My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 159: An erroneous argument

There are thousands of caves in the Qiancao Gate.

Except for a few caves where there are many disciples, most of the caves don't have many disciples.

However, no matter how few disciples there are, even if there is only one person, it can still be a cave.

Over tens of millions of years, Qiancao Sect, like the ten major immortal sects, has also experienced turmoil and even faced catastrophes.

But since the ancestor founded the Thousand Caves Sect, not one of the thousand caves has cut off its inheritance!

Even in the face of a great catastrophe, one incense must be kept in every cave.

This is the rule of Qiankumen.

The same is true for the Hundred Peaks Sect. Since the establishment of the Hundred Peaks Sect, the inheritance of the Hundred Peaks has never been interrupted.

This is also the Baifeng Sect and the Qianku Sect. Although they have been competing for the title of the No. 1 Immortal Sect of the Za family, the two major Immortal Sects actually have a lot in common.

This is also true for discussing Taoism.

The two major immortal sects set up discussion platforms on their respective peaks or in their respective caves to discuss the Tao.

Those who come to discuss the Tao go to discuss the Tao one by one.

Lan Pili and Cao Zhen took a group of disciples to the forum where Qian Ku Sect specializes in calligraphy. They complained in a low voice: "Qian Ku Sect is really shameless. Like our Bai Feng Sect, there are only one in total. There are hundreds of peaks. If others come to discuss the Tao, they only need to go to five or six, or seven or eight Tao discussion platforms. It is amazing that you can go to more than ten peaks to discuss the Tao. For example, if you want to discuss the art of war, you only need to go to the Military God Peak. Just talk about Tao.

Look at the Thousand Grottoes Gate. They have thousands of caves. If anyone comes to talk to them about Taoism, they have to go to dozens of Taoism forums, and some even have to go to hundreds of peaks to discuss Taoism.

As a result, a lot of time will be spent just on the way to various forums. "

Cao Zhen nodded in agreement, this was indeed a problem. It doesn't matter if they are really members of the Tao discussion team. They were originally there to discuss Tao, so they can just talk about Tao casually.

But the problem is that they are going to the capital to attend the new emperor's ceremony, and they can't stay here for too long and waste time.

After a while, he was going to discuss with Elder Huankong that it would be best if we all fixed a place to discuss Tao together. Otherwise, we would not know how to discuss Tao until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Not long after, everyone had arrived at a Tao discussion platform.

The Dao Discussion Platform is not small, but there are not many disciples around the Dao Discussion Platform. There are only a dozen disciples wearing Qiankumen costumes standing here, which is not as many as the people of Baifeng Sect.

Lin Xuefeng quickly stepped forward and introduced: "Everyone, this is Chang Tiance, a disciple of the Baifeng Sect and Xianbi Peak. He is good at calligraphy. I wonder which senior brother is interested in discussing Taoism with fellow Taoist Chang?"

After he finished speaking, among the dozen or so people across from him, a disciple with an average appearance but unusually fair skin stepped forward, cupped his hands towards Chang Tiance and said, "The chief disciple of Kuangcao Cave, Kuangren Yan."

Chang Tiance is still a little confused now. Why did he become a member of the Taoism team when he was a member of the envoy that went to the capital to pay homage?

He didn't react until the other party's words came.

It’s time to discuss the truth. Isn’t this an opportunity for you to express yourself?

He once had an epiphany in the Qianlong Immortal Palace because of Peak Master Cao, and his calligraphy knowledge also improved. But when the Taoist team was selected, he happened to be in the Qianlong Immortal Palace.

His master didn't know that his calligraphy had greatly improved, so he didn't recommend him to try it, so he missed the selection for the Taoist team.

Later, Qing Mozi, a disciple of the Bi and Mo Sect, went to the Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism. Not to mention him, even his master was a little unable to resist, and finally had to invite Master Cao Feng.

Since his calligraphy boomed, he has never had a chance to show it off.

Unexpectedly, joining an envoy would give me the opportunity to discuss Taoism, and Peak Master Cao is here!

Chang Tiance walked to the discussion platform and glanced in the direction of Cao Zhen. He should also let Master Cao see his progress. If so, Master Cao would give a few more pointers... Then this time he Going out makes a lot of money!

When Kuangren Yan saw Chang Tiance on the stage, he turned around, took out a piece of rice paper filled with words and handed it to him: "This calligraphy is written by my junior brother recently. I would like to ask my senior brother to comment on it."

There was no surprise for Chang Tiance. When discussing the art of calligraphy, he usually spoke without speaking, but directly spoke through his works.

Some of these works were created on-site, while others were created before.

As for not seeing the other person's creation, there is no need to worry. The disciples of the top ten immortal sects all have their own pride, and no one will just take someone else's writing and say it was written by themselves.

He took the rice paper and looked up.

Around him, many disciples from the Hundred Peaks Sect craned their necks to look curiously. At first glance, many disciples frowned.

What a mess of words.

These words looked so confusing that they couldn't even make out all the words.

However, even though the words were messy, they felt that the writing was pretty good and even looked good.

Crazy grass.

Chang Tiance nodded lightly. As a disciple of the Baifeng Sect and the Xianbi Peak, he knew a lot about the caves in Qiankumen that practiced calligraphy. There were a total of thirty-six caves in Qiankumen that were good at calligraphy. Among them, there are twelve caves that are good at calligraphy, and each cave is good at different calligraphy.

What Kuangcao Ku is good at is Kuangcao.

Chang Tiance looked at the words in front of him and nodded slightly. Crazy cursive writing was what he was good at.

He glanced at the words in front of him, looked up at Kuangren Yan, cupped his hands and said: "Senior Brother's words are magnificent, round and bold, and strangely changing. They are endless, but they are also rare."

A look of pride appeared on Kuangren Yan's face. This word was written by him the day before yesterday. At that time, he drank heavily with his two brothers. After drinking to the fullest, he felt something in his heart and wrote this word. This word has been something he has been studying ever since. The pinnacle of calligraphy since then.

Even now, if he were asked to write it again, it would be difficult for him to write such words that were so unbridled and full of pride.

While Chang Tiance was speaking, he paused slightly, then took two steps forward and whispered: "It's just that this text is still a little too restrictive, and it's not free and easy enough!"

If he had seen such words before, he could only sigh in admiration and feel ashamed.

However, he had an epiphany because of Cao Fengzhu's words. After that, he saw Cao Fengzhu's words several times. Although he did not have an epiphany the next few times, he also gained a lot of insights. The words in front of him were all in his eyes. Failure.

Kuangren Yan's face suddenly changed, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Not free and easy enough? This book was written by me after drinking. To be honest, this book is not free and easy enough. I would like to ask, what kind of words can be free and easy enough!"

Chang Tiance glanced at Cao Zhen and found that Master Cao had no intention of speaking. Then he continued: "I dare to ask, senior brother, if learning the art of calligraphy starts with copying?"

"This is natural." Kuangren Yan glared at Chang Tiance and asked, "Senior Brother Mo Fei, do you know that learning calligraphy does not start with copying?"

"Of course I started with copying." Chang Tiance gently stretched out a finger and said, "But copying will always follow a specific path.

In fact, no matter what words we write, we are learning calligraphy. The word "dharma" means to follow it.

What is [Dharma]? These are the so-called rules.

Everything must be done according to the rules.

No matter which font is used, after learning it, you will also follow the rules of various fonts.

But, brother, what did you write? It’s crazy grass!

What is Kuangcao?

Kuangcao is broken!

Destroy everything, break all shackles!

Since you want to write wildly cursive writing, you have to not follow the routine at all, or in other words, there is no routine at all.

Brother, your writing is too cliche. Therefore, what I say about you is not brazen enough. Because, senior brother, you are still within that framework, while Fei breaks all the shackles. "

While Chang Tiance was speaking, he glanced at Cao Zhen again. When he wrote before, he was too regular and followed the framework of cursive script.

It wasn't until he saw Cao Fengzhu's calligraphy that he gradually understood what the real cursive script was. The real cursive script was to be free and easy and unlimitedly public!

Cao Zhen glanced at Chang Tiance in surprise. This guy was very talkative. He was a bit of a tricker, and he was trying to trick people with his mysterious tricks.

Kuangren Yan seemed to have never thought about this problem. Hearing the sound, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Behind, another disciple from Kuang Cao Cave shouted in dissatisfaction: "Anyone can say it with their mouth. But I don't know if senior brother's words can reach the level of breaking away from the shackles and breaking everything?"

"My handwriting is naturally not up to that level." Chang Tiance glanced at Cao Zhen again and said, "However, since you want to see it, I will show my shame once."

What he meant by showing off one's ugliness was not showing one's ugliness in front of everyone, but showing one's ugliness in front of Lord Cao.

After all, anyone who writes or displays calligraphy in front of Master Cao is showing off his face.

All the people he has seen now, and even all the calligraphy works he has seen, are only the calligraphy of Cao Fengzhu. Cao Fengzhu's wild calligraphy has reached the point of destroying everything, breaking everything and unlocking it, reaching the level of doing whatever he wants.

Now, he is still far away from it. He is just pursuing the path of Master Cao.

Chang Tiance gathered his thoughts, raised his hand, picked up the pen he had prepared, and started writing.

Not long after, black words appeared on the rice paper one by one.

Kuangren Yan was still behind, and a group of disciples stepped forward to take a look.

Suddenly, the disciples of Kuangcao Peak frowned. This word was indeed much more wanton than Kuangren Yan's.

Behind, Elder Huankong looked at the rice paper in everyone's hands. At first glance, his expression changed slightly. He was chosen to lead the disciples of Qianku Sect to discuss the Tao with others because he was in Qianku Sect. He is one of the rare people in the sect who is proficient in everything. Although he is not a calligrapher, he still understands calligraphy. The words in front of him, not to mention each stroke, but just in terms of artistic conception, are much better than Kuangren Yan. many.

The people from the Hundred Peaks Sect were indeed well prepared, and I was right in thinking that the peak masters of the Hundred Peaks Sect were just people who attracted attention, and those who truly talked about the Tao were these disciples.

On the side, Cao Zhen saw the silent Qiankumen people. Taking advantage of this gap, he quickly walked up to Huankong and discussed: "Elder Huankong, you see, we have more disciples here. You Qiankumen There are a lot of people, and we don’t know how long it will take to discuss the Tao one by one. How about we gather everyone together and discuss the Tao together?”

"Let's discuss Tao together?" Elder Huankong took a deep look at Cao Zhen and sneered in his heart. When Chang Tiance was discussing Tao just now, he glanced at Cao Zhen several times and thought he didn't see it?

Obviously, the two people must have communicated in secret just now. It seems that Cao Zhen asked Chang Tiance if he was sure, and Chang Tiance even thought that he could suppress his Qiankumen head.

Therefore, Cao Zhen proposed to discuss the Tao together, because he wanted to overwhelm the Thousand Caves Gate in front of everyone.

Seeing that Huan Kong didn't answer, Cao Zhen thought for a while and continued: "Elder Huan Kong, I didn't mean to break your rules, but we...we still have things to do and have to hurry up." He originally wanted to say that they wanted to I was in a hurry to go to the capital, but after thinking about it, I felt it was not good to say it so openly.

People will think, what do they mean? Even the envoys who went to the capital could defeat them in a battle of wits. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to say it directly?

Therefore, he could only hint at it.

When Elder Huankong heard this, he sneered even more fiercely in his heart. Was he starting to get excited? It's really ridiculous. Do they really think they can win?

Do you really think that if they can win Kuang Cao Ku, they will be able to beat them Qian Ku Sect in the art of calligraphy?

Chang Tiance's calligraphy is indeed good, but in previous years, he may not necessarily be able to surpass the most outstanding disciple of their Thousand Caves Sect.

Not to mention, now, in addition to their Thousand Cave Sect, Shen Xinghai from Mobao Cave is known as the most gifted disciple of calligraphy in a thousand years!

He also wanted to overwhelm us in front of everyone from Qiankumen.

Well, since they want to embarrass themselves, then let them do it.

Elder Huankong sneered in his heart, but a warm smile appeared on his face, and he seemed to understand and said: "Since Peak Master Cao has this intention, it is natural that we, the Thousand Caves Sect, cannot refuse.

Xuefeng, please go and spread the word and invite all the disciples from the Thirty-sixth Cave of the Thousand Caves Sect who are good at calligraphy and painting to come here.

Naturally, if you cave owners have time, you can also come and see the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect. There are other disciples who can come and watch our discussion with fellow Taoists from the Baifeng Sect if it's important. "

Lin Xuefeng instantly understood the meaning of Elder Huankong's words, nodded quickly, and his disciple went to inform him.

As soon as the words fell, his figure had disappeared.

Originally, most of the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect were surrounding the Taoist Forum, but as Lin Xuefeng left, disciples of the Thousand Cave Sect began to gather around one by one.

In the distance, there was a cave master and disciples from Cave 36 of the Thousand Cave Gate and the Way of Calligraphy.

Elder Huankong looked at the people who arrived, and his eyes quickly fell on a disciple who was handsome and full of confidence in his movements. Even if he was walking with everyone, others would notice him at a glance.

He raised his hand and waved, and said with a smile: "Xinghai, this disciple from the Hundred Peaks Sect wants to discuss Taoism with our Qianku Sect. Why don't you have a discussion with him?"

Originally, he was planning to let all the disciples from Qianku discuss Tao with each other and hone their skills, but the other party actually asked to discuss Tao with all of them directly, so don't blame him and just send the strongest person. .

Before, it was just a group of disciples discussing Taoism with people from the Baifeng Sect. It didn’t matter if they lost.

Right now, with so many disciples from the Thousand Cave Sect watching here, it is natural that they can no longer lose.

"Disciple, obey."

Shen Xing also jumped slightly from the crowd and landed on the forum with a confident face. He looked at the words written by Chang Tiance and nodded slightly: "Senior Brother Chang is good at cursive writing, right? Junior Brother, I am also good at cursive writing. I’m a little more proficient. Please give me some comments from Senior Brother Chang.”

As he spoke, he walked directly to the desk in front of him, raised his pen and started writing.

No concentration.

After he came all the way, he started writing directly.

Confidence, extremely confident.

He is confident and can write casually, and the words he writes can surpass Chang Tiance.

He wrote extremely fast, and on a piece of rice paper, wild and flamboyant words appeared one after another.

It’s cursive, and it’s still cursive!

This character is more unbridled and free-spirited than Chang Tiance's character.

After a while, there were two more lines of cursive writing on half of the rice paper.

But he didn't stop. After he paused slightly in lifting the pen, his body sank slightly, and then he started writing again.

But this time, the words he wrote were neat and precise, stroke by stroke.

"Two fonts!"

"Senior Brother Xinghai, directly display the two fonts."

Below, after seeing the words written by Shen Xinghai, a group of disciples from the Thousand Caves Sect started shouting, their voices filled with pride.

"What Senior Brother Shen is best at is not wild cursive writing, but formal writing!"

"Even Senior Brother Shen's cursive script is a bit stronger than Chang Tiance's cursive script, let alone the official script. Senior Brother Shen's official script is stronger than his wild script!"

"Senior Brother Shen, this is clearly telling the other party that I can defeat you with my best calligraphy, and I can also defeat you with your best calligraphy."

"There is no dispute. The disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect must have lost."

"Baifeng Sect is in the calligraphy sect, that's all."

Chang Tiance looked at the words in front of him with a look of regret on his face. He lost, he lost to someone else in front of Peak Master Cao. The opponent's Kuang Cao was indeed better than his, but it was not superior. At most, he is half a chip better than himself.

If I study calligraphy more seriously during this period of time, I have a chance to be equal to the opponent in Kuangcao, so that even if I lose, I won't lose too much.

Nowadays, he loses to the other party in the wild grass that he is good at...

Elder Huankong listened to the voices of the disciples around him, and a smile appeared on his face. This was the most outstanding disciple of their Thousand Caves Sect and calligraphy master in a thousand years.

The Baifeng Sect chose to challenge them in the calligraphy class, but it was hit hard.

While smiling, he looked at the Baifeng Sect and said with a smile: "How about it? I don't know how many of you there are, but is there anyone who wants to discuss the art of calligraphy?"

However, the voices of Qianku Sect disciples continued to be heard from all around.

"Who among the Zhenxian miscellaneous family is the peak? Hundreds of peaks and thousands of caves are comparable. This sentence needs to be changed."

"How to change it?"

"Of course, who among the Zhenxian Zajia family is the peak? Thousand caves are higher than hundreds of peaks."

Chang Tiance's face turned red as he listened to the sounds coming from all around and the ridicule of the Qianku Sect disciples, and he said loudly: "I admit that my handwriting is indeed not as good as this senior brother, but this senior brother The word "," is just average in my eyes.

My calligraphy, Chang Tiance's, cannot even represent the Baifeng Sect's calligraphy techniques.

When it comes to the art of calligraphy, I'm afraid you have never heard of the saying, "If heaven did not give birth to Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy and painting will last forever like a long night." "

As he said that, he turned to look at Cao Zhen with a look of admiration and shame. As a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, he had embarrassed the Baifeng Sect, but in the end he had to rely on Cao Feng to turn the tide.

As for that sentence, he himself changed it. After seeing Master Cao's painting method, he changed one word of that sentence.

"If heaven had not given birth to Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy and painting would last forever like a long night? What a crazy thing to say!"

"Even our cave master dare not say that."

"Who is Cao Zhen? He is looking at their peak master, isn't he?"

"That person is the Peak Master of the Four Treasures Peak of the Baifeng Sect. It is said that his name seems to be Cao Zhen."

"Four Treasure Peak, isn't that the last peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect? How dare their peak master say such a thing?"

"Not even the leader of the Bi-Mo Sect has said such arrogant words. Why should he, who is the last peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect?"

"A frog in a well! I'm afraid I have too little knowledge, so I'm so arrogant."

When everyone in the Baifeng Sect heard the ridicule from the Qianku Sect disciples, they suddenly became upset and shouted loudly: "Who is the frog at the bottom of the well?"

"Have you ever seen the words of Peak Master Cao?"

"Don't agree? If you don't agree, come and compete!"

Huan Kong waved his hands repeatedly and said to the people behind him: "Okay, okay. Our Qianku Sect and Baifeng Sect are both top ten immortal sects. It is okay to discuss with each other, but we must not lose etiquette."

He looked at Shen Xinghai with a kind face and smiled: "Since Master Cao Feng has given you some guidance, Xinghai, why don't you thank Master Cao quickly?"

Cao Zhenna is a peak master.

Regardless of whether he is the Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks or not, he is still the Peak Master!

And Shen Xinghai is just a disciple of Qianku Sect.

Cao Zhen and Shen Xinghai discussed it, saying that would already mean lowering one's status, and it would not look good if word spread about it. Even if Shen Xinghai lost, others would not say anything.

Even outsiders would joke that there was no one left in the Hundred Peaks Sect, and after the disciples lost, the peak master could only discuss the Tao with the disciples of the Thousand Cave Sect.

But what if you win?

The Hundred Peaks Sect was really embarrassed. No one else would care if they were the Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks. Everyone would just say that a Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect discussed the Tao with their disciples from the Thousand Cave Sect, and ended up losing to them. their disciples.

Moreover, in his opinion, Cao Zhen had a high chance of losing.

Although people from the Baifeng Sect all asked Cao Zhen to come on and speak for Cao Zhen, it was obvious that Cao Zhen could also calligraphy, and should be better than Chang Tiance.

However, no matter how strong he is, he may not be much stronger.

Cao Zhen, if he was really good at calligraphy, why would he want to be the master of Sibao Peak instead of going to Xianbi Peak and Miaobi Peak?

Shen Xinghai will most likely win!

How could you miss such a good opportunity?

These disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect actually put their peak master on the fire, so he couldn't miss this opportunity and had to get the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect to agree.

Cao Zhen listened to the words of everyone around him, nodded slightly and said, "In that case, let's do it."

He is a member of the Baifeng Sect, so he naturally has to maintain the reputation of the Baifeng Sect outside. Since no one else can do it, he naturally has to do it.

He quickly walked to a desk, picked up a pen, and started writing.

But before he could make a move, Lan Pili's secret message came over: "Old Cao, will you stay a little longer? You are just competing with a disciple. It won't be honorable if we win. Since you take action If you don't, you have to kill them through the Thousand Caves Gate and let the cave masters of the Thousand Caves Gate come to an end.

If you use it with all your strength, the cave masters of Thousand Cave Sect will not take the initiative to take action if they see your strength. Then they would talk about it later. "

Cao Zhen understood immediately: "You mean to let me go, but I will win against that disciple, right? Don't worry, there will be no problem."

If it had been before, he wouldn't have bothered to go to such trouble, and he would have just written it down and crushed it.

But along the way, I have experienced a lot. I have seen the disciples of the Baifeng Sect willing to sacrifice, and I have seen the three members of the Faji Sect willing to suppress their cultivation for the sake of the reputation of their Faji Sect, for the sect, and for their own pride. After being killed by him and seeing the responsibility of Elder Jueying.

His understanding of the sect is completely different from before.

He is a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, so he must support the glory of the Baifeng Sect!

Cao Zhen paid attention, but he raised his pen and wrote two big characters on the rice paper in front of him.

Two words, one is a wild and unrestrained cursive script, and the other is a stroke-by-stroke block letters. It seems that people in this world do not call them block letters, but call them official scripts.

As soon as the two words fell.

Elder Huankong immediately looked at the cave masters who knew calligraphy. He knew calligraphy, but in his opinion, the two characters in front of him were almost the same as Shen Xinghai's characters. But vaguely, he still felt that the words in front of him were better.

But he didn't dare to confirm, so he could only look to the side, several cave owners who were better at calligraphy.

After several cave masters looked at each other, one of them, the cave master of Mobao Cave, praised softly: "Master Cao Feng is a little unexpected. This writing is half a step better than that of my disciple Xinghai."

Elder Huankong's face darkened slightly, then Cao Zhen really won? He was actually able to defeat Shen Xinghai! He has such a great talent, why would he go to the Four Treasure Peaks instead of learning calligraphy?

It's a pity, it's really a pity.

If Shen Xinghai can defeat Cao Zhen, then when he and Bai Feng Sect argue about the No. 1 Immortal Sect of the Za family, he can talk about those things directly.

It's a pity that Cao Zhen is still better.

Behind them, disciples from the Qianku Sect saw that their senior brother had lost to the opponent, and some of them immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.

"There is nothing glorious about a peak master defeating our disciples."

"That's right, when we discuss the Tao, we are disciples discussing the Tao. What happens to the peak master?"

"Our cave master will not die."

"The cave owners are in trouble. How can the Baifeng Sect have a chance to win?"

Lan Pili listened to the shouts of the disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect, and felt very happy. He was just worried about how to speak, and these disciples started to send him words, and even if he was dozing off, he sent them pillows.

He pretended to look at Elder Huankong and said: "Elder, I see that the disciples of your noble sect are very dissatisfied. In this case, why not let the cave masters also have a discussion with Master Cao?"

"Oh?" Huan Kong glanced at Lan Pili in surprise, nodded and said, "In that case, I wonder which cave master can I discuss with Master Cao?"

The other party actually dared to talk to the cave master again, then...

Could it be that Cao Zhen didn't try his best just now?

Otherwise, it is impossible for him not to know that even if he is only half a step ahead of his disciple Shen Xinghai, he will definitely lose to the cave master of their Thousand Caves Sect.

That should be it.

However, how far can he hide his strength?

Huan Kong didn't believe it. A peak master from a hundred peaks could still defeat these cave masters from his thousand cave gates!

Seeing that the other party had to discuss Tao one by one again, Cao Zhen felt a headache and immediately said: "How about this? The calligraphy that all the cave owners are good at seems to be different. Why don't you each write a kind of calligraphy and let's discuss Tao together."

He has to rush to the capital and has no time to discuss Taoism slowly here.

Crazy, too arrogant!

All around, not to mention the disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect, even the cave masters of the Thousand Caves Sect became ugly.

What does it mean?

One person to them all? Also let each of them write a kind of calligraphy.

However, Huan Kong had a thought in his mind and quickly said: "Okay, since Peak Master Cao has a request, let's discuss it!"

As he spoke, he transmitted the message to the twelve cave masters who were good at calligraphy and entered the secret passage: "Cave masters, please write with all your strength.

When the time comes, when you see the people from the Baifeng Sect again, you can talk to them about the fact that our masters of the Twelve Caves have overwhelmed the master of the Baifeng Sect. Let’s see how the people of the Baifeng Sect have the nerve to compete with us for the title of the Miscellaneous Family. one. "


"The Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect is too arrogant and needs to be taught a lesson."

"If that's the case, then I'll do my best to write it."

"If it's someone from another sect, we might be able to save some face for the other party, but for the Baifeng Sect, forget it."

"We may not have competed for a long time, but this time we can compete to see whose calligraphy skills are more advanced."

Thousand Caves and Thirty-Six Caves are known to be good at calligraphy, but among them there are those who are good at painting and some who practice both calligraphy and painting. Only Twelve Caves are truly good at calligraphy alone.

The twelve cave owners walked to the twelve prepared desks, each of them concentrated and adjusted their state to the best before they started writing.

After Cao Zhen concentrated for a moment, he just picked up the pen. He didn't know the level of the other party. Judging from the level of the other party's disciple Shen Xinghai, these people should be better than Song Xianbi and others in the way of calligraphy. He also Don't be too relaxed.

Ninety percent.

Cao Zhen thought for a while, then used more than 90% of his strength and started writing.

Suddenly, words appeared on the paper one by one.

He and these cave owners didn't write much, and the other twelve cave owners finished writing almost at the same time as him.

One cave master put down his pen, shook his head slightly and looked at the other eleven cave masters and said: "It was too hasty. This time I was not prepared too well. I did not perform at my full level. I am afraid I will make a fool of myself."

"Where, where, Cave Master Li's calligraphy is as powerful as ever. But for me, this brush is not the one I usually use, and I am a little uncomfortable with it, but this time I missed the mark."

"Whatever you two said, it was my words that made you laugh."

When Cao Zhen listened to the words of these twelve cave masters, he felt like they were words spoken by some of his top classmates in his previous life after taking exams.

What they all said one by one was, "I didn't perform well this time."

"The question is too difficult."

"I didn't review that knowledge point."

"I made a mistake during the exam."

As a result, when the test papers were divided, I discovered that the so-called failure to perform well meant that I did not get full marks, and that I made a mistake because I missed a question.

These twelve peak masters have that feeling.

Cao Zhen was puzzled, is it interesting for you to compete with yourselves? I have another person here, don’t you know what I wrote?

Finally, the twelve cave masters seemed to realize that it was not good to ignore each other all the time. One cave master smiled and said: "How about we go and see the masterpiece of Master Cao?"

"You might as well take a look."

"I don't know what kind of calligraphy Peak Master Cao is good at."

As they talked, they had already walked up to Cao Zhen and looked down at the rice paper Cao Zhen put on the table.

The next moment, these twelve people took a breath and followed the words in front of them in disbelief.

"If heaven had not given birth to Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy and painting would be as long as the night."

The first word "天" was filled with strength every stroke. Seeing this word, they even had the illusion of looking up to the sky.

But the second word has a wild and unrestrained scrawling, this is wild scrawling!

The third word...

Fourteen characters, but written in fourteen completely different ways!

What's even more shocking is that every word and every writing method is exquisite to the extreme. This writing is simply...

Twelve people, looking at the fourteen words in front of them, felt a surge of aura on each of them, vaguely, and even felt like they wanted to have an epiphany.

Everyone around looked at the twelve cave masters who were motionless, and they were confused for a moment. What happened to the cave masters? Why aren't you moving?

Are they going to have an epiphany?

Impossible, they are all cave masters, so what level of Cao Zhen's words must be used to make the cave masters realize their enlightenment!

What's more, there are still twelve cave owners!

However, the cave owners kept looking at each other without moving. What does this mean?

Suddenly, a thick aura of pen and ink rose into the sky.

The Lord of Mobao Cave!

Everyone looked at Shen Xinghai's master, Peng Mobao, the cave master of Mobao Cave, who was ranked sixty-one.

Peng Mobao, surrounded by words of black energy, flew continuously towards the distance, stretching for thousands of miles...


"It's really an epiphany. Cave Master Peng actually had an epiphany!"

"This, Cave Master Peng only realized this after he saw the words Cao Zhen. Could it be that..."

"How can this be!"

"If a piece of text can make the other party realize something, it is because it must be far beyond the other party's level! Then how can Cao Zhen be so much better than Cave Master Peng?"

"Cave Master Peng's Calligraphy Cave is the highest ranked among the twelve caves that focus on calligraphy. And Cave Master Peng is also the one with the highest cultivation level and the highest attainments in calligraphy. Isn't he as good as him?"

All around, the disciples of the Thousand Cave Sect could not believe what they were seeing.

"It should be Cave Master Peng. He happened to have some insights when he saw the other person's calligraphy. It's not necessarily that Cao Zhen's calligraphy is better than Cave Master Peng's."

"Yes, it should be that Cave Master Peng's attainments are too high. He just happened to find something that he could learn from, and then he had some insights, so he had an epiphany."

"It must be so."

Amid the discussion among the disciples of Qianku Sect, Master Peng finally came to an end from his enlightenment. He turned around, bowed his hands to Cao Zhen and said, "Thank you so much, Lord Cao Feng, for your guidance. I can never repay the kindness of my sudden enlightenment."

Cao Zhen was speechless. No, what are you saying one by one? Does it mean that there is nothing to repay? Does it mean that there is no repayment?

Can't you bring me some medicinal materials? Can't you give me some treasure?

As Cave Master Peng spoke, he often sighed: "If heaven had not given birth to Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy and painting would be as long as the night. Now, Peng finally felt the meaning of this sentence. I am afraid that only this sentence can... She is so stunningly beautiful that she is worthy of Master Cao Feng."

When everyone around heard the sound, their expressions changed drastically.

"This is?"

"Does Master Peng mean to be inferior to the other party?"

"Cave Master Peng was defeated?"


"What about the other cave owners?"

"By the way, Cao Zhen challenged several cave masters at once. The twelve cave masters were all good at different calligraphy. Perhaps, he only surpassed Cave Master Peng in the calligraphy that Cave Master Peng was good at, but the other cave masters were not necessarily."

"Yes, the calligraphy is different..."

While everyone was still discussing, the other eleven cave owners spoke one after another: "Master Cao Feng, a great talent, I bow to you."

"Master Cao Feng wins."

"I never imagined that there would be someone as stunningly talented and beautiful as Peak Master Cao in the world."

The eleven cave owners looked at Cao Zhen. In addition to being amazed, they felt more regretful and deeply regretful!

They just had a vague feeling of enlightenment, but Cao Zhen's fourteen characters were in fourteen different fonts, and each of them was good at only one character.

If the fonts they are good at can add one more character, and they can study it more, they believe that they will be able to have an epiphany.

However, each of the opponent's fonts was just one word, and they were just a little short of enlightenment.

An epiphany is just a moment of understanding.

Now, if they didn't have an epiphany when they first saw these words, then after they go back, no matter how much they study, they may not be able to have an epiphany.

Besides, there is no epiphany and no one else to blame, only themselves.

It was the same word, but Cave Master Peng had an epiphany.

As Shen Xinghai listened to his master's thanks and the praises of the other eleven cave masters, he was puzzled. What kind of words could conquer these twelve cave masters?

He didn't care about his disciple's identity at this time. Out of curiosity, he flashed and appeared directly in front of the desk. He looked at the rice paper filled with black words. At a glance, his whole body felt dizzy.


How is this possible? Is this something humans can do?

Fourteen words, fourteen different fonts, each font is so exquisite and reaches such a high level...

Then Peak Master Cao, how did he do it!

He is known as the disciple with the highest talent in the calligraphy sect of the Thousand Caves Sect for thousands of years.

The last person to be evaluated in this way was his master, but his master once lamented that his talent was actually higher than his.

The master even said that his achievements would definitely surpass his. He also said that in the world, there are probably not many disciples of his generation who can surpass him in calligraphy.

However, I saw such one today.

Although this Peak Master Cao is the Peak Master, he is almost the same age as me!

How could he do it, mastering so many kinds of calligraphy at such a young age!

He is not the peak master of Calligraphy Peak, but the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak, the hundredth peak!

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