My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 158 I’m really not here to discuss Taoism

Like an endless desert, the flying boat exploded and fell, causing yellow sand to fly all over the sky.

Cao Zhen suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. A terrifying aura wave came from the distance.

While breathing, a red light appeared in everyone's sight. They even just felt a flash of red light, and this red light fell in front of everyone.

The light is not the light of supernatural powers, but the light of armor.

The whole body of the visitor was covered by a piece of red armor, and on the chest of the armor was engraved a ferocious and huge tiger head.

The tiger's head opens its mouth, giving people the illusion that it is swallowing mountains and rivers, as if it is about to swallow the entire world.

He has a resolute face and is not angry. Standing in front of everyone, he makes everyone feel as if the legendary god of war from the fairy world has come to the world.

There was obviously no blood on his body, but Cao Zhen didn't know why, but when he saw this man, he felt a surge of blood coming from him.

It wasn't the blood that was filled with demonic energy in the blood river, it was simply the rich blood, the kind of blood that came out of the sea of ​​​​blood in the mountain of corpses.

He even had the illusion that the red color of the armor on the opponent's body was dyed with streaks of blood.

The other party just flew down in front of everyone, without any words or showing any hostility, but everyone felt that the air around them seemed to have become heavier, and an invisible pressure seemed to be gushing out of the other party. They were pressing towards them layer by layer, so much so that no one even dared to breathe.

The other party's eyes glanced around the crowd, and finally fell on Cao Zhen and Lan Pili, who were wearing the costumes of the peak masters. A majestic voice sounded: "I am here to guard the immortals, Chi Zhenjiang!"


When Cao Zhen heard the name, he looked at the armor and the aura that looked more like a soldier than a cultivator. He immediately realized that he was a disciple of the Grand Master!

The disciples of the Grand Master all have names like Tuoyu, Tuojiang, etc. Now that another Zhenjiang has arrived, it’s unlikely that the Grand Master has any disciples named Zhenyu.

Also, these disciples who raise their hands, all of them have nothing to do or what? This is the third disciple of the Grand Master that he has met along the way.

When Lan Pili heard the other party's introduction, he suddenly saw the shattered flying boat on the side and quickly said: "The disciples of the Red Refining Demon Sect have been taken away. At this time, we can't blame us.

We have tried our best, but the person on the other side who takes action is obviously an existence from the Earth Fairyland, and we can't stop it at all. "

With this kind of clothes and this kind of aura, the other party could only be a disciple of the Grand Master in the Zhenxian Dynasty.

But before, another disciple of the Grand Master asked them to bring the white-haired female demon into the capital for interrogation.

Now, it was lost in their hands.

According to the laws of the dynasty, they will also be punished for this matter.

"I don't blame you for this, and the court will not blame you or punish you for this." Chi Zhenjiang shook his head and looked at the crowd and said, "On the contrary, you did a very good job in this matter, very good."

"Very good?" Lan Pili couldn't react at all. They lost the people from the Red Refining Demon Sect, and the other party said they did a good job?

What an irony?

However, it doesn't look like he is being sarcastic.

What does it mean?

Cao Zhen looked at Chi Zhenjiang with helpless anger on his face. He suddenly understood and asked loudly: "You had no plan to let us send people to the capital from the beginning.

I was wondering at that time why a master from the Earthly Immortal Realm of the Red Refining Demon Sect asked us to escort him. Why not stay in the city and wait for the masters to pick him up after they arrive? It turns out that everything is a trap set by you.

But, I'm very surprised, what if we really succeed? What should you do? "

"Success?" Chi Zhenjiang didn't seem to expect that Cao Zhen would ask such a question. He paused slightly, and then slowly said, "If you can escort the white-haired female demon to the capital, escort her there. Let's It will also be recorded in the book, and there will be rewards in the future.

However, the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect is hidden so deeply in our Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty. If there is a chance, we will try to find them and eliminate them completely. "

Cao Zhen thought of the rescued white-haired female demon and whispered: "So, the white-haired female demon has left some kind of special mark on her body, and we can track her whereabouts."

If there were no traceable marks, Chi Zhenjiang must have chased the two white-haired female demons by now instead of talking to them here.

"Those are not your business." Chi Zhenjiang's voice suddenly became stern. The next moment, a light flashed on his body, and a red light streaked across the sky. In just one breath, he had already disappeared from everyone's eyes. Disappear.

"he's gone?"

Chang Tiance and other disciples waited until Chi Zhenjiang disappeared, and then they all let out a sigh of relief.

"Did he go after the white-haired succubus?"

"It's probably not chasing the white-haired succubus, but heading directly towards the opponent's lair."

"He paused deliberately, probably waiting for the opponent to return to his lair, and then killed him."

"I don't know how far we have to chase."

"Now the question is, what do we do?"

"Our flying boat was destroyed."

Everyone looked at the flying boat that had been completely blown up, and they were all depressed.

While everyone was talking, in the distance, a bright light suddenly rose into the sky and shot straight into the sky, seeming to destroy the scorching sun in the sky.

"What's happening here?"

"So Chi Zhenjiang has found the other party's lair?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked into the distance.

" such a long distance. I'm afraid it's thousands of miles away."

"That breath is definitely the breath of Chi Zhenjiang just now."

"In just a short moment, he has already chased him so far?"

Everyone looked in the far direction in surprise.

In the distance, almost at the end of the sky, that side of the sky suddenly turned pitch black, as if it turned from day to night in an instant.

Even at an extremely long distance, everyone could feel that the boundless demonic energy seemed to be crushing the entire world.

Suddenly, there was a kind of darkness, and a flash of red light flashed across, like a river of stars in the dark night, and a vast aura surged.

The next moment, in everyone's sight, the world in the distance and the sky were shaking crazily to the extent visible to the naked eye.

Everyone could even see that the sky in the distance was constantly exploding and then exploding.

The glorious lights kept restarting and colliding in the sky, causing the distant sky to change color, as if the end was coming.

Even from a very long distance, everyone could hear the loud noises.

"Is this... is this a battle between earthly immortals?"

"The loud noise of their battle can even be heard from thousands of miles away!"

Suddenly, there was another loud noise, and then the sky in the distance turned into gray.

"Dust, this is dust covering the sky. How fierce is the battle?"

"There's so much dust, I'm afraid the earth will explode completely!"

"Maybe the mountains will explode!"

For a moment, everyone forgot about the shattered flying boat, and everyone looked towards the place where the battle broke out in the distance.

Cao Zhen flew directly into the sky and looked at it from a distance.

As he continued to scrap manuscripts, he could vaguely see the mountains in the distance.

But the next moment, the mountain exploded and disappeared from his sight.

Destroy the mountains!

Cao Zhen was inexplicably shocked. He didn't know how far away the battle place was from where he was. Thousands of miles? The distance is by no means as far as ten thousand miles, it must be even further.

You can imagine how high the mountain is that you can see from such a distance, but it was still destroyed in the battle!

In a battle of this level, what kind of cultivation level does Chi Zhenjiang have?

Also, over there is the home base of the Red Refining Demon Sect? If this is really the case, then Chi Zhenjiang is too terrifying. He is probably more powerful than Fang Tuojiang he has seen before, and he directly entered the lair of the Red Refining Demon Sect alone.

If it were not the home base of the Red Refining Demon Sect, but a sub-rudder, then the Red Refining Demon Sect would be too strong. With just a sub-rudder, they could have such masters and break out such a battle!

In the distant sky, red light and black demonic energy continued to surge and collide. The two sides were obviously locked in a battle, and it was hard to tell who had the upper hand.

During the fierce battle, suddenly, a golden sword light appeared in the void.

Even though everyone was extremely far away, the moment they saw the sword light, as immortal cultivators, they were so illuminated by the light that they could hardly open their eyes.

The sword light was so bright that all the rays of light seemed to fall on that sword light at this moment.

The sword flashed and penetrated directly into the fierce battle.

In an instant, the sky in the distance cracked to a degree visible to the naked eye.

Then, all the lights and shadows of the battle, all the vast auras, everything disappeared.

In the distance, calm returned again.

This sword ended the battle!

The extremely fierce battle that seemed to destroy the whole world was ended by this sword!

The golden light flashed and disappeared immediately.

Cao Zhen looked into the distance, and in his mind, the scene when the sword appeared just now kept reappearing.

He has also seen many people wielding swords. Some people have extremely domineering sword skills, while others have strange sword skills. Everyone's swords have their own styles.

But the sword strike just now gave him an extremely weird feeling.

That sword didn't have any domineering air, nor did it have all kinds of changes, and it didn't have any weirdness. It felt like just one sword!

But this sword gives people a feeling, telling everyone that this sword of mine will end everything.

Then, the sword ended everything.

It looked like a normal sword, a sword that seemed to have no characteristics, but this sword was different from any sword he had seen before.

An indescribable feeling.

"This...this is the Grand Master's move."

Suddenly, Blue Thunder's voice came over.

Cao Zhen suddenly fell from the sky and asked Lan Pili: "How do you know that it was the Grand Master who took action?"

That sword was indeed terrifying, and it must have been carried out by the best master in the world, but he didn't understand why Lan Pili was so sure that it was the Grand Master who had done it.

"Because, I have seen the Grand Master take action. Once you have seen the Grand Master's sword, you will never forget it!" Although Lan Pili answered Cao Zhen, his eyes were still looking into the distance, looking at the sword just now. The sky where the sword appears.

Cao Zhen heard the sound and nodded slightly in admiration: "That's true. Anyone who has seen this sword will never forget it.

However, Peak Master Lan, when did you ever see the Grand Master take action? "

Like him, Lan Pili is only in the elixir formation stage. Can he see the Grand Master take action?

"That was when our master sect succeeded to the throne." Lan Pili turned to look at Cao Zhen and said: "Since our Baifeng Sect accepted the canonization of the grand master, every time the master sect succeeded to the throne, the grand master would come forward Come and canonize.

In fact, not only our Baifeng Sect, but also the ten major immortal sects, every time a palm sect succeeds to the throne, the grand master will confer a title. Of course, it is not the true god of the Grand Master who comes, but a sword light, just like the sword light we just saw.

At the beginning, when the master of our sect succeeded to the throne, you, Peak Master Cao, had not yet... not yet entered our Baifeng Sect, so you did not see it. "

Cao Zhen nodded in understanding. He probably wasn't even born at the time, so he didn't see the Grand Master take action.

As for the canonization, it is easy to understand, it is actually a procedure.

Having Taishi Fangfang is equivalent to the imperial court recognizing your identity. In the eyes of the imperial court, you are the legitimate head sect of one of the top ten immortal sects.

As for, the court doesn’t recognize it?

The Scarlet Refining Demon Sect is probably going to end.

During this period of time, he had seen many masters take action, but no matter who took action, none could compare with that sword.

That sword was too shocking.

Just like what Lan Pili said, that sword will never be forgotten after seeing it once.

No wonder, the Grand Master can single-handedly frighten the entire Immortal Cultivation World of the Zhenxian Dynasty!

It took a long time for Cao Zhen to recover from the sword strike just now, and he looked at Lan Pili and said, "Should we leave first and go to the capital?"

"We should go back, but the flying boat broke open and we had to fly by ourselves." Blue Pili said with some annoyance: "If I had known this, we wouldn't have taken a detour. We took a detour before.

In the past, there were flying boats, so we could take a detour. But without the flying boats, we only rely on ourselves, and we don’t know how long we will have to fly. And Peak Master Cao, you spent all the money to build the flying boat before, Master Cao, but now..."

"Let's not talk about money. Let's leave this desert first." Cao Zhen secretly calculated in his heart that he must have this money. He spent 400,000 taels of spiritual stones.

No, fifty... I spent a total of 800,000 taels of spiritual stones to build the flying boat. Yes, I spent 800,000 taels of spiritual stones. When I go to the capital, I will have to ask the grand master for reimbursement!

I was used by you to help you find the lair or branch of the Red Refining Demon Sect. You will definitely compensate for my losses.

Anyway, Grand Master, you are the most disciplined person, so we will follow the rules when the time comes. No matter how we enforce the rules, we will definitely have to accompany you with this money.

While Cao Zhen was planning to lose money, he and everyone flew out of the desert.

He didn't feel anything because of driving the flying boat before, but now he was flying in the desert. Looking at the desert in front of him, he felt nothing but regret. Why did he lose his head at that time and choose such a place to take a detour?

Although immortal cultivators are not as dangerous as ordinary people in the desert, they are also uncomfortable. Who is constantly being roasted by the sun?

The main thing is that this desert is desolate with no villages in front and no stores behind.

As they were flying, the disciples couldn't bear it, and they all started to make suggestions to Blue Bolt.

"If we fly like this, how long will it take to cross this desert?"

"Peak Master, why don't we change direction, fly out of the desert area first, and then change our route."

Cao Zhen fully realized that in one sentence, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Before, everyone flew like this and didn't feel anything. But since I got a flying boat and experienced the feeling of flying in a flying boat, flying like this is a bit unacceptable.

Not only his disciples, but he himself also found it troublesome.

At this flying speed, in what year and month can we fly to the capital?

Besides, who knows if there are still people from the Red Refining Demon Sect, and who knows if there will be any more dangers on the road. It is better to have a flying boat and fly to the capital as quickly as possible.

While flying, he looked at Lan Pili and said: "Master Lanfeng, I remember looking at the map before. There is a city near here. How about this? Let's divert to that city first. After purchasing enough materials, I will Refining a flying boat, we will drive it to the capital. This way, we will be safer on the road."

"Master Cao, you are talking about Huangliu City. That city is too small. Not only that city, there are no big cities nearby. Even if there are things used by us cultivators, they are just ordinary materials. I’m afraid we won’t be able to gather enough materials to refine the flying boat.”

Lan Pili shook his head slightly, but suddenly thought of something and said: "Unless we go to Qiankumen, they are also one of the top ten immortal sects, so they naturally have enough materials. We can buy materials from them."

As he spoke, he paused slightly and said rather embarrassedly: "It's just Peak Master Cao and the materials..."

He didn't want Cao Zhen to spend any more money, but he really didn't have much money, not enough to buy materials.

"I will pay for the materials myself. However, the Thousand Caves Gate... Is the Thousand Caves Gate so far away from our Baifeng Sect?" Cao Zhen said with some surprise, "I remember that that day, we got the news that Wu Jianzi After staying at Qiankumen for three days, Wu Jianzi arrived at our Baifeng Sect not long after. I thought that our Baifeng Sect was not far from Qiankumen."

"Master Cao, it takes time to transmit this news. Besides, Wu Jianzi and others go out to discuss the Tao. Their sect cannot let them just fly with swords, so they have naturally prepared high-quality weapons for them. Treasures like flying boats are for them to drive. Therefore, their speed is naturally fast enough."

"I see, how about we go to Qiankumen first?" Cao Zhen nodded lightly and put forward his own suggestion.

When he went out this time, he did not bring much money.

Originally, he thought that he would just participate in a mission, and then the reward would be returned to the sect. He did not expect that it would take so long.

So I didn’t bring many spirit stone tickets.

Who knew that the journey would be so long and we would encounter so many things.

He only has one hundred thousand taels of spirit stone tickets left with him now.

However, although he did not have the spirit stone ticket, he did have it in the Qiankun bag left by Elder Jueying.

Anyway, I still have spirit stone tickets in Sibao Peak, and the spirit stone tickets are the same. I spent these spirit stone tickets first, then returned to Baifeng Sect, took out the spirit stone tickets, and finally took them to Mingxin Sect. yes.

Under the leadership of Blue Pili, everyone flew for a day and a half before they flew out of the desert, even if they turned around, and then flew for more than a day before they flew outside the mountain gate of Thousand Cave Gate.

Outside the Thousand Caves Gate and the Mountain Gate, in addition to the normal few people guarding the Mountain Gate, there is also a group of young disciples guarding here.

Suddenly, everyone saw figures arriving in the distance, and their expressions suddenly became serious, and many people even looked nervous.

"somebody is coming."

"I don't know which sect is here to discuss the Tao!"

"Everyone, please pay attention. Also, junior brother, please go back first and inform the door that a Taoist friend has come to discuss Taoism."

Soon, among the crowd, a disciple quickly retreated and left.

Cao Zhen and the others flew all the way to the gate of Thousand Cave Gate and looked towards the door with some surprise: "Thousand Cave Gate, there are so many disciples guarding the mountain gate."

"This is normal. Thousand Caves Sect is called Thousand Caves. They really have Thousand Caves. If we talk about the number of disciples, they are more than our Hundred Peaks Sect." Lan Pili said, already We walked outside the mountain gate of Thousand Caves Gate.

As the envoy of the envoy, he directly clasped his fists and saluted everyone and said: "Baifeng Sect, Pili Peak, Peak Master Lan Pili and Sibaofeng, Peak Master Cao Zhen and his disciples passed by here and came here to see them. Fellow Taoists."

They are here to buy materials, but the problem is that everyone is from the top ten immortal sects, and they are all respectable people. They still have to say some things for the occasion. They cannot come to other people's sects and say directly, "I am here to buy." Your material.

If it spreads out, others will say that you don't understand the rules and are rude.

In particular, this is the Qianku Sect, which has always competed with the Baifeng Sect for the first place in the Za family, so they have to follow the rules.

At Thousand Caves Gate, in front of the mountain gate, among the disciples, a relatively calm-looking disciple suddenly straightened his face when he heard the voice. He cupped his hands towards Lan Pili and Cao Zhenyi and said: "Thousand Caves Gate, Xuanhai Cave, sit down disciples. , Lin Xuesong has met two peak masters, please come inside."

As he said that, he stepped aside and opened the mountain door, but he was secretly alert in his heart. The Peak Master and the Hundred Peaks Sect actually sent two Peak Masters.

In the past, the various sects discussed each other's ways and sent out disciples. However, this time the Hundred Peaks Sect sent two peak masters to lead them. What is the meaning of this?

If they wanted to find a peak master to lead the team, they should only bring one peak master, not two.

Moreover, these two peak masters.

Isn't Sibaofeng always ranked last among the Hundred Peaks Sect?

The Thunderbolt Peak is also ranked over 90. None of them are high-ranking peaks. If you really want to find a peak master to protect your disciples, even if you don’t send a peak master from the fiftieth peak to lead the team, you should send a peak master from the sixth or seventh peak.

What do they mean by sending a peak master with over 90 peaks and 100 peaks?

Let the peak master also participate in the discussion?

As Lan Pili walked, he quietly transmitted a message to Cao Zhen and entered the secret passage: "Xuanhai Cave is one of the stronger caves among the Thousand Cave Gates, ranking one hundred and sixteenth."

Cao Zhen was speechless for a moment. If someone comes to you randomly and says which cave they are from, you will know their ranking. Do you know the ranking of each cave in the Thousand Cave Sect?

If it’s the Hundred Caves Gate, I can understand why you remember the ranking of each cave. In this Thousand Caves, you remember the ranking of each cave. How much do you miss the Thousand Caves Gate!

Cao Zhen complained about this while following the other party into the mountain gate. As he walked, he nodded slightly. He was worthy of being a disciple of the top ten immortal sects. Among the top ten immortal sects, the Baifeng Sect and the Qianku Sect have been competing with each other. They both want to To overpower the opponent.

However, after the real meeting, I and others just wanted to buy something, and the other party was so respectful.

He had been flying outside for a long time before and discovered that this area looked desolate. However, once he entered the Immortal Gate of Thousand Caves Gate, he felt as if he had entered another world.

Compared to the desolation of the outside world, this place is filled with fairy spirit, green trees, mountains and water...

Although Cao Zhen didn't know much about the world of cultivating immortals, as a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect, he still knew a little about the Thousand Caves Sect.

The Hundred Peaks Sect has hundreds of peaks and one hundred peak masters.

As for the Thousand Caves Gate, there are one thousand caves and one thousand cave owners.

However, the strength of many of these thousand caves is much weaker than the peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Otherwise, just this number would be ten times that of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and they would have already crushed the Hundred Peaks Sect. .

In fact, many people within the Baifeng Sect feel that the purpose of the Thousand Caves Sect is completely wrong.

Yes, Baifeng Sect and Qianku Sect are both miscellaneous sects. Within the sects, there are also various types of Zen, Taoist, Confucian, and Swordsmanship...

It is right to create more peaks and caves.

The problem is that Thousand Caves Gate has pioneered too many things.

With a thousand caves, how can a sect have the experience to manage all the caves well?

And with so many caves, the energy is too scattered.

The resources of a sect are also limited. If they are allocated to so many caves, how much can be allocated to each cave?

The Zajia Immortal Sect is divided into one hundred peaks, which is the best situation.

However, the people of Qianku Sect feel that since they are a miscellaneous family, the more the better. I have a thousand caves, but you only have a hundred peaks. I have ten times as many as you.

You are a hundred schools of thought contending, I am a thousand schools of thought contending.

In my Qianku Sect, there are more inheritances of various kinds, and the collision of various Taoism and ideas can continuously supervise progress.

Cao Zhen walked all the way through the Thousand Caves Sect. Soon, Lin Xuesong and several Thousand Caves Sect disciples got on the Immortal Cloud Car and arrived at a mountain peak.

Thousand Caves Gate is named because there are thousands of caves. This cave is not built underground. If it were underground, it would be called a cave.

The caves of Thousand Caves Gate are built on the mountain.

Moreover, Thousand Caves Gate is not all caves and there are no other buildings.

Cao Zhen and others did not enter the cave, but were led into a hall built on the mountainside. Above the hall, there were three big words written on it - waiting for the living room!

Cao Zhen raised his head and glanced at these three words. The handwriting was pretty good, at least better than the handwriting of the peak masters of Miaobi Peak and Juebi Peak.

The hall was already filled with disciples from the Qianku Sect, and sitting above the main seat was a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and a kind expression.

As soon as Lin Xuefeng entered the hall, he introduced Cao Zhen and the others: "This is the elder of our Thousand Caves Sect, Elder Huankong."

Cao Zhen and Lan Pili quickly raised their hands and said, "I've seen it before, fellow Taoist Huan Kong."

The other party did not say which cave he was the elder of, so it was obvious that the person in front of him was the elder of the entire Thousand Cave Sect.

Cao Zhen sighed again in his heart. The Thousand Caves Sect was at least hard to find fault with in terms of how it treated people. They directly sent an elder here.

Lin Xuefeng said, and then introduced to Elder Huankong: "These two are Master Lan of the Hundred Peaks Sect, Pili Peak, and Cao Zhen, Master Cao of Sibao Peak."

"I have met two Taoist friends. Please take a seat, two Taoist friends." Elder Huankong cupped his hands towards the two of them, and then said to the side: "I will serve tea to you all from the Baifeng Sect."

All around, disciples from the Qianku Sect were immediately serving tea.

Lin Xuefeng had already reached Elder Huankong's side and transmitted his voice into the secret passage: "Elder, what is the purpose of the two peak masters from the Hundred Peaks Sect coming here? A peak master with more than ninety peaks, and a peak master with a hundred peaks. host?"

Elder Huankong reached out and touched his beard gently, glanced at Cao Zhen and the two, and with a thought in his mind, he sent a message into the secret and replied: "To be more prepared, he is the peak master of the Ninety-Three Peaks.

The Baifeng Sect asked the two of them to do... little tricks. "

Lin Xuefeng was stunned and asked in confusion: "Elder, what does this mean?" Although Elder Huankong is the elder of Qiancao Sect, he was born in their Xuanhai Cave, so he can stay by Elder Huankong's side. , this time, he was also responsible for welcoming the discussion teams of various sects outside.

Elder Huankong sent a message into the secret and asked: "Let me ask you, what was your first reaction when you saw these two peak masters? Don't have any scruples and speak boldly."

"The disciple's first reaction was to wonder, how could Baifen Sect send such two peak masters? If they did, they should have sent stronger peak masters."

"That's it." Elder Huankong asked, "When you saw the two of them, did you also look down upon them?"

Lin Xuefeng hesitated: "Disciple...disciple, there are some..."

"This elder has said, to put it bluntly, it is normal to have contempt." Elder Huankong transmitted a message into the secret: "You are a disciple ranked in the 116th cave. If you are placed in the Baifeng Sect, then it is not Equivalent to the disciples of the top ten peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

These two peak masters, one ranked ninety-three and the other ranked one hundred, how do they compare with you?

If you think about it again, your personality is calm among all the disciples. After you know the identity of the other party, you will feel contempt. What about the other disciples? Will other disciples also look down upon him?

If you despise it, then the purpose of the Baifeng Sect will be achieved.

He is the one who makes us despise and thereby confuses us. The people they really came to discuss were not their two peak masters, but the disciples behind them.

If my prediction is correct, I am afraid that not many of these disciples are their disciples, but disciples from other peaks, and some are even disciples from peaks that are not ranked high.

But the disciples of these low-ranking peaks must be the top disciples on their peaks.

The Baifeng Sect wants us to slack off this time and then catch us off guard. Unfortunately, if they meet me, their plan will be in vain. "

Huan Kong sneered and stopped communicating with Lin Xuefeng. Instead, he looked at the other side and said, "Two peak masters, I haven't walked out of the mountain gate for a long time. I don't know much about the outside world. I don't know whether the two peak masters are... What are you good at?"

Good at?

Cao Zhen was a little confused. Why do you ask me what I am good at? Although he felt strange in his heart, he couldn't help but answer because the other party was so enthusiastic.

After thinking for a while, he counted them one by one: "I know a lot of things, and I can't say I'm good at it. I can only know a little bit about everything, such as alchemy, talisman making, machine skills, formations, the Six Arts of [Field]... the art of war. , poetry, lyrics, songs, Fu, calligraphy and painting.”

As he spoke, he thought of Gao Jianli, whom he had connected with before, and added: "By the way, there's also music, and I know a little bit about it."

When you're out and about, it's better to keep a low profile.

"Oh? Peak Master Cao is a rare all-rounder." Upon hearing this, Elder Huankong let out a string of laughter, but he was laughing secretly in his heart. Sure enough, everything was as I thought, this Peak Master was here to confuse people.

Who could possibly know so much?

The more he talks, the more others will despise him.

If he is not prepared well, facing the disciples behind him, those who really come to discuss the Tao, they may suffer a big loss.

Unfortunately, this time, I was responsible for discussing the truth and was fully prepared, so their tricks were of no use.

While smiling, he looked at Lan Pili and asked, "I wonder what Master Lan is good at?"

Lan Pili was speechless after listening to Cao Zhen's words. Peak Master Cao, why are you so big-mouthed? Why are you talking so much? Aren't we just here to buy some materials? Just say whatever you want.

Listening to Huan Kong's inquiry, he waved his hand very humbly and said, "I can't say I'm good at it, but I do know a bit about the Six Arts [Field]."


Cao Zhen glanced at Lan Pili with some surprise. He really didn't know that Lan Pili was good at [field].

Speaking of which, although he has not studied [Field] among the six arts, he has connected with the land. This [Field] art is really considered proficient.

Huan Kong nodded slightly. As the elder of Qiancao Sect, he had a deep understanding of Baifeng Sect. He knew everything that every peak of Baifeng Sect was good at.

He did not recognize Blue Pili, but he was the previous peak master of Human Pili Peak, Tian Pili. Tian Pili was good at the Six Arts [Tian]. It was only after Tian Pili that Pili Peak began to have the inheritance of [Tian]. .

In fact, the time before Pili Peak was after the Ninety-Fifth Peak.

Tian Pili led [Tian] one way to Pili Peak. Pili Peak also relied on these six skills to get some rankings in the Hundred Peaks Competition and rose slightly.

Perhaps, Pili Peak's ranking is not high, but there is something on the [Field] Road.

That Peak Master Cao is confusing, this Blue Pili should be the one who really talks about Tao.

However, [Tian] Dao, in previous years, their Thousand Caves Sect was not good at it, but this year, it is very different.

Huan Kong made a judgment in his heart, looked behind the two of them, and asked, "I wonder if all of your disciples are from those peaks, and what are they good at?"

Although the disciples of the Baifeng Sect were confused, they all started to answer.

"Xian Bifeng, Chang Tiance, is good at calligraphy."

Huan Kong nodded slightly. Sure enough, his guess was correct. Xianbi Peak was not ranked among the top fifty of the Hundred Peaks Sect. The latest ranking was sixty-two.

However, Xian Bifeng is good at calligraphy. Come to think of it, Chang Tiance is the disciple of Baifen Sect who is the best at calligraphy.

"Disciple, String Peak..."

Cao Zhen listened as each disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect talked about what they were good at, but the more he listened, the more something seemed wrong.

I and others just came here to buy something, but the other party kept asking me and these disciples what they were good at...

Does this seem like you want to argue with yourself and others?

As soon as his idea came to him, Huan Kong's voice sounded: "I already know what you are good at. In this case, two Taoists, how about we start discussing Taoism now?"

As he spoke, he first looked at Chang Tiance and said, "This disciple is good at calligraphy. How about we start with calligraphy?"

Cao Zhen was completely speechless. The people from Qiankumen really wanted to discuss Tao!

I just want to buy some materials, but I don't have time to hang around with them here, so I'd better make it clear.

Thinking about it, he sent a message to Lan Pili and said: "Old Lan, they have misunderstood us. Tell me, what do these people from the Thousand Caves Sect think? They didn't even ask clearly. They saw us coming. , thinking that we are here to discuss Tao.

Don’t they know that we are going to send an envoy to the capital? Didn't you think of this? And discuss the truth directly! You are the official, please tell them clearly, let's just buy something and leave. "

"Actually, we can't blame them." Lan Pili said helplessly: "They should know that we will send an envoy. But under normal circumstances, when we go to the capital, we will never pass by their Thousand Caves Gate. We took two detours , we have already gone around a long way, and then we came to Qiankumen. Therefore, when we come, they will definitely think that we are here to discuss Taoism, and I was negligent in this matter.

However, quitting the hotel is an absolute no-no!

The other party said that they wanted to discuss Tao. At this time, we said that we were not here to discuss Tao. Others thought that our Baifeng Sect was afraid of their Thousand Caves Sect!

For the sake of our Baifeng Sect's face, we cannot retreat under any circumstances.

Although we are few in number, we still have to support the face of the Baifeng Sect.

Besides, aren't you here? "

Lan Pili said, paused slightly, and said in a speechless voice: "But, Lao Cao, why do you say you are good at so many things? If you do this, they will have more to compete with.

Also, you are obviously good at swordsmanship, and even the swordless disciples of that sword sect admire you so much, why don't you say that you are good at swordsmanship? "

Cao Zhen didn't say anything. He was now glad that he didn't say he was good at swordsmanship.

He can beat Wu Jianzi because Wu Jianzi is strong enough, and he can fool Wu Jianzi into convincing himself.

These people at Qiankumen are not as good as Wu Jianzi. If they really argue with him about swords and deceive him for a long time, but they can't convince themselves, then they are going to overturn.

Lan Pili complained, but secretly thought about how to find an opportunity to say that Peak Master Cao was good at swordsmanship.

Cao Zhen could defeat Wu Jianzi in terms of swordsmanship, and even made Wujianzi recognize Cao Zhen as the leader. Isn't it trivial for Master Cao Feng to suppress the Thousand Caves Sect in terms of swordsmanship?

Must add sword theory.

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