xiaochan Peak who always said bad things about their master, but now it was the Hundred Peaks Competition, everyone was watching them, and she was the first disciple of the Four Treasures Peak, and the other party seemed quite polite, so She couldn't overdo it either.

Holding a fist towards Wuqi, she released ten perfect vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and a vision pill.

Then, she took out the Sovereign Wuji Formation Disk.

Wuqie didn't make any move, he just stood there, watching the opponent release his combat power and take out the array disk.

He is the existence of Jindan. If he does not wait for the opponent to take action, he will take action. Even if he wins, it will damage Xiaochanfeng's reputation.

This is what the opponent challenged him to do. If it were in another place, instead of the Hundred Peaks Competition, and the two of them entered the ring, others would say that he was bullying the smaller one.

The gap between the golden elixir stage and the elixir forming stage is really too big.

In the recent five Hundred Peaks Competition, there has been no situation where the Dan Formation Stage has challenged the Golden Dan Stage, let alone the Dan Formation Stage has defeated the Golden Core Stage.

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