My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 147 The One Hundred Invincible Grand Master

When a person can solve no matter what difficulties we encounter, when we encounter difficulties again, we will subconsciously look at that person.

When a person is being watched by everyone, it is almost impossible not to be noticed.

Liao Kong followed everyone's gaze and looked at the strange man wearing Peak Master's clothes, and asked, "Can this Peak Master give me some advice?"

Cao Zhen suddenly laughed, he was really prepared.

Before, after he finished writing Sun Tzu's Art of War at the Forum on Taoism at Junshen Peak, he found that it felt so good to just take out the king bomb and throw it in other people's faces.

In the future, there will be people who come to Baifeng Sect to discuss the Tao. For the reward, he will definitely have to discuss the Tao.

However, at that time, he couldn't just write on the spur of the moment every time. What if he met an impatient guy and just left?

So when he returned to the Five Elements Alchemy Land, while he was refining the elixir, he took the time to write some books and make advance preparations, including a Buddhist scripture.

Cao Zhen took out a scripture he had written from his arms and threw it directly into the air.

Liao Kong subconsciously took the scripture and looked up.

"Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra"?

What is this?

He opened the page in the air, and the next moment, he was completely stunned.

He stood there, just holding the book, not moving, not speaking, not even turning the pages, and not even moving his eyes, as if someone had cast a magical power to immobilize him.

One breath, two breaths...

Everyone stood aside and waited quietly.

But slowly, the time for half a stick of incense passed, and Liao Kong still didn't move.

Finally someone couldn't help but asked: "What is going on?"

"Why hasn't he moved?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, but not only did his body not move, his eyes didn't move either."

"What should I do?"

"Previously, Jiang Yan from the Bingfeng Sect went to our Baifeng Sect to discuss the Tao. After Master Cao gave him a book on war, Jiang Yan immediately had an epiphany and became convinced."

"The same thing happened to Qing Mozi before. After seeing Master Cao's paintings, he also had an epiphany and then worshiped him."

"Although the person in front of me is stunned, there is no epiphany. So what is this?"

Everyone looked at Cao Zhen in confusion.

"Just stay there." Cao Zhen shrugged and said, "That's all I have. If he can read through the scriptures, then he can beat me. There's nothing I can do about it. Let's go, he's already there now anyway." We are in front of the mountain gate, let the disciples guarding the mountain gate watch."

"That's all we can do." Lan Pili ordered the disciples guarding the mountain gate to take a good look at Kong, and then quickly left with everyone.

They were going to the capital of Zhenxian Dynasty and could not stay here.

As everyone left, a young disciple among the several disciples guarding the mountain gate quickly left and returned to the Baifeng Sect to report the arrival of Kong Kong to the sect.

"Is the young monk from Wuliang Temple here?"

"The little monk is outside the mountain gate?"

"What, the young monk from Wuliang Temple happened to meet Cao Zhen and the others. Cao Zhen gave the young monk a scripture, and the young monk has been reading the scripture?"

"Cao Zhen knows swordsmanship, calligraphy and painting, and the art of war. How can he also understand Buddhism?"

"Cao Zhen looks so shameless, how can he understand Buddhism? I guess he got a scripture from somewhere and threw it to the young monk of Wuliang Temple."

"It's just a scripture. It's impossible to stop the young monk. We must make preparations this morning."

"The young monk is here. We're in trouble. Wuxiang, you take the disciples in the peak and study Buddhism more, especially the "Four Agama Sutras", and go to the peak masters of the other peaks to discuss it."

In the Hundred Peaks Sect, the peak masters who were meditating suddenly became nervous. They even gathered together and began to discuss how to deal with Liao Kong who was about to come to the door.

Naluokong was a direct disciple of the great monk. Even though they bullied the younger monks regardless of their status, they all went on stage to discuss Buddhism with the younger monk. None of them were sure of winning.

The great monk back then was really terrifying.

The big monk can let the little monk down the mountain. You can tell with your feet that the little monk must have received the true inheritance of the big monk.

Everyone discussed and discussed, but could not come up with any good solution.

As the day passed, Baifeng Sect and all the peaks of meditation were spent in tension.

The next day, they became more and more nervous. On the first day, the young monk might have been reading the Buddhist scriptures. The second day was probably the day when the young monk had finished reading the Buddhist scriptures.

As a result, on this day, they waited and waited, no matter how long they waited, they still did not wait until the little monk arrived. They spent another day in tension.

On the third day, the Zen crowd became more and more nervous. It had already been two days. That scripture could keep Sora reading for two days. Who could have imagined that the scripture must be extremely profound.

After reading the scriptures for two days, Liao Kong will surely gain some insights and take the Dharma one step further, and then come to the Baifeng Sect to discuss the Tao, they will have no chance of winning.

They didn't believe that a scripture could stop the young monk.

However, a whole day passed, but they still did not wait for Sora to arrive.

"What's going on? It's been three days, why hasn't Zakong come yet?"

"Is he still reading that book? Still standing there without moving?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Go and take a look. Don't let the people from Wuliang Temple have any accidents in our Baifeng Sect."

In the Hundred Peaks Sect, all the Zen cultivators could no longer wait any longer. One by one, the meditation masters led their disciples and walked out of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

At a glance, everyone saw the motionless, statue-like figure outside the mountain gate.

Everyone was stunned.

Are you still reading that scripture? So many of them showed up, but they didn't even move?

Wan Ci curiously asked the disciple who was guarding the mountain gate: "He has been doing this for the past three days? Has it never changed?"

"No, he hasn't talked about his body in the past three days. I feel that his eyes have not moved. He has been looking straight at the book in his hand." The disciple who was questioned answered while still being full of incomprehensible words. Shaking his head, he really had never met such a weird person.

"What scripture can make Kongdu stay motionless for three days?" Zhanci was full of curiosity, walked towards Kongkong, and raised his eyes to look at the scripture in Kongkong's hand.

The next moment, when he saw the scriptures, he was completely stunned, as if he was in space, staring at the scriptures blankly, motionless.

"Master Xiongci Peak?"

"What's going on here?"

The peak masters meditating on the surrounding mountains were very curious and looked at the scriptures. At first glance, all the meditating peak masters were stunned.

For a moment, all the Zen disciples looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all stunned.


"Peak Masters, why are you looking at the scripture and not moving?"

"What is going on? What kind of scripture is that?"

All the disciples were very curious, but no one dared to go up and take a look. Their peak master was stunned when he saw the scriptures. Are they going to look?

They may be as stunned as the peak master, and they may not be able to see anything, but it is more likely that they will go crazy.

"Brother, what should we do?"

"Leave some disciples to guard here. I will go back and report to the master."

Cao Zhen followed the envoys and rushed all the way to the capital of Zhenxian Dynasty. This was the first time he left the Baifeng Sect after coming to this world.

Only after he truly left the sect did he realize that the world was much bigger than he imagined.

One of the selection criteria for this envoy to the Zhenxian Dynasty is that they can fly with a sword. The disciples of the envoy may not have magic weapons and cannot fly as fast as him, but everyone can fly.

Everyone flew so fast, but in three days, they did not reach the capital of Zhenxian Dynasty.

Along the way, Cao Zhen flew over the plains and saw peaceful and peaceful villages, green bankers and hard-working farmers.

He also passed through patches of arid loess plateaus and saw the dry, cracked land.

He also passed through an uninhabited desert area.

Along the way, he could even see immortals flying down from a distance, using magical powers to rain in some dry places.

I saw immortals moving mountains and rocks to stop the flood.

Although everyone is cultivating immortals, after all, some disciples are weaker, cannot fly all the time, and need to rest.

Three days later, a seemingly ordinary town appeared in front of everyone. At the entrance of the town, there was an obviously isolated building.

There is even a sign hanging outside the building.

Cao Zhen looked down and saw at a glance the three characters "Jie Xian Fang".

Chang Tiance, who had been following Cao Zhen along the way, saw Cao Zhen's eyes and immediately explained in a low voice: "Master Cao Feng, this Immortal Reception Square is a place specially used by Zhenxian Dynasty to receive immortal cultivators to rest. If If you need anything, you can inform the officials of Jie Xianfang. The officials of Jie Xianfang are usually concurrently held by the local parents."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and followed the others to Jie Xianfang.

At the door of Jie Xianfang, two soldiers who were lazily leaning against the door, talking without knowing what they were talking about, suddenly saw the immortals falling from the sky one after another. They immediately cheered up and leaned against the door. One of them hurriedly Ran out.

Not long after, a man wearing the uniform of a court official hurried to Jie Xianfang under the leadership of the soldier.

Behind them, there was a group of soldiers.

It was obviously not the first time for this official to see the immortals. After seeing the crowd, he did not show any signs of panic. He quickly ran over to the crowd and cupped his hands and said: "Yumin Town, Mayor Tao Ruochang has seen all the immortals. How dare you I would like to ask all the immortals to go to the capital to participate in the enthronement ceremony of the Holy One?"

As the envoy of the envoy, Lan Pili nodded slightly and said: "Yes, we are here to attend the enthronement ceremony. Now, we are a little tired, so we will take a rest here."

Tao Ruochang said politely: "You have worked hard all the way, but now there are no other immortals living in Jie Xianfang. You immortals can choose your own room to rest. I wonder how many days you immortals want to stay here?"

Lan Pili said casually: "Have a day's rest and leave tomorrow."

"Oh, one day." Tao Ruochang nodded slightly and asked, "Sir, how do you like to eat? I will let my subordinates prepare it."

"No need." Lan Pili obviously didn't want to say anything more to Tao Ruochang, and quickly picked a room.

Cao Zhen also randomly chose an empty room, but Chang Tiance also ran into the room and said with an attentive look: "Master Cao, let me clean the room for you. Your disciple did not come with you. , if something happens, just tell the disciple, just treat the disciple as your own disciple."

Cao Zhen looked at Chang Tiance speechlessly. This room is so clean. What needs to be cleaned?

However, he was a little curious when he saw the officials here just now. Now that Chang Tiance is here, someone happened to ask.

"I'm a little strange. Why didn't the mayor kowtow when he saw us just now? Although he was polite and polite, I felt that his attitude towards us was one of equality. Why is this?"

He had no idea of ​​wanting others to kowtow to him, but he was just curious. After seeing an immortal, shouldn't a mortal be respectful and worship him, or should he be on tenterhooks for fear of doing something wrong?

Why were the officials and even the soldiers so calm when they saw them, as if they were ordinary mortals?

Chang Tiance quickly closed the door and then explained in a low voice: "Master Cao, they are officials of the imperial court, and the strongest presence in the Zhenxian Dynasty where our Baifeng Sect is located is in the imperial court. The Grand Master of Zhenxian Dynasty."

As he spoke, he paused slightly, pointed outside and said, "This place was not called the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty before. The emperor of that dynasty had to submit to all the immortal cultivating forces.

At that time, all the officials in the dynasty were respectful when they saw us cultivators.

But since the Grand Master entered the court, the world has changed.

The dynasty stipulated that immortal cultivators could indeed practice, and their strength was indeed stronger, but they could not dominate mortals.

The only difference between immortal cultivators and mortals is the difference in strength, but their status is the same. They are all subjects of the dynasty! "

Cao Zhen was greatly surprised and asked in confusion: "The immortal cultivators obviously have strength, but they have the same status as mortals and are still subjects of the imperial dynasty? In this case, will the major immortal sects agree? Have they not resisted?"

"I have resisted, how could I not resist?" Chang Tiance also looked at Cao Zhen strangely. These are common sense in the Zhenxian Dynasty and the world of immortal cultivation. Why doesn't Peak Master Cao know this?

Although he felt strange in his heart, he continued: "Many years ago, I don't know how many years ago it was, but it was a very long time ago.

At that time, after the current Grand Master ascended to the position of Grand Master, he sent a message to the major immortal sects. In fact, it was the rules he set, asking the major immortal sects to restrain their disciples and informing the major immortal sects that they were just like all mortals. They are all subjects of the dynasty, and they cannot be superior to others. If an immortal kills a mortal, he will also be punished by the laws of the dynasty.

How can we cultivators be the same as ordinary people?

After receiving the Grand Master's rules, the major immortal sects became even more furious. Many people from the sects felt that the Imperial Grand Master was not very smart and did not take things seriously.

However, there are also many sects who think that the Grand Master is provoking various sects.

At that time, in our Zhenxian dynasty, there was a sect called the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. It was said, but it was only said that the disciples had read it from some classics. Anyway, it was said that the Sun and Moon Demon Sect was more powerful than our Baifeng Sect at that time. one cent.

Especially the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, who seeks defeat all over the world and is known as the best master in the Eastern Wasteland.

After receiving the rules set by the Grand Master, he went directly to the capital of Zhenxian Dynasty alone to seek explanation from the Grand Master.

At that time, everyone thought that the two would have a fierce fight.

However, Huanyu Qiubai was seriously injured by Taishi with one move, and was killed on the spot with two moves. "

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened: "The number one master in the East Wasteland, the leader of a sect was directly killed by two moves? What is the level of cultivation of the Grand Master?"

Chang Tiance shook his head: "I don't know, I really don't know."

Cao Zhen did not dwell on this issue and continued to ask: "Then what happens next? The leader of the Sun Moon Demon Sect was killed. Didn't they take revenge?"

"The killing of the sect leader was a provocation and insult to the entire sect. At that time, the entire sect of the Sun Moon Demon Sect mobilized to use all the sect's strength to destroy the newly renamed Zhenxian Dynasty.

However, the Grand Master alone stopped everyone from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect who came.

After half a month of fighting between the two sides, everyone in the Sun Moon Demon Sect was completely dispersed.

Then, the Grand Master entered the Sun and Moon Demon Sect alone and completely overturned the opponent's foundation. Since then, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect has been dormant, and news from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect is rarely heard from again. "

Cao Zhen frowned tightly. The Sun Moon Demon Sect was stronger than the Hundred Peaks Sect back then, so the sect leader must also be extremely strong. However, he was killed by the Grand Master with two moves. What is even more terrifying is that the entire sect cannot be destroyed. One person who killed the Grand Master was even scattered and his foundation was overthrown.

All major sects have mountain guarding formations. The more powerful the sect, the stronger the mountain guarding formation is. With the mountain guarding formation, even if the opponent's strength is higher than that, it will be difficult to destroy a sect.

The grand master actually killed the other sect alone and almost wiped out one of the other sects. How terrifying this is!

He was silent for a moment and continued to ask: "Then what happens next? After that, other sects will recognize it?"

"How is it possible? The Grand Master overthrew the Sun Moon Demon Sect, one of the strongest sects at that time, and they were still fighting. Many people felt that it was impossible for the Grand Master not to be injured. He should be at the end of his strength.

Among them, the leader of the Red Refining Demon Sect, whose strength is almost the same as our Baifeng Sect, immediately went to challenge the grand master. However, like the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, the leader of the Red Refining Demon Sect was killed in two moves. .

After the sect leader was killed, the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect naturally went crazy and launched an attack on the Zhenxian Dynasty. They did not believe that the Grand Master could suppress them again after killing two top masters and the entire Sun and Moon Demon Sect. .

But this time, the Grand Master did not suppress the Red Refining Demon Sect, but directly overturned the foundation of the Red Refining Demon Sect just like the Japanese Demon Sect. "

Red Refining Demon Sect...

Cao Zhen knew about this demon sect. Before, when he was in the sect, he was browsing some books out of boredom and happened to see some introductions about the Red Refining Demon Sect.

He did not speak and continued to listen to Chang Tiance: "However, this time, the time it took for the Grand Master to overthrow the Red Refining Demon Sect was slightly longer than the time it took to defeat the Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

Therefore, there were many masters at that time who felt that the Grand Master should be injured. Therefore, the world's number one master of Zen Buddhism, Bujie Monk, also took action.

However, he was much smarter. He did not go to the Grand Master to ask for an explanation, but said that he wanted to have a discussion with the Grand Master.

As a result, he and the Grand Master only fought for one round, and then returned to the sect. After that, he led the entire sect to invite the imperial edict written by the mortal emperor into the Zen sect hall to accept the canonization. "

When Cao Zhen heard this, he immediately sneered: "Those monks are all like this. They talk nice and talk about it. In fact, they want to take advantage. In that move, he must have failed, and he felt a huge gap. That's why I accepted the canonization. At that time, if he was the winner, it would probably not be a competition."

Chang Tiance didn't answer. Peak Master Cao could say such words, but he was just a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, but he didn't dare to say more.

After all, there are many Zen practitioners in the Baifeng Sect.

After Cao Zhen sneered, he continued to ask: "What about the other sects? How did our Baifeng Sect do it?"

Chang Tiance recounted: "After the non-Jie monks, Taoist Wuji from the Taoist sect also went to the Taishi to learn from each other, and the result was the same. In addition, it is said that there are also some masters who went to the Taishi to learn from each other, but without exception , all of them were defeated, and they were all defeated very simply by the Grand Master.

So far, no one knows how powerful this Grand Master is. As for our Baifeng Sect, I have not seen any records of our Baifeng Sect’s master seeking a discussion with the Grand Master. However, today’s top ten immortal sects, including the Baifeng Sect, have all accepted the canonization.

And all the people from the Demon Sect withdrew from the Zhenxian Dynasty. "

Cao Zhen thought of another point and said, "Oh? So, wouldn't it mean that the True Immortal Dynasty will be invincible in the world? With the Grand Master here, how can other dynasties resist the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty?"

"That's not the case." Chang Tiance explained quickly, "The Grand Master said that if the territory of the Zhenxian Dynasty is fought by mortals, the Grand Master will not participate in the war between mortals.

However, as long as the Zhenxian Dynasty conquered the land itself, the Grand Master would take care of the immortal sects in it. Moreover, if people from the Immortal Sect dare to participate in mortal battles, the Grand Master will participate in mortal battles! "

"Just care about the immortals?" Cao Zhen asked in confusion, "Then what exactly does the Grand Master want to do?"

"Disciple doesn't know either. I just heard that the Grand Master believes that immortal cultivators are the same as mortals. It seems that the Grand Master also said that since immortal cultivators have great abilities, they should serve more mortals."

"Serving mortals?" Cao Zhen felt puzzled. He was just a mortal in his previous life, so he was different from most practitioners in that he was better able to understand mortals.

But other people are different. During these times in the sect, he can feel that all the immortal cultivators think that they are higher than mortals and their status should be higher. They look down on mortals.

This grand master lets immortal cultivators serve mortals?

He also thought of the scenes he saw along the way. The immortal cultivators were fighting against the floods in the dry land, and the immortals who suppressed the immortal dynasty were indeed serving mortals.

However, the reason why these immortals serve mortals is probably due to the power of the Grand Master. Once the Grand Master...


Cao Zhen suddenly thought of a key point and said with confusion: "Now that the Little Era is about to be reversed, many older and more powerful masters have fallen asleep.

According to you, the Grand Master is obviously very old, and his cultivation level is also very high. He should be asleep. Why is he not asleep now? Could it be that he has fallen asleep and no one knows? "

"No, the Grand Master is indeed not asleep." Chang Tiance shook his head and said, "The Grand Master has appeared before. Everyone knows that the Grand Master is not asleep, and no one knows why."

Cao Zhen guessed: "There is no deep sleep. I guess there is some secret skill. However, no one can compete with the way of heaven. Even if the grand master has the secret skill, he must be asleep soon."

He suppressed the immortal cultivators in this way, and after he fell asleep, all the immortal cultivators in the world. Wouldn't it be necessary to dig up his living grave? "

"The Grand Master is not just his own." Chang Tiance told Cao Zhen what he knew. "It is rumored that the Grand Master has eight disciples sitting down, each one stronger than the last. Four of them are at the peak of the Golden Core stage. The pinnacle of the world is called the Invincible Golden Core, and they will never fall asleep."

Cao Zhen shook his head and said: "Four? No matter how strong the four of them are, how strong can they be if they all have golden elixirs? Their golden elixirs are invincible. Is there no genius who is said to be invincible in the golden elixirs among all the major sects? Others Not to mention, Li Ke and Nie Jie of our Baifeng Sect are both existences with the complete vision of Ten Golden Pills. Even if they are not as good as those four people, how can they be worse?

Our Baifeng Sect has geniuses, don’t other sects have such geniuses? What's more, how many disciples do each sect have? When the time comes to add up, even if they are piled up, they will be piled up to death. "

"So, many people seem to be thinking this way." Chang Tiance said, and looked outside the room a few more times. After confirming that no one was there, he whispered: "Master Cao, I also heard what my master said. , Master said, basically all the cultivating sects, everyone is waiting for the grand master to fall asleep."

Cao Zhen suddenly understood something and asked: "So, among the various sects of cultivating immortals, there is also our Baifeng Sect?"

"Yes, there is our Baifeng Sect." Chang Tiance whispered, "Our Baifeng Sect is not that kind of selfish demon sect. Our Baifeng Sect can also help mortals, but as immortals, we can't Let mortals direct us at will, let us go wherever we are told, rain when we are asked to rain, and stop the flood when we are asked to stop the flood.

We are immortals, we have our pride, how can we be appointed by mortals!

Master told me that one of the most important reasons why we went to Beijing to worship this time was to explore the reality of the Grand Master and the Zhenxian Dynasty.

However, our Baifeng Sect cannot send particularly strong masters. Once the Small Era of Qiankun is approaching, the masters do not dare to move around at will.

Furthermore, and more importantly, if you send out experts, you will be alerted by the Grand Master and the others. Come to think of it, many sects like me will send people there, and they won't send too strong experts.

Cao Zhen finally understood why none of the top-ranked peak masters went there that day, and finally let Lan Pili become the chief envoy and he became the deputy envoy.

After the hundred peaks were rearranged, Blue Pili’s Pili Peak was only ranked ninety-three.

Chang Tiance talked with Cao Zhen and left quickly.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

In each room, many sect disciples did not choose to enter the room, but gathered in the hall of Jie Xianfang and began to meditate and practice.

I think everyone in the room has also started practicing.

Cao Zhen looked around, but stepped out of Jie Xianfang.

Since he came to this world, he has always been in the sect and has not taken a good look at the world.

He didn't want to be like those time-travelers in novels who, after coming to a world, kept fighting, fighting, fighting all the way to the top without ever seeing the scenery around him.

While he was out, he wanted to see the scenery of this world.

After walking out of Jie Xianfang, he strolled on the streets of the town and found that this place was very different from the earth. The nights here were so quiet that he could not even hear the barking of dogs.

"No, it's too quiet! How could there be no sound?"

Cao Zhen took a few more steps toward the inside of the town, but he paused slightly and twitched his nose slightly.

"The smell of blood! No, if it's normal for a family to have the smell of blood, how do you feel? The smell of blood is coming from everywhere in the whole town!"

Cao Zhen jumped over the wall of a nearby courtyard and fell into the courtyard.

Through the moonlight, you can clearly see that in the center of the yard, there is a wooden basin filled with bright red blood.

"It's new blood. What is this doing?"

Cao Zhen glanced around, but found that there was nothing special in the yard except the wooden basin filled with blood.

"The smell of blood is everywhere. Is it the same for other families?"

Cao Zhen left quickly, climbed over the wall and entered each other house to check one by one. After checking, he found that in the yard of each house, there were wooden basins filled with blood.

"It's not normal. This is definitely not normal. Go back and inform everyone in the Baifeng Sect first."

Cao Zhen moved and walked towards the direction of Jie Xianfang. His current cultivation level is the strongest among the envoys, but his experience is not rich and there are many things he does not understand. Perhaps the Baifeng Sect There is someone in the delegation who knows what this is like.


He had just come out of the courtyard when suddenly, a faint cry came from a nearby courtyard. The sound only rang for a moment and then disappeared, but in this quiet night, it seemed unusually obvious.

"what's the situation?"

Cao Zhen jumped up and instantly fell into the courtyard where the sound came from.

In this courtyard, there is also a wooden basin filled with blood, and beside the wooden basin, there is a sleeping child.

The child is asleep, and the crying sound is obviously not from the child, but from the child's parents?

Cao Zhen looked towards the room without light.

All around, there were bursts of loud cracking sounds.

Cao Zhen suddenly turned his head, and in the dark night, he discovered that black shadows were jumping up from everywhere, leaping towards the distance in a weird posture, and there was even a black shadow among them, and even more Rushing rapidly in his direction, a strong aura of hostility rushed towards his face.

Five thunder rectification!

The purple thunder in Cao Zhen's hand was wrapped around him, and he struck down a bolt of lightning towards the black shadow that was heading straight towards him.

As the purple thunder fell, the dark sky suddenly became brighter, and he finally saw the other party's appearance clearly.

This black shadow looked like a human figure before, but now, he was able to confirm that it was indeed a human being.

However, the person in front of me is different from normal humans.

The thing in front of me is the exposed hands and feet without shoes. The sharp nails are like daggers, the open mouth is as sharp as canine teeth, and a face that looks very scary, with both eyes. It's a weird red.

The demon envoy of the Red Lian Demon Sect!

Cao Zhen's expression suddenly changed. Among the books of the Red Refining Demon Sect that he had seen before, there happened to be an introduction to the demon envoys of the Red Refining Demon Sect. These demon envoys were indeed humans, but they were not human beings.

They are all made from dead people. Although they all move forward by jumping and their movements may not be as flexible as humans, each of their bodies is invulnerable and extremely powerful. It is difficult for ordinary cultivators to hurt them. .

Why are there so many demon envoys from the Red Refining Demon Sect here? Didn’t the Red Refining Demon Sect withdraw from the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty?

Although the Red Refined Demon Envoys are powerful, what they fear the most is the purest magical power of thunder. The Five Thunder Zhengfa is the purest magical power of thunder!

Purple thunder struck down, and the entire body of the red demon suddenly exploded.

Almost at the same time as the Five Thunder Zhengfa fell, two black shadows suddenly fell in the center of the courtyard.

Two red demon envoys, one grabbed the sleeping child on the ground, and the other picked up the wooden basin on the ground. Then they immediately turned around and fled madly into the distance.

"Damn it!"

When Cao Zhen saw the Red Refining Demon Envoy walking away, the thunder in his hand flashed, but then disappeared. Although his Five Thunder Zhengfa could kill the Red Refining Demon Envoy directly, the Red Refining Demon Envoy was hugged by Cao Zhen. If he holds the child, he will also kill the child.

He could only chase him out.

In the small town, figures of red demon envoys appeared one after another. Each of these red demon envoys held a wooden basin filled with blood and fled quickly towards the distance.

"Blood? What do these red demon envoys want to do?"

Cao Zhen chased after him. He was not a saint, but he couldn't see it. These magic envoys snatched away a child right under his nose.

Slowly, the more he chased, the more surprised he became. Now he was driving the magic weapon to chase. Although these red demon envoys could only jump on two feet, he couldn't catch up at all for a while.

"The speed of these red demon envoys has almost reached the speed of the golden elixir. They are burning their origins to escape!"

Burning the source, these red demon envoys, if they run for a while, they will exhaust their source and die without him even having to do anything!

Cao Zhen did not dare to attack easily. He really had only a handful of combat experience. He was not sure that he could save the child, and he could only chase after him after killing the Red Demon Envoy in the distance.

Not long after, he followed the red demon envoys and ran out of the town, chasing them all the way to a deep mountain in the distance.

As soon as he entered the mountain, he immediately felt a strong smell of blood and bursts of eerie and strange aura. As he continued to advance in the mountains, this eerie and eerie aura became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, in his sight, streaks of fire appeared in the distance.

All the red demon refiners jumped towards the direction of the fire.

Cao Zhen followed closely and saw from a distance that in the mountain canyon, a pile of firewood was lit on the ground. There was a huge iron basin above the firewood, and below the iron plate, there was a rickety figure with disheveled hair. Makes one's face unclear.

Waves of terrifying and gloomy energy surged out of his body.

"The master of the Red Refined Demon Envoy!"

Cao Zhen reacted instantly.

Opposite, the master of the Red Refined Demon suddenly raised his head, revealing a face with half of it burned, and looked at the chasing figure with sinister eyes, revealing a look of surprise: "There are still people chasing? There seems to be no immortal nearby... …This clothes, the Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect? It’s just seven inner elixirs. Is the Hundred Peaks Sect so in decline now? Can you be the peak master without the inner elixir?”

"A member of the Red Refining Demon Sect." Cao Zhen shouted as he approached the other party, "I'm not interested in what you are doing. Return this child to me, and I will turn around and leave."

"You want a child? Haha, it's a joke, it's a joke. A cultivator can still be so kind to a woman." A strong murderous aura suddenly erupted from the master of the Red Refiner Demon.

"Do you think I will let you go back? Now that you are here, then stay!"

After his words fell, ten Dzogchen Taoist platforms, nine immortal bridges, and nine inner elixirs appeared behind him in an instant. Among them, two inner elixirs had turned into golden elixirs!

The second level of golden elixir!

Cao Zhen was shocked. He unexpectedly met a master of Jindan. In his hand, the Sovereign Wuji Formation appeared instantly and the formation disk unfolded.

"The little Qidan dares to threaten me. I will let you know today that the person who kills you is a blood-devouring madman!"

The blood-devouring madman shouted, raised his hand and stretched out to the surroundings. One by one, the red refining demon envoys burned their origins and fled here. Black air suddenly flew out and fell into the body of the blood-devouring madman. For a moment, the blood-devouring madman The Blood Mad Demon's momentum became stronger again.

As for the red demon envoys, after they fled frantically, their bodies quickly withered after their remaining essence was taken away, and they fell to the ground one after another.

The blood-devouring demon laughed ferociously, raised his hand and grabbed Cao Zhen.

In an instant, a dark claw suddenly appeared and grabbed at Cao Zhen.

The next moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face. As the opponent's formation spread out, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be an invisible shackles on his body, trapping him, a kind of restraint. The feeling instantly spread throughout his body.

Array diagram...

It was that formation diagram, that sense of restraint, that had restrained me! It seems that he can only exert about 90% of his power.

Under the restraint of the Sovereign Wuji Formation, the claw shadow swung out by the blood-devouring madman was much slower than he expected.

Cao Zhen sprinted with all his strength, and instantly rushed to the fallen Red Demon Envoy and picked up the child.

At this time, the huge black claw just fell.


Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed out, and in an instant, a golden light burst out.

The magical power of meditation is like a pure Yang finger.

This magical power was cultivated by Xiang Ziyu, and before Xiang Ziyu left the Hundred Peaks Sect, he had cultivated this magical power to the extreme that he could bear.

Although he doesn't like those monks who always like to put themselves on the moral high ground to evaluate others, some of those monks' magical powers are indeed strong, and some of the magical powers of meditation can indeed restrain the magical powers of many demon sects.

Boruo Chunyang Finger is one of the magical powers to restrain the demon sect.

Golden light shot out, vaguely like a golden holy lotus blooming, and in the deathly silent canyon, there were solemn Sanskrit sounds coming out.

As soon as the black giant claw touched the golden light, it instantly dissipated into the invisible, while the golden light was still flying towards the blood-devouring madman.

The blood-devouring madman snorted and a sound wave visible to the naked eye surged out, instantly scattering the falling golden light.

He looked across at the Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect who only had seven inner elixirs, but there was an obvious look of surprise in his eyes.

He was at the second level of the Golden Core. Even if the attack just now was not with all his strength, it was still an attack from a master of the Golden Core.

The other party, a young boy at the seventh Dan stage, could break through his attack so easily.

The power of that supernatural power is definitely not something that a person in the inner alchemy stage can cultivate to.

This person is probably one of those geniuses in the Baifeng Sect, but it's a pity that when he meets me, no matter how genius he is, he will die.

"You do have some abilities, but unfortunately, you are too kind. Just now you burst out with all your strength and had a chance to escape. Now, you have missed the best opportunity to escape."

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