My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 160 He will appear on stage after you sing

At the Qian Cave Gate, a group of disciples from the Calligraphy and Painting Cave finally knew today, what does it mean to shock the soul?

They all practice calligraphy and painting. Even if they major in painting, they also have some understanding and proficiency in calligraphy. What does this mean in front of them?

"Fourteen characters, each character has a different font!"

"The key is, these are fourteen words, and every word gives people a feeling of reaching the pinnacle and being wonderful!"

"Is this person really the peak master of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and not the master calligrapher of the Bi-Mo Sect?"

"Four Treasure Peaks? I really can't believe that such a master of calligraphy is the peak master of the hundredth peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect."

Elder Huankong, looking at the fourteen big characters, his face kept changing, sometimes red, sometimes green. This time, Qianku Sect lost the argument.

Although their disciple, Shen Xinghai, defeated the other's disciple, the other's Cao Zhen defeated all twelve of their cave masters by himself.

Cave Master Peng even had an epiphany because of the other person's words. What else is there to say?

Perhaps, if it were some sects, they would be shameless and say something. If the disciples win one game, then the cave masters lose one, it would be a tie.

But who are they?

They are Thousand Caves Sect!

They are one of the top ten immortal sects, and they are not so shameless.

If they lose, they lose. If they admit defeat, if they lose in calligraphy, then they can regain their face through other discussions.

Elder Huankong looked at the other cave owners present who were good at painting.

The disciple of the Baifeng Sect just now said that Cao Zhen is also good at painting.

Generally speaking, people who are good at calligraphy are also good at painting.

However, generally speaking, people who are good at calligraphy will not go very far in painting.

People who are good at painting will not go very far in calligraphy.

After all, human energy is limited.

Just like their Thousand Cave Sect, the cave owners of the Twelve Cave of Calligraphy also know some painting methods, but they are not proficient.

Those cave masters who follow the path of calligraphy and painting at the same time, whether alone, take up the calligraphy path or the painting path, cannot compare with the cave masters who simply follow the calligraphy path or the painting path.

Of course, there are a few geniuses in this world who can excel in calligraphy and painting, but such geniuses are too few and far between.

And Cao Zhen...

If Cao Zhen only took one or two kinds of calligraphy to an extreme level, he would really be afraid that Cao Zhen would be one of the most favored people in the world.

But Cao Zhen has gone so far in all fourteen different calligraphy styles. I think Cao Zhen must have put all his efforts into it.

The key point is that Cao Zhen is not the kind of person who has lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

It is impossible for such a young Cao Zhen to have the experience to study painting. Cao Zhen's painting skills can never be as advanced as his calligraphy.

No matter how advanced Cao Zhen's calligraphy skills were, he only defeated them in the way of calligraphy. As long as they beat Cao Zhen in the way of painting, they would be able to win the game.

Several cave owners in the painting cave felt the gaze of Elder Huankong, and each of them understood what Elder Huankong meant. One of the cave owners who gave off an unusually clean feeling stepped forward and said with a smile: "We have already met Master Cao Feng's calligraphy is worthy of the saying that eternity is like a long night. But what about Master Cao's painting? The disciple of Guizong just now said that eternity is like a long night. "

Although they wanted to let their disciples discuss Tao this time, they had already lost once before. In order to regain their face and let Cao Zhen write again, they had to play.

After all, Cao Zhen is the peak master. If they allow his disciples to discuss Taoism with him again, then Cao Zhen may not take action again, and they, the cave masters, will have to deal with it themselves.

Lan Pili heard the sound and felt very happy in his heart. These guys from Thousand Caves Sect, it doesn't matter if they lose one game, they have to be sent to lose another one. If there is an opportunity to attack Thousand Caves Sect, they naturally can't let it go.

"Master Cao, since you all want to discuss the art of painting with you, then Master Cao shouldn't hold back."

The disciples of the Baifeng Sect all around were also smiling. Chang Tiance even walked to the desk and smoothed the table.

Although some of them have never seen Master Cao Feng paint, they have heard that Qing Mozi, a disciple of the Brushwork Sect and an expert in both calligraphy and painting, was the master of almost all calligraphy and painting in their Baifeng Sect. The peaks of the Tao were penetrated.

It was Peak Master Cao who took action and directly convinced the opponent.

Even Qing Mozi had an epiphany twice in one day because of a painting by Peak Master Cao.

That Qing Mozi came from the brush and ink sect, a sect that specializes in calligraphy and painting.

Among the entire Zhenxian dynasty, the only one that could rival the Brush and Ink Sect in calligraphy and painting was the Si Jue Sect.

As for other sects, perhaps some elders and cave masters who practice calligraphy and painting are higher than Qingmozi in terms of cultivation, but their attainments in calligraphy and painting are probably not as good as Qingmozi's.

Peak Master Cao was able to defeat Qing Mozi, and it was no small feat to defeat these people from the Thousand Caves Sect.

Huan Kong looked at the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect who were looking at each other with happy faces, and his heart skipped a beat. The situation seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

Why do these disciples of Baifeng Sect look so confident?

It's impossible for Cao Zhen to reach the level of his calligraphy on top of his painting skills, right?

Impossible, definitely impossible. I think too much. I must think too much...

Huan Kong kept comforting himself, while Cao Zhen had already picked up his pen and started painting.

This time, the cave owners who were good at painting did not paint with Cao Zhen like the cave owners who knew calligraphy. Instead, they looked at Cao Zhen's scroll.

"This is... what he drew is the Taoist Platform."

"What a strong painter..."


A few people still wanted to comment, but slowly, the more they looked at it, the more surprised they became. Unknowingly, they were completely immersed in this painting.

The painting painted the scene of the discussion platform, and also painted all the people around the discussion platform. Each of them had a different look and expression.

There are so many people in the painting, not only does it not feel chaotic and exaggerated, but it has a sense of purity and purity.

The painting is tall and flexible, stretching freely and full of peaceful atmosphere...

The cave owners of the painting cave all looked at the scroll blankly. No one spoke or made any other movements.

After a while, Cao Zhen finished the painting, signed it, and wrote his name.

As his last word fell.

Not far away, among the cave owners who were observing, two of them had powerful mana energy surged up. It seemed that countless colored rays of light were emitted from their bodies, and their mana... It is like a scroll, unfolding and spreading around.


"Another epiphany occurred, and it was the two cave masters who also had an epiphany at the same time!"


The disciples of the Thousand Cave Sect all around were completely stunned. The person in front of them was the cave master. They actually had an epiphany because of the painting of the Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect!


What's happening here?

How come they, the cave master of Thousand Caves Sect, can have an epiphany just by looking at other people’s calligraphy and paintings?

Everyone in the Baifeng Sect looked at the two cave masters who were suddenly enlightened, but their expressions were as usual. Suddenly enlightened? Isn't that normal?

Qing Mozi from the Bi-Mo Sect had an epiphany two times a day.

After a while, the expressions of the two peak masters recovered.

The two people looked at each other, then cupped their hands towards Cao Zhe and said, "Thank you, Peak Master Cao, for your advice. I can't repay the kindness of my sudden enlightenment."

They had an epiphany because of each other, and they must remember this feeling.

Cao Zhen was speechless and had nothing to say in return. Can you change your words? Can you come up with something practical?

As the two opened their mouths, several other people around them also started to praise them.

"Cao Fengzhu's paintings are meticulous and realistic. The objects in the paintings are lifelike and amazing."

"Both form and spirit, full of ideas, extraordinary allure."

"Cao Fengzhu's words are a combination of calligraphy and painting, and the painting and style are cleverly combined to form part of the picture."

"With Peak Master Cao, I won't be too ugly anymore."

All the cave owners shook their heads. With this painting in front of them, what else could they paint? Two of them had direct enlightenment because of other people's transformations.

The rest are not even qualified for enlightenment, which is too far away. Peak Master Cao is more than enough to be their master.

They don't understand, Cao Zhen, who has reached the pinnacle of calligraphy and painting, why he doesn't follow the path of calligraphy and painting, but becomes the master of some kind of Four Treasures Peak.

What do the people of Baifeng Sect think?

What did he think?

Huan Kong looked at the cave masters who simply gave in, and sighed with extremely complicated expressions. It was naturally a good thing that three cave masters were able to have an epiphany.

The problem is, these three cave masters had their enlightenment because of Cao Zhen or during the discussion. Their Thousand Cave Sect lost again!

For thousands of years, their Thousand Caves Sect has been spreading this saying, Thousand Caves Sect can lose to anyone, but they cannot lose to the Baifeng Sect! Right now, they have lost to the Baifeng Sect twice in a row.

To win back, you must win back. Moreover, it is not just the disciple who wins back, you must win against Cao Zhen again.

Otherwise, when people like Bai Feng Sect leave, they will definitely spread the word that their peak master can kill some of them inside the Qian Cave Gate and no one can stop them.

This Cao Zhen, what did he say he was good at...

Huan Kong thought quickly, what Cao Zhen said before, by the way, music, Cao Zhen added at the end, he is good at music.

That was what Cao Zhen said himself, so if he took the initiative to discuss music and music with him, there would be no problem!

I don’t believe it myself. Cao Zhen, the peak master of the last peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect, a young man who has only lived for a few years, has such profound attainments in calligraphy and painting, and also has the same high level of music. Achievements!

After all, calligraphy and painting have some things in common, but music and calligraphy and painting are completely different.

Even if Cao Zhen was really good at calligraphy and painting, he would never be able to beat them in music.

Among their thousands of caves, there is that one person.

A certain cave owner can defeat Cao Zhen without even needing to take action.

Thinking of this, Huan Kong quickly looked at Cao Zhen and said, "By the way, during the previous conversation, Peak Master Cao said that he was good at music. So next, how about we discuss the music?

Peak Master Cao, how about we go to the Xianyin Palace? There are all the musical instruments of our Qianku Sect. On weekdays, the disciples of our Qianku Sect who are good at music and temperament also discuss Taoism in the Immortal Music Hall.

Of course, the ones discussing Taoism with Lord Cao Feng will not be the disciples, but our cave master. "

You can't ask Cao Zhen if he can discuss music and music. In that case, Cao Zhen still has a chance to refuse. Now that he directly invites him to the Immortal Sound Hall, it will be difficult for Cao Zhen to refuse. If he refuses, he just looks scared.

Among the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, the disciple from String String Peak looked at Elder Huankong with a confused look on his face, no, shouldn't the disciples be the main ones when we talk about Tao?

You asked before what we are good at. I also said that I am a disciple of String Peak and am good at music. Now you have bypassed me and directly found Master Cao?

When Lan Pili heard that Huan Kong was looking for someone to discuss music and music with Cao Zhen, his face suddenly turned aside. He knew that Master Cao was good at calligraphy and painting, so he was happy for the people from Qianku Sect to discuss calligraphy and painting with Master Cao, but about music?

Master Cao Feng, does he know how to play music?

He had never heard of Cao Feng mastering music.

As far as he knew, people who were good at music had to practice every day, and they would feel uncomfortable if they didn't use the instrument for a day. But these days, he has not seen Master Cao Feng singing or playing music.

The same goes for Peak Master Cao. He talks so much about what he is good at.

Now that Huan Kong has said this, if he wants the cave master to fight, then peak master Cao will not respond. But he seemed to be afraid of them, but what happened after he agreed?

Peak Master Cao had won before, and the Hundred Peaks Sect had already defeated the Thousand Caves Sect. If he lost again...

While he was having a headache, Cao Zhen said with some anticipation: "Then this time, let the cave masters of the Music Cave join us."

If I play music one by one, I don’t know how long it will last.

Therefore, it is still a group of people who compete better together.

"Okay, Master Cao Feng is a guest from afar. If the guest has requirements, we, as hosts, will naturally satisfy them."

Huan Kong fully agreed. As long as Cao Zhen went to discuss Taoism, it was just a request. How could he not agree?

"Xue Feng, go and inform all the cave owners to go to Xianyin Palace."

Xianyin Hall is, in fact, a huge hall.

The hall was filled with musical instruments.

Cao Zhen walked into the hall, and not long after, the cave masters of the Music Cave wearing the costumes of the cave masters arrived with their disciples.

Several of them complained to Elder Huankong as they walked.

"Elder Huankong, is that fellow Taoist from the Baifeng Sect who came to our Thousand Cave Sect to discuss Taoism? Do you need to summon all our cave masters?"

"The Hundred Peaks Sect is on the Musical Path, and only the Peak Master of the String Peak can see that she has not come, so there is no need to call all of us here, right?"

"I heard that the master of the Four Treasures Peak wants to discuss the Tao with us? As far as I know, the Four Treasures Peak doesn't seem to follow the rhythm. Do you want to discuss the Tao with all our cave masters?"

"Everyone, Master Cao is here as a guest. Since Master Cao has made a request, we, as hosts, can't refuse. How about we discuss the Tao with Master Cao? As for how to discuss the Tao, that's up to you. Decided."

Elder Huankong shouted to everyone, and continued to send messages to everyone into the secret way: "Everyone, we have lost to Cao Zhen in the discussion of calligraphy and painting.

The face of our Thousand Caves Sect depends on you. Please fight with all your strength. By the way, why didn’t Cave Master Liao come? "

"Elder, you should know the character of Cave Master Liao. She will not come forward in such a matter."

"Without Cave Master Liao, we can defeat Cao Zhen."

"I don't think we need it. Let's let all the cave owners play."

"That's all, those people from the Painting and Calligraphy Cave before were so embarrassed. For the sake of the glory of our Thousand Cave Sect, let's go up together. You all use your full strength. All of us must defeat him. Only in this way can the Painting and Calligraphy Cave be lost. You have to save face to get it back."

"We can play music together. When the time comes, Peak Master Cao will be the first to fail to keep up, but he will be embarrassed."

"That's it."

Everyone quickly discussed how to discuss the Tao. One of them, a cave master who was wearing the clothes of a cave master and was slightly fat, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Cao Cao Master, there are so many of us together, but it is difficult to use other methods to discuss the Tao." , how about playing music together?

We each play a song "Broken Array Pao Ze Song" with the instrument we are good at. The one who plays to the end is the winner! "

All of them can naturally play music, but with so many people playing music together, even if it is the same piece of music, because everyone has different styles, the effects they produce will be different.

People who are weak in rhythm will naturally be unable to persist, fail to keep up, or make mistakes at first, and then they will naturally lose.

""Broken Array Robe Ze Song"?" Cao Zhen showed a look of doubt on his face and shook his head: "I have never heard of this song. Can you give me the score?"

He was connected to Gao Jianli, and the music he could play were all the music played by Gao Jianli. This "Po Zhen Pao Ze Song" was a piece from the Zhenxian Dynasty. Of course Gao Jianli didn't know it. If Gao Jianli didn't know it, naturally he couldn't either.

However, the problem shouldn't be big.

Gao Jianli's temperament level is level 99. Even if there is a music score for a piece that you have never heard before, you can understand it by taking a look at it.

"Have you never heard of "The Song of Broken Formation Robe Ze"?" A look of surprise appeared on the face of the cave master opposite. The disciples from the Thousand Cave Sect who followed the cave master behind heard the song and even laughed out loud. Come.

"The "Broken Formation Robe Ze Song" is the most basic piece of music. How can we immortal cultivators who practice music and temperament not be able to do it?"

"Not to mention the immortal cultivators, even the mortal performers in the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty can also play this song."

"If you don't know "Po Zhen Pao Ze Song", you don't know the music at all."

"I don't think there is any need for cave masters at all, let us all defeat him."

"I doubt where he got his confidence from..."

After listening to the words of the disciples, Elder Huankong's face instantly became extremely ugly. He suddenly turned around and shouted at everyone: "Shut up! What you are seeing in front of you is a peak master, the peak master of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Let's talk about it. They are your elders, how could you do this! This is how I, Qianku Sect, teach you etiquette?"

If Cao Zhen doesn't know the rhythm, then he doesn't know the rhythm. This is a good thing!

But you guys, why are you speaking out?

Once it is said, it will be spread out and it will be said that Qiancugumen discussed Taoism with a person who does not understand music. How embarrassing it will be if it spreads!

However, if we put it another way and say that Cao Zhen does not understand music, then if they win by then, they will win against a peak leader of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

At that time, the people of Baifeng Sect could not say anything else. After all, it was Cao Zhen himself who said that he was good at music.

Don’t these disciples understand this?

The disciples of Qiankumen were scolded by the elders, and they quickly shut their mouths and stopped talking.

Behind the Baifeng Sect, everyone became panicked after hearing the words of the disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect. Lan Pili even sent a message to Cao Zhen to enter the secret road: "Master Cao, you don't understand the music, you can just say no. I understand, why do you want to discuss the truth with them directly?"

"Don't understand? Who said I don't understand music? I just haven't heard that piece of music." Cao Zhen replied to Lan Pili, turned to look at the people at Qiankumen, and asked again, "You guys, neither Music score?”

"Of course there are music scores. Our Immortal Music Palace has a collection of most of the music scores of the Zhenxian Dynasty, including "The Song of Po Zhen Pao Ze"."

A cave master said to the disciple behind him: "Go and get the "Broken Formation Robe Zequ" and give it to Master Cao."

Soon, a disciple behind him left, ran to the bookshelf on the side of the hall, and handed a music score to Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen looked through it.

Fortunately, this score is a written score. It would be embarrassing if it were a simple score. Gao Jianli lived in an era where there were no simple musical notations.

He read it word by word and soon memorized the music score.

Then he pointed to the instruments around him and asked, "Everyone, I don't have any instruments with me. Can I pick up one and use it?"

Opposite, all the cave owners were stunned again. You don’t even have a musical instrument. You really don’t understand anything.

Later, everyone in the Baifeng Sect was in despair. It seemed that Peak Master Cao really didn't understand music. How could someone who knew music not know "Po Zhen Pao Ze Song" and how could he not have his own musical instrument.

"Whatever musical instrument Cao Peak Master wants, you can take it yourself." A cave master nodded in confusion. He never thought that one day, he would discuss music with a person who didn't understand music.

If it had been anyone else, under other circumstances, he wouldn't have taken action at all.

He is proud of them, and he doesn't bother to bully people who don't understand the music.

However, for the sake of the honor of their Thousand Caves Sect, he could only have a discussion with the other party.

"By the way, everyone, since Master Cao Feng is not using his own instrument, we don't want to use our own instruments. Let's just pick an instrument at random."

Naturally, musical instruments are those that you use frequently.

But at the moment, this Cao Zhen is clearly a newcomer who knows nothing, and he is still using their Qiankumen's musical instruments. If they use their own again, it will be too bullying, and it will not sound good if it is spread out.

"Okay, let's choose another instrument."

All the cave owners of the Musical Grotto went to choose the musical instruments they were good at. Several of them looked at Cao Zhen with unkind expressions while choosing.

Cao Zhen clearly didn't understand music, but he still said he was good at music and wanted to discuss it with them.

What's this?

This is clearly looking down on their musical skills!

It's not that I look down on Qiankumen's Yiluku, but all those who follow the Yilu path.

how? He thinks that the rhythm can be understood at a glance, or that the rhythm can be ignored and is just something to play with?

After a while, we must go all out to let Cao Zhen know what the rhythm is, and let Cao Zhen know that the rhythm is not a joke!

Cao Zhen walked up to the musical instruments and looked at them one by one. Qins, flutes,, there were all kinds of instruments that he could name, as well as instruments that he couldn't name.

His eyes quickly fell on a suona.

He really wanted to choose such a suona. There is a saying that goes like this: A thousand-year-old pipa, a ten-thousand-year-old zither, and an erhu for a lifetime. The whole play ends when the suona sounds. I don’t recognize the sound of the suona when I first hear it. Already the man in the coffin.

If everyone plays together, the suona must be the first choice. Once the sound is heard, everyone will be finished.

It's a pity that Gao Jianli doesn't know suona.

In his time, there was no such thing as suona.

Although it is said that with Gao Jianli's ninety-nineth level of music level, he can definitely master the suona with a little practice. But he can't practice on the spot now. He can only choose an instrument that Gao Jianli can play.

He glanced around and finally landed on a row of chimes.

"Broken Array Pao Ze Song" is an exciting piece of music, so the chime is a suitable choice.

Cao Zhen raised his hand and placed the chime in an empty place, then looked at the cave owners opposite with the mallet.

The cave master who asked his disciple to get the music score took a look at the instrument that Cao Zhen was holding. He didn't want to comment on it and just reminded him: "Master Cao Feng, I'll start in a moment and we'll start playing together. If anyone makes a mistake, then He stopped playing music, which of course meant he had lost.

In addition, because everyone has different cultivation levels and the competition is purely about music, the use of magic power is also prohibited when playing music. "

If it were anyone else, he would never say such a thing again. After all, this is the most basic rule.

But for someone like Cao Zhen, who obviously didn't understand music, he had to remind him.

Looking at Cao Zhen's expression, he thought it was funny even thinking about it. A group of cave masters who followed the way of music and a person who didn't know the music were competing with each other. It was the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Okay, I understand and I'm ready. Cave Master, you can announce the start at any time." Cao Zhen waved the mallet twice eagerly. Although he was connected to Gao Jianli, he had not played music once. This time let’s see how strong the ninety-nine-level tune is.

In his expectant eyes, a sound began to be heard.

Suddenly, the sounds of various musical instruments sounded.

Cao Zhen also swung his gavel at the same time and struck the chime in front of him.

Although he has Gao Jianli's ninety-nine temperament level, this is the first time he uses it. Although he can keep up with everyone's rhythm with his ultra-high temperament level, there is no sound after the percussion. The feelings are very raw.

On the side, many Yinlu Peak disciples looked surprised when they saw Cao Zhen's tapping action.

"He really knows how to do it?"

"Following it, it's not like I don't understand anything."

"Chime bells are a relatively cold instrument. This peak master knows how to chime bells, so he has some abilities."

"But he just kept up with the rhythm and made no mistakes. When you listen to the sound of his music, there is no emotion at all. Playing music without emotion cannot be called rhythm!"

"The ones playing music with him are the cave masters. It won't be long before he will be affected by the emotions in the cave masters' music, and then his rhythm will be messed up."

When Huan Kong saw Cao Zhen ringing the chimes, a smile appeared on his face, although he had thought that Cao Zhen might be a person who didn't understand music because of Cao Zhen's performance.

He also felt that they had almost no chance of losing, but it was a different feeling to really see Cao Zhen's level and to be truly sure that Cao Zhen would lose.

Everyone in the Baifeng Sect sighed.

Lan Pili sighed softly and could only comfort himself. Master Cao previously won the calligraphy class and the painting class. Now he has lost the music and rhythm class. That means he won two games and lost one, but he still won.

In fact, this is not a bad thing, at least let Peak Master Cao know that he should not be too public in the future, and should not talk nonsense about things he is not proficient in.

Speaking of which, although Peak Master Cao is the Peak Master, he is too young, even younger than the disciples who need the Peak.

This failure can be regarded as growth for Peak Master Cao.

At the Thousand Cave Gate, all the disciples were immersed in the music played by the cave masters without even realizing it.

There are so many people playing music together, and everyone uses different instruments and different styles. If it were other people, the vocal music they played together might be ugly and weird without practice, but what you are seeing is the same. The cave masters, they are so proficient in music.

The disciples were completely immersed in the music played by the cave masters.

This opportunity for all the cave masters to play music together is not uncommon.

The disciples were immersed in it, but Huan Kong's expression gradually changed.

No, then why is Cao Zhen still following him?

Moreover, why do you feel that Cao Zhen is becoming more and more proficient in playing music? Moreover, from Cao Zhen's music, we can hear an impassioned feeling?


Suddenly, a subtle sound came out, and a peak master who was playing the piano suddenly stopped, with a look of surprise on his face. He had just made a mistake.

Ordinarily, with his strength in the art of music, he shouldn't have made mistakes so quickly.

However, a very strange bell sounded just now, and the sound was full of generosity, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards him. His emotions were instantly affected, and that's when he went wrong!

It's really strange. Whose voice does it belong to? In my impression, none of the other cave owners have this style.

He turned around and looked around. At first glance, he was stunned. None of the other cave owners made mistakes. Everyone was playing. So, he was the first cave master to make a mistake?


No, that Cao Zhen!

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Cao Zhen aside. The next moment, his eyes suddenly widened!

Cao Zhen, is still playing and making no mistakes! is this possible?

There was also this sound, this exciting feeling, and the chimes. The person who had just affected him was Cao Zhen!

How can this be?

"Ding..." Suddenly there was another slight sound. On the side, the cave master who thought he was holding the erhu stopped helplessly. He raised his head and saw a cave master who had stopped not far away, and suddenly revealed a He looked surprised. Since everyone was playing music, he couldn't interrupt directly. He could only send a voice into the secret and asked: "Master Huang Cave, why... why did you stop before me."

Huang Cave Master's strength is also ranked in the middle among all the cave masters who follow the rhythm. How could he be the first to make a mistake?

The Huang Cave Master sighed and said helplessly: "Just now, a voice suddenly came and interrupted me. The voice seemed to be that Cao Zhen."

"Cao Zhen? How is it possible? He... seems to be really him. That's right, it's really him. I was also affected by his bell, so I made the mistake."

As the two cave masters transmitted secret messages to each other, the cave masters all around began to make mistakes one after another.

Although the disciples around him were immersed in the music, they were not immersed in the kind of enlightenment. They would also pay attention to the situation around them, and soon each disciple discovered something was wrong.

"This... the Yellow Cave Master has stopped."

"Cave Master Liu also stopped."

"There are also Ma Cave Master and Lu Cave Master..."

"That Cao Zhen, why is he still playing?"

"How could this happen? Isn't he not proficient in music?"

"Could it be that Cao Zhen made a mistake before, but he didn't stop on his own initiative?"

"It's impossible. With so many people watching, if he makes a mistake, he won't find out immediately."

"When you listen to his music, how do I feel? The sound he plays is particularly contagious..."

"Have you noticed that the cave owners who were close to Cao Zhen seemed to have stopped. They all made mistakes."

More and more cave owners made mistakes, and slowly, in the entire hall, only about ten people, including Cao Zhen, were still playing.

Everyone at Qiankumen gradually began to panic.

"He, he really understands music, and he is also good at it!"

"How does he know music?"

"He doesn't really want to win, does he?"

"We still have ten cave masters...not nine cave masters."

"There are only eight left."

Elder Huankong looked at the eliminated cave masters one after another, his face became more and more solemn. He couldn't understand how this Cao Zhen, so young, could reach such a high level in the art of calligraphy and painting, and at the same time, he could still do so. Proficient in music? Where does he get the energy?

Everyone in the Baifeng Sect looked at the fewer and fewer cave masters on the opposite side, and they were all overjoyed.

"Sure enough, I knew that there is no one like Peak Master Cao who can't do it."

"Since Master Cao said he is proficient in music, there is a reason."

"There are five, and there are only five cave masters on the other side who are still holding on."

"Four, the other party only has four people left."

A group of disciples from the Hundred Peaks Sect even started counting directly.

Opposite, the disciples from the Qianku Sect listened to the neat counting sounds of the Baifeng Sect, and their expressions were extremely ugly, but they had nothing to say yet.

What’s wrong with people counting?

People from the Baifeng Sect were also playing. If counting affected Taoists, it would also affect Cao Zhen of the Baifeng Sect, so they could only listen and couldn't blame others for disturbing everyone with their counting.

Amidst the voices of the people in the Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen waved the mallet with increasing force. Unknowingly, he himself was immersed in the music.

It was the first time since I started playing that I was immersed in it.

As he was immersed, all the sounds around him, including the counting sounds of the people in the Baifeng Sect and the discussions of the people in the Qianku Sect, stopped.

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