Different from Jie Xianfang in Yumin Town, Jie Xianfang in Yongfeng City is more like a small manor with several individual courtyards in it.

Everyone from the Baifeng Sect moved into a separate courtyard.

There is even a living room in the courtyard.

After Cao Zhen and Lan Pili arranged everyone, they walked into the living room.

"Master Lan Peak, how far are we from the capital city of Zhenxian Dynasty now?" Cao Zhen went down the mountain for the first time. Lan Pili also had the map on him, but he didn't know how far we were from the capital city.

Lan Pili took out the map, made two gestures with his hands, and after thinking for a moment, estimated: "There is still about half a month left."

"Half a month?" Cao Zhen exclaimed in amazement: "How big is this Zhenxian Dynasty? We used the flying boat to fly for half a month. We didn't use the flying boat to travel in the three days before, and we can even ignore it. , that is to say, we have only walked half the distance.”

"That's about it." Lan Pili looked at Cao Zhen and said, "What I'm talking about is when we don't take a detour.

We are carrying the female devil from the Red Refining Demon Sect, and we are staying here again. I wonder if the people from the Red Refining Demon Sect will catch up with us, or figure out our next journey. For the sake of safety, we'd better Another detour. In that case, we will arrive in the capital even later. "

"If we take a detour..."

Cao Zhen looked at the map in Lan Pili's hand and was thinking about the route. There was a knock on the door, followed by Chang Tiance's voice. "Master Lanfeng, there is someone outside the door asking to see you."

"Does Lord Lan have any acquaintances in this city?" Cao Zhen looked at Lan Pili in surprise.

Lan Pili also had a puzzled look on his face: "I don't know anyone in this city." As he said that, he looked up in the direction of the door and asked, "Who wants to see me?"

Outside the door, Chang Tiance quickly replied: "It's a policeman named Zhao in the city, and he handed over the greeting card."

"Headhunter? What is the headhunter looking for me for? Moreover, we have just arrived in the city, and then we are looking for him?" Blue Pili became more and more strange, and pondered for a moment, but he still said to the door: "After all, we are here In the other side's city, since the other side wants to see us, let him come in.

Peak Master Cao, please stay and take a look together to find out what is going on? "

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and stayed in the room.

Not long after, a very smart and capable head catcher who looked to be in his thirties and was wearing a head catcher's uniform walked into the room. He was holding a damaged black armor in his hand and put it down directly. He reached the table next to Cao Zhen and Lan Pili and said, "Two, please take a look at this armor."

Cao Zhen raised his eyes and looked at the armor. On the armor, he could see traces of being hit by weapons. Some of the armor had even been completely broken, making it obviously unusable.

It seems that this armor is nothing special at all, why...


Cao Zhen leaned forward slightly, raised his hand and pressed it on the armor.

"Demon aura... There is a kind of demonic aura on this armor, but this demonic aura is a bit weird. It is different from the demonic auras I have encountered before. This demonic aura is more like the aura of a dead corpse. And this aura is very weak. If you don’t search carefully, you can’t find it.”

"Is there a demonic aura?" After hearing Cao Zhen's words, Lan Pili raised his hand and landed on the armor. After a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "It is indeed the aura of a dead corpse."

As he said that, he looked up at the approaching catcher and asked, "Captain Zhao, what do you mean by bringing this armor to us?"

Zhao Captou said with a heavy face: "In recent times, we have discovered many corpse soldiers around Yongfeng City, so I heard that there are immortal cultivators coming, so I came here specially."

Corpse soldiers.

Cao Zhen has heard of corpse soldiers, which are actually a kind of zombie, which can be said to be the most basic zombie.

Lan Pili said with a normal expression: "It's normal to have corpse soldiers. After all, there are many blood rivers in the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty. Although the blood rivers have been suppressed, there will still be some demonic energy emanating.

Once some corpses are contaminated with demonic energy, they will undergo corpse transformation, so it is normal for corpse soldiers to appear. As long as there are no particularly powerful corpse soldiers, there is no need to worry about it. "

Capt. Zhao nodded slightly and said, "I came here because I wanted to let a few of you help me take a look at these armors."

"Armor? Is there anything special about armor?"

Lan Pili looked at the armor, but didn't see anything special. Then he looked at Cao Zhen and asked, "Master Cao, maybe you can see something weird about this armor?"

He is not proficient in forging, but he is Peak Master Cao, who can make flying boats, and may be good at forging.

"I really don't think there's anything special about this armor." Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "This looks like an ordinary armor from thousands of years ago."

When Capt. Zhao heard what the two said, he immediately realized that these two were very young and had not lived for a thousand years.

These two people have not experienced the era of Armor. Even those who are in the world of immortality may not know much about Armor. I am afraid that they don't know what happened back then.

Capt. Zhao looked at the closed door behind him, then looked at the two of them and asked, "I don't know, you two, have you ever heard of an existence called Wu Xian, Helian Baitian?"

"Martial Immortal?" Cao Zhen looked confused. To be called a Martial Immortal, he must be an extremely terrifying and powerful existence, but there was no such person in his memory.

But Lan Pili said directly: "The person you are talking about must be the man-made disaster that happened in Zhenxian Dynasty back then."

Capt. Zhao nodded and said, "Yes, what I'm talking about is indeed the man-made disaster in Zhenxian Dynasty back then."

Cao Zhen asked curiously: "Man-made disaster? You mean, that Wu Xian He Lian Bai Tian caused a man-made disaster? What is his origin? The Grand Master was already here at the time, so he can still cause a man-made disaster?"

Lan Pili picked up the teacup on the side, took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and then said: "Helian Baitian, although he is called a martial arts immortal, and there is a fairy among them, but he is not a cultivator of immortality. He is just a human being."

"Mortals? Mortals can still cause trouble?" Cao Zhen became more and more confused.

"It is precisely because he is a mortal that he caused the chaos. Moreover, although he is a mortal, he is completely different from many mortals. It would be a long story to talk about it."

Lan Pili looked at Cao Zhen and explained: "I have forgotten how many years ago it was. At that time, the Grand Master was indeed born and became the Grand Master of the dynasty.

The Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty is becoming more and more powerful, and there are indeed some immortals who have begun to help the mortals of the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty, making clouds and rain to help mortals resist disasters.

However, the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty was too big, and there would still be some remote places where the immortals would not have time to help mortals.

There are still many places where natural disasters are so violent that even ordinary immortals cannot stop them. There will still be some people in the dynasty who have difficulty living.

In addition, what matters most are people.

Although it is said that with the presence of the Grand Master, the official administration of the dynasty has become much clearer, but even the Grand Master cannot guarantee that all officials are fair and honest and will work hard for the people. "

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and agreed: "Not to mention all officials, but most of them, are fair and honest. That is very rare."

He had experienced the era of information explosion in his previous life, and he knew very well how serious official corruption was in ancient times.

Throughout the dynasties, there has never been a king who only ensured that all officials were clean and honest while he was in power.

"That's right, Grand Master, the most he can do is ensure smooth weather, but he can't do it to eliminate all corrupt officials. Although the Grand Master has governed the country very seriously, tolerance is the most difficult thing to control in the world. , people have greed, and greed can never be overcome and satisfied."

Lan Pili sighed and said: "If the officials only bully the people lightly, the people will tolerate it, but if the officials bully the people very hard and the people can't bear it, and if there happens to be a natural disaster in the local area, it will easily lead to another disaster." civil unrest.

At that time, it happened that the Zhenxian Dynasty was at war with another dynasty, and within the dynasty, natural disasters were also very frequent in those years. Therefore, many civil unrests broke out.

Wuxian Helian defeated the sky and launched a civil uprising at that time.

In fact, at that time, he was just an ordinary person, a man who could not survive being bullied by officials. At that time, he organized hundreds of ordinary people who, like him, had been oppressed by local officials and could no longer survive, launched a civil uprising and marched together into the county where they were located.

Although it was just an ordinary county town, the county town also had guards, and the local magistrate even secretly raised a group of hospital thugs.

Under normal circumstances, these hundred people would not be able to capture a county.

However, Helian Baitian was born with divine power and was extremely powerful. Although he was just an ordinary person, he could even pick up the stone lions in the county and wave them around at will.

That day, he took the lead and opened the city gate with a huge stone with his bare hands, led hundreds of people into the county town, and tore the county magistrate alive.

Although he killed the county magistrate, he also knew at that time that he could not hold the county seat. When the imperial army arrived, he would definitely die.

So he opened a warehouse to store grain, and after plundering the county prime minister's house, he led countless civilians to occupy the mountain and become king, becoming mountain bandits.

At that time, when he entered the county, there were only a hundred people, but when he left the county, the number was close to a thousand.

He even found an excellent place to park in the mountain. The mountain was surrounded by lakes. If he wanted to attack the mountain, he had to cross the river. The mountain was extremely vast. Once they hid in the mountain, it would be difficult to find them.

In this way, the imperial court sent troops to fight. After fighting several times, they could not capture him, but he himself became stronger and stronger.

It is said that at the beginning, he only relied on this brute force, let alone the ability to cultivate immortals, and he did not understand the fighting skills between mortals at all.

But as he fought against the imperial army again and again, his combat experience became more and more abundant, and it even made people feel like a general who had fought a hundred battles.

It seems that every time he fights against the military, he can learn all the fighting skills from the opponent's hands. And the more his troops fought, the more they gave in. Some generals and soldiers even defected to him.

Later, many mortals even took the initiative to seek refuge with him.

Although it is said that mortals cannot cultivate immortality, mortals also have martial arts skills and moves. As people with various martial arts skills join him, his personal strength has improved by leaps and bounds. He no longer even guards the mountain. , but directly led the army to occupy cities one after another.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, the imperial army was unable to do anything against him. "

Cao Zhen nodded in understanding. He was a martial arts wizard, but he still had some doubts.

"What about the Grand Master? Doesn't the Grand Master take action?"

Lan Pili explained: "The Grand Master will not take action, because the Grand Master said that his power can only be used against immortals, and he will not take action against mortals.

Of course, the Grand Master will not use the power of immortals, but others will not guarantee not to use the power of immortals.

Especially the officials in the city near Helian Baitian were even more panicked, fearing that Helian Baitian would attack them at any time.

After they discovered that the power of the legal person could not compete with Helian Baitian, they thought of the immortal, and they wanted to use the power of the immortal.

They believed that Helian Baitian, a mortal, no matter how strong he was, would never be able to fight against an immortal. Although they said that they could not invite the immortals from our top ten immortal sects, there were still many casual cultivators in the Zhenxian Dynasty, so they invited some casual cultivators to deal with Helian Baitian.

Helian Baitian was indeed a mortal, and it was indeed difficult to compete with the casual cultivators. Therefore, he lost the first time he faced the casual cultivators.

Although he was defeated, he did not die.

When he returned again, everyone was even more surprised to find that his strength had skyrocketed again. The casual cultivator who had severely injured him that day was beaten to death by him. "

"What? A mortal, beating to death an immortal cultivator?" Cao Zhen suddenly couldn't understand. An immortal cultivator is weak, and he also has magic power. How could he be beaten to death by a mortal?

"I know you are surprised, Peak Master Cao. When I first heard about this, I was just as surprised as you, and I didn't believe it either, but this is the fact.

Na Helian Baitian is really talented. After he killed a casual cultivator, nearby officials invited more casual cultivators, and he would also be defeated. But every time he lost, he would become extremely strong after he returned from his injuries, and It is much stronger.

There is no need to fail. After he has experienced a battle, he has won. When he appears again, he will be much improved.

His talent is indeed amazing.

According to his words, he can understand a lot after every battle. "

When Cao Zhen listened to Lan Pili's words, he felt that Helian Baitian understood a lot after every battle, and it was like the epiphany of their cultivators.

Lan Pili did not look at Cao Zhen and continued: "There has never been such a person in the entire history of Zhenxian Dynasty. He is really a genius. He became stronger as he fought. Later, those officials even invited It was useless to talk about the disciples in the small sects and sects of Zhenxian Dynasty. The disciples of the Immortal Cultivating Sect also had no way to deal with Helian Baitian, and even lost many disciples.

And the chaos he caused became bigger and bigger. In the end, even the disciples from the top ten immortal sects were invited out.

Although those officials could not recruit the disciples of the top ten immortal sects, those casual cultivators and even the disciples of other immortal cultivating sects were related to some of the disciples of the top ten immortal sects.

After all, people from the top ten immortal sects would also go down the mountain and walk around outside. Some of them had similar temperaments with some casual cultivators and became good friends.

Some disciples of the top ten immortal sects even formed a sworn alliance with Jinlan, some casual cultivators who were disciples of other sects.

Helian Baitian killed their brother who was sworn to Jinlan and was a disciple of the top ten immortal sects. He went down the mountain to seek revenge from Helian Baitian. The Grand Master was speechless.

When the disciples of the top ten immortal sects came down the mountain, Helian Baitian did suffer some losses at first. Once again, he even almost died.

But that time, he still escaped, and it was also that time he was seriously injured. After he returned, his strength skyrocketed again, and it was a very exaggerated surge.

The disciple who had almost killed him before was even killed by him in a few rounds.

The disciples of the ten major immortal sects began to die, and slowly, all the ten major immortal sects were involved. "

When Lan Pili said this, he even sighed and said: "That person Helian Baitian showed that he had broken through the limitations and broke through the limitations of martial arts. Behind him, there were people from the top ten immortal sects who sniped at him several times. Unable to snipe him, he was killed instead.

In fact, because the disciples of the top ten immortal sects were stronger, he learned more when fighting against the disciples of the top ten immortal sects. "

Cao Zhen's expression changed and he asked: "He killed all the members of our top ten immortal sects? Are there also disciples of our Baifeng Sect among them?"

Lan Pili nodded and said: "Yes, among the ten major immortal sects, there are disciples killed by Helian Baitian in each sect."

Cao Zhen asked in confusion: "Can the top ten immortal sects let him go? Didn't our Hundred Peaks Sect send out stronger masters, elders or peak masters?"

Lan Pili explained: "It is said that the master of the sect had promised a peak master to take action. The rules of the Zhenxian Dynasty are indeed that the immortals are not allowed to take action against mortals, but Na Helian Baitian killed a hundred of us. A disciple of the Feng Sect.

The disciple was killed. As the master, the peak master took action to avenge his disciple. Even the grand master could not stop this.

The other ten major immortal sects are naturally preparing to send people to take action. But before the top ten immortal sects could take action, the Grand Master had already taken action. "

"Grand Master?" Cao Zhen's eyes widened in surprise, "Didn't Grand Master say that everything must be done according to the rules? He set the rules himself and did not take action against mortals. He broke the rules himself?"

"No, it doesn't count as breaking the rules." Lan Pili shook his head and said: "What the Grand Master said at that time was that he would not take action against mortals. The Grand Master said that although Helian Baitian is not an immortal cultivator, his strength , is definitely not something that mortals can possess, so Helian Baitian is neither an immortal nor an ordinary person.

The Grand Master said that he would not take action against mortals. Helian Baitian was not a mortal, so the Grand Master would naturally take action. Moreover, this time the Grand Master directly sent out the four disciples from the Earthly Immortal Realm whom he sat down with! "

Cao Zhen listened to Lan Pili's narration, and was shocked in his heart. The grand master sat down with four disciples from the earthly immortal realm, but the grand master sent all four disciples out at once for a person who had not cultivated to immortality!

After a slight pause, Lan Pili continued: "The four disciples of the Grand Master quickly found Helian Baitian, surrounded him, and began to encircle and suppress him.

However, Helian Baitian escaped three times in a row when faced with the encirclement and suppression by four people. Although he was injured every time he escaped, he still escaped.

Then when he faced the fourth siege, a sword strike shocked the entire world of immortality. "

Lan Pili looked at Cao Zhen and said word by word: "Helian Baitian, he defeated Pei Zhenjiang, the eldest disciple among the four disciples of the Grand Master! Of course, this eldest disciple just became a disciple of the Grand Master. He is the earliest, but he is not necessarily the strongest disciple under the Grand Master."

"What!" Cao Zhen stood up from his seat and said with a look of disbelief: "You said that a mortal defeated a master from the Earthly Immortal Realm? That was the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

Cao Zhen simply couldn't imagine how a mortal could defeat the Earthly Immortal Realm!

Not to mention a mortal, even he himself, with Zhang Daoling's knowledge of immortality, would not be able to defeat the Earthly Immortal Realm!

That was the Earth Immortal Realm. With a wave of his hand, his magical powers were so powerful that ordinary mortals would be killed before even seeing the Earth Immortal.

How can a mortal defeat the Earth Immortal?

"I know you are shocked, but this is the fact. Therefore, after this incident happened, it shocked the entire world of immortality!"

Lan Pili sighed with a look on his face: "Moreover, back then, he faced Pei Zhenjiang alone and defeated him in a one-on-one situation.

Even, according to Pei Zhenjiang himself, if his three junior brothers and junior sisters hadn't arrived, he might have died for his country. It was also at that time that Helian Baitian got the title of Martial Immortal.

It's a pity that after he was rejected by people as a martial arts immortal, the Grand Master personally took action. The grand master killed him, but he did not destroy his bones.

After all, this person, who can defeat the masters of the Earthly Immortal Realm without cultivating immortality, can be regarded as an outstanding person of his generation. "

Cao Zhen's heart was already shaken and stirred up. A mortal almost killed a master from the Earthly Immortal Realm. How did he do it?

That He Lian Baitian did not cultivate to immortality. What would happen if He Lian Baitian cultivated to immortality?

When Lan Pili said this, he raised his hand and pointed at Captor Zhao and said: "The next thing I want to say is that maybe the reason why Captor Zhao mentioned Helian Baitian.

After burying Helian Baitian, the Grand Master once said that before Helian Baitian died, he had overwhelming resentment, unwillingness and arrogance. If he buried Helian Baitian, he would definitely transform into a corpse in the future.

At that time, if Helian Baitian is born as a corpse, if he does not have the memory, he will definitely become the big devil causing trouble due to his instinct. If he can have the memory, he may because he is a human being, Thinking that his previous experience would not harm ordinary civilians.

But he will definitely take revenge on the Zhenxian Dynasty and even subvert the court. Someone once asked the Grand Master why Helian Baitian was not crushed to death to eliminate future troubles.

The Grand Master said that He Lian Beitian was not an immortal. The Grand Master personally killed He Lian Beitian. To him, he had actually broken the rules he had personally set. He has already broken the rules and can no longer crush the opponent to ashes. "

Lan Pili said, took another sip of tea, and then continued: "Of course, the Grand Master didn't just bury the other party and stop caring about him.

The grand master set up a large formation at Helian Baitian's cemetery, and even hung a hundred coffins, which was called a hundred coffins to press the corpse!

Helian Baitian was sealed in one of the coffins, and the other ninety-nine coffins were Helian Baitian's former subordinates and generals, and they were all sealed in them. "

When Cao Zhen heard this, he couldn't understand it at all.

"What did Grand Master think? Is there something wrong with his brain? He clearly knew that Helian Baitian would definitely turn into a corpse, yet he didn't crush him to ashes! Now, when you two say this, you mean, here, this The city was suppressed by Helian Baitian? Then, Helian Baitian also woke up after his corpse transformation!"

"Be bold!"

After Cao Zhen finished speaking, Zhao Captou made a loud sound, drew out the saber from his waist, pointed it at Cao Zhen and said coldly: "How dare you insult the Grand Master!"

Cao Zhen said unhappily: "Insulting the Grand Master? Then tell me, the Grand Master knew there was a problem, why didn't he eliminate the trouble?"

Zhao Captou said solemnly: "The Grand Master has his own reasons for doing that. What's more, the Grand Master also said that if Helian defeated the sky and resurrected from the corpse, if it harmed the world, the Grand Master would personally destroy it!"

"Oh, since the grand master said that, it's easy." Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed at Zhao Baotou and said: "Then just burn the emperor's watch and tell the grand master that He Lian Baitian has transformed into a corpse. The Grand Master will send someone here, or he may do it himself.”

"No, things are not what you think." Capt. Zhao shook his head and said: "Those hundred coffins are still in the formation, and each coffin is sealed without any problems.

However, for some unknown reason, the corpse energy in the coffin could spread out and even caused many corpses buried around Yongfeng City to be contaminated with his corpse energy, thus causing corpse transformation.

Moreover, after they transform into corpses, they will take up arms and cause trouble in all directions. What the head catcher in our city needs to do every night is to hunt and kill these corpse soldiers. "

"Wait a minute." Cao Zhen discovered a question sensitively: "You said that the ordinary corpses buried on the ground nearby have changed, right? So where did their weapons and armor come from?"

Capt. Zhao pointed to the armor on the table and said: "I don't know, and we don't know where their weapons came from. And after we investigated, we found that these weapons were all weapons from the man-made disaster that year."

Lan Pili lowered his head and looked at the armor and said: "Weapons and armors from thousands of years ago have not decayed after such a long time? It is rare."

Capt. Zhao sighed and said: "We asked someone to inquire. These armors and weapons have all gone through the wars of the past and are stained with the blood of hundreds of battles. Now they are not ordinary weapons at all.

Every time we fight with them now, we even have to prepare child urine and chicken blood to smear on our weapons, otherwise it will be difficult to break through the armor. "

Cao Zhen asked in confusion: "The seal of the coffin was not broken? Then you should report it. Why did you come to us instead?"

Zhao Captou said helplessly: "We don't have an imperial palace. I'll report it to the court."

Cao Zhen immediately understood, that is to say, the arrester Zhao did not have enough rights to report it. He pointed outside and said: "Don't you still have a governor here? Just ask your governor to report it."

Zhao Captou said helplessly: "The governor said there is no need to report it."

"Oh?" Cao Zhen was surprised and continued to ask: "Don't you still have a guardian immortal here? Tell your guardian immortal."

"We have informed the guardian immortal, and the guardian immortal said there is no need to report it."

As Capt. Zhao spoke, he showed a look of dissatisfaction and said coldly: "If they report it to the Grand Master, after the Grand Master comes, they may strengthen the seal or inspect the coffin.

But no matter what the grand master did, once the grand master arrived, the first to be unlucky would be the governor and the guardian envoy. Because the corpse energy leaked out, it was their negligence in guarding, and both of them would be convicted.

Therefore, they suppressed it and said that there was no problem with the formation, all the coffin seals were there, and there was no need to report it. "

Cao Zhen finally understood why the other party was looking for Lan Pili: "So, you thought of us."

"That's right." Zhao Captou nodded and admitted very simply: "You are not only cultivators of immortals, but also people from the top ten immortal sects. This time you will go to the capital to worship, so there is no need for you to be afraid of the guardian immortals here. , the punishment of the guardian immortal here has nothing to do with you.

Therefore, I want to ask to see your envoy, hoping that you can help me to see if there is something wrong with the formation.

If there is a problem, it would be best if you two have the means to repair the formation. If not, I hope you two can report it and inform the court of the changes here, so that the court can send someone here. "

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, looked at Lan Pili and whispered: "Master Lan, let's go take a look?"

If, as Lan Pili and Zhao Captou said, such a cruel and terrifying Helian Baitian's true corpse breaks out of the formation, then this land will definitely be devastated, and more importantly.

The Grand Master's way of thinking is very strange.

According to Taishi's way of thinking, if something really goes wrong here, and Helian Baitian's body really breaks out of the formation, Taishi will most likely implicate himself and others.

At that time, the Grand Master said that he and others were here and knew that there might be problems here, but as a result, his people, as members of the Zhenxian Dynasty, did nothing.

When the time comes, what should I do if I and others are convicted together?

And this possibility is very high.

In order not to be incriminated, and not to incriminate everyone in the Baifeng Sect, I could only go and take a look.

Lan Pili also seemed to understand that if there was an accident here, the Baifeng Sect would most likely be implicated and convicted if he didn't go here. He quickly nodded and agreed: "Then let's go and have a look together."

The two of them did not alert the other disciples of the Baifeng Sect, and Capt. Zhao did not alert the other agents either. The three of them quickly left the city, and under the leadership of Capt. Zhao, headed towards a mountain range in the distance.

It was noon when Cao Zhen and others arrived. Although they were delayed for a while, the sun was still shining brightly at this time.

But when you enter the mountains, you feel like you have suddenly entered another world.

A gloomy air spread from the center of the mountain range.

After walking for a while, Cao Zhen's expression suddenly changed. He looked around and whispered: "It's such a cold place. We have been here for a long time, but I didn't see a single beast."

As the people continued to advance, the gloomy atmosphere coming from all around became heavier and heavier. Moreover, not only the animals, but also slowly facing their progress, there was not even a single weed or tree in front of them.

In the middle of this bare mountain range, chains in the sky connect the mountain peaks, and the other end of the chains is connected to huge coffins!

Hundreds of coffins stretched across the sky, seeming to completely cover the entire sky.

A cruel, gloomy, and dark atmosphere surged out from the coffins.

Even if this place is extremely far away from the coffin, one can still feel the overwhelming demonic energy in the coffin.

Jedi, this is the true Jedi among the Jedi. Nothing can rise, and the sky is full of corpses!

Cao Zhen raised his head and looked at the coffins that were still some distance away. He was filled with wonder. He originally thought that the coffins were buried underground, but it turned out that they were directly suspended in the air.

Even more subtle is this formation.

Use iron chains to connect to the surrounding peaks, with the peaks as pillars, while suspended in the air, they are connected to the sky, and the earth below is connected to the peaks, based on the position...

Exquisite, this formation is really exquisite.

That Grand Master is indeed extraordinary, being able to set up such a formation!

Cao Zhen slowly moved forward while feeling the corpse energy coming from the distance. With every step forward, the corpse energy in front of him would become heavier.

Blue Pili didn't take a step forward, and his expression became more solemn.

"Peak Master Cao, the corpse aura here is so strong. The corpse aura is so strong, yet the guarding immortals in the city still don't report it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, three figures appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Three people, each wearing a white robe, with a golden Taoist disk embroidered on the white robe.

"Faji Sect."

Lan Pili glanced at the three of them in surprise, then reacted, cupped his hands towards the three of them and said: "Baifeng Sect, the master of Pili Peak, Lan Pili, has met three fellow Taoists. I don't know how the three fellow Taoists are doing. call?"

Faji Sect is also one of the ten major immortal sects in Zhenxian Dynasty.

On the opposite side, the three of them looked at Lan Pili with cold expressions. They were obviously very dissatisfied with the arrival of Lan Pili and Cao Zhen. However, as disciples of the top ten immortal sects, they also cupped their hands and spoke separately.

"Faji Sect, Faxiang."

"Faji Sect, Fa Shi."

"Faji Sect, Fasha."

Lan Pili once again raised his hand and took the initiative to explain his purpose: "The three fellow Taoists are responsible for guarding this place.

Today, we heard that corpse energy was leaking out here, so we came here to investigate. How about we invite three fellow Taoists to investigate with us? "

Among the three of them, Fa Xiang's expression suddenly turned extremely ugly, and he snorted coldly: "When will it be your Baifeng Sect's turn to intervene in our Faji Sect's affairs!"

"We don't want to get involved in this matter." Lan Pili cupped his hands again and said, "It's just that when we passed by here, Capt. Zhao told us that there were many corpse soldiers nearby, and the corpse soldiers were extremely strange, and they also had the smell of those years ago. Soldiers and armor during man-made disasters, that’s why I came here to investigate. In addition..."

"What else!" A look of anger appeared on Fasha's face, and he shouted in a cold voice: "Get out!"

Almost at the moment Fasha yelled out, Cao Zhen had already unfolded the Sovereign Wuji Formation Disk in his hand. The next moment, behind him, there were ten vision Taoist platforms, ten vision fairy bridges, and seven vision pills. emerge.

In his hands, streaks of purple thunder emerged.

Five thunders rectification!

Cao Zhen suddenly held his hand, and purple thunder fell from the sky, striking directly at the Dharma Prime among the three.

Fa Xiang didn't seem to expect that the other party would take action. He paused slightly, and three golden elixirs suddenly appeared above his head.

Triple golden elixir!

As the golden elixir flew out, streams of mana energy gathered on his head, forming a long river of mana. The long river surged and floated above his head like a shield.

As the thunder of the Five Thunder Zhengfa fell, the long river surged crazily, but it blocked all the thunder of the Five Thunder Zhengfa.

Behind them, Lan Pili and Captor Zhao were stunned.

Why did Cao Zhen already take action after only saying a few words?

They are all immortals from the Zhenxian Dynasty, and they are also the guardian immortals responsible for guarding this place. If they don't let everyone in, there is really no way for everyone to break in.

Cao Zhen suddenly took action, and if he is investigated, he will be sentenced.

While Lan Pili was wondering, his expression suddenly changed.

Corpse energy!

He felt the corpse energy, not only the Faxiang, but also Fashi and Fasha. The three of them were all filled with corpse energy!

How is this going?

Aren't they guardian immortals?

Why do they have corpse energy on their bodies?

While Lan Pili was wondering, a towering mountain came towards him.

It is not a real giant mountain, but a giant mountain condensed by magic power.

This magical power of others, this is the magical power of the Faji Sect, which can move mountains and mountains, and use magic power to gather the shadow of the mountains to attack the opponent.

It's just that the shadow of the giant mountain released by this magical power should be as earthy as the mountains, and it is definitely not black.

He can even feel the rich corpse energy contained in this shadow!

"They...they are all affected by the corpse energy!"

Blue Bolt quickly released the Big Thunderbolt Technique. The blue thunder fell and hit the black mountain heavily. However, the huge mountain seemed to have only lost a tiny corner, and it still hit his head heavily. It fell down as if it was going to smash him into a meat pie.

Suddenly, at the next moment, another purple thunder flew down, hitting the black mountains heavily.

Suddenly, a loud noise like a real mountain explosion came out.

The pitch-black mountain cracked from the middle, turning into two pieces and falling on the ground.

For a moment, smoke and dust rose billowingly, and the entire earth shook violently. Two huge deep pits were smashed into the earth. The mountains condensed by this magic power seemed to be real mountains.

Lan Pili quickly retreated and looked at the three of them. At one glance, his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

Each of the three members of Faji Sect has three golden elixirs floating behind them.

Triple golden elixir!

The three people opposite were all at the third level of the Golden Core.

As for them, he was only in the core formation stage, and Peak Master Cao was also in the core formation stage. As for Zhao Captou, he was just an ordinary mortal and could be ignored.

The three members of Faji Sect have obviously been affected by corpse energy. What should they do now?

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