My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 164: Not as powerful as Da Luo

At the Thousand Cave Gate, where Cao Zhen was discussing the Tao with others, countless disciples had gathered. At a glance, it even gave people the feeling that they could not see the edges.

But as a figure arrived, everyone's eyes fell on it unconsciously.

The visitor's white clothes were fluttering in the wind, his face was handsome, his eyes were like stars, and he exuded a strong sense of confidence as he walked.

Lord Haoyuexing!

Cao Zhen was sure that this person was the reincarnated powerful Lord Haoyuexing just at the first glance.

Since he was reincarnated into this world, he has seen many geniuses who are always full of confidence, but no one's confidence can compare to that of Haoyue Xingjun in front of him. And strong confidence outside.

Even though there are more than tens of thousands of disciples here, everyone's eyes will unconsciously fall on Haoyue Xingjun.

All eyes are on you!

A group of disciples even went over with Yourongyan.

"Haoyue Xingjun."

"If Lord Haoyuexing takes action, Cao Zhen will definitely be defeated."

"Before, when the disciples of the Shenfu Sect went down the mountain to discuss the Tao, each sect was defeated. But when he came to our Thousand Caves Sect to discuss the Tao, he met Xingjun. Wasn't he defeated?"

"Xingjun, that is a reincarnated power, who can compare to him!"

There was a faint smile on Haoyue Xingjun's face. Hearing everyone's admiration, he shook his head gently and said: "There is no need to call me Xingjun. Xingjun was from the previous life. Now you just call me Haoyue."

As soon as the words fell, everyone around him became more and more impressed.

"As expected of a powerful man!"

"This big heart!"

"What he means is that now he is called Haoyue. When will he be able to have the same heavenly cultivation skills as in his previous life, then he can be called Xingjun."

Under the gaze of everyone, Lord Hao Yue Xing slowly walked to Cao Zhen and stood in front of him. Looking at Cao Zhen who was refining formations and mechanism techniques, a look of regret appeared on his handsome face, as if he was a teacher. Looking at the disciple, he said: "You do have some talent, but unfortunately, you are too ignorant to recognize yourself."

He raised his hand and pointed at the piece of iron engraved in Cao Zhen's hand and said: "Refining formations and mechanisms at the same time is a distraction. How can we strive for excellence while doing two things? How can we make progress?

You know, the Tao has no end. Not only the way of cultivation, but also formations, alchemy, talismans...the various six arts are also endless. How can you be so complacent and arrogant even if you have achieved a small achievement? This is not good for your future. "

As he spoke, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face and he said: "I have lived for endless years, and I have seen many amazing and talented geniuses. You are still too far away... That's it, I have too much to say to you. , you’re afraid you don’t understand either.

But now, I am among the top ten immortal sects, and you are also a disciple of the top ten immortal sects, so I remind you not to be arrogant. "

A look of displeasure suddenly appeared on Cao Zhen's face. He looked up at Haoyue and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Aren't you here to discuss Tao? If you want to discuss Tao, come quickly."

Since coming to Qiankumen, although some disciples underestimated him at first, he understood and felt it was normal.

But what is the situation with Haoyue?

As soon as he came here, he acted condescendingly, pointing and lecturing himself here.

Do you need him to teach you?

As soon as his voice fell, all the disciples of Qianku Sect around him suddenly became furious.

"Why are you talking to Lord Haoyuexing!"

"Xingjun kindly reminds you, but you don't know what's good and what's wrong!"

"It's your honor to be able to give you guidance, Mr. Xing!"

Cao Zhen turned around unhappily and looked at the shouting crowd and said disdainfully: "Do I need to ask him for advice?"

After saying this, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Lan Pili's face. The person in front of him was a reincarnated powerful man.

But Cao Zhen didn't have any respect.

Where did he get the courage and confidence without even giving the other party any face?

Could it be that Cao Zhen is also...

When he was in the Baifeng Sect, many people were speculating on why Cao Zhen suddenly became so strong. It was not because of his strong cultivation, but because Cao Zhen knew too many things.

There are too many treasures taken out.

He also heard Cao Zhen himself say that he had received a great inheritance, and he believed it at first.

But in the past two days, after seeing how much Cao Zhen had mastered, and then hearing the news about the peerless power, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Could it be that Cao Zhen is also a reincarnated power?

If it is just inherited, how can it be possible to reach such a height with so many different paths such as calligraphy and painting, music, art of war, swordsmanship?

However, if Cao Zhen is also a reincarnated power, then everything makes sense.

Because Cao Zhen already knew these things in his previous life, so even after changing his body, he naturally still understood them.


That must be it.

Because Cao Zhen is a reincarnated powerful man, he doesn't even know which era he lives in. Therefore, he doesn't understand many of the most basic things about the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Everything is explained.

The so-called Haoyue Xingjun was also a reincarnated great power, but he directly stated his identity as a reincarnated great power, and even used Haoyue's name.

Looking at Master Cao again, he is very low-key and does not publicize his identity as a reincarnated power at all. He even continues to use his name Cao Zhen.

Even though the Four Treasures Peak ranked last in the Hundred Peaks Sect, they didn’t say what it was.

With such a comparison, the gap between Haoyue and Peak Master Cao was immediately apparent.

Elder Huankong walked beside Haoyue, looking at Cao Zhen's face with even a hint of disdain, but he became more and more sure of his previous guess.

Haoyue was a reincarnated power, and he didn't even know what level of cultivation Haoyue had reached before his reincarnation.

For such a person, even if his cultivation level is still low after reincarnation, as an elder of Qianku Sect, he still has to give Haoyue some face.

Ordinary disciples, when they see Haoyue, are treated as juniors.

Cao Zhen didn't give any face at all.

Obviously, it must be because Cao Zhen himself is also a reincarnated power, that's why he is like this.

Haoyue gently waved his hand to the people around him. It was obvious that he did not serve in the Qianku Sect, but as he waved his hand, the shouting disciples of the Qianku Sect suddenly became quiet. They felt that his prestige was more powerful than that of Huan Kong. All elders must be tall.

He didn't seem to be angry at all because of Cao Zhen's rudeness, and even said with a faint smile on his face: "Everyone has his own ambitions, that's all, I won't say anything anymore."

All around, everyone sighed again.

"Xingjun's mind is really broad."

"This is the real strong man!"

"When we compare it, it's too far behind."

Haoyue listened to the admiration of the crowd and looked at Cao Zhen with an angry look in her eyes. He was a reincarnated powerful man, what kind of status he once had!

Xiao Xiao, a peak master of the Hundred Peaks Sect, is still the last peak master. He would not even look at such a person before reincarnation.

Now, this person still dares to say those words!

He raised his hand and pointed at Cao Zhen and said: "After some time, when you have finished refining your formations and mechanisms, we will discuss the Tao again."

Say it, he turns around and leaves!

He is a reincarnated powerful person, and when the other party is refining other things, he discusses the Tao. What will it look like if it is spread out?

He had been waiting for five days.

Five days later, Cao Zhen finally refined the formation and the new flying boat. Without any surprise, he once again defeated the two cave masters of the Thousand Caves Sect.

So far, he has still not lost a single victory in the Thousand Cave Gate.

As the two cave masters surrendered, the bright moon finally arrived again.

Even today, Haoyue was the only one discussing Tao Talismans with him, but there were still countless Qianku Sect disciples gathered around him.

Whether Qiankumen can pull things back and save face all depends on today's Haoyue.

Under the expectant gazes of everyone, Haoyue said calmly: "How to compare the talismans, you decide."

He is a reincarnated and powerful person. When discussing Tao with others, how can he tell the rules first? Naturally, he lets the other person say whatever he wants.

Among the six arts in his previous life, the one he was best at was the way of talismans.

Although now, he has changed his body, although because of this body, because he has been busy practicing and has not made many talismans, his performance in talismans is far inferior to that before his reincarnation.

It is enough to deal with a small Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

"How to compare?" Cao Zhen thought of his great talisman-making business in Baifeng Sect, thought for a while and said: "Spirit-Gathering Talisman, the two of us will each refine a Spirit-Gathering Talisman. Of course, it's not just an ordinary Soul-Gathering Talisman. , if you know how to refine any special spirit-gathering talisman, you can also refine it.

Let's compare who can refine the spirit-gathering talisman to gather more spiritual energy and have greater efficacy. "

If you want to develop the great business of making talismans and sell Baifeng Sect's talismans to Qiankumen, is there any better advertising opportunity than now?

What he wants to refine is naturally not an ordinary spirit gathering talisman, but a transcendent spirit gathering talisman.

"Spirit Gathering Talisman?" Haoyue smiled faintly, and the smile was full of confidence and pride. As a powerful person who could be reincarnated, his best skill before reincarnation was the number of talismans. How could he only refine ordinary spirit gathering talismans.

Back then, he actually developed a special spirit-gathering talisman.

Soon, the numerous materials he and Cao Zhen needed were each taken out by the disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect.

He raised his hand and quickly performed a series of hand techniques.

Suddenly, various materials flew into the sky...

"This method..."

"It's so skillful. Every time I see Lord Xing refining the talisman, it feels like a pleasure."

"If Xingjun takes action, we will definitely win!"

"Look, Cao Zhen has also started."

"It seems that Cao Zhen's movements are also very skillful."

"It's proficient, but I think Xingjun's movements are more fluid."

"Xingjun should be stronger!"

Cao Zhen's hands quickly danced, so fast that he even drew out afterimages.

He has never made many talismans, but the problem is that his apprentice Lingxi has an ancient talisman immortal body! If it were in ancient times, he would be the most adept at refining talismans.

Lingxi, on the other hand, has worked hard enough and has been refining the talismans for a period of time. Every time he checks the Chinese Cloud, he can see the improvement in the level of his talismans.

Now, because of Leng Xi, his talisman level has been raised to level 50, which is just one step away from breaking through to level 51.

With such a high level of talisman, it won't take long to complete the talisman making.

Cao Zhen's talisman has not yet been completed, but on the other side, Lord Haoyue Xing's talisman is already completed.

Suddenly, everyone felt that in the air, a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy was rushing towards the direction of the talisman.

"This is such a strong spiritual energy!"

"This speed of gathering spiritual energy..."

All around, the people gathered here instantly felt the surge of spiritual energy in the air, and they were all surprised.

Everyone is a cultivator. No matter who they are, they started cultivating slowly when their cultivation was weak. When they are high in cultivation, everyone has also used the Soul Gathering Talisman.

However, with the spirit-gathering talisman they used, the spiritual energy poured in as fast as a small stream of water. But now, the spiritual energy flowing into the two talismans was as fast as a torrential river.

"It's so powerful. The speed at which this talisman gathers spiritual energy is amazing!"

"With such a powerful talisman, is this still a soul-gathering talisman?"

"What a powerful talisman. This talisman is a level 50 talisman!"

"I knew Xingjun would definitely win if he took action!"

"This time, let's see how Cao Zhen can win!"

"If I had a talisman like this, I could practice twice as fast!"

Level 50?

Cao Zhen was slightly startled. It was not easy to make a talisman reaching level 50. As far as he knew, apart from him and his disciple Ling Xi, no one in the Baifeng Sect could make a talisman of such a level.

He was able to make a talisman at level 50 because Lingxi's Ancient Talisman Immortal Body was too terrifying.

This Haoyue's talisman has reached level 50!

Is this the power of the real reincarnated power?

While he was surprised, he accelerated the speed of making the talisman.

All around, the disciples of Qianku Sect were cheering.

Haoyue even raised the talisman in her hand, with the lofty and unfathomable smile on her face that only a master could have, and slowly said: "This talisman is called..."

Before he could finish his words, not far away, in front of Cao Zhen, a talisman was already being refined.

Suddenly, a huge amount of spiritual energy rushed towards Cao Zhen's talisman. The speed of the spiritual energy surge was not as slow as his talisman.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Haoyue's face. This talisman was refined by herself using a special technique. No one in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty could refine it except herself.

Cao Zhen actually refined a talisman that was comparable to his own spirit-gathering talisman!

What kind of talisman was he refining?

Everyone around was also shocked. The talisman refined by Cao Zhen was as effective as gathering spiritual energy, and it was not as slow as Haoyue Xingjun!

Lord Haoyuexing is a reincarnated power. How did Cao Zhen do it? He can make the talismans he refined rival those of Lord Haoyuexing!

Elder Huankong understood immediately. No wonder Cao Zhen insisted on refining the spirit-gathering talisman. It turned out that he had already prepared it. He glanced at the talisman in Cao Zhen's hand again, and for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Cao Zhen's talisman is also level 50.

Moreover, the speed of gathering spiritual energy feels as fast as Haoyue's. So, how can it be calculated?

Are the two tied?

In the past, when they discussed Taoism with others in Qiancugu Sect, there would be draws.

At this time, if it were another immortal sect, everyone would treat it as a tie.

But only one immortal sect is different, and that is the Baifeng Sect!

The Baifeng Sect has been competing with their Qianku Sect to control the Immortal Dynasty and become the No. 1 Immortal Sect of the Za family!

If they are tied, no one will give in. They will continue to argue until there is a winner.

But if the comparison continues, will Cao Zhen come up with another talisman?

It is very likely that Cao Zhen is also a reincarnated powerful person, and may also have mastered some special methods of making talismans.

If Qianku Sect wants to win, the best way is to let Haoyue take the initiative to tell them how they should compete next.

After all, it was Cao Zhen who set the rules for the first time. If the discussion continues, Haoyue should be the one to set the rules.

But the key point is that Haoyue doesn't know that Cao Zhen is a reincarnated powerful person, and others don't know that Cao Zhen may be reincarnated or a powerful person.

With Haoyue's pride, he might not take the initiative to raise the rules. He might let Cao Zhen continue to raise the rules.

No, I have to remind Haoyue.

Elder Huankong was running his skills and was just about to transmit the sound into the secret, but Cao Zhen's voice was transmitted.

"This talisman of mine is called the Super Soul Gathering Talisman.

You have also felt the effect of this talisman, which is the same as Haoyue's talisman. "

Cao Zhen said and glanced at Haoyue. That guy was indeed a reincarnated power. The talisman he refined had the same effect of gathering spiritual energy as his own spiritual talisman.

If Ling Xi hadn't been working so hard, he might have lost.

It's a pity that I have a good apprentice, but I am the one who wins in the end.

Cao Zhen raised his hand and struck, sending the talisman flying into the air. Then he continued: "However, the strongest point of my talisman is that as long as you carry it close to your body, after activating it with special techniques, you don't have to When practicing, as long as you take him with you, even if you are sleeping, spiritual energy will flow into your body continuously and nourish your body. Now, I have activated the talisman, you can try it."


"Don't you think you need to practice to let spiritual energy enter your body even while sleeping?"

"how come?"

"let me try."

A disciple who was close to him raised his hand and grabbed the Soul Gathering Talisman in front of him.

The next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed: "Sure enough, I have no magic power, but this spirit gathering talisman is still gathering the surrounding spiritual energy crazily."

For a while, the disciples of Qian Cao Sect started trying it out in disbelief, but after a try, they found that what Cao Zhen said was right.

This spirit-gathering talisman can really bring in spiritual energy at any time without them using their own magic power.

" can there be such a spirit-gathering talisman!"

"I've never heard of such a magical soul-gathering talisman!"

"This spirit-gathering talisman can gather spiritual energy without practicing. Doesn't that mean..."

"Are we defeated?"

The disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect reacted quickly.

"Xingjun was also defeated?"

"Xingjun is the reincarnation of a powerful man, how can he be defeated!"

"Our Thousand Caves Sect has not won even once?"

Elder Huankong's face was even more difficult to see. The talisman refined by Cao Zhen and Haoyue's talisman can gather spiritual energy to almost the same extent, but Cao Zhen's talisman, in Cao Zhen's words, can gather spiritual energy even while sleeping. When it comes to judging, it is obvious that Cao Zhen's talisman is stronger.

This time, it was their Thousand Caves Sect that was defeated again.

The faint smile on Haoyue's handsome face finally disappeared. Defeated? He actually lost, to a guy who before his reincarnation could not even look at him, to a small Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect?

How could I lose!

A talisman that can gather spiritual energy while sleeping?

Even before his reincarnation, he had heard of such talismans.

Moreover, as far as I know, at that time, only that sect could refine such talismans.

He raised his head, looked at Cao Zhen and asked, "Is this talisman of yours inherited from the Fu Xian Sect?"

Fu Xianmen?

Everyone around was surprised, but they had never heard of this sect.

Is it an immortal sect other than the Immortal Zhen Dynasty? Or is it not the Immortal Sect of this era?

When Cao Zhen looked at the expressions of the people around him, he suddenly realized that no one knew what the Fu Xian Sect was like. That would be easy to say.

"Fu Xianmen? I have never heard of it. I got this inheritance from a senior. I won't let you know which senior specifically."

"Oh? Come to think of it, the person you are talking about is a member of the Fu Xian Sect. Only the Fu Xian Sect can refine such talismans. Unfortunately, later, the Fu Xian Sect suffered a catastrophe, and the entire sect also followed. If it disappears, the inheritance will be cut off."

As Haoyue spoke, the faint smile returned to her face again, as if she were a successor looking at a friend. She looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Back then, I was a good friend with the head of Fu Xian Sect. Back then, I learned that Fu Xian After something happened to the door, I also wanted to investigate the matter.

However, they discovered that the Fu Xian Sect had completely disappeared, and no successor could be found at all.

I thought that the inheritance of Fuxian Sect was cut off.

I didn't expect that I would be really happy to see his inheritance here. I lost to the successor of my old friend. I didn't lose unfairly. "

When everyone around heard the sound, their attention instantly shifted to Fu Xian Sect.

"I see."

"It turns out that there is another sect called Fu Xian Sect."

"So, Cao Zhen is the descendant of the Fuxian Sect several generations ago."

After listening to Haoyue's words, Cao Zhen started to curse in his heart. What about the Fu Xian Sect? I's Fu Lu technique was inherited from Zhang Daoling.

You guy, you are trying to find a way to get off the stairs and cheat from here.

You just lie, it has nothing to do with me.

But when you say this, I have become your junior.

I don’t have the habit of randomly looking for seniors for myself.

Cao Zhen was not used to Haoyue at all and said: "I have never heard of the Fu Xian Sect. The senior also said that he is not a disciple of the Fu Xian Sect. He is a disciple of Tai Chu, Nature Hall."

"Taichu? Natural Hall? Impossible. I have never heard of this sect. I think he was a disciple of the Fuxian Sect. He disappeared for some unknown reason and then passed on the inheritance to what you call Taichu.

However, no matter what, I am even happy to see that the inheritance of Fu Xian Sect is still there. "

As Haoyue said this, he turned around and walked away.

Cao Zhen is completely convinced, I have said so, you can continue to make it up, is this still a reincarnated power?

Now, he has some doubts about whether this Haoyue Xingjun is really reincarnated and powerful.

Lord Haoyuexing left, but the remaining people at Qiankumen all looked extremely ugly.

They lost again. Their Thousand Caves Sect was completely crushed by Cao Zhen alone. After so many competitions, none of them could defeat Cao Zhen.

Of course, they had some other issues that they did not discuss with Cao Zhen.

They can discuss Zen and Confucianism with Cao Zhen.

But the problem is, Cao Zhen didn't say that he was good at Zen or Confucianism, so they couldn't force Cao Zhen to discuss it.

When it comes to discussing Taoism, people have always come here. If you want to discuss Taoism with them, they will discuss it.

It's like Wu Jianzi, a disciple of the Sword Sect, came to discuss the art of swordsmanship. They couldn't talk to Wujianzi after losing the swordsmanship after losing the swordsmanship.

Huan Kong's old face kept changing. This year, their Qianku Sect was originally confident that they could surpass the Baifeng Sect in discussing Taoism.

But who would have thought that a person like Cao Zhen from the Baifeng Sect would be able to overwhelm their Thousand Caves Gate with just one person.

Also, that extraordinary soul-gathering talisman.

Although, as he had just seen, the materials for the Super Soul Gathering Talisman were not cheap, but even if the Super Soul Gathering Talisman could not be provided to everyone in the Hundred Peaks Sect, it could greatly increase the training speed of that group of disciples.

At that time, if things go on like this, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect will become stronger and stronger, but what about their Thousand Caves Sect?

When he thought about the extraordinary spirit-gathering talisman, which could gather spiritual energy even while sleeping, he suddenly had a headache.

Cao Zhen looked around and saw that no one was talking anymore. He raised his hand and took back the extraordinary soul-gathering talisman he had just refined. He looked at the crowd and said, "I have finished discussing Tao now. Everyone, let's …”

"The discussion is over? Where is the discussion over?" When Lan Pili heard Cao Zhen saying that the discussion was over, he quickly stepped forward to remind him, "Master Cao Feng, didn't you say you are still good at swordsmanship? We haven't discussed swordsmanship yet."

Peak Master Cao's swordsmanship directly defeated the Sword Sect's Wu Jianzi. Winning the Thousand Cave Sect was no small feat!

They have all come, naturally they cannot just pass, how can they overcome the opportunity of Thousand Caves Gate.

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened and he looked fiercely at Blue Pili, pig teammate!

This is the legendary pig teammate!

I finally finished all my discussions without losing a single one. It's better for you. Before others could do anything, you just came out to trick me.

It’s uncomfortable for you to watch me lose, right?

"On swords?"

Elder Huan Kong had a look of surprise on his face. He remembered that when Cao Zhen said he was good at it, he didn't mention swordsmanship.

But no matter what, since Lan Pili talked about swordsmanship, let’s talk about swordsmanship.

If Cao Zhen is allowed to leave like this, where will their Qiankumen's face be?

Let's talk about swordsmanship, even if Cao Zhen loses in the debate, although their Qianku Sect will be equally embarrassed, at least they will still have a little bit of face.

If they lose, then they lose. Anyway, they have already lost such a large number of people in Qiankumen, so they don’t have to lose again.

Huan Kong said to the disciples around him: "Everyone, since Cao Feng mainly discusses the art of swordsmanship, let's discuss the art of swordsmanship with Master Cao Feng again."

As he spoke, he even looked at the cave owners of the Kendo Cave.

Kendo has always been the mainstream in the world of immortality.

There are many people who practice swordsmanship. Many people, even if they do not practice swordsmanship, know some sword skills. There are also a large number of immortal cultivators who use swords as weapons.

Among the Thousand Caves Gate, there are nearly fifty caves practicing swordsmanship. At this time, there are many cave owners standing nearby. When they heard Elder Huankong's words, they stepped forward one after another.

"Master Cao, please give me some advice."

"Master Cao, I wonder what your swordsmanship is?"

"Master Cao, what is swordsmanship?"

Lan Pili listened to these questions, even as if he was a person discussing the Tao, and a victorious smile appeared on his face. It was a joke to ask Peak Master Cao about these questions. Peak Master Cao would win without a doubt. Sword man.

Cao Zhen looked at Lan Pili asking him to perform, and he wished he could just hit Lan Pili's head with Five Thunder Zhengfa.

What is Kendo?

He knows what the hell kendo is.

Now, I can only hope that these people can gain some momentum and deceive themselves.

At first, they seemed to have resisted Wu Jianzi for three days.

Then it should be possible to fool around a bit.

Cao Zhen continued to talk about what he said to Wu Jianzi that day. He looked at the cave masters of the sword caves and said, "For me, the way of the sword is to draw the sword."

"Draw your sword? Just that?"

"Draw your sword?"

All the cave owners were stunned. One of them even had a sneer on his face and said, "Draw your sword? Is that just that?"

Below, many disciples from the Qianku Sect began to sneer when they heard the sound.

"Draw your sword? What's there to say about drawing your sword?"

"Who doesn't know how to draw a sword?"

"What a joke."

Several cave owners also shook their heads and said: "Master Cao, what's so special about drawing the sword?"

"Draw the sword? What happens after you draw the sword? Can you still be a doctor and just practice drawing the sword?"

Lan Pili also looked at Cao Zhen strangely, drew his sword? What could be so special about drawing a sword? How did Peak Master Cao defeat Wu Jianzi that day? It can't be just about drawing a sword.

Cao Zhen looked at the disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect in front of him, shook his head with a disappointed look on his face and sighed: "Kuubi, it really is rotten wood, you taste it, taste it carefully."

He was really disappointed. He really looked down on the people from Qiankumen.

"Quality? What's so good about drawing a sword?"

"Master Cao, if we just talk about drawing the sword, I'm afraid there is no need to continue this discussion."

Elder Huankong, looking at the words of several cave owners, a look suddenly appeared on his old face, this discussion is interesting!

It seems like their Thousand Caves Sect is going to win!

Originally, when he saw Lan Pili reminding Cao Zhen about swordsmanship and then letting everyone discuss it, he actually didn't have much hope.

After all, Lan Pili specifically reminded Cao Zhen that he must know Cao Zhen's attainments in swordsmanship and be extremely confident that he can beat them.

But what did Cao Zhen say?

Draw your sword?

Even though he was not a sword user, he felt that Cao Zhen's words were full of loopholes, and he had countless rebuttals, not to mention all the cave masters who practiced swordsmanship.

He now even feels that he doesn't need the cave masters to take action, but his disciples can beat Cao Zhen in swordsmanship with Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen listened to everyone's words, but suddenly realized that he didn't know the way of swordsmanship, but Wu Jianzi knew the way of swordsmanship.

That day, after Wu Jianzi heard his sword-drawing theory, he explained it once. He could just repeat what Wu Jianzi explained.

Cao Zhen also imitated the Haoyue who left before, pretending to be unpredictable and profound, looking at the crowd and saying: "You can't taste it, it's because your swordsmanship is too far behind."

No matter what kind of swordsmanship, no matter how advanced it is, whether you want to anticipate the enemy's attack, or you want to attack without defending, the premise of everything is to pull out the sword.

Although drawing the sword is simple, it contains everything. The moment of drawing the sword is the moment of life and death. Drawing the sword means everything.

In fact, there is no need to predict the enemy's position first, and there is no need to practice other subsequent sword moves. The sword that is drawn out of the sheath is the strongest sword.

One person only needs to practice this sword, and that's enough! "

After saying that, he was already laughing in his heart. What, are you shocked? This is true, the exact words of the swordsman master Wu Jianzi. No matter how you defend yourself, luckily I reacted quickly!

Everyone around was stunned when they heard Cao Zhen's words.

But soon, one of them spoke: "In many cases, when you are fighting someone, someone else has already drawn their sword.

For example, if you see people from the Baifeng Sect fighting with others, and you arrive at this time, someone else's sword is already in your hand, so what do you do? Will you draw your sword again? Faster than others? And then the moment of life and death? One sword determines life or death? What kind of broken theory is this? "

Cao Zhen was confused, really confused.

What he said was Wu Jianzi's theory, and Wu Jianzi was able to achieve enlightenment twice.

As a result, these people, they still don’t understand.

He now really knows how strong the swordsmanship of the Sword Sect is.

You are still the cave master, but you can't even understand a disciple of the Sword Sect. This is a huge difference.

Seeing that Cao Zhen was unable to respond, the Cave Master who had just spoken suddenly laughed triumphantly: "Does Master Cao have nothing to say? If so, this time in the swordsmanship debate, we, the Thousand Cave Sect, won."

Cao Zhen nodded heavily and said sarcastically: "Yes, I have nothing to say, but the winner is not you, but me.

I have nothing to say. It is because your understanding of swords is too little. You cannot clearly understand the meaning of my words and my swordsmanship. "

"Can't you understand your kendo? Are you kidding? It's been nearly three thousand years since I started practicing swordsmanship. How can I not understand your kendo?"

"Peak Master Cao, if you say this, it would be a bit meaningless."

"Yes, we are all members of the top ten immortal sects, and we all have dignity. Peak Master Cao, if you have something to say to us, just refute us, but you are speechless now, but you say that our swordsmanship is not good, so you can't understand you. In terms of swordsmanship, it seems that you can't afford to lose."

When Lan Pili heard this, he immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "What do you mean you can't afford to lose! Master Cao said that if you don't have enough knowledge of the sword, that means you don't have enough knowledge of the sword.

Do you know, Wu Jianzi? That day Wu Jianzi went to our Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism, but lost to Master Cao. He even worshiped directly, are you stronger than that Wu Jianzi? "

As Lan Pili spoke, he also transmitted a secret message to Cao Zhen: "Old Cao, at this time, stop putting on airs. You can directly tell them in more detail and tell them what is going on."

Cao Zhen didn't want to talk to Lan Pili, and wanted to throw a Five Thunder Zhengfa at Lan Pili!

Could you please be more detailed?

What do you say to yourself?

That's what Wu Jianzi said back then, but he couldn't go into more detail.

"No sword?"

"Wu Jianzi lost to your Baifeng Sect?"

"You still obey me if you don't have a sword? Do you just obey me when you draw a sword?"

"It's a joke, it's a joke. Wu Jianzi comes from the Sword Sect, and the swordsmanship in the world comes from the Sword Sect. How can your Baifeng Sect make Wu Jianzi worship him? You mean, your Baifeng Sect's swordsmanship can be compared to the swordsmanship?" Zong is smarter?"

Everyone around them laughed out loud.

Even Elder Huankong chuckled and shook his head.

Cao Zhen suddenly didn't understand. At the beginning, Baifengzi, the real person in charge of the sect, was able to get the news. Wujianzi said outside that he had lost to him and expressed his admiration for him.

Why haven't the people from Qiankumen received the news?

Is it because that is news related to Baifeng Sect, so Baifengzi knows the news, but the news has nothing to do with Qianku Sect, so Qianku Sect doesn't know?

Among the cave masters at the Thousand Cave Gate, there was one who showed his sharp edge, without any intention to fight. He was as sharp as an out-of-body sword. He sneered, stretched out his hand and pointed at Cao Zhen and said: "Okay. , since Peak Master Cao, you have always said that the so-called sword drawing is your swordsmanship.

Then let's just have a fight. We all use swords, and I will suppress the realm of cultivation to the same level as you. We use swords to speak.

Peak Master Cao, use your sword-drawing method. Drawing a sword can mean life or death. And I use my kendo, let's see whose kendo is stronger.

At that time, if Peak Master Cao loses, then don't look for other reasons. "

Sword showdown?

Cao Zhen suddenly felt worried. He knew swordsmanship, but he was just dodging a sword instead of drawing a sword.

In this sword competition, the secret is completely revealed.

Then Blue Pili, you want to show off that you have nothing to do, why are you dragging me with you? Now it's okay, it's really about to overturn.

He was having a headache.

In the distance, a disciple from the Qianku Sect came quickly and said to Elder Huankong: "Elder, then... that Wujianzi is here again."

"What? Wu Jianzi?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the disciple who came over.

A joyful look suddenly appeared on Cao Zhen's face. This...did this reversal happen so quickly? Wujianzi is here, so what sword can he compare to!

When Wu Jianzi comes, just let Wu Jianzi discuss swords with these cave masters.

Elder Huankong looked at the disciple who came to report in surprise and asked, "Wu Jian Zi? What is he doing here?"

"He said he was here to find someone."

"Looking for someone, who can he look for?"

The disciple shook his head and said, "Disciple doesn't know either. Wujianzi just said he was looking for someone, but he didn't say who he was looking for."

Elder Huankong became more and more confused: "It's strange, does anyone in our Qianku Sect have a personal relationship with Wu Jianzi? When he came to discuss swords before, he didn't say he knew anyone from our Qianku Sect."

One of the cave masters was moved in his heart and said: "Elder, maybe he is a disciple of mine. When Wu Jianzi came to discuss swordsmanship, he discussed swordsmanship with my disciple Huo Zheng for a long time. Maybe he was discussing swordsmanship outside for a long time, and finally found out , Huo Zheng’s talent in swordsmanship is the highest, so you come here to find Huo Zheng again?”

On the side, another cave owner glanced at Cao Zhen and said angrily: "Don't worry about who Wu Jianzi has a personal relationship with, just let him come.

Didn’t Master Cao say that Lun Dao defeated Wu Jianzi? Just in time, Wu Jianzi is here. Let's ask Wu Jianzi how Peak Master Cao defeated him and how he made him worship him. "

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