My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 157 Seven Thousand Shou Yuan Suppresses the Blood River

Talisman making is one of the six arts of cultivating immortality. Any cultivator of immortality will practice the six arts. The only difference is that some disciples have learned it, and some disciples may not have learned it and stopped learning it.

However, any cultivator who has a higher level of cultivation or lives a longer time will also know the basics of the six arts.

Especially talisman making, among the six arts, is relatively easy to get started with, unlike alchemy and weapon refining, which are extremely difficult to get started with.

Maybe many golden elixir masters can't refine elixirs or weapons, but they can definitely make talismans.

Jueying looked at the police officers who were already busy one by one and said to Cao Zhen and Lan Pili: "You two, our manpower is limited, so I need to make a batch of warning signs."

The warning talisman, as one of the most basic talismans, it is impossible for the two peak masters from the Hundred Peaks Sect not to be able to refine it.

While he was talking, he opened the Qiankun bag and took out piles of talisman-making materials.

He has lived for nearly three thousand years and has accumulated so much. Not to mention the warning talismans needed to refine one small town, it is more than enough to refine the warning talismans needed for five small towns.

Cao Zhen picked up some materials and was about to start refining the talisman when his eyes widened.

In front of his eyes, Jueying only needed one finger to raise his hand, and a kind of talisman-making material was already flying up. Then, Jueying waved his hands continuously, and for a while, several afterimages of his palms appeared in the sky.


Jueying's speed in refining talismans was astonishingly fast.

Moreover, Jueying did not refine one talisman at a time, but several talismans.

He could see that Jueying's talisman-making techniques were very ordinary. The reason why Jueying was able to refine so many talismans at the same time was just because Jueying's cultivation level was too high.

With his level of cultivation, refining these most basic talismans should not be too easy.

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly. He thought that judging from the level of talisman making that he won, he must be the main force in making the talisman. As a result, Jueying was much faster than him.

Cultivation level is still far behind.

Soon the talismans were made one by one.

Jueying once again called over the mayor and the policemen who were mobilizing everyone, and ordered: "Post these talismans outside every house.

Remember, tell them that no matter what sound they hear, they will treat it as if they did not hear it and they must not leave the house. Also, the nearby Baoquan Town and Linquan Town were all massacred by corpse soldiers. "

"What, they all..." The expressions of the mayor and the surrounding policemen changed greatly when they heard this.

It took them a long time to accept this fact.

Under the mobilization of the mayor and a group of police officers, all the villagers in the town quickly returned to their own residences, and the doors of every household were closed.

Night is gradually coming.

In the center of the town, Jueying was sitting on the ground calmly with his legs crossed. In front of him were twelve wooden swords, each of which was only as big as a finger.

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili were hiding in an ordinary house without an owner.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, a crashing sound came. The sound was not particularly loud, but under the silent night sky, it seemed unusually clear.

At the edge of the town, a white light suddenly appeared, followed by waves of dog barking.

Lan Pili's expression suddenly condensed, and he whispered: "The corpse soldiers are here."

As his words fell, at the edge of the town, from the houses closest to the white light, a golden light suddenly rose and hung high in the night sky.

Warning sign!

The warning talisman they refined had no defensive or offensive effect at all. Its only function was to shoot a bright light into the sky.

Almost at the moment when the warning symbol was shot out, Jueying raised his hand and pointed in the direction where the warning symbol was scattered.

Suddenly, a flying sword flew out in front of him, as fast as lightning, even leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

On the edge of the town, in front of a house, was a corpse wearing rotten armor from thousands of years ago and holding a broken knife. The whole body was dark and looked stiff when moving. It seemed that he was startled by the sudden bright light in front of him. After a slight pause, he waved his arm and slammed the door in front of him.

The seemingly heavy wooden door shook violently as his fist fell, and a fist-sized hole appeared in the door.

The flexibility of corpse soldiers is much bulkier than before death, but after they become corpse soldiers, their strength has also increased a lot.

With one blow, the wooden door was almost shattered. He raised his hand again to smash the wooden door completely, but before his fist could fall again, a cold whining sound came from the air.

A wooden sword cut through the air and quickly circled around his neck.

Just a small wooden sword about the size of a finger passed by, and the next moment, his head was cut off.

After the wooden sword killed a corpse, it was about to fly back, but in the distance, in the white light, the light and shadow shook wildly. Corpse soldiers quickly ran out of the white light and rushed towards the town.

In the small town, warning signs flew up.

In the center of the town, Jueying was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, waving his hands repeatedly. In an instant, all the eleven remaining wooden swords in front of him flew up.

Twelve wooden swords, but like twelve flying swords, shuttled back and forth in the town. Every time a wooden sword flew by, a corpse soldier fell down.

Twelve wooden swords, each one was as fast as lightning. For a moment, the entire town was filled with afterimages of flying wooden swords.

Corpse soldiers kept falling down one by one.

Cao Zhen looked at the wooden swords flying everywhere from a distance and sighed in his heart. It turns out that this is the strength of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

It's not like he hasn't seen the Earthly Immortal Realm take action before, but back then, Lu Chaoqiong and Ai Yunqi took action to help him resist the natural disaster.

Each one of them had an extremely difficult time resisting, and the sight of Jueying using his wooden sword to kill each of the corpse soldiers was far more shocking.

The wooden sword flew so fast that he and Blue Bolt didn't even need to take action. Almost all the corpse soldiers in the town had been killed.


A wooden sword flew past and shot at a dark figure.


The wooden sword fell, knocking the figure back a step, and the wooden sword was also knocked back.

"Didn't the wooden sword kill the black shadow?"

In the past, every wooden sword flying by could kill a soldier, but the black shadow in front of him could not be killed.

"This is Corpse General!"

Cao Zhen immediately looked towards the black shadow.

The black shadow also wears an ancient-looking armor, but compared to the armors worn by other corpse soldiers, this armor is obviously more refined and covers the whole body of the corpse general.

His body was much darker than that of an ordinary soldier, and he was also significantly stronger. A stream of strong corpse energy continued to flow from his body to the surroundings.

Jueying saw the knocked back wooden sword from a distance, and quickly pointed with both hands.

Suddenly, four wooden swords flew quickly from all around.

The corpse general didn't even have a chance to react. The four wooden swords, like the long swords drawn out by the four masters, cut through the air and pointed at the corpse general.


Four soft sounds were heard, and the thick-looking armor on the corpse general was instantly pierced by a wooden sword, revealing four obvious round holes.

This is the longevity period!

Even if there are only four wooden swords, they can easily penetrate the opponent's body.

The corpse general's body was completely penetrated, but he still did not fall down. It seemed that he knew that the opponent's strength was far greater than his, so he suddenly turned around and fled towards the distance.

"Still want to run?"

In the center of the town, Jueying Void grabbed into the distance.

Suddenly, a white giant hand appeared in the sky. The giant hand covered the sky and the sun, just like the giant hand of the giant fairy in ancient legends. It raised its hand and grabbed the corpse general who was about to escape. Grab a hold of it.

Then, the giant hand suddenly pulled back.

But the twelve wooden swords were still attacking the remaining corpse soldiers in the town.

In just an instant, all the remaining corpse soldiers in the town had been killed.

And the giant hand needed to grab the severely injured corpse and return, and the corpse fell heavily to the ground.


With a muffled sound, the corpse general directly smashed a deep pit into the ground in front of him. There were even bursts of crackling sounds from this fall.

The shadow of the giant hand disappeared after the fall, but the corpse general still fell to the ground and did not move. Obviously, this fall directly broke many bones in his body, and the crackling sounds were the sounds of the bones in his body breaking.

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili walked out of the room and went directly to the center of the town.

Jueying finally stood up, looked down at the corpse generals who fell on the ground, and said coldly: "Four of you escaped, tell me where the other three went."

The Corpse General finally saw the person in front of him clearly, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes: "It's you, you...are already an Earth Immortal.

You came to save these people... I know, I know, did two more people come to your dynasty and help you become Earth Immortals, so you betrayed us and then did these so-called acts of justice? Something happened? "

The corpse general said with a mocking look: "As expected, none of you so-called immortals have any backbone. If you betray us, you won't live long. When we all come out, you will die even if you are an earth immortal."

"First of all, this elder has always been a disciple of the Ten Great Immortal Sects. Don't use words like betrayal! If you say betrayal, it was because I was confused and betrayed the Ten Great Immortal Sects.

Yes, what you said is not wrong. I have gone astray. You can say whatever you want. I have understood everything now. What I have to do now is to kill all four of you guys who escaped, and then go to the capital to plead guilty to the Grand Master. "

"Apologise? You are an Earth Immortal, why do you go to apologize?" Upon hearing this, Corpse General once again showed a look of surprise on his face, but he no longer ridiculed, but began to persuade: "You have become an Earth Immortal, why do you have to apologize? ? I can feel that these two people are very different from you. Why don't you kill them? If you kill them, who will know that you killed them? "

Jueying's face turned cold and he shouted coldly: "Stop, how can my disciples from the top ten immortal sects kill each other? Now, you are not here to ask me, but I am here to ask you, where are the other three corpse generals?" !”

The corpse general did not answer directly, but asked instead: "You want to go back to their lower road, you can guess, if I show up here, can't you guess where they show up?"

"They..." Just when Jueying was about to ask again, Cao Zhen's expression suddenly changed.

"No, he's stalling for time. He wants to blow himself up!"

After saying this, Jueying and Lan Pili immediately realized that the corpse general he had been saying all kinds of nonsense just now was indeed delaying time.

If he directly self-destructs, he will definitely be noticed. With the cultivation of Jueying Land Fairyland, it is enough to suppress him and prevent him from self-destruction.

However, now that he has stalled for time, he may have made all preparations. If he is ready to self-destruct, no one will be able to suppress him at the moment when he finally self-destructs!

"No, get back!"

Jueying stretched out his hand, grabbed Cao Zhen and Lan Pili, and flew directly into the distance. Although this corpse general was no match for him, it was because he had become an Earth Immortal.

At the beginning, when the corpse left the coffin, he had felt the opponent's strength, how could he reach the level of golden elixir.

And it's not an ordinary golden elixir, it can at least reach the level of the fourth or fifth level of the golden elixir. With such power of the corpse's self-destruction, he has to be careful, not to mention that there are Cao Zhen and Lan Pili nearby.

The reason why Jueying is called Jueying is because what he is best at is speed.

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed Cao Zhen and Lan Pili and exited the town.

Almost the next moment, a loud bang was heard in the small town.

In the center of the town, the corpse general's body suddenly exploded, and in an instant, the endless corpse energy spread out in all directions like an endless galaxy.

For a time, the earth shook, the mountains shook, and the heaven and earth trembled.

Amidst the loud noise, houses collapsed one after another in the small town, and smoke and dust rolled up like a sand storm under the impact of the corpse general's self-destruction. Countless blood mist rose together with the smoke and dust, rushing straight into the city. Skyrim.

People in the town!

"They... they are all dead!" Jueying closed his eyes in pain. He was an immortal. He didn't care much about the life and death of mortals before.

But now, things are happening again and again, and his mentality has changed unconsciously.

What's more, these corpse generals were actually released under his nose by turning a blind eye, and he had obviously found this place. He obviously had the ability to kill the corpse general directly, and let the corpse general , he blew himself up because of his negligence!

All this is because of him!

Because everyone in his entire town died!

He had promised to ensure the safety of everyone in the town!

Cao Zhen looked at the town that was almost razed to the ground when the zombies exploded. He sighed, his face filled with self-blame. He had reacted too slowly. If he had reacted faster, he would have warned Jueying earlier. , all these tragedies need not happen.

These are people from a small town, and they have done nothing wrong.

They were just living in their homes and they didn't even know why they were dead.



Cao Zhen felt the resentment welling up in the town, and his expression suddenly changed: "No, there is such strong resentment. Although, because of our arrival, they did not use their methods to kill everyone in the town. , these people were not taken away for sacrifice, or something like that.

But all the residents of this small town also died, and there was great resentment. In this case, if the residents of several nearby towns are also killed, there is no need to take these villagers away for sacrifice, they can still form the fierce formation! Quick, go check out the nearby town! "

In the distance, terrifying evil spirits shot up into the sky.

At a glance, the evil energy erupted in three different directions.

"The corpse generals, those three corpse generals, they took action together! They seemed to have guessed that we would take action, or maybe just in case, they were preparing to kill all the villagers in the nearby towns. Come, there is no need to sacrifice the villagers, they will definitely be able to form that fierce formation!"

After Cao Zhen finished speaking, Jueying suddenly opened his eyes, and then, a flying sword suddenly shot out from behind him.

Not the wooden sword he fought before, but a real flying sword!

A flying sword flew away quickly.

The powerful Earth Immortal beheads people thousands of miles away!

Killing enemies with flying swords is faster than rushing over by themselves.

He wants to kill all these corpse soldiers!

Suddenly, not long after the flying sword was shot, loud noises came from far away in the place where the evil aura was everywhere.

From a distance, Cao Zhen could even see black corpse aura rising into the sky from a very far away place.

There were three loud noises in succession, and the sounds merged into one, causing the surrounding sky to shake crazily.

"Self-destruction, those three corpse generals, they all also self-destructed!"

Lan Pili looked in the distance with a look of shock, "Those three corpse generals must have known about the Earth Immortal's attack and knew they were no match for the Earth Immortal, so they blew themselves up directly. They were so decisive!"

Everywhere, four corpses exploded in succession.

For a moment, the whole world trembled crazily, and the earth in the distance continued to explode.

The monstrous demonic energy soared into the sky!

"Demon energy?"

"How could there be such a demonic aura, a demonic aura full of blood?"

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili felt the aura coming from the distance. They looked at each other and suddenly remembered the blood river they encountered in Yumin Town. How does this breath look like the breath of a river of blood?

"not good!"

Jueying suddenly reacted, and her face became extremely ugly: "In that place, a river of blood was suppressed.

Now, when they self-destruct, they must have shattered the formation that suppressed the Blood River. They are going to release the monsters in the Blood River! Don't let the monster in the blood river cause trouble again. Wait for me to go and kill the monster! "

As Jueying spoke, he flew through the air into the distance. He didn't even have time to take Cao Zhen and Lan Pili with him.

From behind, Cao Zhen and Lan Pili quickly chased away.

The three people flew quickly towards the place where the blood was shining into the sky.

From a distance, everyone saw a blood river surging rapidly. In the blood river, a giant four-foot-tall monster with the head of a bull and the body of a tiger emerged from the blood river.

The next moment, before the monster could completely leave the river of blood, endless ferocious energy gathered all around, between the heaven and the earth. All around, small towns that had just been blown into ruins because of the self-destruction of four corpses were all around. In the town, waves of resentment and evil spirits merged together, turning into a black demonic light that suddenly cut through like a sickle.

The next moment, the monster's body suddenly exploded in the river of blood.

It has not even completely left the boundless blood prison, it is already dead.

He was strangled by the fierce formation formed here!

As the monster died, endless blood and sky-high resentment burst out from the bloody river, as if it was subject to some irresistible suction, flying towards the fierce formation formed by Feng Shui in the distance.

Just after flying down to where the fierce formation was, the next moment, the endless blood and resentment flew up again, flying towards the mountains in the distance, where hundreds of coffins were suppressed. .

From a distance, the three of them saw a hundred coffins suddenly flying up from the sky, and each coffin became extremely large.

Hundreds of coffins, including the four empty coffins without corpses, were all shaking at this moment. Faintly, everyone could even hear the sound of chains clashing.

The blood splashed, but it directly bypassed the coffins on the periphery and fell on the largest coffin in the middle.

Wuxian, Helian Baitian’s coffin!

In an instant, the mountains in the distance began to shake, and everyone felt vaguely that the mountains seemed to begin to shift.

"Break the formation! Their purpose is to break the formation that sealed hundreds of coffins!" Jueying reacted instantly, "They know there is a river of blood here. Even if I don't take action, they are ready to explode themselves and explode the formation of the blood river. Method, let the blood river reappear, and then use the fierce formation of Feng Shui to kill the monsters in the blood river, thereby breaking the formation set up by the grand master! They have such a deep calculation! I have already felt that the formation in the distance It’s loose!”

As his words fell, the blood surged again in the blood river, and the figure of the second monster emerged from the blood river.

"There's another monster!" Lan Pili suddenly turned his head to look at Cao Zhen and asked: "Can this formation be broken? A vicious formation that breaks the overall situation of Feng Shui? If this monster keeps appearing, and then continues to be defeated by the overall situation of Feng Shui, If he killed the fierce formation and added it to the coffin, wouldn't it mean that soon, the large formation that suppressed hundreds of coffins would be broken, and then Na Helian Baitian and his corpse generals would all escape from the coffin. Leave in the middle?"

"It cannot be broken. Once the fierce formation of Feng Shui is formed, it cannot be reversed. It will not stop for a while. At least, with my current cultivation level, it cannot be reversed. Even the earthly fairyland cannot be reversed. it."

"The earth immortal cannot reverse the evil formation of Feng Shui, but it can reverse the others." Jueying suddenly looked at Cao Zhen and said, "I originally wanted to go to the capital with you and confess to the grand master in person, but now it seems But it doesn’t work anymore.”

As he spoke, he sighed softly, took out his Qiankun bag, handed it to Cao Zhen and said, "This is my life's savings. In my life, I grew up from the Mingxin Sect. The sect trained me, and But I have never denied anything about the sect.

Even when I was the elder of Jueying Pavilion, I failed to fulfill my obligations. In the end, I even did such things to discredit my Mingxin Sect.

I have nothing more that I can do for our Mingxin Sect. I hope you, fellow Taoist, can bring these things to Mingxin Sect when you have time, give them to the master of Jueying Pavilion, and leave them to the disciples of Jueying Pavilion. "

"Elder, what are you doing?" Cao Zhen subconsciously took the Qiankun bag and looked at Elder Jueying in shock. Jueying was obviously making arrangements for his funeral. He...

"All this is caused by me. Because of me, countless civilians have died. Because of me, three fellow Taoists from Faji Sect have died. Everything is because of my fault. I know that the dead people have already died." There is no way to resurrect, and no matter what I do, I can't make up for the mistakes I made.

However, I will still try my best to make up for it. I don’t want to see anyone die because of me again!

I can't Ming Xin Sect, because I am implicated, I can't let the formation I guard have problems! Since I can't stop the fierce formation of Feng Shui, then I will stop the blood river! "

As Elder Jueying spoke, endless aura burst out from his body, and the powerful aura of life suddenly burned on his body.

Burning life, he is burning his life.

Burn him for ten thousand years of life!

Wanshou period means a life span of ten thousand years.

Even though Elder Jueying has lived for about three thousand years, he still has seven thousand years left.

But now, he wants to burn his life.

Burn life and borrow power from heaven and earth!

The more prosperous your life is, the more longevity you have, and the more strength you can draw on!

Between the heaven and the earth, pure power of heaven and earth, as the elder Jueying began to burn life essence, poured crazily towards Jueying.

In an instant, Jueying's aura surged, and boundless mana condensed around his body, causing the surrounding air to tremble crazily.

The aftereffects of the overflowing power formed a wave of air visible to the naked eye, pushing towards the surroundings.

Cao Zhen stood beside Jueying, and was affected by the aftermath of this power. He couldn't even stand and retreated uncontrollably.

For a moment, Jueying's whole body seemed to be connected to the heaven and earth. The aura on his body kept rising and rising, and it even made people feel that he had broken through the limit of his ten thousand life span.

But as his own aura increased, the life aura in him became weaker and weaker.

Because of his breakthrough to become an Earth Immortal, his shiny black hair and black beard turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin on his body shriveled up quickly. The whole person looked as if he was about to die.

But his waist stood straight up.

Looking at the monsters pouring out of the blood river again, he flew into the air and plunged into the blood river without waiting for the fierce formation of Feng Shui to take action.

"All the laws of the universe, Wuji... suppress!"

Jueying pushed out with both hands and hit the monster in the blood river heavily, burning his vitality. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, his power now is so terrifying.

Under his full force bombardment, the monsters in the blood river that had not yet completely come from the boundless blood prison were bombarded by his power and fell directly back into the blood river and back into the boundless blood prison.

Jueying's body still did not leave, but continued to rush towards the blood river.

In just one breath, he had completely entered the river of blood.

The next moment, there was a loud bang.

For a time, the stars dimmed and there was no light in the sky.

The entire world, connected to the mountains in the distance and Yongfeng City even further away, was shaking crazily at this moment.

In the blood river, all the blood rushed up at this moment, straight to the end of the sky, as if it was going to wash down all the stars and moon in the sky.

Elder Jueying, he blew himself up!

An Earth Fairyland blew himself up after burning his own life!

This kind of power caused the surrounding earth to explode crazily.

And in the blood river, after the endless blood flew up, it was all evaporated under the terrifying power of Jueying's self-destruction, revealing a weird formation below the blood river.

And this formation has exploded!

Since we can't break the overall situation of Feng Shui here, then block the blood river!

Blood rivers are very special. All blood rivers come from the boundless blood prison. Some blood rivers are naturally formed, and some blood rivers seem to be formed intentionally by someone.

But all blood rivers have this formation underneath.

The formation connects the boundless blood prison and the world of immortal cultivation.

Once the formation is destroyed, the connection between the Boundless Blood Prison and the world of immortality will be blocked.

Jueying, he blocked this connecting channel at the expense of himself!

The passage was blocked, and all the blood in the blood river evaporated. For a moment, the blood river became like a dry river, with only residual bloody aura spreading around.

In the distance, among the mountains, roars filled with endless anger came.

"court death!"

"How dare you ruin our plans!"

"Jueying, damn Jueying!"

"Do you think that if you die, everything will be over?"

"You are dead, and your sect is still alive. The day we leave, it will be the time to destroy your Mingxin Sect."

"There are also two boys from the Baifeng Sect. You guys are waiting. Without you, Jueying wouldn't be able to do this. You all just wait. You and your Baifeng Sect will die!"

A voice came from among the shouts filled with anger.

There was no anger in this voice, and it was even full of regrets. The voice was not loud, but as the voice came, all the surrounding sounds disappeared. It seemed that there was only one voice left in the whole world. .

"Jueying, we are enemies. However, I, Helian Baitian, deeply admire what you have done."

Helian defeated the sky!

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili looked up at the same time towards the distance, towards the mountains. Helian Baitian, who had not spoken for so long, finally spoke. Or he said it to Elder Jueying, who had already committed suicide.

"You tell me that I will not resort to tricks to open this river of blood again. This can be regarded as respect for you. You are a real man, but you chose the wrong path. For the True Immortal Dynasty, for that Master, it's not worth it.

As for the blood river, I, Helian Baitian, can still get out of this seal even if I don't use the blood river. No one in the world can seal me.

Because of me, Helian defeated the sky, and even the heavens can be defeated, let alone humans! "

After the words fell, Helian Baitian stopped speaking, and no sound came from the coffins around him.

Cao Zhen's eyes fell on the blood river again. Looking at the blood river that was no longer flowing and had completely dried up, he sighed: "These are the true disciples of the top ten immortal sects. Although Elder Jueying does He missed something, but he admitted it, and he always wanted to make up for it, even at the cost of his own life for it!"

"It's a pity, it's really a pity. Elder Jueying has obviously become an Earth Immortal..." Lan Pili shook his head vigorously, and sighed: "The Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe... If it weren't for the imminent arrival of the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, it wouldn't have happened. There are so many things.

Now, the minor era of world reversal has not yet arrived. We have just left Baifenzong and walked outside for less than a month, but we have experienced so much.

The world is already in such chaos. When the Little Era comes when the world is reversed, the world will be in chaos again. I don’t know how many people will die because of this!

At that time, not only mortals, but also various sects and even the top ten immortal sects will be greatly affected. "

"Those are not things we can consider now. What we have to do now is to go to the capital as soon as possible." Cao Zhen felt more and more that his current cultivation level was too weak. When this trip to the capital was over, he must go to the capital for the first time. He returned to the Baifeng Sect for a while, refined the elixir, and then broke through to the golden elixir!

He looked around, and saw that the blood river formation had been exploded by Jueying several times, and Jueying even used part of its power to destroy the blood in the blood river.

At the beginning, in Yumin Town, he, Lan Pili and others did not have enough cultivation to completely clear the blood river. However, Jueying was already an Earth Immortal and burned his life before exploding himself. His power was enough to destroy the blood in the blood river.

For the time being, the Blood River is safe and does not need to be suppressed or guarded.

What's more, Jueying has another disciple coming here.

In this case, there is no need for him to stay here for a long time.

Cao Zhen thought for a while, took out a pen and paper, wrote what happened here on the paper, and then pressed it under a stone, setting up a simple formation here to prevent outsiders from entering and seeing the letter, or being The ferocious beast took away the letter, then got up and returned to Yongfeng City with Lan Pili.

The four corpse generals who left in the coffin are all dead, and there is no need for them to stay here any longer.

Soon, everyone from the Baifeng Sect gathered together. During these days, the disciples of the Baifeng Sect also purchased enough spiritual stones.

Everyone quickly took control of the flying boat and flew towards the capital.

While flying, Chang Tiance asked Cao Zhen: "Peak Master, do we need to change direction? We have been staying here for a while, and people from the Red Refining Demon Sect have probably found out about us. If they are here Ambush here.”

"Of course we have to change directions. Let's go to the desert in the north." The flying boat driven by Cao Zhen has begun to turn. He had already studied the direction when he and Lan Pili were looking at the map.

To the north of Yongfeng City is a deserted desert. Although it takes two more days to pass through that desert, it is safer.

They had also flown through several desert areas along the way. Perhaps those deserts were almost difficult for mortals to cross, but for immortal cultivators, it would not take a day to fly across those deserts with a flying sword.

But the desert in front of them was much larger than all the desert areas they had encountered before.

Now they are driving flying boats, and their speed is much faster than flying swords. But after flying for a day and a night, he still hadn't left this desert area.

"This desert separates the two states of the Zhenxian Dynasty. On one side is Yongfeng City, which is extremely prosperous, but on the other side of the desert, it is much more desolate. The folk customs of the two places are also different."

While helping Cao Zhen control the flying boat, Lan Pili talked about the customs and customs he knew: "Over there in the desert..."

Suddenly, his words stopped and he looked outside the flying boat in shock.

Over the scorching desert, in the void, the sunlight that shone so hard that mortals could hardly open their eyes was suddenly blocked, the sky suddenly turned black, and at the other end of the sky, a black long sword suddenly crossed, pointing directly at the flying boat.

"not good!"

"Quickly, gather your magic power and use your magical power to protect your body!"

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili were shocked. They quickly reminded everyone in the flying boat that even at a very far distance, they could feel the boundless demonic energy in the sword light, which was stronger than the full strength of the white-haired female demon they encountered before. When it breaks out, there will be terrifying demonic energy!

This is the action of the Earth Immortal, and he is a strong one among the Earth Immortals!

On Cao Zhen's body, the Gods and Demons Record, the Golden Light Spell, and the Dragon and Tiger Golden Body all appeared, and the magic power in his body was running wildly, trying to control the flying boat to avoid the incoming sword light.

But one moment he saw the sword light still far away, and the next moment, the dark golden light seemed to fly from the Nine Netherworld and fell on the flying boat.

In an instant, he felt the entire spaceship tremble, and a loud bang seemed to explode in his ears. The explosion caused pain in both of his ears, and the protective golden light on his body also trembled.

Amidst the loud noise, the entire flying boat exploded!

Everyone fell from the sky to the ground one after another, and even many disciples with weaker cultivation levels were so shocked that they vomited blood.

Almost at the moment everyone landed, a giant black hand loomed out from the sky and grabbed the bound white-haired succubus.

Red Refining Demon Cult!

Cao Zhen reacted in an instant and quickly waved his arms. Purple thunderbolts gathered and blasted directly towards the phantom of the giant black hand.

Five thunder rectification!

Purple thunder fell, and the giant black hand grabbed the white-haired female demon and swept away. The unparalleled power of thunder crashed on the ground, and the surrounding sand was shattered into pieces. A piece of dust rose high into the sky under the huge impact.

The opponent's speed was so fast that he had no time to stop him!

Everything happened too fast, from the appearance of the black sword light, to everyone falling to the ground, and the giant black hand sweeping away the white-haired female demon, everything took only a moment.

Some disciples had just fallen to the ground, and before they could react, the white-haired female demon had already been rescued.

"This... is so scary." Chang Tiance looked at the demonic energy that had disappeared, took a long breath, and looked at everyone with a scared look on his face: "It's so dangerous, this... this must be the action of the Earth Immortal. But , Fortunately. The other party doesn't seem to have the intention to kill us, otherwise, I'm afraid the other party only needs to spend one breath, and we will all die."

"No, it's not that the other party doesn't want to kill us, but that the other party doesn't have time. If he kills us, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave." Lan Pili looked to the other side.

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