My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 156: Debts must be repaid

In the sky, tribulation clouds gathered one after another. Although these tribulation clouds were as dark as ink, some were like burning flames, while others were constantly changing and had no permanent shape.

Waves of strong wind kept blowing, causing the weeds and big trees all around to fall down one after another, as if all the people were kneeling down to worship.

The sun in the sky has been covered, but the surroundings are getting hotter and hotter.

Catastrophe of wind and fire!

Cao Zhen took Lan Pili out of the five-mile range and then stopped.

Above the sky, among the calamity clouds, a strong wind blew. In an instant, Cao Zhen felt that the whole world and his ears were filled with the sound of whistling wind. The sound of the wind was so loud that it seemed to be blowing away. It was like the whole world was overturned.

All around, countless weeds, gravel, even big trees surrounded by three people, and even hills were blown up by the strong wind, forming a tornado hurricane, and the center of the hurricane was It's a perfect shadow.

The next moment, flames rose up in the hurricane, and even if you stood five miles away, you could feel the hot breath.

Where Jueying was, on the ground, flames burned, instantly scorching the surrounding ground to black. There were even endless flames that seemed to be able to burn up all the wastes and seas. They rotated with the strong wind and wrapped Jueying in the middle.

Jueying seemed to have fallen on the rough sea, but instead of sea water, he was surrounded by scorching flames.

On his body, a protective golden light shone, like a golden egg shell, protecting him in the middle. However, under the hot flames that seemed to be able to burn the earth to ashes, the protective golden light continued to melt and melt again.

And the surrounding wind became even more severe.

The previous strong wind was just so strong that it could roll up huge rocks and hills. But as the calamity clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, the wind between heaven and earth seemed to turn into extremely sharp divine weapons. .

The huge boulder as big as a hill was instantly shattered in this hurricane and turned into a piece of powder.

As strong winds hit him, the golden light protecting his body instantly shattered, and the biting winds and violent flames swept up.

The clothes on Jueying's body exploded completely, and his whole person instantly turned into a bloody man, while the surrounding flames burned his body crazily, seeming to burn him completely to ashes.

The next moment, Jueying's body started to move rapidly. From a distance, he seemed to be surrounded by hurricanes and flames, spinning rapidly. As his body rotated, the whole body was spinning. A series of afterimages are formed, and the afterimages are connected together, even giving people the illusion of forming a vacuum. The flames and strong winds are isolated by the vacuum formed by the afterimages.

Lan Pili watched Jueying's movements from a distance and couldn't help but sigh: "This is the origin of Jueying's name. This speed is too fast."

Cao Zhen looked into the distance with a solemn expression, without saying anything. Jueying's way of resisting this wind and fire catastrophe was indeed beyond his expectation. However, if Jueying continues like this, he may not be able to withstand this wind and fire catastrophe. .

His elixir refining and formation plate refining have both triggered heavenly tribulations. Although they are different from the wind and fire catastrophes, they are also catastrophes, and all catastrophes have one thing in common, which is getting stronger and stronger.

Due to his movements, more and more flames and violent winds gathered around Jueying, and the pressure created by the residual image vacuum created by Jueying's rapid movement was also increasing.


Suddenly, a shocking loud noise was heard, which made people's ears hurt even if they were five miles away.

At the center of the wind and fire catastrophe, the afterimage vacuum finally couldn't bear it anymore and exploded with a bang. The endless wind and fire rushed towards Jueying like a torrent that broke a bank, and Jueying was instantly submerged.

For a moment, Jueying's whole body seemed to be completely ignited and turned into a burning person.

Although he tried his best to block the flames, there were more and more flames on his body, and the biting winds continued to destroy his body.

Cao Zhen looked at him from afar, struggling to withstand the impact of the wind and fire, Jueying shouted loudly: "That's it, you just accept your fate like this? Isn't your greatest wish to become an Earth Immortal? Now, The meeting is right in front of you, why don't you fight and fight?

Didn't you say that everyone thinks that you can't become a golden elixir, and you have to grind between life and death again and again? Now, I can’t see any fearlessness in you..."

In the distance, Jueying looked up to the sky and roared under the stimulation of Cao Zhen. His body aura surged again, and he frantically resisted the catastrophe of wind and fire.

Cao Zhen knows that immortal cultivators have to make a lot of preparations when they reach the point of a catastrophe of wind and fire. They need to find someone to protect them, refine a formation to help them resist the catastrophe of wind and fire, prepare magic weapons, or refine catastrophe-avoiding elixirs. .

In short, almost all immortal cultivators will use some external forces when facing the catastrophe of wind and fire.

It is too difficult to resist the catastrophe of wind and fire simply by relying on one's own strength.

Jueying is also preparing, but his preparations are not complete. The things he prepared are of no use now.

He never thought that he would be able to face the wind and fire catastrophe so quickly.

Before, he had placed most of his hopes on the corpse generals in the coffins.

Now, he is just relying on his own strength. Even though he has fully understood himself, even though he has lived for nearly three thousand years, he has accumulated enough. Even though Cao Zhen's chicken soup just now made him feel like he was beaten. He was like a chicken, but he still slowly fell into danger just by relying on his own strength.

Cao Zhen watched from a distance, seemingly unable to resist Jueying, and could only use words to stimulate him.

"Are you going to accept your fate?"

"You are just one step away from becoming an Earth Immortal. If you die like this now, all your efforts will be in vain."

"Think about your sect. If you die like this, will the Grand Master settle this account on your sect in the future?"

"What will fellow Taoists from the Faji Sect think of you? Will they think that you committed suicide out of fear of sin?"

"You haven't admitted your mistake yet, you haven't taken your responsibility yet..."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it the catastrophe of wind and fire? What are you afraid of? Why do you keep dodging? You fought with them. You are a living person, and this catastrophe of wind and fire is just a dead thing... "

Jueying's blood continued to surge in her body as Cao Zhen shouted.

Suddenly, he raised his head to the sky and roared. He, who had been defending against the wind and fire, suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the surroundings. For a moment, his figure was everywhere, and afterimages continued to gather, as if the whole world was filled. It seemed that the wind and fire catastrophe was completely surrounded.

He no longer passively defended, but took the initiative to attack the Wind and Fire Tribulation. What was even more frightening was that the aura on his body continued to surge.

He seems to have truly understood what the great calamity of wind and fire is and what longevity is!

The way of heaven and earth is as it comes, you are strong and I am weak, I am strong and you are weak.

As Jueying became more and more powerful, the energy of wind and fire in the world became weaker and weaker until it completely disappeared.

Jueying stood on a desolate land that had been burned. Even though his body looked extremely miserable, with all the black marks and wounds on his body, his whole body exuded an unprecedented terrifying aura. .

Earthly Immortal!

He finally took the last step and became an Earth Immortal!

Lan Pili looked at Jueying from a distance, who had survived the catastrophe. He turned around and looked at Cao Zhen in shock, as if he was meeting Cao Zhen for the first time, and his eyes were filled with wonder.

"Peak Master Cao, you actually have such ability. With the inciting power of your words, I feel my blood boiling as I listen to it, not to mention Jueying who just faced the catastrophe of wind and fire.

From the very beginning when you persuaded him to when you made him realize something, you made him responsible. And when he faced difficulties, you still made him responsible. This struck a chord deep in his heart.

Also, before, a corpse general in the coffin tried to bewitch him, but he was rendered speechless by your rebuttal.

Now, you have made him break through and become an Earth Immortal in one fell swoop...

I may finally know why your disciples at Four Treasure Peak are so strong. Your disciples are so inspired by you every day, it’s hard not to be strong! "

Cao Zhen was stunned when he heard Lan Pili's sigh. He still didn't know his own eloquence. What kind of eloquence could a programmer have?

My eloquence is definitely not that good.

No, old horse!

Suddenly, he realized that he had connected to Ma Don't Love Money, and that was MAX's bewitchment. I had used MAX's bewitchment unknowingly, and then, I was so bewitched that I kept struggling with the swaying Jueying. He no longer traded with those corpse generals and turned directly to his side, but also took the initiative to go to Beijing to take responsibility.

Even the bewitched Jueying had some insights and finally broke through and became an Earth Immortal.

Although it is said that a large part of the reason for this is due to Jueying's own belief in his heart, if the power of seduction is not enough, it is impossible for Jueying to directly comprehend it.

No wonder, others say that the most powerful escape technique in the world is mouth escape. This really makes sense.

It seems that if I have time, I have to practice mouth evasion.

After Jueying broke through, he quickly took out another set of clothes from the Qiankun Bag. After changing, he flew in front of Cao Zhen and Lan Pili, raised his hand and saluted Cao Zhen respectfully: "Thank you, Lord Cao Feng, for your enlightenment."

Earth Immortal, he never imagined that he could become an Earth Immortal like this.

If Peak Master Cao hadn't scolded him before and made him wake up, he didn't know when he would become an Earth Immortal. Now that he has become an Earth Immortal, he even feels that if he keeps following the wrong path, if he always feels guilty, If he is still so afraid of death, even if he really cooperates with the corpse general in the coffin, even if the other party really helps him, he may not be able to truly become an Earth Immortal.

Because his heart is too messed up!

It was Peak Master Cao who helped him regain his original intention, and he was able to break through in one fell swoop. It was Peak Master Cao who continued to enlighten him in danger after danger, so that he could survive the catastrophe!

Although he is now in the Earthly Immortal Realm, when facing Cao Zhen, he is still full of gratitude and cannot feel that he is superior to him.

This is not the first time that Cao Zhen has faced the Earth Immortal Realm. Before, Ai Yunqi, Gu Chengyu and others were in the Earth Immortal Realm, but they have already become Earth Immortals and can control their auras.

Jueying had just made a breakthrough, and when he released his aura, he finally felt the power of the aura of the Earthly Immortal Realm. He even had a feeling that the Jueying standing in front of him seemed to be a different person.

In the fairyland of the earth, you will become an immortal instantly!

Ten thousand years of life, ten thousand years of life.

He could clearly feel that Jueying's body exuded this strong breath of life, which was many times stronger than his own.

There is only one step between the longevity period and the wind and fire disaster, but this step is completely different.

He had even heard before that a ten thousand life span could kill several people in the wind and fire catastrophe.

However, thank myself at this time...

Cao Zhen quickly stopped Jueying and shouted: "Don't thank me yet. You are already an Earth Immortal now. You are much stronger than before. There is something wrong with the seal in the mountain. Do you want to go first?" Will you make up for the seal?"

"But it is."

Jueying nodded slightly and quickly flew towards the mountain with Cao Zhen and Lan Pili. However, this time, he was not walking in the mountains, but flying directly towards the top of the mountain.

As a few people returned, in a coffin in the mountains, the voice that had previously bewitched Jueying came again, and the voice was full of threats: "Jueying, have you thought carefully, do you really want to help them?

You are now an Earth Immortal. You finally became an Earth Immortal. Are you willing to be killed by the Grand Master?

The Small Era of Qiankun is coming, and the world will be in chaos by then. After the Small Era of Qiankun, we don’t know what the world will become. You help us now..."

The other party still wanted to bewitch, but now there was no need for Cao Zhen to speak, Jueying ignored the other party and already waved his palms and fired out a series of spells.

For a moment, the surrounding peaks shook slightly. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Cao Zhen even felt that these peaks were moving a little bit.

Then, Jueying let out a long breath and sighed: "I can only make up for so much of the seal of this formation. After all, this seal was placed by the Grand Master at the beginning. He wanted to completely repair the seal. It’s not something I can do with just a ten thousand life span.”

Cao Zhen was speechless. What does Wanshou Qi mean? Do you know how powerful Wanshou Qi is? Before, when he faced the Jueying of the wind and fire catastrophe, he even felt that there was a slight possibility of struggling to escape.

But if Jueying, who is in the Wanshou period, really wants to do something to him, he will never have the slightest chance of escaping.

Jueying seemed to know what Cao Zhen was thinking. He sighed again: "I know what you are thinking. It is true that the Wanshou period is very strong. I can feel the big gap between me before and now, but it is precisely because of me After entering the ten thousand life period, I feel the terror and power of the Grand Master even more, and I can even feel the gap between me and the Grand Master."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at the seal and said: "Under normal circumstances, this seal can still last for a while, but now that the Small Era of Qiankun is coming, and the way of heaven is constantly changing, this seal may not be able to last for a long time.

I will find a senior brother to come and guard the formation, and we will get on the road to the capital as soon as possible. Of course I knew I was guilty.

After all, many people died here, and their deaths were related to me, as well as those three fellow Taoists of the Faji Sect.

Their death is ultimately mine. I will report all of these.

If, after I tell the Grand Master everything, the Grand Master wants to kill me on the spot, I will plead with the Grand Master, not to let the Grand Master spare my life, but to go to Faji Sect.

I will board the Faji Sect, go to the door to apologize, and inform Faji Sect of everything. When the time comes, I will kill you as I please, and it will all be decided by the Faji Sect! "

Cao Zhen was instantly moved. He finally realized the responsibility of the top ten disciples of the Immortal Sect again!

What does it mean to be an upright person? Why is it called Mingmen? Why is it called decent?

Dare to take responsibility, dare to admit, dare to take responsibility after doing something wrong, this is the honorable person!

In the past, when I was on earth, I read those fairy tale novels. What kind of decency was considered decency in them? Each of them claimed to be upright, but in the end, they all turned into, as long as you dare to kill my family members and my friends.

I don’t care what the people around me are like. I don’t care whether my friends are committing murder or committing crimes, or whether they have done something wrong.

Anyway, I am the protagonist, I am just, and I will kill you!

Those decent sects from well-known sects are killing each other without any credibility at all. All kinds of schemes to harm fellow sects are routine operations, and they even kill their own master's disciples.

Those who are from the same sect are clearly evil sects!

Cao Zhen looked at Jueying and finally understood that people trained by famous and upright sects have their due responsibilities, just like the three previous Faji Sects, just like Jueying in front of him.

They may make mistakes and go astray, but when they truly understand their own hearts, they will be responsible enough!

This is the true dignity of a noble family!

They arrived here at noon yesterday, and it took a long time for Jueying to cross the tribulation. After all the trouble, it was already the next morning.

After Jueying quickly took out a sect form and burned it, he watched Cao Zhen and others fly towards the city while saying: "I have informed the sect of Zhiqie. I think that after about five days, the people in the sect will will come to take my place.

In the past few days, I also have one thing to do. "

Cao Zhen saw the murderous intent on Jueying's face, and suddenly understood, and asked: "But those empty coffins?"

Jueying glanced at Cao Zhen in surprise. Has Peak Master Cao discovered this?

Peak Master Cao, as expected, cannot be treated as an ordinary elixir formation period. Even ordinary golden elixirs may not be able to detect the changes in those coffins.

He nodded slightly, with a look of regret on his face and said, "Yes, it's the empty coffin. There are four corpses in the coffin that have escaped."

"Four coffins?" A look of surprise appeared on Cao Zhen's face. He was more inclined to think that the three coffins were empty coffins, but more corpses came out than he expected.

Jueying said with a solemn expression: "Those four corpse generals all went dormant after escaping. They don't completely trust me, and even I don't know where they are hiding."

"Hiding?" Lan Pili asked puzzledly, "They must have a purpose for escaping, so what is their purpose? If you know their purpose, you will have a way to find them."

Jueying guessed: "Their purpose should be to wait for more corpse generals to break the seal, and then join forces to break the formation. Finally, they will rescue more corpse generals, and even rescue Na Helian Baitian!"

Although I don't know where they are now, I have to investigate. Before I leave this place and go to the capital, I must find those four corpse generals!

After all, I released them with my own hands. I must deal with them with my own hands. Otherwise, how can I live up to my status as a guardian immortal? How to be worthy of those who died? "

Cao Zhen looked at the remorseful Jueying, nodded heavily and said: "I will investigate with you. Our Baifeng Sect is also in the land of Zhenxian Dynasty and is one of the top ten immortal sects. When encountering this matter, naturally we cannot in spite of."

Cao Zhen and the other two flew all the way back to Yongfeng City. As soon as they entered the city, a policeman came over quickly and said urgently to Jueying: "Guardian Immortal, early this morning, a policeman from Baoquan Town I came here and told you something urgent."

"Captain? Looking for us?" Jueying reacted immediately after hearing the sound and said urgently: "Quickly, take us there."

If it is an ordinary matter, when the police arrive, they will not be looking for him, but the court officials here. If they can find him, it must be related to cultivating immortals, or they are corpse soldiers!

Under the leadership of the police, several people quickly arrived at the Yamen. As soon as they opened a guest room, a strong smell of blood and herbs rushed directly into their nostrils.

In the room, there was a young man covered in blood lying on the bed. Next to him, a doctor was applying herbs on his body.

On the ground beside him, the detective uniform he took off was even stained with blood.

Is this the agent of Baoquan Formation?

Cao Zhen discovered that the body of the policeman was covered with wounds, and the whole person seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

He was extremely weak, but his mouth kept opening and closing, making a series of weak sounds.

"Dead... all dead, all dead, all dead, no one survived..."

"Qiankun borrows the law..." Cao Zhen saw the situation of the police and quickly recited a Qingxin mantra. Following his soft drink, the policeman on the bed, who had been repeatedly repeating the word 'death', trembled suddenly and woke up.

On the side, the city police officer who accompanied him quickly said: "This is the guardian immortal of our Yongfeng City. If you have any news to say, just tell the guardian immortal."

"Dead, everyone in our group is dead." On the bed, the policeman heard the sound, and seemed to be recalling some painful experience. His whole face twisted, and he said with a look of grief: "Last night, in the middle of the night, our group Many corpse soldiers suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Corpse soldiers occasionally appeared in our battle before, but there were never so many corpse soldiers.

They surrounded our town, and then began to bite and bite our people. Our entire town fell, everyone died, and I was the only one who escaped.

Guarding Immortal, hurry, hurry. "

After the last words fell, he fainted and passed away.

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili immediately looked at Jueying, so many corpse soldiers should be led by a corpse general.

"Go and have a look." Jueying's face was full of regret. He was a person from a while ago, a whole time ago!

There are old people and children there...

He is an immortal cultivator, and he does despise mortals, especially those who have been cultivating immortality for a longer period of time. For a cultivator like him who has lived for nearly three thousand years, one life or two lives may really be nothing.

But, that's a whole town!

What's more, people in this town died because of him!

The three of them quickly took action and flew towards the Baoquan Formation.

As the guardian immortal here, Jueying is also familiar with the terrain here.

The three of them flew with all their strength and arrived at the town in a short time.

Cao Zhen had never been to Baoquan Town before, so he didn't know how peaceful or lively the town was before. But what he saw in front of him was ruins, houses collapsed one after another, and the whole town was even more unsightly. When you see a person, let alone a person, it is a chicken, duck, dog or dog, and you cannot see any life.

After checking around, Lan Pili met up with Cao Zhen and Jueying, and frowned: "There is nothing, not corpse soldiers, not even corpses. Are they all gone? And they still bit everyone in the town. Are they all gone, taking away all the bodies of the people in the town? What on earth do they want to do? Also, where have they gone? Where can we find them? Yongfeng City is not small. "

After Jueying was silent for a moment, she frowned slightly and said, "I want to go to the mountains, but I'm looking for the corpses in the coffins."

Lan Pili asked in confusion: "Going to find them? Why are you looking for them?"

"I'm going to go find them and ask them about the situation here."

"Ask them?" Lan Pili couldn't understand Jueying's thoughts at all: "How could they tell us? Even if they tell us, they will definitely tell lies. What's the use of asking them?"

“I know they will tell lies, but we can analyze something through their words, even if they are lies.

Otherwise, we will always be passive. They were able to massacre one town last night, so what if they massacre another town tonight? Just watch them massacre town after town?

Go find them and at least have a chance to analyze the possible movement trajectories of the four corpse generals. "

"Analysis, what have you done a long time ago, and now you want to make up for it." Lan Pili looked at the town without any life and said with some displeasure, "If you hadn't released those four corpses, how could this have happened."

Jueying was unable to say a word when being questioned for a while. Lan Pili was right, all of this was indeed caused by him.

"Okay, Xianzi said that there is no use in blaming each other." Cao Zhen looked at the two of them and said, "Now, let's study first and see what we should do."

"It's better to ask, ask, there is still a chance to deduce something." Jueying still wanted to ask.

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili thought for a while and then flew up. Other than that, there was no other good way.

The few people had just flown not far away, but before they reached the mountains guarding a hundred coffins, they saw a figure staggering towards them from a distance.

"How could there be someone in such a remote place? The clothes he was wearing were from a police officer. His condition was not right."

Jueying's figure suddenly flew to the front of the figure.

The policeman's clothes were so torn that it was almost impossible to see the original appearance. His face and body were even more dissatisfied with stab wounds, and streaks of bright red blood were constantly dripping from his body. It came down and flowed all the way, and the whole person was extremely weak.

Seeing someone flying down in front of him, a bright light suddenly appeared in his eyes that could hardly be opened. He supported the ground with the bent long knife in his hand and shouted to several people: "Guys, hurry up." , quickly go to our Linquan Town. Last night, our town was bloodbathed by a group of corpse soldiers, and I was the only one who escaped."

After saying that, he fell to the ground with a thud, completely out of breath.

Just now, it was his last flash of light before his death.

"Another town." Lan Pili looked at the fallen policeman and said to the two of them: "Now we know that two towns have been bloodbathed. These two towns should each be led by two corpse generals, but , there are four corpse generals in total, what about the two corpse generals?

What did they do? Did they also bloodbath the other two towns? "

Jueying reacted immediately and said to the two of them: "Baoquan Town and Linquan Town are not far apart, please wait a moment."

While speaking, he took out a scroll from his arms, a blank scroll without any words or pictures.

The next moment, mana surged out of his body.

He raised his hand and grabbed it on the ground, and streaks of soil flew up and he knocked them into the drawing. Suddenly, images of mountains appeared on the drawing. He raised his hand and drew it into the distance, and a drop of water condensed with him. In his hand, he punched the picture again, and the river suddenly emerged.

Jueying hit the scroll one after another with seals.

But within a short time, the scroll turned into a sand table, and it was an extremely delicate sand table. In the sand table, mountains, rivers, lakes... everything was displayed.

"This place..." Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed to the sand table in front of him: "This mountain, this river, this area, this is a natural Feng Shui situation."

"The overall situation of Feng Shui?"

Jueying and Lan Pili looked at Cao Zhen confused and asked, "Why didn't we see it?"

"You haven't noticed, but that's normal. After all, not all immortal cultivators are good at Feng Shui and formations."

Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed: "Look here, the jade belt is wrapped around the waist, and the fortune star is shining high. The river or road forms an arc around this place, like the belt of a high official, and it is also emotionally connected with the houses and buildings, so the residents are very Nobility leads to wealth,

If it happens for a while, the townspeople will have good fortune, it will be easier to make money, and they will be able to accumulate wealth. "

Lan Pili and Jueying became even more confused: "So, this place is very good, how come..."

"This place is indeed an excellent Feng Shui situation, but if people die for a few days and evil spirits arise here, and there is no one there for a while, then this is not a good Feng Shui situation, but a bad situation!

As a result, this place is lonely, the dragon gods are not gathering, hanging low on all sides, the eight winds are blowing, and the dragon gods are uncertain... By the time, almost everyone in the nearby towns has been killed, and people from about five towns have all been killed. After death, this situation will be very bad! "

Lan Pili and Jueying reacted quickly when they heard the sound. This was supposed to be a good luck feng shui and natural formation, but once someone dies and there is evil, and then there is no one here, it will become evil. Array!

Lan Pili was puzzled and asked: "This? Didn't the Grand Master see it? As far as I know, there seems to be nothing in the world that the Grand Master is not proficient in. It is impossible that the Grand Master did not see the problem here. Then why did the Grand Master not see it? Didn't the master make any preparations here? After all, those hundred coffins were guarding here. Didn't the grand master think about what would happen if the corpse in the coffin escaped one day?

Could it be that the Grand Master didn't expect that after those corpse generals escaped, they would definitely come to these formations to kill those mortals and form a vicious formation here? "

Jueying frowned and said: "Impossible, I have been guarding outside all year round, and I know the Grand Master better than you. Grand Master, it is impossible to deliberately let people die these days. In the Zhenxian Dynasty, every civilian will be protected by the Grand Master. It’s a real guardian. This place actually wasn’t like this before.”

Jueying said, pointing to a river in front of him: "There was no river here originally, but later, due to lack of water sources nearby, a river was diverted to irrigate farmland. That river is two to three hundred meters tall. It was built only in 2001 and a river was dug to divert water from the lake.

And here, there was actually a hill before here, but this hill blocked it... so it was later flattened. "

Lan Pili understood and said: "So, there was no Feng Shui situation here at first. It was the terrain changes here that later formed the Feng Shui situation. This is too coincidental. Is this a coincidence or something?"

"We can't tell whether this is a coincidence or other reasons. Now, we should go to these towns." Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed at the towns on the sand table and said, "If they want to complete the final fierce formation, they must We will take action in these towns."

"Now, two towns have been massacred, and there are still three towns left."

"Go quickly!"

The three of them quickly flew towards the town pointed by Cao Zhen.

However, when they felt the arrival of the third and fourth towns today, they saw the same scene as Baoquan Town and Linquan Town.

Everyone in the entire town had been slaughtered, and there was no sense of life at all.

"There's one last town."

"Four corpse generals, maybe one corpse general took charge of a town and massacred four towns. There is still hope for the last Tianhu town."

The three of them didn't dare to stay and rushed to the last town, Tianhu Town.

Unlike on Earth, villages and towns are almost interconnected. In the Zhenxian Dynasty, due to the large number of ferocious beasts in the wild and the underdeveloped communication, people concentrated in one village or one town, and there were no towns or towns. All connected together.

The area of ​​Yongfeng City is huge, and the distance between each town is also very far. In addition to an official road for horse racing built in the middle of each town, the middle of the town is completely desolate.

Before Cao Zhen and the others flew to the direction of Tianhu Town, they felt the scent of human beings from a distance.

"It's okay, small town!"

"Fortunately, this town has not been massacred yet!"

The three people landed directly from the sky and landed in the small town.

Cao Zhen even discovered that this town did not have a Jie Xianfang. Perhaps it was because Yongfeng City already had a large Jie Xianfang, so there was no Jie Xianfang in nearby towns.

Although the town did not pick up the immortals, the people in the city had obviously seen the immortals before, so they did not pay too much attention to them. They just looked at the three immortals who suddenly fell from a distance.

In the city, several police officers who were patrolling quickly ran towards the center of the town. Not long after, an official came quickly. He was lean and dark-skinned and looked like an ordinary man working in the farmland. The villagers are indistinguishable and look more like villagers than a town mayor.

He looked at the three of them with a serious expression.

"Three of you, why did you suddenly fly to our Tianhu Town? The imperial dynasty has rules, and immortals are not allowed to fly freely in the city, which also includes various villages and towns."

Cao Zhen glanced around. The villagers here obviously didn't know what was happening in the four nearby towns and were still living as before.

Even when the mayor saw the three of them flying down into the town, the first thing he did was to question the three of them.

A look of anger appeared on Lan Pili's face. The three of them dared to come all the way for these ordinary mortals, but the first thing the other party did was to question them.

However, Jueying did not wait for the two of them to speak, and said first: "I am the Immortal Guardian of Yongfeng Town!"

When the mayor heard this, he quickly raised his hands and shouted, "I've seen you, sir."

Mortals and immortals are different, but being the guardian immortal of Yongfeng City is also different. The guardian immortal of Yongfeng City has an official position. Therefore, the mayor still has to worship. What he worships is not an immortal, but an official position.

Jueying raised his hand to signal the other party to stand up, and quickly said: "Don't say any more, listen to me, the matter is urgent now. We came today because of the strange movement of the corpse soldiers.

We have calculated that the Corpse Soldiers are very likely to attack your town today. "

"Corpse soldiers? Are they going to attack our town?" A look of surprise suddenly appeared on the mayor's face, "Then..."

"With us here, we can naturally keep the town safe, but you must listen to our instructions tonight." Jueying said, looking around and said, "There is no place to gather everyone right now, so tonight, you will Lead all the detectives and issue a notice, everyone, from now on, all go home. No one is allowed to go out tonight, no matter what sound is heard, no one is allowed to go out! Everyone hide under the bed and don't move.

As long as you all stay in your homes, I can keep you safe. "

"Yes, thank you, sir!" The mayor bowed to Jueying, and quickly ran to the surrounding people with the policemen around him, or went from house to house to give orders.

At this time, Jueying looked at Cao Zhen and Lan Pili and said, "You two, I need your help. Help me refine the talisman together."

The talisman is the nemesis of all demons and corpse soldiers.

There are only three of them, and the town is not small. They cannot protect every household, so they can only rely on talismans!

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