There are hundreds of peak sects in the Hundred Peaks Sect. Although some disciples who have just joined the mountain gate will not forget a certain peak, if you ask them about some less conspicuous peaks and who the peak master is, they may not be able to answer. .

But if you ask them who the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak is, there is no one in the entire Hundred Peaks Sect who doesn't know.

In the past few days, the entire Baifeng Sect was full of discussions about Cao Zhen.

Everyone couldn't understand how Cao Zhen could know so much.

Even Tu Zhuque, the master of Zhuque Peak, couldn't help but find Li Ke.

"Ake, Cao Zhen, how come he even knows the art of war?"

Tu Zhuque really couldn't figure it out. Cao Zhen knew the art of calligraphy and painting, and she could understand it a little. Maybe Cao Zhen was talented in calligraphy and painting. The problem is that the art of war is different. Just reading some military books or being taught by someone is not enough. You need to go to the world of mortals and experience it in the army of the mortal world.

When did Cao Zhen go out for training?

What's more, what is the situation at Sibaofeng? Who can teach Cao Zhen the art of war?

"This, I didn't ask him..." Li Ke was also confused. What could she know? Like everyone else, she knows nothing.

Tu Zhuque was instantly convinced: "You don't know anything, so you asked him to be your Taoist companion? What about his swordsmanship? Where did he learn his swordsmanship, and you don't know anymore?"

Countless people in the entire Baifeng Sect are wondering and wondering why there are so many Cao Zhens!

After Cao Zhen obtained the Ten Thousand Years Double Dragon Bamboo from the Army God Peak, he returned to the Five Elements Pill Land to start refining the pill.

As the Ten Thousand Years Yu Xiang Secret Silk and the Ten Thousand Years Double Dragon Bamboo were thrown into the alchemy furnace, flames burned crazily around the alchemy furnace in front of Cao Zhen's eyes, completely enveloping the entire alchemy furnace.

A violent aura surged out from the alchemy furnace, causing the air around the alchemy furnace to fluctuate crazily. In just one breath, it had already spread to the surrounding areas.

Gu Chengyu and Gaisu'e both raised their heads and looked in the direction of Cao Zhen with shocked expressions.

This level of violence, this aura, is this going to explode the furnace?

But the person refining the elixir in front of him was a master of alchemy. How could he blow up the furnace?

The violent aura in the air around him became more and more intense, and Gu Chengyu even had to devote part of his energy to look in the direction of Cao Zhen.

They felt that Cao Zhen's pill furnace was really going to explode.

Although Peak Master Cao is a master of alchemy and a reincarnated power, Peak Master Cao's current cultivation level is not high. Once the furnace explodes, with such a violent aura, I am afraid that Peak Master Cao will be in danger, and they must immediately deal with it. Take action to help Peak Master Cao withstand the impact of the furnace explosion.

Slowly, Gu Chengyu became more and more frightened, and he even began to consider whether to find some more experts to help.

The violent aura in the alchemy furnace made him feel that once the alchemy furnace exploded, the entire Five Elements Alchemy Land might be destroyed.

No, we can't wait any longer.

Gu Chengyu's heart beat wildly and uncontrollably, and beads of sweat continued to flow down his forehead.

"Master Cao, hurry up, stop now, if this continues, I won't be able to stop you after the furnace explodes."

The aura of the alchemy furnace was so violent that he didn't care about the identity of Cao Fengzhu as a senior or the master of alchemy. He yelled for Cao Zhen to stop, and he turned around to go to the alchemy master. Run outside. He absolutely couldn't stop this violent aura alone, so he had to go to the Guanzhu and Ai Yunqi for help.

"Stop? Why stop?" Cao Zhen looked back at the panicked Gu Chengyu, pointed at the alchemy furnace in front of him and said, "What is this? It's more violent, you haven't seen it yet."

While he was speaking, he waved his fingers continuously again and created another alchemy technique. For a moment, the aura in the alchemy furnace in front of him became even more violent.

While he was refining the elixir, he even had time to comfort Gu Chengyu and said, "Don't worry, Elder Gu, just make the elixir with peace of mind. What I am refining is a violent elixir. This is normal."

"Are you so violent? Is this normal?"

For a moment, Gu Chengyu didn't know whether to leave or not.

He seemed to be very distrustful of Senior Cao, but if he didn't go to help the troops, he was really afraid that the alchemy furnace would explode.

After another hour, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He finally knew what it meant to be more violent.

He felt that the current Five Elements Pill Land seemed to be like a furnace, and he didn't know when it would explode.

He didn't even need to go to rescue the troops. Lu Chaoqiong and Ai Yunqi had already taken the initiative to rush over and guard the side.

Cao Zhen was also speechless. I just refined a pill. Do you need this?

Two days later.

Under the frightened eyes of the three masters of the Earth Immortal Realm, Cao Zhen pulled out ten Fierce Heart-increasing Yuan Pills one by one.

The pills were released, and the violent aura in the world finally dissipated. It did not disappear, but concentrated on the pills.

Each of the ten elixirs gave people a feeling of extreme violence, and even made everyone feel that it was not the elixir they had taken, but the violent thunder bullets refined by Hidden Weapon Peak!

"Top-quality pills, ten pills, all of them are top-grade!"

Gu Chengyu stared at the elixirs glowing with colorful light in Cao Zhen's hands, and couldn't help but exclaimed. He had seen Master Cao Feng refining elixirs, and he also knew that Master Cao Feng could refine top-quality elixirs.

It’s not surprising that Peak Master Cao can refine a top-quality elixir, but the time it takes Master Cao to refine a top-quality elixir is astonishing.

"Peak Master, didn't you say that it takes a year to refine this elixir? You actually refined it in only seven days, and all of them are absolutely unique." Taste!"

Cao Zhen put away the ten elixirs and said calmly: "As long as there are enough materials to make the elixirs stronger, many elixirs can be prepared in advance."


Gu Chengyu, Lu Chaoqiong, and Ai Yunqi all didn't know how to answer the conversation. Are you a little more aggressive?

When you made the elixir before, it was so violent that it seemed to blow up the entire Five Elements elixir field. Is it just a little more intense?


It seems that there is no problem with Peak Master Cao saying this.

After all, Peak Master Cao is a reincarnated powerful man, and to him, this is all a small scene.

Yi Sheng looked at the pills collected by his master, his eyes full of admiration. This is the master's level of alchemy!

The elixir refined by the master was obviously very violent, but the master even forcibly ripened it to make it even more violent.

Master is able to handle such levels of violence with ease.

During this period of time, I have improved a lot in alchemy, and I thought that my level of alchemy was pretty good.

But compared with the master, I am nothing!

Is that also called alchemy?

Seeing that nothing happened here, Lu Chaoqiong and Ai Yunqi left quickly. The two of them, one the master of the Qianlong Temple and the other the elder of the Immortal Weapon Square, had their own things to do.

After Cao Zhen put away the elixir, he directly took out the Wanli Telephone Note and transmitted the message to Xiang Ziyu.

About half an hour later, Xiang Ziyu arrived.

"Master, you understand me very well. You must know that I am bored following the Taoist team, so you specially let me enter Qianlong Temple to practice."

As soon as Xiang Ziyu stepped into the Five Elements Dan Land, he hurriedly called out: "Master, I'll go to the Shen Tong Secret Record Pavilion first to see if there are any supernatural powers..."

"Wait a minute." Cao Zhen interrupted Xiang Ziyu directly, took out the elixir he had just refined, and said solemnly: "I have helped you refine a batch of elixirs. These elixirs can increase your cultivation." However, you must be careful not to think that this pot of elixir is extremely violent.

If you take pills, it may be dangerous..."

"Danger? It's dangerous to others, but to me, it's normal. Master, I have to say that you made a very wise decision." Xiang Ziyu seems to not know what fear is. Normally, after receiving the elixir from Cao Zhen, he would take one out and stuff it into his mouth.

On the side, Gu Chengyu's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the master and apprentice in shock. Is Master Cao going to give the elixir to Xiang Zi for his royal use?

He was always by the side when Master Cao Feng was refining the elixir. He was very aware of how violent the elixir was. Those violent elixirs could only be taken at the golden elixir stage.

Xiang Ziyu is only in the elixir-forming stage, and there is only one elixir. How can he take this elixir?

Chaos, this is simply chaos!

The moment Xiang Ziyu took the elixir, ten vision platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and a vision pill all appeared behind him.

As the elixir entered his body, two phantoms, one black and one white, suddenly shot out from his body, turning into two human shapes whose appearance could not be clearly seen.

Gu Chengyu, Yisheng, and Gaisu'e immediately looked over.

They had seen Xiang Ziyu fighting before and knew that Xiang Ziyu's vision was two black and white shadows, but the black and white shadows were too blurry and they could only see two figures.

But now, looking at it from a close distance, although the shadow is a little clearer, the appearance is still not clear.

What vision is this?

A look of surprise appeared on Gu Chengyu's face. He was a person in the Earthly Immortal Realm, but now, seeing these two phantoms, he actually had an urge to kneel down to them.

What kind of immortal body is this Zi Yu?

What is this shadow?

Under Gu Chengyu's surprised gaze, Xiang Ziyu's whole body trembled crazily.

"No, that's the power of the elixir. That power is too violent."

Gu Chengyu was startled and quickly looked at Cao Zhen and said urgently: "Peak Master Cao, his current situation... he can't bear the power of the elixir. Can you allow me to take action?"

Xiang Ziyu is Cao Zhen's apprentice after all. Although he wants to help, he still needs Cao Zhen's consent.

"It doesn't matter, I believe him."

Cao Zhen looked straight at Xiang Ziyu.

The next moment, the veins on Xiang Ziyu's body were exposed, and the meridians bulged high. You could even clearly see that there was a force surging and expanding crazily in the meridians, making people feel that his meridians were bulging at any time. They will all explode.

Gu Chengyu's body was already filled with mana, and he said urgently: "Peak Master! We can't wait any longer. If he waits any longer, his meridians will be burst!"

"No, he can hold on."

As Cao Zhen's words fell, black and white light poured out from Xiang Ziyu's body. At the same time, the two black and white shadows on his body poured into his body and mixed with the black and white light. , constantly rotating around his body.

As the black and white light flowed through, the bulging veins on his body suddenly shrank back to the extent visible to the naked eye.

But soon, the black and white light completely flowed through, and the veins bulged again.

The bulging veins on his body continued to expand, shrink, expand, and shrink again...

Xiang Ziyu closed his eyes tightly, and his handsome face was already twisted in pain, but he did not make a sound. He clenched his fists, stimulating the power in his body, and transported the power in the elixir to Everywhere in the body.

"This...can he suppress this? What a terrifying physical endurance. Although he has only formed a pill, his physical endurance has reached the extreme of the pill formation stage."

Gu Chengyu looked at Xiang Ziyu, who was supporting himself forcefully, with a look of surprise in his eyes, but soon, a look of worry appeared on his face again.

"Peak Master, his body is indeed strong enough, but I'm afraid it's still not enough. It's still too late to take action now. If I don't take action..."

As his words fell, blood seeped out from Xiang Ziyu's body.

"Meridians, the tiny meridians on Xiang Ziyu's body have cracked. Peak Master, please take action quickly!" Gu Chengyu's expression suddenly changed and he shouted loudly, "If we don't take action, more meridians on his body will crack, and those big ones will The meridians will also crack, and he will be useless if he fails! He..."

Gu Chengyu's words suddenly stopped, and another golden light rose from Xiang Ziyu's body. This light was full of the power of life. As the light surged, the bright red blood oozing out of his body, Extravasation actually stopped.

"Is this a healing power? At this time, he can still use his own magic power?"

Gu Chengyu was completely stunned. At this time, Xiang Ziyu should be fighting against the power of the elixir with all his strength. How could he have any spare energy to use magical powers to heal his wounds?

Time passed by breath by breath.

Xiang Ziyu continued to resist the violent power in the elixir.

Slowly, the second inner elixir appeared behind him, followed by the third, fourth... ten!

Behind Xiang Ziyu, ten inner elixirs emerged, each one a vision elixir with black and white shadows!

The next moment, among the ten inner elixirs, his first condensed inner elixir suddenly bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

"Golden elixir!" Gu Chengyu exclaimed, "He, he actually condensed the golden elixir, and it was a visionary elixir!"

Golden elixir, this is the golden elixir!

A person who only had one elixir became a golden elixir in the blink of an eye!

This is too scary!

He had seen Master Cao Feng break through after taking pills before, but that time, Master Cao did not break through so much!

This is a direct leap from Jie Dan to Jin Dan!

Before Lingxi challenged Wuqi, everyone recognized that no matter how strong he was in the pill formation stage, he could not challenge the golden pill!

There is an insurmountable chasm between Jindan and Jiedan! Even a person with ten elixirs cannot compare with a person with one golden elixir.

Today, Peak Master Cao used his elixir to allow his disciples to directly cross the natural chasm and enter the golden elixir stage!

"Second one!"

The next moment, Gu Chengyu's eyes widened again. After Xiang Ziyu broke through to the golden elixir, he did not stop and took the elixir.

"No, what is he going to do! Nine pills, is he crazy? Why did he take all the remaining nine pills at once! Is he crazy?"

Gu Chengyu felt like he was going crazy. Xiang Ziyu had already reached the golden elixir stage. Taking another elixir now would definitely be able to block the violent power.

But this guy actually took nine pills at once. Is he not going to stop until he kills himself?

As Xiang Ziyu took the nine pills, streaks of bright red blood spurted out, and soon, streaks of light shot out from his body.

He once again entered the state where his meridians were cracked, then repaired, then left, and then repaired again.

After a long time, the second condensed inner elixir behind him turned into a golden elixir, followed by the third, fourth...

All the golden elixirs appeared one by one until the tenth golden elixir emerged.

"Ten golden elixirs, a complete vision!"

Gu Chengyu found that his cognition had been completely subverted!

These are ten golden elixirs!

Ordinary disciples don't know how much sweat and effort it takes to condense a golden elixir.

But Peak Master Cao, after refining ten elixirs, directly allowed his disciples to achieve a breakthrough into ten golden elixirs.

This is absolutely terrifying.

I have never heard of anyone who could use elixirs to achieve such a breakthrough.

That was a direct breakthrough from one inner elixir to the ten golden elixirs of perfection!

I'm afraid no one in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty can do it!

Although, not everyone can take this kind of elixir. If it had been anyone else, they would have exploded and died.

However, no matter what, the fact that this elixir can make people achieve such a breakthrough can be called terrifying.

Peak Master Cao, how high has his alchemy level reached?

As Xiang Ziyu's tenth golden elixir condensed, in an instant, two shadows, one black and one white, rose into the sky above the Five Elements elixir.

They are obviously two phantoms, but they give people the illusion that ancient immortals and demons have come to the world.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the two shadows. The shadows were a little clearer than before. They could even see the hands and feet of the shadows clearly, but the faces of the shadows were still blurry.

The next moment, endless light suddenly rose above the Five Elements Pill Land. The light was so bright that it completely covered the Five Elements Pill Land.

"This is the great formation of the Five Elements Dandi!"

Gu Chengyu suddenly reacted, turned to Cao Zhen and said: "Master Cao, the great formation has completely covered up the momentum of your disciple's breakthrough.

If you need me, I can activate the grand formation. It may be too late now to let everyone in the Hundred Peaks Sect see that your disciple has made a breakthrough. "

What an honor it is to break through to the Great Perfection of the Ten Pills, and all the golden pills are also visionary golden pills.

This kind of thing must of course be seen by everyone in the sect.

After Li Ke, who didn't watch Suzaku Peak, broke through into ten golden elixirs of visions, did Suzaku Peak hold a golden elixir meeting?

At that time, most of the people from Baifeng also went to participate in the Golden Elixir Meeting, even the Master Zhangzong personally participated in the Golden Elixir Meeting.

Of course this kind of thing needs to be seen by everyone.

"Elder, no need."

Xiang Ziyu slowly opened his eyes, but his eyes were one black and one white. One eye was completely black. The darkness was darker than thick ink, like a black gem. It made people feel as if This is the richest and purest black in the world. The other eye was as smooth as white jade, without any color.

As his eyes opened, the entire world in the Five Elements Dan Land became half dark and one half pure white.

Two completely different auras, yet seemingly coming from the same source, filled the entire world. Everyone even had the illusion that the entire world seemed to be controlled by Xiang Ziyu. At this time, he was the sky and he was the earth!

Gu Chengyu was completely confused. He had seen the visions of many genius disciples when they broke through and became the perfect ten-gold elixir.

But he had never seen anyone's vision be so terrifying.

A while ago, Li Ke's momentum when he broke through to ten golden elixirs was terrifying enough, but compared to Xiang Ziyu, he was completely overwhelmed.

If everyone saw Xiang Ziyu's breakthrough in the world, they would not need Peak Master Cao to speak. Everyone would step through the threshold of the Four Treasures Peak and let Peak Master Cao hold the Golden Elixir Conference.

When the Qiankun Minor Era arrives, the ten golden elixirs will be perfected, and each golden elixir will have a vision, so it must be the highest combat power.

Judging from the vision of heaven and earth when Xiang Ziyu broke through, his combat power after the breakthrough was probably even higher than that of Li Ke.

Even after all the masters fall asleep, this sub-control will become the strongest combat power of the entire Hundred Peaks Sect!

Who wouldn’t want to make friends with such a person!

But Xiang Ziyu is still so low-key!

Climbing the Immortal Peak, Zhenzong Cave Mansion.

Bai Fengzi was lying cross-legged on the ground, looking at the water mirror light curtain in front of him, looking at the two extremely pure colors of black and white in the Five Elements Pill Land, and looking at the ten Dzogchen visions emerging behind him. Jindan's Xiang Ziyu had a look of joy on his face.

"Ten golden elixirs are perfect, and each golden elixir is a vision golden elixir. We, the Baifeng Sect, have one more powerful force that can reverse the universe and the minor era! When the darkest moment comes, The Baifeng Sect's ability to protect itself has also improved.

No wonder, Cao Feng's main reward is only medicinal materials. All of his rewards are for the Baifeng Sect and to give the Baifeng Sect the strongest combat power.

Moreover, he did not take this elixir himself but gave it to his disciple, who was going down the mountain. In this way, when he asked his disciple to join the Taoist team, he was preparing for all this.

He does everything for the Baifeng Sect. He really, as he said, his current root is the Baifeng Sect. He is a member of the Baifeng Sect, and he only wants to make the Baifeng Sect better. "

Five Elements Dandi.

Xiang Ziyu's eyes gradually returned to normal. On the horizon, visions disappeared one after another. He looked at Gu Chengyu in front of him, shook his head gently and said: "Elder Gu, please help me break through ten golden elixirs." Don’t make it known.”

He really hates it!

Elder Gu, why did he go there so long ago? His visions all appeared. Then Elder Gu said that he had withdrawn the formation of the Five Elements Dan Land. After the formation was withdrawn, how many of his visions were left? How shocking was it? ?

If there is no vision, let Elder Gu go out again and say that the golden elixir is perfect when he breaks through? That's even worse.

He is the protagonist, and he must have a momentum that matches his identity. How could it be so simple to let others know that he has made a breakthrough?

The news of this breakthrough must wait until he comes down from the mountain, and when he takes action for the first time, shocking the whole world, then it is in line with the identity of the protagonist!

Elder Gu looked at Xiang Ziyu's sincere look and nodded heavily, filled with admiration in his heart. Xiang Ziyu was probably the most arrogant at his age and liked to show off his strength the most.

However, Xiang Ziyu actually asked himself to help him hide the news!

He is truly worthy of being a disciple of Master Cao.

Before, I thought Xiang Ziyu was too arrogant, but it turned out that I had misunderstood him!

After Xiang Ziyu finished speaking, he quickly ran to Cao Zhen and asked: "Master, are there any such pills? When I made a breakthrough just now, I felt that all the meridians in my body were broken. Then I used the medicinal properties, His own power reshaped his meridians again.

Every time I reshape myself, I feel like I'm getting stronger. However, I just reshaped my meridians, not my internal organs. I plan to reshape all my internal organs. "

When Gu Chengyu heard Xiang Ziyu's words, his hand shook suddenly, and the flame of the alchemy furnace in front of him trembled suddenly.

Reshape the internal organs?

Is he really going to kill himself?

After Xiang Ziyu paused for a moment, he added: "However, master's elixirs are still a little inferior.

After I broke through to the golden elixir, I had to take nine pills at a time to achieve the effect of breaking and then reshaping the meridians again. If possible, Master, you still have to refine some more violent elixirs for me. "

When Gu Chengyu heard this, the flame that he had just controlled began to beat unsteadily again. So, you just swallowed nine pills at once to reshape your meridians?

You, are you really not afraid of exploding your body and dying?

Also, this elixir is already so violent. Do you want an even more violent elixir?

More violent elixir?

Do you really want your master to blow up the Five Elements Pill Land?

Cao Zhen looked at Xiang Ziyu with a speechless expression: "I'll make elixirs for you? Do you know how many medicinal materials are needed for these elixirs? You also want to reshape the internal organs."

As he said this, he suddenly came back to his senses, turned around and looked to the side. Yisheng, who was looking at Xiang Ziyu with admiration, suddenly changed his face and said: "Yisheng, don't imitate your senior brother. You, this senior brother, He is quite special... I have told your two senior sisters and fourth senior brother before that we should not imitate your third senior brother. You must not imitate his method of reshaping the body."

He was really afraid that Yisheng would study with Xiang Zi.

Hearing this, Xiang Ziyu nodded repeatedly and agreed: "Yes, little junior sister, you must not imitate your senior brother. Your senior brother is the protagonist. All the protagonists reshape the meridians and internal organs, but others cannot.

Also, the elixir that my master just refined for me is so powerful that only the protagonist can take it. If others took it, they would probably explode and die.

Not even Master. "

Cao Zhen's eyes instantly fell on Xiang Ziyu, can't I? I can do everything you know. You only had one elixir before, but I have more elixirs.

What do you mean I can't do it?

Forget it, don’t mess with this guy anymore.

Cao Zhen looked at Xiang Ziyu and warned: "Although you are now at the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir, but you suddenly broke through to the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir, you need time to adapt. During this period of time, don't run around anymore, and don't use your supernatural powers." Milu Pavilion will use those messy magical powers to practice again.

You first adapt to your own body, and then practice your current magical powers to the limit that your current cultivation level can achieve. "

In the past, Xiang Ziyu's magical powers were cultivated to the limit of forming one elixir. Now that he has perfected the golden elixir, all his magical powers can be cultivated more deeply.

Let Xiang Ziyu refine his magical power to a higher level so that he can win.

"Don't worry, Master, I won't go to Shentong Secret Pavilion to practice my magical powers again." Xiang Ziyu secretly smiled, I promise you, but you won't know if I go to Shentong Secret Pavilion again.

Cao Zhen seemed to see through Xiang Ziyu's thoughts and looked back at Yisheng and said, "Go and tell the elders of the Shentong Secret Pavilion that Xiang Ziyu is prohibited from entering the Shentong Secret Pavilion. Just say it was me who said it."

Now, he is the deputy director of Qianlong Temple, but he still can't control Xiang Ziyu?

Xiang Ziyu's face suddenly darkened.

Cao Zhen waited for Xiang Ziyu to leave, and finally had time to concentrate on refining his own Dragon and Tiger Golden Pill.

Before we knew it, it was time for the Taoist team to go down the mountain.

After Cao Zhen asked Yisheng to help him refine the elixir, he finally left the Five Elements elixir land.

Not only was Xiang Ziyu going down the mountain, but he was also going down. He also had to attend the enthronement of the new king of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Moreover, he is also the deputy envoy of the mission.

"Remember, after you come down the mountain, you must keep a low profile. Just blend in with the crowd and be an inconspicuous person. Don't jump out at everything, let alone imitate your junior brother's venomous tongue.

Also, don’t just think of jumping down when you see a cliff..."

Before Xiang Ziyu left, Cao Zhen made a point of not worrying about it.

In fact, during this period of time, Xiang Ziyu was really honest. In addition to stabilizing his realm, the boy spent the rest of his time cultivating magical powers. In such a short period of time, Xiang Ziyu had even cultivated ten kinds of magical powers to his own level. The limit that can be tolerated.

The day after Xiang Ziyu's Taoist team came down the mountain, the Zhenxian Dynasty also sent a message. The envoys from the Baifeng Sect gathered and walked out of the mountain gate with congratulatory gifts.

Cao Zhen walked among the crowd indifferently. Anyway, this time he joined the envoy purely for the reward, and he also became a deputy envoy. With Blue Pili as the envoy here, he didn't need to worry about anything, he could just follow the crowd.

However, among the envoys to Zhenxian Dynasty, there was an acquaintance, Chang Tiance!

Lan Pili led everyone all the way out of the mountain gate. Just when he was about to say a few words, he saw a young monk wearing blue monk robes walking towards him.

Little monk?


In the sight of everyone, the young monk stepped forward, stood still, performed a Buddhist salute with both hands and asked: "Everyone, are you from the Baifeng Sect?"

As the envoy of the envoy, Lan Pili nodded and replied: "We are indeed disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect. I wonder what we call this young master?"

The young monk clasped his hands together and said, "I am a poor monk, a disciple of Wuliang Temple. I am here. I was ordered by my master to go down the mountain to discuss the Tao."

The eyes of the disciples of Wuliang Temple suddenly changed.

Cao Zhen suddenly remembered that when he attended the Baishan Summit that day, when everyone talked about the disciples of Wuliang Temple, they said they were the apprentices of some great monks. The excuse was that he was in retreat.

Is this the little monk who frightened them, coming to their door?

After Liao Kong finished talking to everyone, he did not directly walk into the nearby Baifeng Sect's mountain gate. Instead, he looked directly at the two bald heads in the envoy who were wearing monk robes like him, and said politely: "These two, I think he’s a Zen practitioner.”

Within the envoy, the two monks also returned the greeting and said, "Xiaochan Peak is nothing."

"Baoxiang Peak, Rigpa."

Liao Kong nodded slightly and continued: "Since you are a Zen practitioner, can you have a discussion with the young monk?"

"On the Road?"

Wuran and Rigpa were startled and said hurriedly: "Senior Brother Lokong, our Zen practice in the Baifeng Sect has set up a Tao discussion platform. Senior brother can go into the sect to discuss the Tao."

Although the two of them were not bad at Buddhism within the sect, they were not at the top either. Otherwise, they would not have joined the envoys, but would have joined the discussion team instead.

It is said that the little monk in front of them is a direct disciple of the master from Wuliang Temple. They dare not discuss the Tao with the little monk in front of them.

When Liao Kong heard the sound, he did not enter the nearby Baifeng Sect's mountain gate. Instead, he chanted the Buddha's name loudly: "Since we are all meditation disciples, we should discuss the Tao."

Without waiting for the two to answer, he raised his hand and pointed at his midweek alms bowl and said, "May I ask you two senior brothers, why is it empty?"

Rigpa frowned and looked at the empty alms bowl. After thinking for a moment, he replied, "Because of emptiness, it is empty."

Liao Kong raised his head to look at Rigpa and continued to ask: "What is the emptiness of emptiness?"

"Emptiness..." I didn't know how to explain it for a while.

On the side, Wu Ran remembered Master's teaching that day and replied: "Because of emptiness, even explanation is empty. So there is no need to explain."

Liao Kong replied without thinking: "Can emptiness be explained by some kind of rhetoric or explanation?

Emptiness itself is also empty, so emptiness cannot explain emptiness. "

All around, everyone was confused about what emptiness controls. These meditations like to talk about nothingness.

However, Rigpa and Wuran were unable to raise their heads when they were asked. For a while, they could not reply a word.

Liao Kong shook his head slightly, but instead of walking towards the Hundred Peaks Sect, he turned around and walked out.

Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was very obvious. The Buddhist principles practiced by the Baifeng Sect were too poor. After talking to these two disciples, he felt that there was no need to go to the Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism. .

Although the other party did not speak, the other party's actions were full of humiliation than any words.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Lan Pili quickly shouted: "Wait a minute..."

But we can't let the other party leave like this. If we let the other party leave like this, the Baifeng Sect will be embarrassed.

No one would think that the disciples of Wuliang Temple would not dare to go to Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism. Everyone would think that they think Baifeng Sect’s Zen practice is not good enough and disdain to enter Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism.

Liao Kong stopped, turned around with some doubts, looked at Lan Pili and asked: "Does this donor want to discuss Taoism with a poor monk?"

Lan Pili waved his hands repeatedly and said: "I don't understand Zen practice or Buddhism, so I can't discuss the Tao with you. However, we still have people here who can discuss the Tao with you."


Everyone in the envoys looked at Cao Zhen at the same time, who had never said a word.

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