My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 154: Immortal in the face of life and death

Cao Zhen has always believed in a saying: strike first to gain strength, strike later to suffer disaster.

If you want to fight with others, force them first and let others prepare before taking action. Isn't that stupid?

Therefore, after he discovered the overwhelming corpse energy here, he took action as soon as possible.

There is obviously something wrong with these three people guarding here every day without reporting such a heavy corpse aura.

However, he did not expect that these three people were stronger than he expected. All three of them were at the third level of the Golden Core.

After Faxiang and Fashi took action one after another, Fasha also took action among the three. In his hand, a huge cattail leaf fan appeared, and he suddenly fanned it forward.

In the desolate wasteland, the biting wind suddenly blew up, and in a moment, it transformed into a tornado hurricane.

In the mountains, streaks of dust were blown up, and huge rocks were blown up by the strong wind and fell into the hurricane. In an instant, they were crushed into endless dust by the wind blades in the hurricane, gathered into the hurricane, and headed towards the hurricane. Cao Zhen's direction swept away.

For a moment, this area of ​​space became dark, and it even gave people the illusion that they were in the desert and experiencing a terrifying sandstorm.

The wind of the hurricane is so strong that it seems to uproot the surrounding giant mountains. In the hurricane, the biting wind blades are like sharp blades that can easily break gold and crack rocks.

Wherever the hurricane passed, a layer of the earth was scraped off, and the thick earth was instantly crushed into powder.

Blue Pili looked at the tornado flying down with a solemn expression. The tornado had not yet landed, and the strong wind was like a sharp sickle being cut on his face.

Suddenly, behind him, Capt. Zhao's body flew into the air.

Lan Pili quickly flew up, grabbed Capt. Zhao, and flew backwards. Capt. Zhao, he was just an ordinary mortal, and this kind of fighting would have no effect at all.

This is the difference between mortals and immortal cultivators.

This is what he has always wondered about. How did the original martial arts immortal Helian Baitian defeat the powerful earth immortal with a mortal body?

This is just the magical power exerted by Jin Dan. What if it is the magical power exerted by the Earth Immortal?

In front of the two people, two beams of light, one black and one white, appeared around Cao Zhen's body. Above the beams, complex text shadows appeared, jumping and rotating in the beams, and the beams of light surrounded his body. , spinning continuously.

The next moment, a hurricane composed of countless sharp wind blades enveloped Cao Zhen.

"Master Cao!"

As Blue Bolt retreated, his expression changed drastically. He was so far away from that hurricane, and he could feel the terror of its edge. With such magical power, he had no doubt that even real mountains would be crushed into powder in an instant.

Then Peak Master Cao...

The hurricane roared and the wind blades raged.

The black and white beams of light on Cao Zhen's body began to rotate even more rapidly. On top of the beams, there were strange words that made it difficult to identify what era they were from, and they shot out golden rays of light, emitting waves of ancient, The mysterious aura, the words gathered together, seemed to form golden armor, protecting Cao Zhen in the middle.

All around, countless sharp wind blades flew down and hit the golden light of the words, as if they were sharp blades chopping on the solid city wall, making clear and crisp clanging sounds.

Gods and Demons Record!

After that kid Xiang Ziyu became the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir, the first magical power he cultivated was the Record of Gods and Demons that he practiced haphazardly.

What's more, compared to Xiang Ziyu, he is not only good at recording gods and demons, he is also proficient in golden light spells.

If he were at the same level as a fellow practitioner, his defense would be just as strong as Xiang Ziyu's!

In the midst of the hurricane, in Cao Zhen's hands, streaks of purple thunder gathered together again and struck out towards Fasha.

In an instant, a thick purple thunder suddenly fell down from the sky. Lightning flashed around the thunder, and the violent aura seemed to explode the air around it.

Five thunder rectification!

The five thunder rectification method performed by the heretic golden elixir!

The vast and unparalleled power of thunder is coming in the blink of an eye.

But the next moment, in the sky, seas of mana gathered again, blocking Fasha's head.

For a moment, the sea of ​​mana jumped wildly, as if a tsunami suddenly erupted in the endless ocean.

The purple thunder was even more visible to the naked eye, crazily destroying the surrounding sea of ​​mana.

This is the ultimate Five Thunder Method of Perfection of the Golden Elixir. It is the magical Five Thunder Method that Zhang Daoling is good at!


The endless mana ocean, under the bombardment of Five Thunder Zhengfa, suddenly opened a large mouth, and the unparalleled power of thunder poured down.

But the next moment, another phantom of a mountain appeared above Fasha's head.

This high mountain seems to be connected with the earth below, and endless thick energy surges in, resisting the attack of Five Thunder Zhengfa.

Cao Zhen looked at Wu Lei Zhengfa who was stopped with a solemn expression. If there was only one person on the other side, he would be very sure to defeat him. However, the other side had three golden elixirs at the third level. Although his magical power was stronger, he could not defeat him. After all, he is only in the elixir formation stage.

Behind, Lan Pili watched the violent wind dissipate, but Cao Zhen was unscathed. A look of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes. He knew that Cao Zhen was extremely strong, although there were few records of Cao Zhen taking action in the Baifeng Sect before. , and he had never seen Cao Zhen fight with anyone.

But after going through the Hundred Peaks Competition and Cao Zhen's disciples taking action, one can guess that Cao Zhen's combat power must be extremely strong.

Also before, when they faced the blood-colored monster together, Cao Zhen also used the purple thunder magical power, and he could also feel the power of that magical power.

However, that was not considered a battle between Cao Zhen and others. They were more of a blood river fighting against monsters.

Now, he actually saw Cao Zhen fighting with others, but it completely subverted his understanding.

On the way here, he also thought about how powerful Cao Zhenneng was, but now he felt that Cao Zhen's magical power actually had the power of the golden elixir.

However, considering that no matter how strong Cao Zhen is, he is only in the elixir-forming stage, he feels that Cao Zhen is much stronger than his disciple Lingxi, and can resist the golden elixir, and even defeat the ordinary first-level golden elixir.

But now Cao Zhen is facing not the first level of the Golden Core but the third level of the Golden Core, and even three people of the third level of the Golden Core.

In this way, Cao Zhen was even able to remain unscathed when facing the opponent's attack, and even launched an attack to counterattack. The opponent, a master of the third level of Jindan, could not even block Cao Zhen's attack under defense, so he needed another person on the side. Help can stop it!

In other words, if there was only one person on the other side, the blow just now would be enough to cause serious damage to the other side.

After the Hundred Peaks Competition ended that day, everyone said that Lingxi was the number one person under the Golden Core.

Now it seems that Cao Zhen is the real number one under the Golden Pill.

However, now they are facing three masters of the third level of Jindan. Cao Feng advises him...

Although the three of them, Faxiang, Fashi and Fasha, were dressed in white, lines of corpse energy were already flowing out of their bodies.

The three of them looked in Cao Zhen's direction with cold expressions, and suddenly started turning rapidly.

The next moment, the three of them started shooting at the same time, creating a series of spells.

In an instant, in the air in front of the three people, the phantoms of strong winds, raging rivers, and mana mountains appeared again, and the three forces gathered together.

Three people, three different forces collided, but did not make any sound, but merged together strangely.

The seas of mana rotated rapidly with the whistling wind. In the river, huge mountains could be seen being scattered, turning into grains of sand that looked like stars in the sky.

"This is... the three of them can actually work together to release their magical powers. They formed their own formations and formed a formation, so their magical powers are also integrated together."

The moment the three people's magical powers converged, the Jedi on this side shook crazily. The earth continued to explode, streaks of soil flew up wildly, and the space fluctuated violently, as if it was about to crack at any time.

Lan Pili felt the power of the magical power from a distance and quickly took out the magical bead. No matter how strong Cao Zhen was, he couldn't resist such a magical power. For the current plan, he could only use the magical bead given by Zhang Zong.

There was a look of determination on his face. Cao Zhen was younger, proficient in more things, and had countless means. Cao Zhen was more important to the Baifeng Sect than himself.

Even if you sacrifice yourself, you must save Cao Zhen's life!

"No, why are the three of them looking so weird?"

Suddenly, Capt. Zhao's voice came from behind him.

Lan Pili looked up. Opposite him, the three Faxiang people gathered their magical powers, but they did not directly use their magical powers to attack Cao Zhen. There was even a look of struggle on the faces of the three people.

It seems to be resisting something.

Fa Xiang gritted his teeth. Suddenly, the next moment, he opened his mouth fiercely and bit his tongue. Dark red blood spurted out. His body, which was already black due to the influence of corpse energy, suddenly surged with a surge of awe-inspiring righteousness. .

In an instant, the gloomy, dark, and gloomy corpse energy on his body disappeared in an instant, and the majestic righteous energy filled the surrounding area.

After that, he looked up to the sky and roared: "I am a disciple of the top ten immortal sects, Faji Sect, how can I be controlled by your little corpse energy!"

Almost at the same time, Fa Shi and Fa Sha also spurted out a mouthful of blood, their faces regained clarity, and they shouted loudly.

"We, the Faji Sect, are a well-known and upright sect, how can we do such things as harm our fellow disciples!"

"Break it, break it for me!"

While the three of them were drinking, they suddenly waved their hands to one side. In front of them, the hurricane containing the sea of ​​mana and the mountain of mana that had gathered suddenly changed direction and rushed straight into the sky.

A moment later, the magical power exerted by the three of them suddenly exploded in the void. For a moment, the entire void trembled crazily, and cracks could be vaguely seen in the void.

After the three people released their magic power, they each spit out a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

But even when they fell to the ground, the three of them still straightened their backs.

They are people from Faji Sect, they are disciples of the top ten immortal sects, they have their own pride, how can they be controlled by corpse energy so easily.

"They, what's going on?" Zhao Captou looked at the sudden change and was stunned. These three people had attacked them before, but now, they suddenly bombarded their magical powers into the void. How do they feel? What are they fighting against? "

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Suddenly, three muffled sounds were heard again, and the three of them attacked at the same time, but the target of the attack was not Cao Zhen, but themselves.

The three people waved their palms and hit their chests heavily. For a moment, blood spurted out from their mouths.

While vomiting blood, the Dharma Prime Minister shouted loudly to Cao Zhen and the others: "The three of us have been stationed here for a long time, and nothing has happened. However, due to the arrival of the Qiankun Minor Era, the way of heaven has changed. The coffins around us have been cultivating. When he was there, he deliberately released corpse energy on the three of us.

They do this every time we practice, little by little, and by the time we realize it, it's already too late.

Although we still look like humans now, in fact we are already corpse soldiers. Normally, our actions are not at all under our control. Even if we wanted to report the matter, we couldn't.

Even if we want to commit suicide to save ourselves from becoming corpse soldiers, we find that we can't do it.

Later, we no longer even thought about it.

We are almost the same as corpse soldiers, but we still retain a little bit of intelligence.

We can only rely on ourselves, our only shred of intelligence, and our instincts to emit corpse energy, hoping to cause more ordinary corpses to transform into corpses, so that people will notice the changes here. "

Only then did Cao Zhen and the others realize that those corpse soldiers were done deliberately by the three of them in order to attract others' attention.

As the three Faxiangs shouted, their bodies began to tremble crazily. Apparently, they were unable to control their bodies again.

They no longer know how long they have been invaded by corpse energy. Now, they can still retain a trace of clarity. I am afraid it is because they are proud of being disciples of the top ten immortal sects and do not want to be real corpse soldiers!

The three of them shouted anxiously while trying their best to control their bodies not to attack Cao Zhen.

"It's too late, fellow Taoist, take action quickly!"

"Quickly, kill us! We are members of the Faji Sect, and we must not do anything that would disgrace our sect!"

"Quick, we can't hold on for long. After a while, we will be controlled by the corpse energy again. Quickly attack, our corpses will be completely blown to pieces, leaving nothing behind.

Even if the three of us die, we will never become real corpse soldiers! "

Cao Zhen looked at the three people who kept their spines straight no matter how hard they struggled, with a look of pain on their faces, and said loudly: "Everyone, I, Cao Zhen, swear here that I will send you away today, and I will board the Faji Sect one day. Report this to your sect.

I will tell you that everyone in the Faji Sect, Faxiang, Fashi, and Fasha, are all upright men. You are all the pride of the Faji Sect. You will not lose the Faji Sect until your death. ! "

"Do it!"

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, do it quickly!"

The three members of Faji Sect were frantically suppressing their own magic power.

With tears in his eyes, Cao Zhen slowly raised his palms. This time he went down the mountain, only in less than a month, but he experienced a touch that he had never experienced in two lifetimes, and he also truly got to know the top ten immortal sects.

Whether they are the disciples of the Baifeng Sect or the three Taoist friends of the Faji Sect, they are all proud of being disciples of the sect. Their first consideration is always their own sect, and they must not embarrass their sect.

Perhaps, this is the real immortal disciple, this is the real immortal cultivator!

Purple thunder suddenly fell, and on the opposite side, Faxiang, Fashi, and Fasha turned their heads to look to the west. That might be Faji Sect, where the sect is located.

The three of them have lived for who knows how many years, but at this moment, they are like children, with tears in the corners of their eyes, opening their mouths stained with blood, and laughing loudly.

"Master, the disciple is gone. The disciple has not embarrassed our Faji Sect!"

"Master, I can no longer serve you!"

"Master, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely be your disciple and a disciple of the Supreme Sect!"

"I will enter the Dharma without any regrets in this life!"

"I will enter the Dharma without any regrets in this life!"

Thunder fell as the three roared.

The three people died suddenly in the purple thunder, and even their bones were exploded.

That is their last pride. As disciples of the Faji Sect and the top ten immortal sects, they would rather die than leave a corpse behind, rather than have their bodies affected by corpse energy and become corpse soldiers after death!

As the three people died, among the hundred coffins hanging high above, the two outermost coffins suddenly shook.

For a time, this Jedi side became more and more sinister and terrifying.

From the gaps in the coffin, streams of corpse energy suddenly rushed out, converging into two black spears, and rushed towards Cao Zhen.

Wherever the spear passed, the air seemed to be pierced, leaving two clear black marks.


Cao Zhen shouted violently, raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the two corpse auras. The mighty mana was shot out through the heretic golden elixir, and suddenly fell on the two black spears where the corpse aura had gathered.

Suddenly, the black spear shattered.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

As the spear shattered, a hoarse, sinister voice that was not what a human being should have sounded out from the two outermost coffins.

"If you dare to ruin our plan, you will die!"

Cao Zhen suddenly turned his head and looked at the two coffins. Obviously, it was these two coffins that released the corpse energy and affected the three Dharma ministers.

He took a step forward without fear, looked at the two coffins, and yelled: "What are you calling it? What else can you say besides death? You have the ability to come out! What are you calling!"

As his words fell, the two coffins shook more violently.

"Boy, you can only use your words now. Wait, wait until the way of heaven changes again, and we can leave this seal. By then, you, and your sect, will all die!"

"Boy, this general has memorized your sect, Baifeng Sect, right! When the time comes, I will lead a large army into your Baifeng Sect and kill every one of you, including all of you.

From now on, there will be no more Baifeng Sect in the world! "

Cao Zhen directly stretched out a hand, pointed at the two coffins and cursed loudly: "You still want to destroy my sect? If you two are lucky enough to come out, it will be good if you don't be killed by the Grand Master. If you really If you haven't been killed by the Grand Master, you'd better find a safe place to hide.

The Qiankun Little Era is coming, the power of heaven is suppressing step by step, and all your power will be sealed. The two of you are able to unknowingly release corpse energy to affect your three fellow Taoists while they are practicing. Your strength is definitely above that of the golden elixir.

When the Qiankun Minor Era arrives, all people above the Golden Core will be forced into a deep sleep by the power of Heaven. God is not benevolent and does not care whether you are a demon, a monster or a human being.

In the eyes of Heaven, it is a rule. Anyone who resists the rules of Heaven will be crushed to death!

Still want to cause trouble for me, Baifeng Sect?

You'd better hide far away, otherwise, you won't be able to hide alone. I will directly find your grave and dig you out so that you will not be able to wake up.

When the Qiankun Little Era comes, I will be number one in the world and invincible. I'll give it all to you, I'll be more honest! "

"Are you still invincible?"

"Dig our living graves? On the contrary, we, millions of corpse soldiers, will directly attack your Baifeng Sect and see if you dig our living graves or we will hollow out all the living graves of your Baifeng Sect!"

"Come to our Baifeng Sect?" Cao Zhen looked at the two coffins with an awe-inspiring face and said coldly, "As long as there is a corpse soldier who dares to step into our Baifeng Sect, I swear that I will kill all of you alive." Dig them all out!"

As soon as the words fell, among the hundreds of coffins, the largest coffin in the middle suddenly began to vibrate. With the vibration of this coffin, for a moment, all the hundreds of coffins in the sky began to vibrate crazily, causing the surrounding chains to tremble. There was a roaring sound, and the huge mountains all around were shaking crazily.

The next moment, a black corpse aura suddenly flew out from the coffin. The moment the corpse aura appeared, the three of them felt as if they had fallen into the Nine Nether Hell. The air around them, the earth under their feet...

Everything in this world seems to be filled with endless corpse energy.

Just a black corpse energy covered the sun in the sky, and the whole world became pitch black.

Almost at the moment when the corpse energy flew out, on the surrounding mountain peaks, on top of the sealing spells, rays of light poured out, like a galaxy, the endless sealing power flew toward the huge coffin in the middle. out.

The power of the seal came, and the corpse energy that flew out of the coffin was instantly suppressed and returned.

But amidst the suppression, there was still a hair-like black corpse energy that broke through the seal and shot straight at Cao Zhen at an astonishing speed.

Cao Zhen didn't even have time to react. Corpse Qi had already bombarded his body heavily. In an instant, streaks of golden light radiated from his body.

Golden light spell, dragon and tiger golden body!

The Dragon Tiger Golden Body and the Golden Light Spell of Longhu Mountain can overcome all corpse energy, but even so, even if just a hair-like corpse energy falls, the energy and blood in his body will still boil.


Cao Zhen opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of bright red blood.

Helian defeated the sky!

Even though he was suppressed, even if the corpse energy he released was only a very small amount, it was still terrifying.

Cao Zhen raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, pointed at the largest coffin among the hundreds of coffins with a fierce look on his face, and said sternly: "And you, now, let me give you a piece of advice, after you wake up, It's best to find a place quickly, bury yourself, and hide yourself. It's best not to let me find your grave, otherwise.

The grand master has his own rules and will not cut you into pieces, but I, I promise, if I dig your grave, I will cut off your head, cut off your limbs piece by piece, and cut off your limbs piece by piece. You will be cut into pieces, so that you will never die again. I want you to never even have a chance to transform into a corpse! "

After Cao Zhen finished cursing, all the protective divine light from the Divine Demon Record, the Golden Light Curse, and the Golden Dragon and Tiger Body erupted from his body. In a flash, he grabbed Lan Pili and Zhao Baotou, and drove the divine soldiers towards the distance at high speed. Flee away.

In the sky, among the hundreds of coffins, the defeated generals and subordinates suddenly heard their leader being scolded, and they became furious. In an instant, the hundreds of coffins shook crazily, and a stream of zombie aura went crazy towards the outside. Overflowing.

For a moment, the seal here surged again, and the power of the seal surged out quickly, suppressing the hundreds of coffins.

The formation here is indeed exquisite. Hundreds of coffins are releasing corpse energy at the same time, but most of the corpse energy is suppressed, especially the largest coffin in the middle, which is sealed by a series of seals. Wrapped tightly, no more corpse energy can be released.

However, when hundreds of coffins shook at the same time, the seals of several coffins still came out, shooting out streams of corpse energy, rushing straight in the direction of Cao Zhen.

Five thunder rectification!

While Cao Zhen was driving the magic weapon to escape quickly, he turned back and blasted out the Five Thunder Zhengfa one after another in his hand.

For a time, the sound of thunder continued to explode between heaven and earth.

One after another corpse energy touched the Five Thunder Zhengfa, and was bombarded and scattered one after another.

The Five Thunder Zhengfa is the purest magical power of the thunder system, which can restrain all corpse energy. Moreover, the power of these flying corpse energy is greatly reduced after breaking out of the suppression of the formation.

It's just that although the corpse energy flying out is not strong, it is very numerous.


Purple lightning flashed, and a black corpse energy shot straight at Blue Bolt.

The three of them flew together, and the corpse generals in the coffin would not attack Cao Zhen specifically, but would attack the three of them together.

Cao Zhen's figure flashed and appeared behind Lan Pili in an instant, blocking the corpse energy.

The corpse energy hit his body, and immediately spread out in circles, making a hissing sound like water dripping onto a burning firewood, and then the evil energy dissipated completely.

He has a dragon-tiger golden body and a golden light curse on him!

That is the body-protecting golden light that best restrains corpse energy and demonic energy.

Although Helian Baitian's demonic energy could hurt him, these corpse generals, after their corpse energy was suppressed by the formation, their power was greatly reduced, and they were unable to break through the defenses of the Golden Light Curse, the Dragon-Tiger Golden Body, and the Divine Demon Record. .

Cao Zhen flew back with his divine soldiers, and soon flew out of the mountain. The corpse energy that was bombarded from behind also disappeared.

"Huh..." Zhao Captou let out a long breath. He was just a mortal. In the battle just now, he finally saw the immortal's methods.

Looking at Cao Zhen and Lan Pili, who were still trying to flee in the distance, he quickly said: "You two, we are here, they can no longer attack us, do we need to keep running?

We haven't checked the formation yet. Don't we think of ways to make up for it? Maybe, we still have the possibility to repair the formation. "

As he said that, he looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Peak Master Cao, I just saw that the corpse energy that attacked you couldn't do anything to you. Helian Baitian can only attack you once and then you will be sealed by the formation. We There should be a chance to repair the formation."

"Repair the formation? It's no longer a matter of repairing the formation. Now we have to go back as soon as possible, find the governor, burn the emperor's watch, and inform the grand master of the changes that happened here."

Cao Zhen said, suddenly stopped, shook his head and said: "No, you shouldn't go to the governor. Now, I don't trust the governor at all, and even the guarding immortal can't inform him. Zhao Captou, the nearest town Or where is the county seat? Let’s go directly to the mayor or county magistrate and ask them to burn the imperial palace.”

The mayor of Yumin Town once said that he had burned the imperial palace. Obviously, the mayor also had an imperial palace.

"Burn the emperor's watch?" Lan Pili looked at Cao Zhen with a troubled look on his face, "Cao Fengzhu, if you burn the emperor's watch, you will completely offend the elder Jueying of Mingxin Sect. You will also offend the ten great immortals. Mingxin Sect, one of the sects!"

Cao Zhen knew what Lan Pili was worried about. After all, this place was guarded by people from the Mingxin Sect. He bypassed the people from the Mingxinzong and burned the emperor's palace directly. Who was the Mingxinzong?

When the time comes, the grand master will blame him even more. How could Mingxinzong not bear his grudge?

However, he can't think about these problems now.

Cao Zhen sighed and said: "If possible, I really don't want to offend that elder Jueying, nor do I want to offend the Mingxin Sect. After all, we are walking outside and represent the Baifeng Sect. I asked someone to burn the imperial palace. The people of Mingxin Sect will not only hate me, but also our Baifeng Sect.

We are also among the top ten immortal sects, and I don’t want to cause hatred for our Hundred Peaks Sect, but, do you know, when those hundred coffins attacked us just now, I discovered something. "

Cao Zhen looked at the two people and stretched out three fingers and said: "I discovered that among the three coffins, there are empty coffins! Moreover, at least three or less coffins are empty!"

"Empty coffin!"

The expressions of Lan Pili and Zhao Captou changed greatly.

Zhao Captou said with a solemn expression: "Among these hundred coffins, there should be a corpse in each coffin. If there are empty coffins, it means that there are already corpses in some coffins. The soldier, no, should not be called the corpse general, escaped.

But no one knows about this matter. This is the biggest dereliction of duty for the guardian immortals. According to the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty, our guardian immortals in Yongfeng City will be beheaded directly.

He...did he betray the dynasty? Betrayed his sect? Or is he also affected by the corpse energy? "

Capt. Zhao finally understood why Cao Zhen had just said that he could not go to the guardian immortal, Elder Jueying.

"Then now, let's go find..." As Capt. Zhao spoke, his eyes suddenly widened. In front of his eyes, a familiar figure flew quickly and landed in front of several people.

The guardian immortal of Yongfeng Town, the Jueying Elder of Mingxin Sect.

Elder Jueying glanced at the three of them, then at the mountains behind, and his eyes fell on Cao Zhen and Lan Pili. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he accidentally met an unfamiliar person on the street, and asked: "You guys are not resting in Jie Xianfang, why are you here? Is there something wrong? This is not a place where you can enter at will."

Cao Zhen looked at Elder Jueying and said nothing. Although Elder Jueying was smiling, he could see that murderous aura was already emerging from Elder Jueying's body.

Thinking about it, the movement here must have attracted the attention of the Jueying elders in the city, so Jueying rushed over.

With a thought in his mind, Lan Pili raised his hand and pointed at Capt. Zhao and said, "That's it. Capt. Zhao said that many corpse soldiers have appeared around Yongfeng City recently, and the strength of those corpse soldiers is getting stronger and stronger, so they invited us come and see.

However, we just met three Taoist friends in the mountain. The three Taoist friends told us that there was nothing strange, so we were ready to go back. "

The person in front of me has the cultivation level of Fenghuo Catastrophe.

No matter how strong Cao Zhen is, he can't be Jueying's opponent. He can only find a way to deal with him first.

"Is that so?" Another smile appeared on Elder Jueying's face, an extremely weird smile. He nodded slightly, seemingly believing Lan Pili's words, and then said: "In this case, those guys can leave. Now. The relationship here is very important, and outsiders should not stay for a long time.”

"Of course, let's leave now." Lan Pili breathed a sigh of relief and pulled Cao Zhen to walk away, but when he pulled, he did not hold Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen looked directly at Elder Jueying, shook his head slightly and said: "Forget it, we are both here and you lie to me, and it doesn't make sense for me to lie to you, right?

Peak Master Lan is right. We have heard about the corpse soldiers and also know about Helian Baitian, so we came here to take a look.

As a result, I discovered that the three guardian immortals here had been invaded by corpse energy and almost turned into corpse soldiers. But the three of them are complete cultivators of immortality.

They are still guarding their last pride and retaining their last trace of clarity. They would rather suppress their own cultivation and let me send the three of them on their way. They would rather have no bones left than be those corpse soldiers.

Although the three of them died, all three of them died with dignity. Now, it's your turn, what will you do?

The three of them are true immortal cultivators. They died for the face of their sect and for the dignity of the immortal cultivators.

I don’t know, Elder Jueying, are you going to take action against the three of us, or what? "

From the murderous aura displayed on Jueying's body, he was very sure that Jueying must have discovered the changes here. He also saw the three people walking out of the mountain. It was impossible not to guess that the three people had discovered the secret.

In this way, when you lie to me and I lie to you and say some false words, it has no meaning.

It's better to just open up and explain.

He wanted to see if Jueying had the pride of an immortal cultivator and if he could protect the dignity of Mingxin Sect.

Jueying hesitated for a moment. He really didn't believe what Lan Pili said. There was so much movement here before, and he even felt the surge of corpse energy. Several people must have fought with the corpse general in the coffin inside.

And now, he really doesn't know what to do.

Here, such a big thing happened, there was such a big change, but as the guarding immortal, he did not report it, but kept concealing it.

If Cao Zhen and others are really allowed to leave, once the matter is exposed, he will undoubtedly die under the investigation of the imperial court based on what he has done.

He is now at the level of the Wind and Fire Tribulation, but he has not yet passed through the last tribulation of the Wind and Fire Tribulation. The most important thing is that he knows that he cannot survive this last tribulation.

If one cannot survive the final calamity of the Wind and Fire Tribulation, there will only be one fate, which is to be burned to ashes by the wind and fire of heaven and earth, and will die without any chance of treatment.

But after surviving this calamity, he will directly break through, achieve the fairyland, and live a long life.

He doesn't have much life left now. If he doesn't take the last step, he will die because his life span will be exhausted.

His only hope of survival is to become an Earth Immortal.

With his own strength, he has no chance of becoming an Earth Immortal, but what if someone else helps him?

Back then, when he came to investigate the situation here, he found out that all three members of the Faji Sect had been influenced to become corpse soldiers, and he really wanted to report the matter.

But one of the hundred coffins suddenly spoke and promised him one thing, that is, if the other person leaves the coffin, in return, he can protect him.

When going through a tribulation, there are two completely different concepts between having someone help protect the Dharma and having no one protect the Dharma.

What's more, the other party even said that he would give him guidance and even lend him strength. In short, he would do everything possible to help him survive the disaster.

This is his only chance, his only chance to survive.

Otherwise, what awaits him is either failure in overcoming the tribulation, being burned to ashes by wind and fire, or death from the decline of the gods and humans.

It was precisely because of the conditions the other party agreed to that he kept turning a blind eye, and even secretly helped the other party do some things.

It is precisely because of this that the situation today exists.

Elder Jueying was extremely conflicted. As long as the other party walked out of the coffin, he would have a chance to live.

However, if these three people were allowed to report the matter, he might be executed directly by the Grand Master before he could wait until that day.

The only way to keep the secret is to kill three people.

It doesn’t matter that Capt. Zhao is just a captor.

But Cao Zhen and Lan Pili are different. After all, they are members of the top ten immortal sects, and they are also the two peak masters of the Baifeng Sect. Once they die, the Baifeng Sect will definitely investigate with all their strength.

At that time, once it was discovered that it was his own hand, he would die.

Unless he kills them without anyone noticing.

However, even if no one saw him killing them, the Baifeng Sect's methods could still find out that he did it.

He is a member of the top ten immortal sects, and he knows the methods of the top ten immortal sects very well.

While Elder Jueying had a headache, a cold voice without human emotion came from the distance.

"Jueying killed him, and they know everything. After letting them go, you will definitely die. Of course, if you are afraid that killing them will leave traces, then control them and let me kill them." them.

You only need to control them for three days. After three days, I can break out of the coffin. When the time comes, I will personally kill them and I will naturally leave no trace of you.

Even if anyone comes to check, they can't find you. All they can find is me. And all you need to do now is control the three of them for three days. "

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